
3017 lines
122 KiB

var getUrlParameter = function getUrlParameter(sParam) {
var sPageURL = decodeURIComponent(;
var sURLVariables = sPageURL.split('&');
for (var i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++) {
var sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split('=');
if (sParameterName[0] === sParam) {
return sParameterName[1] === undefined ? true : sParameterName[1];
var arrayContains = function(array, needle) {
for (var index in array) {
if (needle == array[index]) {
return true;
return false;
var highlightPause = false;
function resetFormElement(e) {
// Prevent form submission
var languageStrings = {
fr: {
categories: {
actions: "Actions",
sensors: "Capteurs",
debug: "Débuggage",
colour: "Couleurs",
dicts: "Dictionnaires",
input: "Entrées",
lists: "Listes",
logic: "Logique",
loops: "Boucles",
control: "Contrôles",
operator: "Opérateurs",
math: "Maths",
text: "Texte",
variables: "Variables",
functions: "Fonctions",
read: "Lecture",
print: "Écriture",
turtle: "Tortue"
invalidContent: "Contenu invalide",
unknownFileType: "Type de fichier non reconnu",
download: "télécharger",
smallestOfTwoNumbers: "Plus petit des deux nombres",
greatestOfTwoNumbers: "Plus grand des deux nombres",
programOfRobot: "Programme du robot",
flagClicked: "Quand %1 cliqué",
tooManyIterations: "Votre programme met trop de temps à se terminer !",
tooManyIterationsWithoutAction: "Votre programme s'est exécuté trop longtemps sans effectuer d'action !",
submitProgram: "Valider le programme",
runProgram: "Exécuter sur ce test",
speed: "Vitesse :",
stopProgram: "|<",
stepProgram: "|>",
slowSpeed: ">",
mediumSpeed: ">>",
fastSpeed: ">>>",
ludicrousSpeed: ">|",
stopProgramDesc: "Repartir du début",
stepProgramDesc: "Exécution pas-à-pas",
slowSpeedDesc: "Exécuter sur ce test",
mediumSpeedDesc: "Vitesse moyenne",
fastSpeedDesc: "Vitesse rapide",
ludicrousSpeedDesc: "Vitesse très rapide",
selectLanguage: "Langage :",
blocklyLanguage: "Blockly",
javascriptLanguage: "Javascript",
importFromBlockly: "Repartir de blockly",
saveOrLoadProgram: "Enregistrer ou recharger votre programme :",
avoidReloadingOtherTask: "Attention : ne rechargez pas le programme d'un autre sujet !",
files: "Fichiers",
reloadProgram: "Recharger :",
saveProgram: "Enregistrer",
limitBlocks: "{remainingBlocks} blocs restants sur {maxBlocks} autorisés.",
limitBlocksOver: "{remainingBlocks} blocs en trop utilisés pour {maxBlocks} autorisés.",
previousTestcase: "Précédent",
nextTestcase: "Suivant",
allTests: "Tous les tests :",
emptyProgram: "Le programme est vide ! Connectez des blocs.",
tooManyBlocks: "Vous utilisez trop de blocs !",
uninitializedVar: "Variable non initialisée :",
valueTrue: 'vrai',
valueFalse: 'faux',
correctAnswer: 'Réponse correcte',
partialAnswer: 'Réponse améliorable',
wrongAnswer: 'Réponse incorrecte',
resultsNoSuccess: "Vous n'avez validé aucun test.",
resultsPartialSuccess: "Vous avez validé seulement {nbSuccess} test(s) sur {nbTests}.",
gradingInProgress: "Évaluation en cours"
en: {
categories: {
actions: "Actions",
sensors: "Sensors",
debug: "Debug",
colour: "Colors",
dicts: "Dictionnaries",
input: "Input",
lists: "Lists",
logic: "Logic",
loops: "Loops",
math: "Math",
text: "Text",
variables: "Variables",
functions: "Functions",
read: "Reading",
print: "Writing",
turtle: "Turtle"
invalidContent: "Invalid content",
unknownFileType: "Unrecognized file type",
download: "download",
smallestOfTwoNumbers: "Smallest of the two numbers",
greatestOfTwoNumbers: "Greatest of the two numbers",
programOfRobot: "Robot's program",
flagClicked: "When %1 clicked",
tooManyIterations: "Too many iterations!",
tooManyIterationsWithoutAction: "Too many iterations without action!",
submitProgram: "Validate this program",
runProgram: "Run this program",
speed: "Speed:",
stopProgram: "|<",
stepProgram: "|>",
slowSpeed: ">",
mediumSpeed: ">>",
fastSpeed: ">>>",
ludicrousSpeed: ">|",
stopProgramDesc: "Restart from the beginning",
stepProgramDesc: "Step-by-step execution",
slowSpeedDesc: "Execute on this test",
mediumSpeedDesc: "Average speed",
fastSpeedDesc: "Fast speed",
ludicrousSpeedDesc: "Ludicrous speed",
selectLanguage: "Language :",
blocklyLanguage: "Blockly",
javascriptLanguage: "Javascript",
importFromBlockly: "Generate from blockly",
saveOrLoadProgram: "Save or reload your code:",
avoidReloadingOtherTask: "Warning: do not reload code for another task!",
reloadProgram: "Reload:",
saveProgram: "Save",
limitBlocks: "{remainingBlocks} blocks remaining out of {maxBlocks} available.",
limitBlocksOver: "{remainingBlocks} blocks over the limit of {maxBlocks} available.",
previousTestcase: "Previous",
nextTestcase: "Next",
allTests: "All tests:",
emptyProgram: "The program is empty! Connect some blocks.",
tooManyBlocks: "You use too many blocks!",
uninitializedVar: "Uninitialized variable:",
valueTrue: 'true',
valueFalse: 'false',
correctAnswer: 'Correct answer',
partialAnswer: 'Partial answer',
wrongAnswer: 'Wrong answer',
resultsNoSuccess: "You passed none of the tests.",
resultsPartialSuccess: "You passed only {nbSuccess} test(s) of {nbTests}.",
gradingInProgress: "Grading in process"
de: {
categories: {
actions: "Aktionen",
sensors: "Sensoren",
debug: "Debug",
colour: "Farben",
dicts: "Hash-Map",
input: "Eingabe",
lists: "Listen",
logic: "Logik",
loops: "Schleifen",
math: "Mathe",
text: "Text",
variables: "Variablen",
functions: "Funktionen",
read: "Einlesen",
print: "Ausgeben",
turtle: "Turtle"
invalidContent: "Ungültiger Inhalt",
unknownFileType: "Ungültiger Datentyp",
download: "Herunterladen",
smallestOfTwoNumbers: "Kleinste von zwei Zahlen",
greatestOfTwoNumbers: "Größte von zwei Zahlen",
programOfRobot: "Programm des Roboters",
flagClicked: "When %1 clicked", // TODO :: translate (scratch start flag, %1 is the flag icon)
tooManyIterations: "Zu viele Iterationen!",
tooManyIterationsWithoutAction: "Zu viele Iterationen vor einer Aktion!",
submitProgram: "Programm überprüfen lassen",
runProgram: "Programm ausführen",
speed: "Ablaufgeschwindigkeit:",
stopProgram: "|<",
stepProgram: "|>",
slowSpeed: ">",
mediumSpeed: ">>",
fastSpeed: ">>>",
ludicrousSpeed: ">|",
stopProgramDesc: "Restart from the beginning", // TODO :: translate and next 5
stepProgramDesc: "Step-by-step execution",
slowSpeedDesc: "Execute on this test",
mediumSpeedDesc: "Average speed",
fastSpeedDesc: "Fast speed",
ludicrousSpeedDesc: "Ludicrous speed",
selectLanguage: "Sprache:",
blocklyLanguage: "Blockly",
javascriptLanguage: "Javascript",
importFromBlockly: "Generiere von Blockly-Blöcken",
saveOrLoadProgram: "Speicher oder lade deinen Quelltext:",
avoidReloadingOtherTask: "Warnung: Lade keinen Quelltext von einer anderen Aufgabe!",
reloadProgram: "Laden:",
saveProgram: "Speichern",
limitBlocks: "Noch {remainingBlocks} von {maxBlocks} Blöcken verfügbar.",
limitBlocksOver: "{remainingBlocks} blocks over the limit of {maxBlocks} available.", // TODO :: translate
previousTestcase: "Vorheriger",
nextTestcase: "Nächster",
allTests: "Tous le tests :",
emptyProgram: "Le programme est vide ! Connectez des blocs.", // TODO :: translate this one and next 9
tooManyBlocks: "You use too many blocks!",
uninitializedVar: "Uninitialized variable:",
valueTrue: 'true',
valueFalse: 'false',
correctAnswer: 'Correct answer',
partialAnswer: 'Partial answer',
wrongAnswer: 'Wrong answer',
resultsNoSuccess: "You passed none of the tests.",
resultsPartialSuccess: "You passed only {nbSuccess} test(s) of {nbTests}.",
gradingInProgress: "Das Ergebnis wird ausgewertet …"
es: {
categories: {
actions: "Acciones",
sensors: "Sensores",
debug: "Depurar",
colour: "Colores",
dicts: "Diccionarios",
input: "Entradas",
lists: "Listas",
logic: "Lógica",
loops: "Bucles",
control: "Control",
operator: "Operadores",
math: "Mate",
text: "Texto",
variables: "Variables",
functions: "Funciones"
invalidContent: "Contenido inválido",
unknownFileType: "Tipo de archivo no reconocido",
download: "descargar",
smallestOfTwoNumbers: "El menor de dos números",
greatestOfTwoNumbers: "El mayor de dos números",
programOfRobot: "Programa de robot",
flagClicked: "Cuando se hace click en %1",
tooManyIterations: "¡Su programa se tomó demasiado tiempo para terminar!",
tooManyIterationsWithoutAction: "¡Su programa se tomó demasiado tiempo para terminar!", // TODO :: change translation
submitProgram: "Validar el programa",
runProgram: "Ejecutar el programa",
speed: "Velocidad:",
stopProgram: "|<",
stepProgram: "|>",
slowSpeed: ">",
mediumSpeed: ">>",
fastSpeed: ">>>",
ludicrousSpeed: ">|",
stopProgramDesc: "Restart from the beginning", // TODO :: translate and next 5
stepProgramDesc: "Step-by-step execution",
slowSpeedDesc: "Execute on this test",
mediumSpeedDesc: "Average speed",
fastSpeedDesc: "Fast speed",
ludicrousSpeedDesc: "Ludicrous speed",
selectLanguage: "Lenguaje:",
blocklyLanguage: "Blockly",
javascriptLanguage: "Javascript",
importFromBlockly: "Generar desde blockly",
saveOrLoadProgram: "Guardar o cargar su programa:",
avoidReloadingOtherTask: "Atención: ¡no recargue el programa de otro problema!",
files: "Archivos",
reloadProgram: "Recargar:",
saveProgram: "Guardar",
limitBlocks: "{remainingBlocks} bloques disponibles de {maxBlocks} autorizados.",
limitBlocksOver: "{remainingBlocks} bloques sobre el límite de {maxBlocks} autorizados.",
previousTestcase: "Anterior",
nextTestcase: "Siguiente",
allTests: "Todas las pruebas:",
emptyProgram: "¡El programa está vacio! Conecta algunos bloques",
emptyProgram: "Le programme est vide ! Connectez des blocs.", // TODO :: translate this one and next 6
uninitializedVar: "Uninitialized variable:",
valueTrue: 'true',
valueFalse: 'false',
correctAnswer: 'Correct answer',
partialAnswer: 'Partial answer',
wrongAnswer: 'Wrong answer',
resultsNoSuccess: "You passed none of the tests.",
resultsPartialSuccess: "You passed only {nbSuccess} test(s) of {nbTests}.",
gradingInProgress: "Evaluación en curso"
// Blockly to Scratch translations
var blocklyToScratch = {
singleBlocks: {
'controls_if': ['control_if'],
'controls_if_else': ['control_if_else'],
'controls_repeat': ['control_repeat'],
'controls_repeat_ext': ['control_repeat'],
'controls_whileUntil': ['control_repeat_until'],
'controls_untilWhile': ['control_repeat_until'],
'logic_negate': ['operator_not'],
'logic_boolean': [],
'logic_compare': ['operator_equals', 'operator_gt', 'operator_lt'],
'logic_operation': ['operator_and', 'operator_or'],
'text_join': ['operator_join'],
'math_arithmetic': ['operator_add', 'operator_subtract', 'operator_multiply', 'operator_divide'],
'math_number': []
// from
// where they got it from the stackoverflow-code itself ("formatUnicorn")
if (!String.prototype.format) {
String.prototype.format = function() {
var str = this.toString();
if (!arguments.length)
return str;
var args = typeof arguments[0],
args = (("string" == args || "number" == args) ? arguments : arguments[0]);
for (var arg in args) {
str = str.replace(RegExp("\\{" + arg + "\\}", "gi"), args[arg]);
return str;
function showModal(id) {
var el = '#' + id
function closeModal(id) {
var el = '#' + id;
function getBlocklyHelper(maxBlocks, nbTestCases) {
return {
scratchMode: (typeof Blockly.Blocks['control_if'] !== 'undefined'),
textFile: null,
extended: false,
programs: [],
languages: [],
definitions: {},
simpleGenerators: {},
player: 0,
workspace: null,
prevWidth: 0,
trashInToolbox: false,
languageStrings: languageStrings,
startingBlock: true,
mediaUrl: (window.location.protocol == 'file:' && modulesPath) ? modulesPath+'/img/blockly/' : "",
// Scratch specific
glowingBlock: null,
includeBlocks: {
groupByCategory: true,
generatedBlocks: {},
standardBlocks: {
includeAll: true,
wholeCategories: [],
singleBlocks: []
loadHtml: function(nbTestCases) {
$("#blocklyLibContent").html("<xml id='toolbox' style='display: none'></xml>" +
" <div style='height: 40px;display:none' id='lang'>" +
" <p>" + this.strings.selectLanguage +
" <select id='selectLanguage' onchange='task.displayedSubTask.blocklyHelper.changeLanguage()'>" +
" <option value='blockly'>" + this.strings.blocklyLanguage + "</option>" +
" <option value='javascript'>" + this.strings.javascriptLanguage + "</option>" +
" </select>" +
" <input type='button' class='language_javascript' value='" + this.strings.importFromBlockly +
"' style='display:none' onclick='task.displayedSubTask.blocklyHelper.importFromBlockly()' />" +
" </p>" +
" </div>" +
" <div id='blocklyCapacity' style='clear:both;'></div>" +
" <div id='blocklyContainer'>" +
" <div id='blocklyDiv' class='language_blockly'></div>" +
" <textarea id='program' class='language_javascript' style='width:100%;height:100%;display:none'></textarea>" +
" </div>" +
" <div id='saveOrLoadModal' class='modalWrapper'></div>\n"
var saveOrLoadModal = "<div class='modal'>" +
" <p><b>" + this.strings.saveOrLoadProgram + "</b></p>\n" +
" <button type='button' class='btn' onclick='task.displayedSubTask.blocklyHelper.saveProgram()' >" + this.strings.saveProgram +
"</button><span id='saveUrl'></span>\n" +
" <p>" + this.strings.avoidReloadingOtherTask + "</p>\n" +
" <p>" + this.strings.reloadProgram + " <input type='file' id='input' " +
"onchange='task.displayedSubTask.blocklyHelper.handleFiles(this.files);resetFormElement($(\"#input\"))'></p>\n" +
" <button type='button' class='btn close' onclick='closeModal(`saveOrLoadModal`)' >x</button>"
// Buttons from buttonsAndMessages
var addTaskHTML = '<div id="displayHelperAnswering" class="contentCentered" style="width: 438px; padding: 1px;">';
var placementNames = ['graderMessage', 'validate', 'saved'];
for (var iPlacement = 0; iPlacement < placementNames.length; iPlacement++) {
var placement = 'displayHelper_' + placementNames[iPlacement];
if ($('#' + placement).length === 0) {
addTaskHTML += '<div id="' + placement + '"></div>';
addTaskHTML += '</div>';
if(!$('#displayHelper_cancel').length) {
$('body').append($('<div class="contentCentered" style="margin-top: 15px;"><div id="displayHelper_cancel"></div></div>'));
var gridButtonsAfter = ''
gridButtonsAfter += "<div id='testSelector' style='width: 420px;'></div>"
+ "<button type='button' class='btn btn-primary' onclick='task.displayedSubTask.submit()'>"
+ (this.scratchMode ? "<img src='" + this.mediaUrl + "icons/event_whenflagclicked.svg' height='32px' width='32px' style='vertical-align: middle;'>" : '')
+ this.strings.submitProgram
+ "</button><br/>"
+ "<div id='errors' style='width: 400px;'></div>"
+ addTaskHTML;
load: function(language, display, nbTestCases, options) {
if(this.scratchMode) {
if (language == undefined) {
language = "fr";
if (options == undefined) options = {};
if (!options.divId) options.divId = 'blocklyDiv';
this.strings = this.languageStrings[language];
if (display) {
var xml = this.getToolboxXml();
var wsConfig = {
toolbox: "<xml>"+xml+"</xml>",
sounds: false,
media: this.mediaUrl
wsConfig.comments = true;
wsConfig.scrollbars = true;
wsConfig.trashcan = true;
if (maxBlocks != undefined) {
wsConfig.maxBlocks = maxBlocks;
if (options.readOnly) {
wsConfig.readOnly = true;
if (this.scratchMode) {
wsConfig.zoom = { startScale: 0.75 };
if(this.trashInToolbox) {
Blockly.Trashcan.prototype.MARGIN_SIDE_ = $('#blocklyDiv').width() - 110;
this.workspace = Blockly.inject(options.divId, wsConfig);
var toolboxNode = $('#toolboxXml');
if (toolboxNode.length != 0) {
$(".blocklyToolboxDiv").css("background-color", "rgba(168, 168, 168, 0.5)");
var that = this;
function onchange(event) {
var remaining = that.workspace.remainingCapacity();
var optLimitBlocks = {
maxBlocks: maxBlocks,
remainingBlocks: Math.abs(remaining)
var strLimitBlocks = remaining < 0 ? that.strings.limitBlocksOver : that.strings.limitBlocks;
$('#blocklyCapacity').css('color', remaining < 0 ? 'red' : '');
// TODO :: put into a resetDisplay function, find other elements to reset
var newBlockly = Blockly.Xml.domToText(Blockly.Xml.workspaceToDom(that.workspace));
if(that.programs[that.player] && newBlockly != that.programs[that.player].blockly) {
// only reset when program changed
if(that.scratchMode) {
} else {
this.workspace = new Blockly.Workspace();
this.programs = [];
for (var iPlayer = this.mainContext.nbRobots - 1; iPlayer >= 0; iPlayer--) {
this.programs[iPlayer] = {blockly: null, blocklyJS: "", blocklyPython: "", javascript: ""};
this.languages[iPlayer] = "blockly";
if(this.startingBlock) {
var xml = this.getDefaultBlocklyContent();
Blockly.Events.recordUndo = false;
Blockly.Xml.domToWorkspace(Blockly.Xml.textToDom(xml), this.workspace);
Blockly.Events.recordUndo = true;
initTestSelector: function (nbTestCases) {
var buttons = [
{cls: 'speedStop', label: this.strings.stopProgram, tooltip: this.strings.stopProgramDesc, onclick: 'task.displayedSubTask.stop()'},
{cls: 'speedStep', label: this.strings.stepProgram, tooltip: this.strings.stepProgramDesc, onclick: 'task.displayedSubTask.step()'},
{cls: 'speedSlow', label: this.strings.slowSpeed, tooltip: this.strings.slowSpeedDesc, onclick: 'task.displayedSubTask.changeSpeed(200)'},
{cls: 'speedMedium', label: this.strings.mediumSpeed, tooltip: this.strings.mediumSpeedDesc, onclick: 'task.displayedSubTask.changeSpeed(50)'},
{cls: 'speedFast', label: this.strings.fastSpeed, tooltip: this.strings.fastSpeedDesc, onclick: 'task.displayedSubTask.changeSpeed(5)'},
{cls: 'speedLudicrous', label: this.strings.ludicrousSpeed, tooltip: this.strings.ludicrousSpeedDesc, onclick: 'task.displayedSubTask.changeSpeed(0)'}
var selectSpeed = "<div class='selectSpeed'>" +
" <div class='btn-group'>\n";
for(var btnIdx = 0; btnIdx < buttons.length; btnIdx++) {
var btn = buttons[btnIdx];
selectSpeed += " <button type='button' class='"+btn.cls+" btn btn-default btn-icon'>"+btn.label+" </button>\n";
selectSpeed += " </div></div>";
var html = '<div class="panel-group">';
for(var iTest=0; iTest<nbTestCases; iTest++) {
html += '<div id="testPanel'+iTest+'" class="panel panel-default">'
+ ' <div class="panel-heading" onclick="task.displayedSubTask.changeTestTo('+iTest+')"><h4 class="panel-title"></h4></div>'
+ ' <div class="panel-body">'
+ selectSpeed
+ ' </div>'
+ '</div>';
var selectSpeedClickHandler = function () {
var thisBtn = $(this);
for(var btnIdx = 0; btnIdx < buttons.length; btnIdx++) {
var btnInfo = buttons[btnIdx];
if(thisBtn.hasClass(btnInfo.cls)) {
var selectSpeedHoverHandler = function () {
var thisBtn = $(this);
for(var btnIdx = 0; btnIdx < buttons.length; btnIdx++) {
var btnInfo = buttons[btnIdx];
if(thisBtn.hasClass(btnInfo.cls)) {
var selectSpeedHoverClear = function () {
// Only clear #errors if the tooltip was for this button
var thisBtn = $(this);
for(var btnIdx = 0; btnIdx < buttons.length; btnIdx++) {
var btnInfo = buttons[btnIdx];
if(thisBtn.hasClass(btnInfo.cls)) {
if($('#errors').html() == btnInfo.tooltip) {
// TODO :: better display functions for #errors
$('.selectSpeed button').click(selectSpeedClickHandler);
$('.selectSpeed button').hover(selectSpeedHoverHandler, selectSpeedHoverClear);
updateTestScores: function (testScores) {
// Display test results
for(var iTest=0; iTest<testScores.length; iTest++) {
if(testScores[iTest].successRate >= 1) {
var icon = '<span class="testResultIcon" style="color: green">✔</span>';
var label = '<span class="testResult testSuccess">'+this.strings.correctAnswer+'</span>';
} else if(testScores[iTest].successRate > 0) {
var icon = '<span class="testResultIcon" style="color: orange">✖</span>';
var label = '<span class="testResult testPartial">'+this.strings.partialAnswer+'</span>';
} else {
var icon = '<span class="testResultIcon" style="color: red">✖</span>';
var label = '<span class="testResult testFailure">'+this.strings.wrongAnswer+'</span>';
$('#testPanel'+iTest+' .panel-title').html(icon+' Test '+(iTest+1)+' '+label);
resetTestScores: function (nbTestCases) {
// Reset test results display
for(var iTest=0; iTest<nbTestCases; iTest++) {
$('#testPanel'+iTest+' .panel-title').html('<span class="testResultIcon">&nbsp;</span> Test '+(iTest+1));
updateTestSelector: function (newCurTest) {
$("#testSelector .panel-body").hide();
$("#testPanel"+newCurTest+" .panel-body").prepend($('#grid')).append($('#errors')).show();
unload: function() {
//var ws = Blockly.getMainWorkspace('blocklyDiv');
var ws = this.workspace;
if (ws != null) {
// TODO: this should be in a global unload function
if (false) {
document.removeEventListener("keydown", Blockly.onKeyDown_); // TODO: find correct way to remove all event listeners
//delete Blockly;
getDefaultBlocklyContent: function () {
if (this.startingBlock) {
if(this.scratchMode) {
return '<xml><block type="robot_start" deletable="false" movable="false" x="10" y="20"></block></xml>';
} else {
return '<xml><block type="robot_start" deletable="false" movable="false"></block></xml>';
else {
return '<xml></xml>';
checkRobotStart: function () {
if(!this.startingBlock || !this.workspace) { return; }
var blocks = this.workspace.getTopBlocks(true);
for(var b=0; b<blocks.length; b++) {
if(blocks[b].type == 'robot_start') { return;}
var xml = Blockly.Xml.textToDom(this.getDefaultBlocklyContent())
Blockly.Xml.domToWorkspace(xml, this.workspace);
setPlayer: function(newPlayer) {
this.player = newPlayer;
$(".robot0, .robot1").hide();
$(".robot" + this.player).show();
changePlayer: function() {
loadPlayer: function(player) {
this.player = player;
for (var iRobot = 0; iRobot < this.mainContext.nbRobots; iRobot++) {
$(".robot" + iRobot).hide();
$(".robot" + this.player).show();
$(".language_blockly, .language_javascript").hide();
$(".language_" + this.languages[this.player]).show();
var blocklyElems = $(".blocklyToolboxDiv, .blocklyWidgetDiv");
if (this.languages[this.player] == "blockly") {;
} else {
getCodeFromXml: function(xmlText, language) {
try {
var xml = Blockly.Xml.textToDom(xmlText)
} catch (e) {
var tmpWorkspace = new Blockly.Workspace();
if(this.scratchMode) {
// Make sure it has the right information from this blocklyHelper
tmpWorkspace.maxBlocks = function () { return maxBlocks; };
Blockly.Xml.domToWorkspace(xml, tmpWorkspace);
return this.getCode(language, tmpWorkspace);
getCode: function(language, codeWorkspace) {
if (codeWorkspace == undefined) {
codeWorkspace = this.workspace;
if(codeWorkspace.remainingCapacity() < 0) {
// Safeguard: avoid generating code when we use too many blocks
return '';
var blocks = codeWorkspace.getTopBlocks(true);
var languageObj = null;
if (language == "javascript") {
languageObj = Blockly.JavaScript;
if (language == "python") {
languageObj = Blockly.Python;
var code = [];
var comments = [];
for (var b = 0; b < blocks.length; b++) {
var block = blocks[b];
var blockCode = languageObj.blockToCode(block);
if (arrayContains(["procedures_defnoreturn", "procedures_defreturn"], block.type)) {
// For function blocks, the code is stored in languageObj.definitions_
} else {
if (block.type == "robot_start" || !this.startingBlock) {
for (var def in languageObj.definitions_) {
var code = code.join("\n");
code += comments.join("\n");
return code;
savePrograms: function() {
this.programs[this.player].javascript = $("#program").val();
if (this.workspace != null) {
var xml = Blockly.Xml.workspaceToDom(this.workspace);
this.programs[this.player].blockly = Blockly.Xml.domToText(xml);
this.programs[this.player].blocklyJS = this.getCode("javascript");
//this.programs[this.player].blocklyPython = this.getCode("python");
loadPrograms: function() {
if (this.workspace != null) {
var xml = Blockly.Xml.textToDom(this.programs[this.player].blockly);
Blockly.Xml.domToWorkspace(xml, this.workspace);
changeLanguage: function() {
this.languages[this.player] = $("#selectLanguage").val();
importFromBlockly: function() {
//var player = $("#selectPlayer").val();
var player = 0;
this.programs[player].javascript = this.getCode("javascript");
handleFiles: function(files) {
var that = this;
if (files.length < 0) {
var file = files[0];
var textType = /text.*/;
if (file.type.match(textType)) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(e) {
var code = reader.result;
if (code[0] == "<") {
try {
var xml = Blockly.Xml.textToDom(code);
that.programs[that.player].blockly = code;
} catch(e) {
$("#errors").html('<span class="testError">'+that.strings.invalidContent+'</span>');
that.languages[that.player] = "blockly";
} else {
that.programs[that.player].javascript = code;
that.languages[that.player] = "javascript";
} else {
$("#errors").html('<span class="testError">'+this.strings.unknownFileType+'</span>');
saveProgram: function() {
var code = this.programs[this.player][this.languages[this.player]];
var data = new Blob([code], {type: 'text/plain'});
// If we are replacing a previously generated file we need to
// manually revoke the object URL to avoid memory leaks.
if (this.textFile !== null) {
this.textFile = window.URL.createObjectURL(data);
// returns a URL you can use as a href
$("#saveUrl").html(" <a href='" + this.textFile + "' download='robot_" + this.languages[this.player] + "_program.txt'>" + + "</a>");
return this.textFile;
toggleSize: function() {
if (!this.extended) {
this.extended = true;
$("#blocklyContainer").css("width", "800px");
} else {
this.extended = false;
$("#blocklyContainer").css("width", "500px");
updateSize: function() {
var panelWidth = 500;
if (this.languages[this.player] == "blockly") {
panelWidth = $("#blocklyDiv").width() - 10;
} else {
panelWidth = $("#program").width() + 20;
if (panelWidth != this.prevWidth) {
if (this.languages[this.player] == "blockly") {
if (this.trashInToolbox) {
Blockly.Trashcan.prototype.MARGIN_SIDE_ = panelWidth - 90;
this.prevWidth = panelWidth;
completeBlockHandler: function(block, objectName, context) {
if (typeof block.handler == "undefined") {
block.handler = context[objectName][];
if (typeof block.handler == "undefined") {
block.handler = (function(oName, bName) {
return function() { console.error("Error: No handler given. No function context." + oName + "." + bName + "() found!" ); }
completeBlockJson: function(block, objectName, categoryName, context) {
// Needs context object solely for the language strings. Maybe change that …
if (typeof block.blocklyJson == "undefined") {
block.blocklyJson = {};
// Set block name
if (typeof block.blocklyJson.type == "undefined") {
block.blocklyJson.type =;
// Add connectors (top-bottom or left)
if (typeof block.blocklyJson.output == "undefined" &&
typeof block.blocklyJson.previousStatement == "undefined" &&
typeof block.blocklyJson.nextStatement == "undefined" &&
!(block.noConnectors)) {
if (block.yieldsValue) {
block.blocklyJson.output = null;
if(this.scratchMode) {
block.blocklyJson.outputShape = Blockly.OUTPUT_SHAPE_HEXAGONAL;
block.blocklyJson.colour = Blockly.Colours.sensing.primary;
block.blocklyJson.colourSecondary = Blockly.Colours.sensing.secondary;
block.blocklyJson.colourTertiary = Blockly.Colours.sensing.tertiary;
else {
block.blocklyJson.previousStatement = null;
block.blocklyJson.nextStatement = null;
if(this.scratchMode) {
block.blocklyJson.colour = Blockly.Colours.motion.primary;
block.blocklyJson.colourSecondary = Blockly.Colours.motion.secondary;
block.blocklyJson.colourTertiary = Blockly.Colours.motion.tertiary;
// Add parameters
if (typeof block.blocklyJson.args0 == "undefined" &&
typeof block.params != "undefined" &&
block.params.length > 0) {
block.blocklyJson.args0 = [];
for (var iParam = 0; iParam < block.params.length; iParam++) {
var param = {
type: "input_value",
name: "PARAM_" + iParam
if (block.params[iParam] != null) {
param.check = block.params[iParam]; // Should be a string!
// Add message string
if (typeof block.blocklyJson.message0 == "undefined") {
block.blocklyJson.message0 = context.strings.label[];
if (typeof block.blocklyJson.message0 == "undefined") {
block.blocklyJson.message0 = "<translation missing: " + + ">";
if (typeof block.blocklyJson.args0 != "undefined") {
var iParam = 0;
for (var iArgs0 in block.blocklyJson.args0) {
if (block.blocklyJson.args0[iArgs0].type == "input_value") {
iParam += 1;
block.blocklyJson.message0 += " %" + iParam;
// Tooltip & HelpUrl should always exist, so lets just add empty ones in case they don't exist
if (typeof block.blocklyJson.tooltip == "undefined") { block.blocklyJson.tooltip = ""; }
if (typeof block.blocklyJson.helpUrl == "undefined") { block.blocklyJson.helpUrl = ""; } // TODO: Or maybe not?
// TODO: Load default colours + custom styles
if (typeof block.blocklyJson.colour == "undefined") {
if(this.scratchMode) {
block.blocklyJson.colour = Blockly.Colours.motion.primary;
block.blocklyJson.colourSecondary = Blockly.Colours.motion.secondary;
block.blocklyJson.colourTertiary = Blockly.Colours.motion.tertiary;
} else {
var colours = this.getDefaultColours();
block.blocklyJson.colour = 210; // default: blue
if ("blocks" in colours && in colours.blocks) {
block.blocklyJson.colour = colours.blocks[];
else if ("categories" in colours) {
if (categoryName in colours.categories) {
block.blocklyJson.colour = colours.categories[categoryName];
else if ("_default" in colours.categories) {
block.blocklyJson.colour = colours.categories["_default"];
completeBlockXml: function(block) {
if (typeof block.blocklyXml == "undefined" || block.blocklyXml == "") {
block.blocklyXml = "<block type='" + + "'></block>";
completeCodeGenerators: function(blockInfo, objectName) {
if (typeof blockInfo.codeGenerators == "undefined") {
blockInfo.codeGenerators = {};
// for closure:
var args0 = blockInfo.blocklyJson.args0;
var code = this.mainContext.strings.code[];
var output = blockInfo.blocklyJson.output;
for (var language in {JavaScript: null, Python: null}) {
if (typeof blockInfo.codeGenerators[language] == "undefined") {
// Prevent the function name to be used as a variable
function setCodeGeneratorForLanguage(language) {
blockInfo.codeGenerators[language] = function(block) {
var params = "";
/* There are three kinds of input: value_input, statement_input and dummy_input,
We should definitely consider value_input here and not consider dummy_input here.
I don't know how statement_input is handled best, so I'll ignore it first -- Robert
var iParam = 0;
for (var iArgs0 in args0) {
if (args0[iArgs0].type == "input_value") {
if (iParam) {
params += ", ";
params += Blockly[language].valueToCode(block, 'PARAM_' + iParam, Blockly[language].ORDER_ATOMIC);
iParam += 1;
var callCode = code + '(' + params + ')';
// Add reportValue to show the value in step-by-step mode
var reportedCode = "reportBlockValue('" + + "', " + callCode + ")";
if (typeof output == "undefined") {
return callCode + ";\n";
else {
return [reportedCode, Blockly[language].ORDER_NONE];
applyCodeGenerators: function(block) {
for (var language in block.codeGenerators) {
Blockly[language][] = block.codeGenerators[language];
createBlock: function(block) {
if (typeof block.blocklyInit == "undefined") {
var blocklyjson = block.blocklyJson;
Blockly.Blocks[] = {
init: function() {
else if (typeof block.blocklyInit == "function") {
Blockly.Blocks[] = {
init: block.blocklyInit()
else {
console.err( + ".blocklyInit is defined but not a function");
createSimpleGenerator: function(label, code, type, nbParams) {
var jsDefinitions = this.definitions['javascript'] ? this.definitions['javascript'] : [];
var pyDefinitions = this.definitions['python'] ? this.definitions['python'] : [];
// Prevent the function name to be used as a variable
Blockly.JavaScript[label] = function(block) {
for (var iDef=0; iDef < jsDefinitions.length; iDef++) {
var def = jsDefinitions[iDef];
Blockly.Javascript.definitions_[def.label] = def.code;
var params = "";
for (var iParam = 0; iParam < nbParams; iParam++) {
if (iParam != 0) {
params += ", ";
params += Blockly.JavaScript.valueToCode(block, 'NAME_' + (iParam + 1), Blockly.JavaScript.ORDER_ATOMIC);
if (type == 0) {
return code + "(" + params + ");\n";
} else if (type == 1){
return [code + "(" + params + ")", Blockly.JavaScript.ORDER_NONE];
Blockly.Python[label] = function(block) {
for (var iDef=0; iDef < pyDefinitions.length; iDef++) {
var def = pyDefinitions[iDef];
Blockly.Python.definitions_[def.label] = def.code;
var params = "";
for (var iParam = 0; iParam < nbParams; iParam++) {
if (iParam != 0) {
params += ", ";
params += Blockly.Python.valueToCode(block, 'NAME_' + (iParam + 1), Blockly.Python.ORDER_ATOMIC);
if (type == 0) {
return code + "(" + params + ")\n";
} else if (type == 1) {
return [code + "(" + params + ")", Blockly.Python.ORDER_NONE];
createSimpleBlock: function(label, code, type, nbParams) {
Blockly.Blocks[label] = {
init: function() {
if (type == 0) {
if (type == 1) {
for (var iParam = 0; iParam < nbParams; iParam++) {
this.appendValueInput("NAME_" + (iParam + 1)).setCheck(null);
createSimpleGeneratorsAndBlocks: function() {
for (var genName in this.simpleGenerators) {
for (var iGen = 0; iGen < this.simpleGenerators[genName].length; iGen++) {
var generator = this.simpleGenerators[genName][iGen];
if(genName == '.') {
var label = generator.label + "__";
var code = generator.code;
} else {
var label = genName + "_" + generator.label + "__";
var code = genName + "." + generator.code;
this.createSimpleGenerator(label, code, generator.type, generator.nbParams);
// TODO :: merge createSimpleBlock with completeBlock*
this.createSimpleBlock(label, generator.label, generator.type, generator.nbParams);
createGeneratorsAndBlocks: function() {
var customGenerators = this.mainContext.customBlocks;
for (var objectName in customGenerators) {
for (var categoryName in customGenerators[objectName]) {
var category = customGenerators[objectName][categoryName];
for (var iBlock = 0; iBlock < category.blocks.length; iBlock++) {
var block = category.blocks[iBlock];
/* TODO: Allow library writers to provide their own JS/Python code instead of just a handler */
this.completeBlockHandler(block, objectName, this.mainContext);
this.completeBlockJson(block, objectName, categoryName, this.mainContext); /* category.category is category name */
this.completeCodeGenerators(block, objectName);
// TODO: Anything of this still needs to be done?
//this.createGenerator(label, objectName + "." + code, generator.type, generator.nbParams);
//this.createBlock(label, generator.labelFr, generator.type, generator.nbParams);
getBlocklyLibCode: function(generators) {
var strCode = "";
for (var objectName in generators) {
strCode += "var " + objectName + " = {\n";
for (var iGen = 0; iGen < generators[objectName].length; iGen++) {
var generator = generators[objectName][iGen];
if (generator.nbParams == 0) {
strCode += generator.codeFr + ": function() { ";
} else {
strCode += generator.codeFr + ": function(param1) { ";
if (generator.type == 1) {
strCode += "return ";
if (generator.nbParams == 0) {
strCode += objectName + "_" + generator.labelEn + "(); }";
} else {
strCode += objectName + "_" + generator.labelEn + "(param1); }";
if (iGen < generators[objectName].length - 1) {
strCode += ",";
strCode += "\n";
strCode += "};\n\n";
strCode += "Math['max'] = function(a, b) { if (a > b) return a; return b; };\n";
strCode += "Math['min'] = function(a, b) { if (a > b) return b; return a; };\n";
return strCode;
getDefaultColours: function() {
var colours = {
categories: {
logic: 210,
loops: 120,
control: 120,
math: 230,
operator: 230,
texts: 160,
lists: 260,
colour: 20,
variables: 330,
functions: 290,
_default: 65
blocks: {}
if (typeof provideBlocklyColours == "function") {
var providedColours = provideBlocklyColours();
for (var group in providedColours) {
if (!(group in colours)) {
colours[group] = {};
for (name in providedColours[group]) {
colours[group][name] = providedColours[group][name];
return colours;
getStdBlocks: function() {
var stdBlocks = this.scratchMode ? this.getStdScratchBlocks() : this.getStdBlocklyBlocks();
// Check each block is actually loaded in current context
for(var category in stdBlocks) {
var verifiedBlocks = [];
var blockList = stdBlocks[category].blocks;
for(var b=0; b<blockList.length; b++) {
var blocklyName = blockList[b].depends ? blockList[b].depends : blockList[b].name;
if(Blockly.Blocks[blocklyName]) {
stdBlocks[category].blocks = verifiedBlocks;
return stdBlocks;
getStdBlocklyBlocks: function() {
return {
input: {
blocks: [
name: "input_num",
blocklyXml: "<block type='input_num'></block>"
name: "input_char",
blocklyXml: "<block type='input_char'></block>"
name: "input_word",
blocklyXml: "<block type='input_word'></block>"
name: "input_line",
blocklyXml: "<block type='input_line'></block>"
logic: {
blocks: [
name: "controls_if",
blocklyXml: "<block type='controls_if'></block>"
name: "controls_if_else",
depends: "controls_if",
blocklyXml: "<block type='controls_if'><mutation else='1'></mutation></block>"
name: "logic_compare",
blocklyXml: "<block type='logic_compare'></block>"
name: "logic_operation",
blocklyXml: "<block type='logic_operation'></block>"
name: "logic_negate",
blocklyXml: "<block type='logic_negate'></block>"
name: "logic_boolean",
blocklyXml: "<block type='logic_boolean'></block>"
loops: {
blocks: [
name: "controls_repeat",
blocklyXml: "<block type='controls_repeat'></block>",
excludedByDefault: true
name: "controls_repeat_ext",
blocklyXml: "<block type='controls_repeat_ext'>" +
" <value name='TIMES'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>10</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "controls_whileUntil",
blocklyXml: "<block type='controls_whileUntil'></block>"
name: "controls_untilWhile",
blocklyXml: "<block type='controls_whileUntil'><field name='MODE'>UNTIL</field></block>",
excludedByDefault: true
name: "controls_for",
blocklyXml: "<block type='controls_for'>" +
" <value name='FROM'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>1</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='TO'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>10</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='BY'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>1</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "controls_forEach",
excludedByDefault: true,
blocklyXml: "<block type='controls_forEach'></block>"
name: "controls_flow_statements",
blocklyXml: "<block type='controls_flow_statements'></block>"
math: {
blocks: [
name: "math_number",
blocklyXml: "<block type='math_number' gap='32'></block>"
name: "math_arithmetic",
blocklyXml: "<block type='math_arithmetic'>" +
" <value name='A'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>1</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='B'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>1</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "math_number_property",
blocklyXml: "<block type='math_number_property'></block>"
name: "math_change",
blocklyXml: "<block type='math_change'></block>"
name: "math_round",
blocklyXml: "<block type='math_round'></block>"
name: "math_extra_single",
blocklyXml: "<block type='math_extra_single'></block>"
name: "math_extra_double",
blocklyXml: "<block type='math_extra_double'></block>"
name: "math_modulo",
blocklyXml: "<block type='math_modulo'></block>"
text: {
blocks: [
name: "text",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text'></block>"
name: "text_print",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_print'>" +
" <value name='TEXT'>" +
" <shadow type='text'>" +
" <field name='TEXT'>abc</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "text_print_noend",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_print_noend'>" +
" <value name='TEXT'>" +
" <shadow type='text'>" +
" <field name='TEXT'>abc</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "text_join",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_join'></block>"
name: "text_append",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_append'></block>"
name: "text_length",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_length'>" +
" <value name='VALUE'>" +
" <shadow type='text'>" +
" <field name='TEXT'>abc</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "text_isEmpty",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_isEmpty'>" +
" <value name='VALUE'>" +
" <shadow type='text'>" +
" <field name='TEXT'></field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "text_indexOf",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_indexOf'>" +
" <value name='VALUE'>" +
" <block type='variables_get'>" +
" <field name='VAR'>{textVariable}</field>" +
" </block>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='FIND'>" +
" <shadow type='text'>" +
" <field name='TEXT'>abc</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "text_charAt",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_charAt'>" +
" <value name='VALUE'>" +
" <block type='variables_get'>" +
" <field name='VAR'>{textVariable}</field>" +
" </block>" +
" </value>" +
name: "text_getSubstring",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_getSubstring'>" +
" <value name='STRING'>" +
" <block type='variables_get'>" +
" <field name='VAR'>{textVariable}</field>" +
" </block>" +
" </value>" +
name: "text_changeCase",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_changeCase'>" +
" <value name='TEXT'>" +
" <shadow type='text'>" +
" <field name='TEXT'>abc</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "text_trim",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_trim'>" +
" <value name='TEXT'>" +
" <shadow type='text'>" +
" <field name='TEXT'>abc</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "text_prompt_ext",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_prompt_ext'>" +
" <value name='TEXT'>" +
" <shadow type='text'>" +
" <field name='TEXT'>abc</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
lists: {
blocks: [
name: "lists_create_with_empty",
blocklyXml: "<block type='lists_create_with'>" +
" <mutation items='0'></mutation>" +
name: "lists_create_with",
blocklyXml: "<block type='lists_create_with'></block>"
name: "lists_repeat",
blocklyXml: "<block type='lists_repeat'>" +
" <value name='NUM'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>5</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "lists_length",
blocklyXml: "<block type='lists_length'></block>"
name: "lists_isEmpty",
blocklyXml: "<block type='lists_isEmpty'></block>"
name: "lists_indexOf",
blocklyXml: "<block type='lists_indexOf'>" +
" <value name='VALUE'>" +
" <block type='variables_get'>" +
" <field name='VAR'>{listVariable}</field>" +
" </block>" +
" </value>" +
name: "lists_getIndex",
blocklyXml: "<block type='lists_getIndex'>" +
" <value name='VALUE'>" +
" <block type='variables_get'>" +
" <field name='VAR'>{listVariable}</field>" +
" </block>" +
" </value>" +
name: "lists_setIndex",
blocklyXml: "<block type='lists_setIndex'>" +
" <value name='LIST'>" +
" <block type='variables_get'>" +
" <field name='VAR'>{listVariable}</field>" +
" </block>" +
" </value>" +
name: "lists_getSublist",
blocklyXml: "<block type='lists_getSublist'>" +
" <value name='LIST'>" +
" <block type='variables_get'>" +
" <field name='VAR'>{listVariable}</field>" +
" </block>" +
" </value>" +
name: "lists_sort",
blocklyXml: "<block type='lists_sort'></block>"
name: "lists_split",
blocklyXml: "<block type='lists_split'>" +
" <value name='DELIM'>" +
" <shadow type='text'>" +
" <field name='TEXT'>,</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "lists_append",
blocklyXml: "<block type='lists_append'></block>"
colour: {
blocks: [
name: "colour_picker",
blocklyXml: "<block type='colour_picker'></block>"
name: "colour_random",
blocklyXml: "<block type='colour_random'></block>"
name: "colour_rgb",
blocklyXml: "<block type='colour_rgb'>" +
" <value name='RED'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>100</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='GREEN'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>50</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='BLUE'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>0</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "colour_blend",
blocklyXml: "<block type='colour_blend'>" +
" <value name='COLOUR1'>" +
" <shadow type='colour_picker'>" +
" <field name='COLOUR'>#ff0000</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='COLOUR2'>" +
" <shadow type='colour_picker'>" +
" <field name='COLOUR'>#3333ff</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='RATIO'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>0.5</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
dicts: {
blocks: [
name: "dict_get_literal",
blocklyXml: "<block type='dict_get_literal'></block>"
name: "dict_keys",
blocklyXml: "<block type='dict_keys'></block>"
name: "dicts_create_with",
blocklyXml: "<block type='dicts_create_with'></block>"
variables: {
custom: "VARIABLE",
blocks: []
functions: {
custom: "PROCEDURE",
blocks: []
getStdScratchBlocks: function() {
// TODO :: make the list of standard scratch blocks
return {
control: {
blocks: [
name: "control_if",
blocklyXml: "<block type='control_if'></block>"
name: "control_if_else",
blocklyXml: "<block type='control_if_else'></block>"
name: "control_repeat",
blocklyXml: "<block type='control_repeat'>" +
" <value name='TIMES'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>10</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "control_repeat_until",
blocklyXml: "<block type='control_repeat_until'></block>"
operator: {
blocks: [
name: "operator_add",
blocklyXml: "<block type='operator_add'>" +
" <value name='NUM1'><shadow type='math_number'><field name='NUM'></field></shadow></value>" +
" <value name='NUM2'><shadow type='math_number'><field name='NUM'></field></shadow></value>" +
name: "operator_subtract",
blocklyXml: "<block type='operator_subtract'>" +
" <value name='NUM1'><shadow type='math_number'><field name='NUM'></field></shadow></value>" +
" <value name='NUM2'><shadow type='math_number'><field name='NUM'></field></shadow></value>" +
name: "operator_multiply",
blocklyXml: "<block type='operator_multiply'>" +
" <value name='NUM1'><shadow type='math_number'><field name='NUM'></field></shadow></value>" +
" <value name='NUM2'><shadow type='math_number'><field name='NUM'></field></shadow></value>" +
name: "operator_divide",
blocklyXml: "<block type='operator_divide'>" +
" <value name='NUM1'><shadow type='math_number'><field name='NUM'></field></shadow></value>" +
" <value name='NUM2'><shadow type='math_number'><field name='NUM'></field></shadow></value>" +
name: "operator_equals",
blocklyXml: "<block type='operator_equals'>" +
" <value name='OPERAND1'><shadow type='math_number'><field name='NUM'></field></shadow></value>" +
" <value name='OPERAND2'><shadow type='math_number'><field name='NUM'></field></shadow></value>" +
name: "operator_gt",
blocklyXml: "<block type='operator_gt'>" +
" <value name='OPERAND1'><shadow type='math_number'><field name='NUM'></field></shadow></value>" +
" <value name='OPERAND2'><shadow type='math_number'><field name='NUM'></field></shadow></value>" +
name: "operator_lt",
blocklyXml: "<block type='operator_lt'>" +
" <value name='OPERAND1'><shadow type='math_number'><field name='NUM'></field></shadow></value>" +
" <value name='OPERAND2'><shadow type='math_number'><field name='NUM'></field></shadow></value>" +
name: "operator_and",
blocklyXml: "<block type='operator_and'></block>"
name: "operator_or",
blocklyXml: "<block type='operator_or'></block>"
name: "operator_not",
blocklyXml: "<block type='operator_not'></block>"
name: "operator_join",
blocklyXml: "<block type='operator_join'>" +
" <value name='STRING1'><shadow type='text'><field name='TEXT'></field></shadow></value>" +
" <value name='STRING2'><shadow type='text'><field name='TEXT'></field></shadow></value>" +
variables: {
custom: "VARIABLE",
blocks: []
getBlockXmlInfo: function(generatorStruct, blockName) {
for (var categoryName in generatorStruct) {
var blocks = generatorStruct[categoryName].blocks;
for (var iBlock = 0; iBlock < blocks.length; iBlock++) {
var block = blocks[iBlock];
if ( == blockName) {
return {
category: categoryName,
xml: block.blocklyXml
console.error("Block not found: " + blockName);
return null;
addBlocksAndCategories: function(blockNames, blocksDefinition, categoriesInfos) {
var colours = this.getDefaultColours();
for (var iBlock = 0; iBlock < blockNames.length; iBlock++) {
var blockName = blockNames[iBlock];
var blockXmlInfo = this.getBlockXmlInfo(blocksDefinition, blockName);
var categoryName = blockXmlInfo.category;
if (!(categoryName in categoriesInfos)) {
categoriesInfos[categoryName] = {
blocksXml: [],
colour: colours.blocks[blockName]
// by the way, just change the defaul colours of the blockly blocks:
if(!this.scratchMode) {
var defCat = ["logic", "loops", "math", "texts", "lists", "colour"]
for (var iCat in defCat) {
Blockly.Blocks[defCat[iCat]].HUE = colours.categories[defCat[iCat]];
getToolboxXml: function() {
var categoriesInfos = {};
var colours = this.getDefaultColours();
// Reset the flyoutOptions
Blockly.Variables.flyoutOptions = {
any: false,
anyButton: !!this.includeBlocks.groupByCategory,
fixed: [],
includedBlocks: {get: true, set: true, incr: true},
shortList: true
for (var blockType in this.includeBlocks.generatedBlocks) {
this.addBlocksAndCategories(this.includeBlocks.generatedBlocks[blockType], this.mainContext.customBlocks[blockType], categoriesInfos);
for (var genName in this.simpleGenerators) {
for (var iGen = 0; iGen < this.simpleGenerators[genName].length; iGen++) {
var generator = this.simpleGenerators[genName][iGen];
if (categoriesInfos[generator.category] == undefined) {
categoriesInfos[generator.category] = {
blocksXml: [],
colour: 210
var blockName = (genName == '.') ? generator.label + "__" : genName + "_" + generator.label + "__";
categoriesInfos[generator.category].blocksXml.push("<block type='"+blockName+"'></block>");
var stdBlocks = this.getStdBlocks();
if (this.includeBlocks.standardBlocks.includeAll) {
this.includeBlocks.standardBlocks.wholeCategories = ["input", "logic", "loops", "math", "text", "lists", "colour", "dicts", "variables", "functions"];
var wholeCategories = this.includeBlocks.standardBlocks.wholeCategories || [];
for (var iCategory = 0; iCategory < wholeCategories.length; iCategory++) {
var categoryName = wholeCategories[iCategory];
if (!(categoryName in categoriesInfos)) {
categoriesInfos[categoryName] = {
blocksXml: []
if (categoryName == 'variables') {
Blockly.Variables.flyoutOptions.any = true;
var blocks = stdBlocks[categoryName].blocks;
for (var iBlock = 0; iBlock < blocks.length; iBlock++) {
this.addBlocksAndCategories(this.includeBlocks.standardBlocks.singleBlocks || [], stdBlocks, categoriesInfos);
// Handle variable blocks, which are normally automatically added with
// the VARIABLES category but can be customized here
if (typeof this.includeBlocks.variables !== 'undefined') {
Blockly.Variables.flyoutOptions.fixed = (this.includeBlocks.variables.length > 0) ? this.includeBlocks.variables : [];
if (typeof this.includeBlocks.variablesOnlyBlocks !== 'undefined') {
Blockly.Variables.flyoutOptions.includedBlocks = {get: false, set: false, incr: false};
for (var iBlock=0; iBlock < this.includeBlocks.variablesOnlyBlocks.length; iBlock++) {
Blockly.Variables.flyoutOptions.includedBlocks[this.includeBlocks.variablesOnlyBlocks[iBlock]] = true;
var varAnyIdx = Blockly.Variables.flyoutOptions.fixed.indexOf('*');
if(varAnyIdx > -1) {
Blockly.Variables.flyoutOptions.fixed.splice(varAnyIdx, 1);
Blockly.Variables.flyoutOptions.any = true;
var blocksXml = Blockly.Variables.flyoutCategory();
var xmlSer = new XMLSerializer();
for(var i=0; i<blocksXml.length; i++) {
blocksXml[i] = xmlSer.serializeToString(blocksXml[i]);
categoriesInfos["variables"] = {
blocksXml: blocksXml,
colour: 330
var xmlString = "";
for (var categoryName in categoriesInfos) {
var categoryInfo = categoriesInfos[categoryName];
if (this.includeBlocks.groupByCategory) {
var colour = categoryInfo.colour;
if (typeof(colour) == "undefined") {
colour = colours.categories[categoryName]
if (typeof(colour) == "undefined") {
colour = colours.categories._default;
xmlString += "<category "
+ " name='" + this.strings.categories[categoryName] + "'"
+ " colour='" + colour + "'"
+ (this.scratchMode ? " secondaryColour='" + colour + "'" : '')
+ (categoryName == 'variables' ? ' custom="VARIABLE"' : '')
+ (categoryName == 'functions' ? ' custom="PROCEDURE"' : '')
+ ">";
var blocks = categoryInfo.blocksXml;
for (var iBlock = 0; iBlock < blocks.length; iBlock++) {
xmlString += blocks[iBlock];
if (this.includeBlocks.groupByCategory) {
xmlString += "</category>";
return xmlString;
addExtraBlocks: function() {
var that = this;
Blockly.Blocks['controls_untilWhile'] = Blockly.Blocks['controls_whileUntil'];
Blockly.JavaScript['controls_untilWhile'] = Blockly.JavaScript['controls_whileUntil'];
Blockly.Python['controls_untilWhile'] = Blockly.Python['controls_whileUntil'];
Blockly.Blocks['math_extra_single'] = {
* Block for advanced math operators with single operand.
* @this Blockly.Block
init: function() {
['-', 'NEG']
this.setOutput(true, 'Number');
.appendField(new Blockly.FieldDropdown(OPERATORS), 'OP');
// Assign 'this' to a variable for use in the tooltip closure below.
var thisBlock = this;
this.setTooltip(function() {
var mode = thisBlock.getFieldValue('OP');
var TOOLTIPS = {
return TOOLTIPS[mode];
Blockly.JavaScript['math_extra_single'] = Blockly.JavaScript['math_single'];
Blockly.Python['math_extra_single'] = Blockly.Python['math_single'];
Blockly.Blocks['math_extra_double'] = {
* Block for advanced math operators with double operand.
* @this Blockly.Block
init: function() {
['min', 'MIN'],
['max', 'MAX']
this.setOutput(true, 'Number');
this.appendDummyInput('OP').appendField(new Blockly.FieldDropdown([["min", "MIN"], ["max", "MAX"], ["", ""]]), "OP");
this.appendDummyInput().appendField(" entre ");
this.appendDummyInput().appendField(" et ");
// Assign 'this' to a variable for use in the tooltip closure below.
var thisBlock = this;
this.setTooltip(function() {
var mode = thisBlock.getFieldValue('OP');
var TOOLTIPS = {
'MIN': that.strings.smallestOfTwoNumbers,
'MAX': that.strings.greatestOfTwoNumbers
return TOOLTIPS[mode];
Blockly.JavaScript['math_extra_double'] = function(block) {
// Math operators with double operand.
var operator = block.getFieldValue('OP');
var arg1 = Blockly.JavaScript.valueToCode(block, 'A', Blockly.JavaScript.ORDER_NONE) || '0';
var arg2 = Blockly.JavaScript.valueToCode(block, 'B', Blockly.JavaScript.ORDER_NONE) || '0';
if (operator == 'MIN') {
var code = "Math.min(" + arg1 + ", " + arg2 + ")";
if (operator == 'MAX') {
var code = "Math.max(" + arg1 + ", " + arg2 + ")";
return [code, Blockly.JavaScript.ORDER_FUNCTION_CALL];
Blockly.Python['math_extra_double'] = function(block) {
// Math operators with double operand.
var operator = block.getFieldValue('OP');
var arg1 = Blockly.Python.valueToCode(block, 'A', Blockly.Python.ORDER_NONE) || '0';
var arg2 = Blockly.Python.valueToCode(block, 'B', Blockly.Python.ORDER_NONE) || '0';
if (operator == 'MIN') {
var code = "Math.min(" + arg1 + ", " + arg2 + ")";
if (operator == 'MAX') {
var code = "Math.max(" + arg1 + ", " + arg2 + ")";
return [code, Blockly.Python.ORDER_FUNCTION_CALL];
if(this.scratchMode) {
Blockly.Blocks['robot_start'] = {
init: function() {
"id": "event_whenflagclicked",
"message0": that.strings.flagClicked,
"args0": [
"type": "field_image",
"src": Blockly.mainWorkspace.options.pathToMedia + "icons/event_whenflagclicked.svg",
"width": 24,
"height": 24,
"alt": "flag",
"flip_rtl": true
"inputsInline": true,
"nextStatement": null,
"category": Blockly.Categories.event,
"colour": Blockly.Colours.event.primary,
"colourSecondary": Blockly.Colours.event.secondary,
"colourTertiary": Blockly.Colours.event.tertiary
} else {
var old = Blockly.Blocks.controls_if.init;
Blockly.Blocks.controls_if.init = function() {;
Blockly.Blocks['robot_start'] = {
init: function() {
this.deletable_ = false;
this.editable_ = false;
this.movable_ = false;
// this.setHelpUrl('');
Blockly.JavaScript['robot_start'] = function(block) {
return "";
Blockly.Python['robot_start'] = function(block) {
return "";
fixScratch: function() {
// Store the maxBlocks information somehwere, as Scratch ignores it
Blockly.Workspace.prototype.maxBlocks = function () { return maxBlocks; };
// Translate requested Blocks from Blockly to Scratch blocks
// TODO :: full translation
var newSingleBlocks = [];
for (var iBlock = 0; iBlock < this.includeBlocks.standardBlocks.singleBlocks.length; iBlock++) {
var blockName = this.includeBlocks.standardBlocks.singleBlocks[iBlock];
if(blocklyToScratch.singleBlocks[blockName]) {
for(var b=0; b<blocklyToScratch.singleBlocks[blockName].length; b++) {
} else {
this.includeBlocks.standardBlocks.singleBlocks = newSingleBlocks;
glowBlock: function(id) {
// highlightBlock replacement for Scratch
if(this.glowingBlock) {
try {
this.workspace.glowBlock(this.glowingBlock, false);
} catch(e) {}
if(id) {
this.workspace.glowBlock(id, true);
this.glowingBlock = id;
initRun: function() {
var that = this;
var nbRunning = this.mainContext.runner.nbRunning();
if (nbRunning > 0) {
this.mainContext.delayFactory.createTimeout("run" + Math.random(), function() {
}, 1000);
if (this.mainContext.display) {
Blockly.JavaScript.STATEMENT_PREFIX = 'highlightBlock(%1);\n';
} else {
Blockly.JavaScript.STATEMENT_PREFIX = '';
var topBlocks = this.workspace.getTopBlocks(true);
var robotStartHasChildren = false;
for(var b=0; b<topBlocks.length; b++) {
var block = topBlocks[b];
if(block.type == 'robot_start' && block.childBlocks_.length > 0) {
robotStartHasChildren = true;
} // There can be multiple robot_start blocks sometimes
if(!robotStartHasChildren) {
$("#errors").html('<span class="testError">'+this.strings.emptyProgram+'</span>');
var codes = [];
for (var iRobot = 0; iRobot < this.mainContext.nbRobots; iRobot++) {
var language = this.languages[iRobot];
if (language == "blockly") {
language = "blocklyJS";
codes[iRobot] = this.getFullCode(this.programs[iRobot][language]);
that.highlightPause = false;
if(this.scratchMode) {
if(that.workspace.remainingCapacity() < 0) {
$("#errors").html('<span class="testError">'+this.strings.tooManyBlocks+'</span>');
} else {
run: function () {
step: function () {
if(this.mainContext.runner.nbRunning() <= 0) {
getFullCode: function(code) {
return this.getBlocklyLibCode(this.generators) + code + "program_end()";
function initBlocklyRunner(context, messageCallback, language) {
init(context, [], [], [], false, {}, language);
function init(context, interpreters, isRunning, toStop, stopPrograms, runner, language) {
runner.hasActions = false;
runner.nbActions = 0;
runner.scratchMode = context.blocklyHelper ? context.blocklyHelper.scratchMode : false;
runner.stepInProgress = false;
runner.stepMode = false;
runner.nextCallBack = null;
runner.firstHighlight = true;
runner.strings = languageStrings[language];
runner.reportBlockValue = function(id, value, varName) {
// Show a popup displaying the value of a block in step-by-step mode
if(context.display && runner.stepMode) {
var displayStr = value.toString();
if(value.type == 'boolean') {
displayStr = ? runner.strings.valueTrue : runner.strings.valueFalse;
if(varName) {
varName = varName.toString();
for(var dbIdx in Blockly.JavaScript.variableDB_.db_) {
if(Blockly.JavaScript.variableDB_.db_[dbIdx] == varName) {
varName = dbIdx.substring(0, dbIdx.length - 9);
displayStr = varName + ' = ' + displayStr;
context.blocklyHelper.workspace.reportValue(id, displayStr);
return value;
runner.waitDelay = function(callback, value, delay) {
if (delay > 0) {
context.delayFactory.createTimeout("wait" + context.curRobot + "_" + Math.random(), function() {
runner.noDelay(callback, value);
} else {
runner.noDelay(callback, value);
runner.noDelay = function(callback, value) {
var primitive = undefined;
if (value != undefined) {
primitive = interpreters[context.curRobot].createPrimitive(value);
if (Math.random() < 0.1) {
context.delayFactory.createTimeout("wait_" + Math.random(), function() {
}, 0);
} else {
runner.initInterpreter = function(interpreter, scope) {
var makeHandler = function(runner, handler) {
// For commands belonging to the "actions" category, we count the
// number of actions to put a limit on steps without actions
return function () {
runner.nbActions += 1;
handler.apply(this, arguments);
for (var objectName in context.customBlocks) {
for (var iCategory in context.customBlocks[objectName]) {
for (var iBlock in context.customBlocks[objectName][iCategory].blocks) {
var blockInfo = context.customBlocks[objectName][iCategory].blocks[iBlock];
var code = context.strings.code[];
if (typeof(code) == "undefined")
code =;
if(iCategory == 'actions') {
runner.hasActions = true;
var handler = makeHandler(runner, blockInfo.handler);
} else {
var handler = blockInfo.handler;
interpreter.setProperty(scope, code, interpreter.createAsyncFunction(handler));
/*for (var objectName in context.generators) {
for (var iGen = 0; iGen < context.generators[objectName].length; iGen++) {
var generator = context.generators[objectName][iGen];
interpreter.setProperty(scope, objectName + "_" + generator.labelEn, interpreter.createAsyncFunction(generator.fct));
interpreter.setProperty(scope, "program_end", interpreter.createAsyncFunction(context.program_end));
function highlightBlock(id, callback) {
id = id ? id.toString() : '';
if (context.display) {
if(!runner.scratchMode) {
highlightPause = true;
} else {
highlightPause = true;
// We always execute directly the first highlightBlock
if(runner.firstHighlight || !runner.stepMode) {
runner.firstHighlight = false;
} else {
// Interrupt here for step mode, allows to stop before each
// instruction
runner.nextCallback = callback;
runner.stepInProgress = false;
// Add an API function for highlighting blocks.
interpreter.setProperty(scope, 'highlightBlock', interpreter.createAsyncFunction(highlightBlock));
// Add an API function to report a value.
interpreter.setProperty(scope, 'reportBlockValue', interpreter.createNativeFunction(runner.reportBlockValue));
runner.stop = function() {
for (var iInterpreter = 0; iInterpreter < interpreters.length; iInterpreter++) {
if (isRunning[iInterpreter]) {
toStop[iInterpreter] = true;
isRunning[iInterpreter] = false;
if(runner.scratchMode) {
runner.runSyncBlock = function() {
var maxIter = 40000;
var maxIterWithoutAction = 500;
if (context.infos.maxIter != undefined) {
maxIter = context.infos.maxIter;
if (context.infos.maxIterWithoutAction != undefined) {
maxIterWithoutAction = context.infos.maxIterWithoutAction;
if(!runner.hasActions) {
// If there's no actions in the current task, "disable" the limit
maxIterWithoutAction = maxIter;
/* if (turn > 90) {
task.program_end(function() {
runner.stepInProgress = true;
// Handle the callback from last highlightBlock
if(runner.nextCallback) {
runner.nextCallback = null;
try {
for (var iInterpreter = 0; iInterpreter < interpreters.length; iInterpreter++) {
context.curRobot = iInterpreter;
if (context.infos.checkEndEveryTurn) {
context.infos.checkEndCondition(context, false);
var interpreter = interpreters[iInterpreter];
while (context.curSteps[iInterpreter].total < maxIter && context.curSteps[iInterpreter].withoutAction < maxIterWithoutAction) {
if (!interpreter.step() || toStop[iInterpreter]) {
isRunning[iInterpreter] = false;;
if (interpreter.paused_) {
if(context.curSteps[iInterpreter].lastNbMoves != runner.nbActions) {
context.curSteps[iInterpreter].lastNbMoves = runner.nbActions;
context.curSteps[iInterpreter].withoutAction = 0;
} else {
if (context.curSteps[iInterpreter].total >= maxIter) {
isRunning[iInterpreter] = false;
throw context.blocklyHelper.strings.tooManyIterations;
} else if(context.curSteps[iInterpreter].withoutAction >= maxIterWithoutAction) {
isRunning[iInterpreter] = false;
throw context.blocklyHelper.strings.tooManyIterationsWithoutAction;
} catch (e) {
runner.stepInProgress = false;
for (var iInterpreter = 0; iInterpreter < interpreters.length; iInterpreter++) {
isRunning[iInterpreter] = false;
var message = e.toString();
// Translate "Unknown identifier" message
if(message.substring(0, 20) == "Unknown identifier: ") {
var varName = message.substring(20);
// Get original variable name if possible
for(var dbIdx in Blockly.JavaScript.variableDB_.db_) {
if(Blockly.JavaScript.variableDB_.db_[dbIdx] == varName) {
varName = dbIdx.substring(0, dbIdx.length - 9);
message = this.strings.uninitializedVar + ' ' + varName;
if ((context.nbTestCases != undefined) && (context.nbTestCases > 1)) {
if (context.success) {
message = context.messagePrefixSuccess + message;
} else {
message = context.messagePrefixFailure + message;
if (context.success) {
message = "<span style='color:green;font-weight:bold'>" + message + "</span>";
if (context.linkBack) {
//message += "<br/><span onclick='window.parent.backToList()' style='font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer;text-decoration:underline;color:blue'>Retour à la liste des questions</span>";
runner.initCodes = function(codes) {
//this.mainContext.delayFactory.stopAll(); pb: it would top existing graders
interpreters = [];
runner.nbActions = 0;
runner.stepInProgress = false;
runner.stepMode = false;
runner.firstHighlight = true;
context.programEnded = [];
context.curSteps = [];
for (var iInterpreter = 0; iInterpreter < codes.length; iInterpreter++) {
context.curSteps[iInterpreter] = {
total: 0,
withoutAction: 0,
lastNbMoves: 0};
context.programEnded[iInterpreter] = false;
interpreters.push(new Interpreter(codes[iInterpreter], runner.initInterpreter));
isRunning[iInterpreter] = true;
toStop[iInterpreter] = false;
runner.runCodes = function(codes) {
}; = function () {
runner.stepMode = false;
if(!runner.stepInProgress) {
for (var iInterpreter = 0; iInterpreter < interpreters.length; iInterpreter++) {
interpreters[iInterpreter].paused_ = false;
runner.step = function () {
runner.stepMode = true;
if(!runner.stepInProgress) {
for (var iInterpreter = 0; iInterpreter < interpreters.length; iInterpreter++) {
interpreters[iInterpreter].paused_ = false;
runner.nbRunning = function() {
var nbRunning = 0;
for (var iInterpreter = 0; iInterpreter < interpreters.length; iInterpreter++) {
if (isRunning[iInterpreter]) {
return nbRunning;
context.runner = runner;
context.callCallback = runner.noDelay;
context.programEnded = [];
// Merges arrays by values
// (Flat-Copy only)
function mergeIntoArray(into, other) {
for (var iOther in other) {
var intoContains = false;
for (var iInto in into) {
if (other[iOther] == into[iInto]) {
intoContains = true;
if (!intoContains) {
// Merges objects into each other similar to $.extend, but
// merges Arrays differently (see above)
// (Deep-Copy only)
function mergeIntoObject(into, other) {
for (var property in other) {
if (other[property] instanceof Array) {
if (!(into[property] instanceof Array)) {
into[property] = [];
mergeIntoArray(into[property], other[property]);
if (other[property] instanceof Object) {
if (!(into[property] instanceof Object)) {
into[property] = {};
mergeIntoObject(into[property], other[property]);
into[property] = other[property];
{ shared: { field1: X }, easy: { field2: Y } } becomes { field1: X, field2: Y } if the current level is easy
{ shared: [X, Y], easy: [Z] } becomes [X, Y, Z] if the current level is easy
{ easy: X, medium: Y, hard: Z} becomes X if the current level is easy
function testLevelSpecific() {
var tests = [
in: { field1: "X", field2: "Y" },
out: { field1: "X", field2: "Y" }
in: { easy: "X", medium: "Y", hard: "Z"},
out: "X"
in: { shared: { field1: "X" }, easy: { field2: "Y" } },
out: { field1: "X", field2: "Y" }
in: { shared: ["X", "Y"], easy: ["Z"] },
out: ["X", "Y", "Z"]
for (var iTest = 0; iTest < tests.length; iTest++) {
var res = extractLevelSpecific(tests[iTest].in, "easy");
if (JSON.stringify(res) != JSON.stringify(tests[iTest].out)) { // TODO better way to compare two objects
console.error("Test " + iTest + " failed: returned " + JSON.stringify(res));
function extractLevelSpecific(item, level) {
if ((typeof item != "object") || Array.isArray(item)) {
return item;
if (item.shared === undefined) {
if (item[level] === undefined) {
var newItem = {};
for (var prop in item) {
newItem[prop] = extractLevelSpecific(item[prop], level);
return newItem;
return extractLevelSpecific(item[level], level);
if (Array.isArray(item.shared)) {
var newItem = [];
for (var iElem = 0; iElem < item.shared.length; iElem++) {
newItem.push(extractLevelSpecific(item.shared[iElem], level));
if (item[level] != undefined) {
if (!Array.isArray(item[level])) {
console.error("Incompatible types when merging shared and " + level);
for (var iElem = 0; iElem < item[level].length; iElem++) {
newItem.push(extractLevelSpecific(item[level][iElem], level));
return newItem;
if (typeof item.shared == "object") {
var newItem = {};
for (var prop in item.shared) {
newItem[prop] = extractLevelSpecific(item.shared[prop], level);
if (item[level] != undefined) {
if (typeof item[level] != "object") {
console.error("Incompatible types when merging shared and " + level);
for (var prop in item[level]) {
newItem[prop] = extractLevelSpecific(item[level][prop], level);
return newItem;
console.error("Invalid type for shared property");
var initBlocklySubTask = function(subTask, language) {
if (["medium"] == undefined) {
subTask.load = function(views, callback) {
if (language == undefined) {
language = "fr";
subTask.loadLevel = function(curLevel) {
subTask.levelGridInfos = extractLevelSpecific(subTask.gridInfos, curLevel);
subTask.blocklyHelper = getBlocklyHelper(subTask.levelGridInfos.maxInstructions);
subTask.answer = null;
subTask.state = {};
subTask.iTestCase = 0;
this.level = curLevel;
// TODO: fix bebras platform to make this unnecessary
try {
$('#question-iframe', window.parent.document).css('width', '100%');
} catch(e) {
$('body').css("width", "100%").addClass('blockly');
this.iTestCase = 0;
this.nbTestCases =[curLevel].length;
if (this.display) {
var gridHtml = "<center>";
gridHtml += "<div id='gridButtonsBefore'></div>";
gridHtml += "<div id='grid'></div>";
gridHtml += "<div id='gridButtonsAfter'></div>";
gridHtml += "</center>";
if (subTask.levelGridInfos.hideSaveOrLoad) {
// TODO: do without a timeout
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
this.context = getContext(this.display, subTask.levelGridInfos, curLevel);
this.context.raphaelFactory = this.raphaelFactory;
this.context.delayFactory = this.delayFactory;
this.context.blocklyHelper = this.blocklyHelper;
this.blocklyHelper.mainContext = this.context;
//this.answer = task.getDefaultAnswerObject();
displayHelper.hideValidateButton = true;
displayHelper.timeoutMinutes = 30;
this.blocklyHelper.includeBlocks = extractLevelSpecific(this.context.infos.includeBlocks, curLevel);;
this.blocklyHelper.load(stringsLanguage, this.display,[curLevel].length);
if(this.display) {
subTask.updateScale = function() {
var resetScores = function() {
var updateScores = function() {
function changeScore(robot, deltaScore) {
scores[robot] += deltaScore;
subTask.unloadLevel = function(callback) {
subTask.unload = subTask.unloadLevel;
subTask.reset = function() {
subTask.program_end = function(callback) {
var initContextForLevel = function(iTestCase) {
subTask.iTestCase = iTestCase;
subTask.context.iTestCase = iTestCase;
subTask.context.nbTestCases = subTask.nbTestCases;
// var prefix = "Test " + (subTask.iTestCase + 1) + "/" + subTask.nbTestCases + " : ";
subTask.context.messagePrefixFailure = '';
subTask.context.messagePrefixSuccess = '';
subTask.context.linkBack = false;
}; = function() {
initBlocklyRunner(subTask.context, function(message, success) {
$("#errors").html('<span class="testError">'+message+'</span>');
}, language);
subTask.submit = function() {
this.context.display = false;
this.getAnswerObject(); // to fill this.answer;
$('#displayHelper_graderMessage').html('<div style="margin: .2em 0; color: red; font-weight: bold;">' + languageStrings[language].gradingInProgress + '</div>');
this.getGrade(function(result) {
subTask.context.display = true;
initBlocklyRunner(subTask.context, function(message, success) {
$("#errors").html('<span class="testError">'+message+'</span>');
}, language);
subTask.changeTest(result.iTestCase - subTask.iTestCase);
subTask.context.linkBack = true;
subTask.context.messagePrefixSuccess = languageStrings[language].allTests;;
subTask.step = function () {
if(!subTask.context.runner || subTask.context.runner.nbRunning() <= 0) {
initBlocklyRunner(subTask.context, function(message, success) {
$("#errors").html('<span class="testError">'+message+'</span>');
}, language);
subTask.stop = function() {
subTask.reloadStateObject = function(stateObj) {
this.state = stateObj;
// this.level = state.level;
// initContextForLevel(this.level);
// this.context.runner.stop();
subTask.getDefaultStateObject = function() {
return { level: "easy" };
subTask.getStateObject = function() {
this.state.level = this.level;
return this.state;
subTask.changeSpeed = function(speed) {
if ((this.context.runner == undefined) || (this.context.runner.nbRunning() == 0)) {;
} else if (this.context.runner.stepMode) {;
subTask.getAnswerObject = function() {
this.answer = this.blocklyHelper.programs;
return this.answer;
subTask.reloadAnswerObject = function(answerObj) {
if(typeof answerObj === "undefined") {
this.answer = this.getDefaultAnswerObject();
} else {
this.answer = answerObj;
this.blocklyHelper.programs = this.answer;
if (this.answer != undefined) {
subTask.getDefaultAnswerObject = function() {
var defaultBlockly = this.blocklyHelper.getDefaultBlocklyContent();
return [{javascript:"", blockly: defaultBlockly, blocklyJS: ""}];
subTask.changeTest = function(delta) {
var newTest = subTask.iTestCase + delta;
if ((newTest >= 0) && (newTest < this.nbTestCases)) {
if(subTask.context.display) {
subTask.changeTestTo = function(iTest) {
var delta = iTest - subTask.iTestCase;
if(delta != 0) {
subTask.getGrade = function(callback) {
var code = subTask.blocklyHelper.getCodeFromXml(subTask.answer[0].blockly, "javascript");
var codes = [subTask.blocklyHelper.getFullCode(code)];
subTask.iTestCase = 0;
initBlocklyRunner(subTask.context, function(message, success) {
subTask.testCaseResults[subTask.iTestCase] = subTask.levelGridInfos.computeGrade(subTask.context, message);
if (subTask.iTestCase < subTask.nbTestCases) {
} else {
var iWorstTestCase = 0;
var worstRate = 1;
var nbSuccess = 0;
for (var iCase = 0; iCase < subTask.nbTestCases; iCase++) {
if (subTask.testCaseResults[iCase].successRate >= 1) {
if (subTask.testCaseResults[iCase].successRate < worstRate) {
worstRate = subTask.testCaseResults[iCase].successRate;
iWorstTestCase = iCase;
subTask.testCaseResults[iWorstTestCase].iTestCase = iWorstTestCase;
if(subTask.testCaseResults[iWorstTestCase].successRate < 1) {
if(nbSuccess > 0) {
var msg = languageStrings[language].resultsPartialSuccess.format({
nbSuccess: nbSuccess,
nbTests: subTask.nbTestCases
} else {
var msg = languageStrings[language].resultsNoSuccess;
var results = {
message: msg,
successRate: subTask.testCaseResults[iWorstTestCase].successRate,
iTestCase: iWorstTestCase
} else {
var results = subTask.testCaseResults[iWorstTestCase];
}, language);
subTask.iTestCase = 0;
subTask.testCaseResults = [];
subTask.context.linkBack = true;
subTask.context.messagePrefixSuccess = languageStrings[language].allTests;
// We need to be able to clean all events
if (Node && Node.prototype.addEventListenerBase == undefined) {
// IE11 doesn't have EventTarget
if(typeof EventTarget === 'undefined') {
var targetPrototype = Node.prototype;
} else {
var targetPrototype = EventTarget.prototype;
targetPrototype.addEventListenerBase = targetPrototype.addEventListener;
targetPrototype.addEventListener = function(type, listener)
if(!this.EventList) { this.EventList = []; }
this.addEventListenerBase.apply(this, arguments);
if(!this.EventList[type]) { this.EventList[type] = []; }
var list = this.EventList[type];
for(var index = 0; index != list.length; index++)
if(list[index] === listener) { return; }
targetPrototype.removeEventListenerBase = targetPrototype.removeEventListener;
targetPrototype.removeEventListener = function(type, listener)
if(!this.EventList) { this.EventList = []; }
if(listener instanceof Function) { this.removeEventListenerBase.apply(this, arguments); }
if(!this.EventList[type]) { return; }
var list = this.EventList[type];
for(var index = 0; index != list.length;)
var item = list[index];
this.removeEventListenerBase(type, item);
list.splice(index, 1); continue;
else if(item === listener)
list.splice(index, 1); break;
if(list.length == 0) { delete this.EventList[type]; }
function removeBlockly() {
document.removeEventListener("keydown"); //, Blockly.onKeyDown_); // TODO: find correct way to remove all event listeners
// delete Blockly;