
996 lines
29 KiB

function initTask(subTask) {
var state = {};
var level;
var answer = null;
var data = {
easy: {
grid: [
['B', '.', '.'],
['O', '.', '.'],
['.', 'O', 'O']
visualGraphStr: '{"vertexVisualInfo":{},"edgeVisualInfo":{},"minGraph":{"vertexInfo":{},"edgeInfo":{},"edgeVertices":{},"directed":false}}', // TODO: factorize with others
allowDragging: true
medium: {
grid: [
['B', 'O', '.'],
['O', 'O', '.'],
['.', 'O', '.']
visualGraphStr: '{"vertexVisualInfo":{},"edgeVisualInfo":{},"minGraph":{"vertexInfo":{},"edgeInfo":{},"edgeVertices":{},"directed":false}}',
allowDragging: true
hard: {
grid: [
['B', 'O', '.'],
['B', '.', '.'],
['O', '.', '.']
visualGraphStr: '{"vertexVisualInfo":{},"edgeVisualInfo":{},"minGraph":{"vertexInfo":{},"edgeInfo":{},"edgeVertices":{},"directed":false}}',
allowDragging: true
var rows;
var cols;
var grid;
var paperConfig;
var paperGraph;
var paperGraphBorder;
var graph;
var dragAndDrop;
var dragContainer;
var initialConfig;
var validPositions;
var positionToIndex;
var numBalls;
var ballShadow;
var configPlaces;
var droppingOnBall;
var visualGraph;
var graphDrawer;
var graphMouse;
var vertexConnector;
var fuzzyRemover;
var visualConfig;
var fuzzyVertexThreshold = 0;
var fuzzyEdgeThreshold = 20;
var dragThreshold = 5;
var dragLimits;
var vertexRadius;
var minimalDropDistance = { easy: 95, medium: 80, hard: 80 };
var targetGraph;
var graphParams;
var radius = { easy: 40, medium: 35, hard: 35 };
var rectSide = { easy: 80, medium: 67, hard: 67 };
var graphParamsLevels = {
circleAttr: {
r: radius,
stroke: "black",
"stroke-width": 1,
fill: "gray",
opacity: 0
squareAttr: {
fill: "#222222",
stroke: "white",
"stroke-width": 2
lineAttr: {
"stroke-width": 9
highlightCircle: {
r: radius,
stroke: "red",
"stroke-width": 3,
fill: "gray"
highlightSquare: {
stroke: "red",
"stroke-width": 7
gridOffset: {
easy: {x: 0, y: 0},
medium: {x: 0, y: 3},
hard: {x: 0, y: 0}
var paperGraphParams = {
width: 700,
height: 450,
borderAttr: {
"stroke-width": 3,
fill: "#9999aa"
var paperConfigParams = {
xPad: 20,
yPad: 20,
borderAttr: {
"stroke-width": 3,
"fill": "#222222"
var cellParams = {
width: 76,
height: 72,
midRatio: 0.5,
xJump: 76,
yJump: 54,
oddXOffset: 38,
ballRadius: 24,
attrs: {
big: {
scale: 0.8,
line: {
"stroke-width": 3,
"fill": "white"
ball: {
"stroke-width": 3,
"fill": "red"
small: {
scale: 0.3,
line: {
"stroke-width": 1,
"fill": "white"
ball: {
"stroke-width": 1,
"fill": "red"
placeHolder: {
scale: 0.8,
"stroke" : "yellow",
"stroke-width" : "2",
"stroke-dasharray": "-"
shadowAttr: {
opacity: 0.2
subTask.loadLevel = function(curLevel) {
level = curLevel;
grid = data[level].grid;
rows = grid.length;
cols = grid[0].length;
graphParams = extractLevelSpecific(graphParamsLevels, level);
subTask.getStateObject = function() {
return state;
subTask.reloadAnswerObject = function(answerObj) {
answer = answerObj;
if(!answer) {
subTask.resetDisplay = function() {
subTask.getAnswerObject = function() {
return answer;
subTask.getDefaultAnswerObject = function() {
return {
visualGraphStr: data[level].visualGraphStr,
config: $.extend(true, [], initialConfig)
subTask.unloadLevel = function(callback) {
if(dragAndDrop) {
if (visualGraph) {
if(fuzzyRemover) {
function initConfig() {
validPositions = [];
initialConfig = [];
for(var row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
for(var col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
if(grid[row][col] === 'B') {
initialConfig.push({row: row, col: col});
if(grid[row][col] !== '.') {
validPositions.push({row: row, col: col});
numBalls = initialConfig.length;
positionToIndex = {};
for(var iPosition = 0; iPosition < validPositions.length; iPosition++) {
var currentRow = validPositions[iPosition].row;
var currentCol = validPositions[iPosition].col;
if(!positionToIndex[currentRow]) {
positionToIndex[currentRow] = {};
positionToIndex[currentRow][currentCol] = iPosition;
function initTargetGraph() {
if(data[level].target) {
targetGraph = new Graph(false);
// Generate all vertices recursively.
function recurse(config, index) {
if(config.length === numBalls) {
for(var next = index; next < validPositions.length; next++) {
recurse(config, next + 1);
recurse([], 0);
// Find all edges.
targetGraph.forEachVertex(function(id) {
var neighbors = getConfigNeighbors(configFromString(id));
for(var iNeighbor in neighbors) {
var neighborID = configToString(neighbors[iNeighbor]);
var edgeID = vertexPairToString(id, neighborID);
if(!targetGraph.isEdge(edgeID)) {
targetGraph.addEdge(edgeID, id, neighborID);
data[level].target = targetGraph;
function resetGraph() {
if(answer.visualGraphStr) {
graph = Graph.fromMinimized(JSON.parse(answer.visualGraphStr).minGraph);
else {
graph = new Graph(false);
function initHandlers() {
function initPaperConfig() {
visualConfig = new VisualConfig([], cellParams.attrs.big);
var width = visualConfig.getWidth() + 2 * paperConfigParams.xPad;
var height = visualConfig.getHeight() + 2 * paperConfigParams.yPad;
paperConfig = subTask.raphaelFactory.create("anim_config", "anim_config", width, height);
paperConfig.rect(0, 0, width, height).attr(paperConfigParams.borderAttr);
visualConfig.draw(paperConfig, width / 2, height / 2);
function initDragAndDrop() {
dragAndDrop = DragAndDropSystem({
paper: paperConfig,
actionIfDropped: actionIfDropped,
actionIfEjected: actionIfEjected,
drop: onDrop
configPlaces = visualConfig.getValidPlaces();
dragContainer = dragAndDrop.addContainer({
ident: "cells",
dropMode: "replace",
cx: 0,
cy: 0,
nbPlaces: configPlaces.length,
places: configPlaces,
placeBackgroundArray: []
* This is a dirty trick to get a hexagon placeholder in drag and drop library.
* The library creates a "container.placeHolder" object, which is a "component" object
* (defined in the library).
* A component is a custom implementation of a Raphael-element-container (like set),
* with several auxiliary methods.
* The only such method actually used for "container.placeHolder" is "placeAt", so we define it here.
var placeHolderElement = drawCell(paperConfig, 0, 0, cellParams.attrs.placeHolder.scale * cellParams.width, cellParams.attrs.placeHolder.scale * cellParams.height, cellParams.attrs.placeHolder).hide();
var placeHolderPath = placeHolderElement.attrs.path;
placeHolderElement.placeAt = function(centerX, centerY) {
path: Raphael.transformPath(placeHolderPath, ["T", centerX, centerY])
dragContainer.placeHolder = placeHolderElement;
/* End of trick */
function initDragContainer() {
for(var iBall in answer.config) {
var ballPosition = answer.config[iBall];
var positionIndex = positionToIndex[ballPosition.row][ballPosition.col];
var ball = drawBall(paperConfig, 0, 0, cellParams.attrs.big.scale * cellParams.ballRadius, cellParams.attrs.big.ball);
dragAndDrop.insertObjects("cells", positionIndex, [
ident: iBall,
elements: [ball]
function showDragError() {
function initPaperGraph() {
paperGraph = subTask.raphaelFactory.create("anim_graph", "anim_graph", paperGraphParams.width, paperGraphParams.height);
paperGraphBorder = paperGraph.rect(0, 0, paperGraphParams.width, paperGraphParams.height).attr(paperGraphParams.borderAttr);
graphDrawer = new SimpleGraphDrawer(graphParams.circleAttr, graphParams.lineAttr, vertexDrawer, true, null);
if(answer.visualGraphStr) {
visualGraph = VisualGraph.fromJSON(answer.visualGraphStr, "visual_graph", paperGraph, graph, graphDrawer, true);
else {
visualGraph = new VisualGraph("visual_graph", paperGraph, graph, graphDrawer, true);
graphMouse = new GraphMouse("mouse", graph, visualGraph);
vertexRadius = graphParams.circleAttr.r;
dragLimits = {
minX: vertexRadius,
maxX: paperGraphParams.width - vertexRadius,
minY: vertexRadius,
maxY: paperGraphParams.height - vertexRadius
if(data[level].allowDragging) {
vertexConnector = new VertexDragAndConnect({
id: "connector",
paperElementID: "anim_graph",
paper: paperGraph,
graph: graph,
visualGraph: visualGraph,
graphMouse: graphMouse,
onDragEnd: onDragEnd,
onVertexSelect: onVertexSelect,
onPairSelect: onPairSelect,
onEdgeSelect: deleteEdge,
vertexThreshold: fuzzyVertexThreshold,
edgeThreshold: fuzzyEdgeThreshold,
dragThreshold: dragThreshold,
dragLimits: dragLimits,
snapToLastGoodPosition: true,
isGoodPosition: isGoodPosition,
enabled: true
fuzzyRemover = null;
else {
vertexConnector = new EdgeCreator("connector", "anim_graph", paperGraph, graph, visualGraph, graphMouse, onVertexSelect, onPairSelect, true);
fuzzyRemover = new FuzzyRemover("fuzzyRemover", "anim_graph", paperGraph, graph, visualGraph, null, false, true, fuzzyVertexThreshold, fuzzyEdgeThreshold, true);
graph.addPostListener("answerUpdater", answerUpdater, 10000);
var answerUpdater = {
addVertex: onVisualGraphChange,
addEdge: onVisualGraphChange,
removeVertex: onVisualGraphChange,
removeEdge: onVisualGraphChange
function VisualConfig(config, attrs) {
var self = this;
this.init = function() {
this.cellWidth = attrs.scale * cellParams.width;
this.cellHeight = attrs.scale * cellParams.height;
this.xJump = attrs.scale * cellParams.xJump;
this.yJump = attrs.scale * cellParams.yJump;
this.oddXOffset = attrs.scale * cellParams.oddXOffset;
this.ballRadius = attrs.scale * cellParams.ballRadius;
this.height = (rows - 1) * this.yJump + this.cellHeight;
this.calculateWidth = function() {
this.width = 0;
for(var row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
this.width = Math.max(this.width, this.calculateRowWidth(row));
this.calculateRowWidth = function(row) {
// The rightmost cell determines the width.
var result;
for(var col = cols - 1; col >= 0; col--) {
if(grid[row][col] !== '.') {
result = col * this.xJump + this.cellWidth;
// This row has no cells.
if(!result) {
return 0;
// Odd rows are given an offset.
if(row % 2 === 1) {
result += this.oddXOffset;
return result;
this.getWidth = function() {
return this.width;
this.getHeight = function() {
return this.height;
this.draw = function(paper, centerX, centerY) {
this.paper = paper;
this.centerX = centerX;
this.centerY = centerY;
this.leftX = centerX - this.width / 2;
this.topY = centerY - this.height / 2;
this.elements = {
cells: [],
balls: []
for(var row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
for(var col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
if(grid[row][col] === '.') {
var center = this.getCellCenter(row, col);
var cell = drawCell(paper, center.x, center.y, this.cellWidth, this.cellHeight, attrs.line);
for(var iBall = 0; iBall < config.length; iBall++) {
var ballCenter = this.getCellCenter(config[iBall].row, config[iBall].col);
var ball = drawBall(paper, ballCenter.x, ballCenter.y, this.ballRadius, attrs.ball);
this.getCellCenter = function(row, col) {
var leftX = this.leftX + (col * this.xJump);
var topY = this.topY + (row * this.yJump);
// Hexagon rows shift alternately.
if(row % 2 === 1) {
leftX += this.oddXOffset;
return {
x: leftX + this.cellWidth / 2,
y: topY + this.cellHeight / 2
this.getValidPlaces = function() {
var result = [];
for(var iPosition = 0; iPosition < validPositions.length; iPosition++) {
var position = validPositions[iPosition];
var center = self.getCellCenter(position.row, position.col);
result.push([center.x, center.y]);
return result;
this.getRaphaels = function() {
return this.elements.cells.concat(this.elements.balls);
this.onClick = function(handler) {
for(var iCell in this.elements.cells) {
function drawCell(paper, centerX, centerY, width, height, attr) {
var leftX = centerX - width / 2;
var rightX = centerX + width / 2;
var topY = centerY - height / 2;
var bottomY = centerY + height / 2;
//return paper.rect(leftX, topY, rightX, bottomY).attr(attr);
var midHigh = centerY - (cellParams.midRatio / 2) * height;
var midLow = centerY + (cellParams.midRatio / 2) * height;
return paper.path([
centerX, topY,
rightX, midHigh,
centerX, bottomY,
leftX, midLow,
function drawBall(paper, centerX, centerY, radius, attr) {
return, centerY, radius).attr(attr);
function drawShadowBall(index) {
var place = configPlaces[index];
ballShadow = drawBall(paperConfig, place[0], place[1], cellParams.attrs.big.scale * cellParams.ballRadius, cellParams.attrs.big.ball);
function actionIfDropped(srcCont, srcPos, dstCont, dstPos, dropType) {
// If we are dragging, draw (once) a copy of the ball in the original location.
if(!ballShadow) {
// We will set this to true if overlap is detected.
droppingOnBall = false;
// Allow ejecting the ball. This causes it to be re-inserted, in actionIfEjected below.
if(dstCont === null) {
return true;
// Allow dropping back in place.
if(srcPos === dstPos) {
return true;
// Don't allow dropping on non-neighbors.
if(!isPositionNeighbor(validPositions[srcPos], validPositions[dstPos])) {
return false;
// If a ball exists here, the action is to put the ball back in the original cell.
// We set droppingOnBall to true, so that onDrop will be able to show the relevant error message.
var contents = dragAndDrop.getObjects("cells");
if(contents[dstPos]) {
droppingOnBall = true;
return DragAndDropSystem.action("cells", srcPos, "insert");
return true;
function actionIfEjected(refElement, srcCont, srcPos) {
// The ball has been ejected, we show an error and re-insert.
return DragAndDropSystem.action("cells", srcPos, "insert");
function onDrop(srcContainerID, srcPos, dstContainerID, dstPos, dropType) {
if(ballShadow) {
ballShadow = null;
// When the ball is re-inserted after ejection, the source container is
// "temporaryContainer" and the destination is "cells".
if (srcContainerID !== "cells") {
} else if(droppingOnBall) {
} else {
function onDragEnd(id, isSnappedToGoodPosition) {
// A photo position is good if it's not too close to another.
// The distance is: max(|dx|,|dy|).
function isGoodPosition(originalID, position) {
var result = true;
graph.forEachVertex(function(id) {
if(!result || id === originalID) {
var info = visualGraph.getVertexVisualInfo(id);
var distance = Math.max(Math.abs(info.x - position.x), Math.abs(info.y - position.y));
if(distance < minimalDropDistance[level]) {
result = false;
return result;
function updateUserConfig() {
var contents = dragAndDrop.getObjects("cells");
answer.config = [];
for(var index = 0; index < contents.length; index++) {
if(contents[index]) {
function isValidPosition(position) {
return position.row < rows && position.row >= 0 &&
position.col < cols && position.col >= 0 &&
grid[position.row][position.col] !== '.';
function isPositionNeighbor(position1, position2) {
if(!isValidPosition(position1) || !isValidPosition(position2)) {
return false;
var row1 = position1.row;
var col1 = position1.col;
var row2 = position2.row;
var col2 = position2.col;
// Same row - must be adjacent cols.
if(row1 === row2) {
return Math.abs(col1 - col2) === 1;
// Must be adjacent rows.
if(Math.abs(row1 - row2) !== 1) {
return false;
// Same col means they are adjacent.
if(col1 === col2) {
return true;
// Diagonals - on even rows (0-based), hexagon adjacencies go up/down and left.
if(row1 % 2 === 0) {
return col2 === col1 - 1;
// On odd rows, they go up/down and right.
return col2 === col1 + 1;
function getPositionNeighbors(position) {
var result = [];
for(var dRow = -1; dRow <= 1; dRow++) {
for(var dCol = -1; dCol <= 1; dCol++) {
var neighbor = {
row: position.row + dRow,
col: position.col + dCol
if(isPositionNeighbor(position, neighbor)) {
return result;
function clickAdd() {
var id = configToString(answer.config);
if(graph.getVerticesCount() === targetGraph.getVerticesCount()) {
if(graph.isVertex(id)) {
var position = findNewVertexPosition();
graphDrawer.moveVertex(id, position.x, position.y);
if(graph.getVerticesCount() === targetGraph.getVerticesCount()) {
} else {
function findNewVertexPosition() {
// Try to find a position that isn't too close to any existing vertex.
var positions = [];
graph.forEachVertex(function(id) {
var generator = new RandomGenerator(1);
var bestPosition;
var bestDistance = 0;
// Try 100 times, then settle for best found.
for(var attempt = 0; attempt < 100; attempt++) {
position = {
x: generator.nextInt(dragLimits.minX, dragLimits.maxX),
y: generator.nextInt(dragLimits.minY, dragLimits.maxY)
var distance = Infinity;
// Find the minimal distance to a vertex. Distance is max(|dx|,|dy|).
for(var iVertex in positions) {
distance = Math.min(distance, Math.max(Math.abs(position.x - positions[iVertex].x), Math.abs(position.y - positions[iVertex].y)));
// If the minimal distance is big enough, this is a good position.
if(distance >= minimalDropDistance[level]) {
bestPosition = position;
// Record this position if it's the best so far.
if(distance > bestDistance) {
bestDistance = distance;
bestPosition = position;
return bestPosition;
function vertexDrawer(id, info, centerX, centerY) {
var result = [];
var side = rectSide[level];
var rect = paperGraph.rect(centerX - side / 2, centerY - side / 2, side, side).attr(graphParams.squareAttr);
var config = configFromString(id);
var visualConfig = new VisualConfig(config, cellParams.attrs.small);
visualConfig.draw(paperGraph, centerX + graphParams.gridOffset.x, centerY + graphParams.gridOffset.y);
result = result.concat(visualConfig.getRaphaels());
return result;
function onVisualGraphChange() {
answer.visualGraphStr = visualGraph.toJSON();
function onVertexSelect(id, selected, pairCompleted) {
if(!pairCompleted) {
* If pairCompleted is true, this means that onPairSelect
* has been called, which handled any feedback message necessary
* (if an edge has been added, then onVisualGraphChange was invoked,
* and if not, then a suitable feedback message was displayed).
* Otherwise, the feedback should be reset.
var attr;
if(selected) {
attr = graphParams.highlightSquare;
else {
attr = graphParams.squareAttr;
function onPairSelect(id1, id2) {
var id = vertexPairToString(id1, id2);
if(graph.isEdge(id)) {
graph.addEdge(id, id1, id2);
function deleteEdge(id) {
function getConfigNeighbors(config) {
// Remember which positions are occupied.
var configPositionObj = {};
for(var iPosition in config) {
configPositionObj[positionToString(config[iPosition])] = true;
var result = [];
* Each neighbor of each ball position contributes a neighboring configuration.
* We ignore neighboring positions that overlap other balls.
for(var iBall = 0; iBall < config.length; iBall++) {
var position = config[iBall];
var positionNeighbors = getPositionNeighbors(position);
for(var iNeighbor in positionNeighbors) {
var neighbor = positionNeighbors[iNeighbor];
var neighborString = positionToString(neighbor);
if(configPositionObj[neighborString]) {
var configCopy = $.extend(true, [], config);
configCopy[iBall] = neighbor;
return result;
function vertexPairToString(id1, id2) {
// We sort the array, because the edge direction is not distinguished.
var ids = [id1, id2];
return ids.join(" ");
function configToString(config) {
// We sort the array, because the balls are not distinguished.
var result = $.map(config, positionToString);
return result.join("_");
function positionToString(position) {
return position.row + "," + position.col;
function positionFromString(string) {
var parts = string.split(",");
return {
row: parseInt(parts[0]),
col: parseInt(parts[1])
function configFromString(string) {
var parts = string.split("_");
return $.map(parts, positionFromString);
function showMessage(string) {
if(string === null || string === undefined || string === "") {
string = "&nbsp;";
function checkUser(schoolArray, userArray, missingMessage, wrongMessage, emptyMessage) {
// Check that the user's array is identical to the school array.
// To display helpful errors, we also check if an entry is wrong
// or missing.
var schoolObj = {};
var userObj = {};
var index;
for(index in schoolArray) {
schoolObj[schoolArray[index]] = true;
for(index in userArray) {
userObj[userArray[index]] = true;
// Special case if no edges
if(userArray.length == 0) {
return {
success: false,
message: emptyMessage
// Wrong entries.
var key;
for(key in userObj) {
if(!schoolObj[key]) {
return {
success: false,
message: wrongMessage
for(key in schoolObj) {
if(!userObj[key]) {
return {
success: false,
message: missingMessage
return {
success: true
function getResultAndMessage() {
* The vertex and edge IDs are the same in the target graph
* and in the user's graph. We check that they are identical.
var vertexResult = checkUser(data[level].target.getAllVertices(), graph.getAllVertices(), taskStrings.missingVertex);
if(!vertexResult.success) {
return {
successRate: 0,
message: vertexResult.message
var edgeResult = checkUser(data[level].target.getAllEdges(), graph.getAllEdges(), taskStrings.missingEdge, taskStrings.wrongEdge, taskStrings.shouldAddVertices);
if(!edgeResult.success) {
return {
successRate: 0,
message: edgeResult.message
return {
successRate: 1,
message: taskStrings.success
subTask.getGrade = function(callback) {
initWrapper(initTask, ["easy", "medium", "hard"]);