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var json = {
"id": "",
"language": "ar",
"version": "ar.01",
"authors": "Arthur Charguéraud, Mathias Hiron, Nir Lavee, France-ioi",
"translators": "Mohamed El-Sherif",
"license": "CC BY-SA 3.0",
"taskPathPrefix": "",
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"browserSupport": [],
"fullFeedback": true,
"acceptedAnswers": [],
"usesRandomSeed": false
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var taskStrings = {
success: "أحسنت. إجابة صحيحة.",
error: "الشكل الذي رسمته ليس مطابق للشكل المطلوب.",
syntaxErrorShape: "لا يمكنك وضع شكل هنا، استخدام زر آخر.",
syntaxError: function(symbol) {
return "لا يمكنك وضع أي \"" + symbol + "\" عند هذه النقطة، استخدم زر آخر.";
examplesTitle: "أمثلة",
backspace: "مسح"
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<div id="task">
<div style="direction: rtl">
<h1>دمج الأشكال</h1>
<div id="tabsContainer"></div>
<div id="taskContent">
<div class="mainDiv">
<div class="sectionContainer" id="leftContainer">
<div id="descriptionContainer">
<p align="right">
يمكن للقندس عمل أشكال من خلال الدمج بين الأشكال الثلاثة التي بالأسفل.
<p align="right">
إنظر إلى الأمثلة لفهم كيف يفعل ذلك ثم قم برسم الشكل المطلوب باستخدام الأشكال الثلاثة والعلامات التي بالأسفل.
<div class="sectionContainer" id="examplesContainer">
<div class="exampleTitle">أمثلة</div>
<div id="examples"></div>
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<div class="example sectionBlock">
<span class="paperTitle">A+B</span><br>
<div class="paperDiv" id="paperExample0"></div>
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<div class="paperDiv sectionBlock" id="paperUser"></div>
<div class="objectiveContainer sectionBlock">
<div class="targetTitle">الشكل المطلوب</div>
<div class="paperDiv" id="paperTarget"></div>
<span id="error"></span>
<img src="icon.png" style="display:none">
</div><!-- task -->
<div id="solution">
<div class="easy">
<p>The objective is similar to Form B, from which the center was removed. Thanks to the examples, we notice that the operation "-" makes it possible to withdraw one form to another. We will start with the form B, and remove the form A, which gives the solution:
<p><b>B -A</b>
<div class="medium">
<p>The objective looks like Form B, from which the center was removed, before adding a part of Form C.
<p>We start by taking the form B and removing the square shape A:
<b>B -A</b><br/>
<img src="sol_medium_1.png" style="width:100px">
<p>We then want to add the form C:
<b>B -A +C</b><br/>
<img src="sol_medium_2.png" style="width:100px">
<p>It remains however to remove the top and the bottom of this form C. For this, one can apply #B to keep only the part which is inside this form, and to obtain:
<b>B -A +C #B</b><br/>
<img src="sol_medium_3.png" style="width:100px">
<div class="hard">There are several solutions, for example :
<p>The objective looks like an overlay of B and C, from which the outside and the center have been removed.
<p>We can start by placing C over B :
<b>B +C</b><br/>
<img src="sol_hard_1.png" style="width:100px">
<p>We then want to remove the outside and the center. Remove the outside is easy: we narrow the result inside a square A by applying #A :
<b>B +C #A</b><br/>
<img src="sol_hard_2.png" style="width:100px">
<p>It remains to remove the shape in the center, but we do not have this type of form. However, in the bottom and middle example, <b> A + (B #C) </b>, we see that <b> B #C </b> is the shape we want to remove. This gives :
<table style="text-align:center;width:400px"><tr>
<b>B +C #A</b><br/>
<img src="sol_hard_2.png" style="width:100px">
<b>B #C</b><br/>
<img src="sol_hard_4.png" style="width:100px">
<b>B +C #A -(B #C)</b><br/>
<img src="sol_hard_3.png" style="width:100px">
<p>Expression <b>B +C #A -(B #C)</b>therefore produces the goal. There are other ways to get it, for example :
<li><p><b>B +C -(B #C) #A</b> : the same approach but we remove the center before removing the outside</li></p>
<li><p><b>C -B #A +(B -C #A)</b> : we take on the one hand C at which we remove the center and the outside,<br/> Which give <b>C -B #A</b>, and we add B to which the center and the outside are removed, which gives <b>B -C #A</b>.</p></li>
<h2>It's computer science !</h2>
<p> The software used to make computer images is capable of performing superposition operations (here noted <b> + </b>), subtraction (here noted <b> - </b>), or restriction to a zone (here noted <b> # </b>). </p>
<p> These operations on the images are very easy to program. For example, to make <b> A + B </b>, it is sufficient, for each pixel (small dot) of the image <b> A </b>, to look at the color of the corresponding pixel in the image <b> B </b>. If the second one is white (transparent), then we keep the pixel of the image <b> A </b>, otherwise we use the color of the pixel of the image <b> B </b>. Applying this reasoning on all the pixels of the image, we obtain the result of the superposition of the image <b> B </b> on the image <b> A </b>. </P>
</div> <!-- task-solution -->