
742 lines
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var makeTurtle = function(coords) {
this.reset = function(stepsize, newcoords) {
this.x = 150;
this.y = 150;
var initcoords = newcoords || coords;
if(initcoords) {
this.x = initcoords.x;
this.y = initcoords.y;
this.stepsize = 1;
this.directionDeg = 0;
this.direction = 0;
this.paint = true;
this.stepsize = 5;
if (this.drawingContext)
this.drawingContext.clearRect(0, 0, 300, 300);
if (this.turtle) {
this.turtle.src = this.turtle.getAttribute("pendown"); = "none";
if (stepsize) {
this.stepsize = stepsize;
this.turn = function(angle) {
angle = parseInt(angle);
this.directionDeg = (this.directionDeg + angle) % 360;
// Make sure we have a positive direction
this.directionDeg = (this.directionDeg + 360) % 360;
this.direction = this.directionDeg*Math.PI/180;
if (this.turtle) {
// TODO :: Do we need to put "none" first? = "none"; = "rotate(" + (-this.direction) + "rad)";
this.trig = function() {
// Fix rounding issues
if(this.directionDeg == 0) {
return {sin: 0, cos: 1};
} else if(this.directionDeg == 90) {
return {sin: 1, cos: 0};
} else if(this.directionDeg == 180) {
return {sin: 0, cos: -1};
} else if(this.directionDeg == 270) {
return {sin: -1, cos: 0};
} else {
return {sin: Math.sin(this.direction), cos: Math.cos(this.direction)};
this.move = function(amount) {
if (this.paint) {
this.drawingContext.moveTo(this.x, this.y);
var trig = this.trig();
this.x -= amount * this.stepsize * 10 * trig.sin;
this.y -= amount * this.stepsize * 10 * trig.cos;
if (this.paint) {
this.drawingContext.lineTo(this.x, this.y);
this.start_painting = function() {
this.paint = true;
if(this.turtle) {
this.turtle.src = this.turtle.getAttribute("pendown");
this.stop_painting = function() {
this.paint = false;
if(this.turtle) {
this.turtle.src = this.turtle.src = this.turtle.getAttribute("penup");
this.set_colour = function(colour) {
this.drawingContext.strokeStyle = colour;
this.set_stepsize = function(stepsize) {
this.stepsize = stepsize;
this.setDrawingContext = function(drawingContext) {
this.drawingContext = drawingContext;
this.drawingContext.lineWidth = 3;
this.drawingContext.lineCap = 'round'
this.setTurtle = function(turtle) {
this.turtle = turtle;
this.placeTurtle = function() {
if(!this.turtle) { return; } this.x - 12 + "px"; this.y - 15 + "px";
this.fixTurtle = function() {
// Add padding so the turtle styas centered = '2px'; = '3px';
this.getCoords = function() {
return {x: this.x, y: this.y};
var getContext = function(display, infos) {
var localLanguageStrings = {
fr: {
turnleft: "droite ↺",
turnright: "gauche ↻",
penup: "lever le pinceau",
pendown: "baisser le pinceau",
categories: {
turtle: "Tortue",
turtleInput: "Entrée"
label: {
move: "avancer",
moveamount: "avancer de %1 pas",
movebackamount: "reculer de %1 pas",
moveamountvalue: "avancer de %1 pas",
movebackamountvalue: "reculer de %1 pas",
turnleft: "tourner vers la droite ↺",
turnright: "tourner vers la gauche ↻",
turnleftamount: "tourner de %1° vers la gauche ↺",
turnrightamount: "tourner de %1° vers la droite ↻",
turnleftamountvalue: "tourner de %1 vers la gauche ↺",
turnrightamountvalue: "tourner de %1 vers la droite ↻",
turnleftamountvalue_noround: "drehe um %1 Grad nach links ↺",
turnrightamountvalue_noround: "drehe um %1 Grad nach rechts ↻",
turnleftamountvalue_options: "drehe um %1 nach links ↺",
turnrightamountvalue_options: "drehe um %1 nach rechts ↻",
turnleftamountvalue_moreoptions: "drehe um %1 nach links ↺",
turnrightamountvalue_moreoptions: "drehe um %1 nach rechts ↻",
turneitheramount: "tourner de %1° vers la %2",
turneitheramountvalue: "tourner de %1 vers la %2",
row: "ligne de la tortue",
col: "colonne de la tortue",
penup: "lever le pinceau",
pendown: "baisser le pinceau",
peneither: "%1",
colour2: "setze Farbe",
colourvalue: "mettre la couleur %1",
turn: "drehe (Grad) ",
alert: "messagebox",
log: "logge",
inputvalue: "lire un nombre sur l'entrée"
code: {
move: "avancer",
moveamount: "avancer",
movebackamount: "reculer",
moveamountvalue: "avancer",
movebackamountvalue: "reculer",
turnleft: "tournerGauche",
turnright: "tournerDroite",
turnleftamount: "gauche",
turnrightamount: "droite",
turnleftamountvalue: "gauche",
turnrightamountvalue: "droite",
turnleftamountvalue_noround: "dreheLinksGrad",
turnrightamountvalue_noround: "dreheRechtsGrad",
turnleftamountvalue_options: "dreheLinksGrad",
turnrightamountvalue_options: "dreheRechtsGrad",
turnleftamountvalue_moreoptions: "dreheLinksGrad",
turnrightamountvalue_moreoptions: "dreheRechtsGrad",
turneitheramount: "tourner",
turneitheramountvalue: "tourner",
row: "ligneTortue",
col: "colonneTortue",
penup: "leverPinceau",
pendown: "baisserPinceau",
peneither: "stift",
colour2: "setzeFarbe",
colourvalue: "couleur",
turn: "drehe",
alert: "alert",
log: "log",
inputvalue: "eingabewert"
description: {
moveamount: '@() la tortue avance du nombre de pas indiqué en paramètre. Exemple : @(50)',
moveamountvalue: '@() la tortue avance du nombre de pas indiqué en paramètre. Exemple : @(50)',
movebackamount: '@() la tortue recule du nombre de pas indiqué en paramètre. Exemple : @(50)',
movebackamountvalue: '@() la tortue recule du nombre de pas indiqué en paramètre. Exemple : @(50)',
turnleftamount: '@() la tortue pivote vers la gauche du nombre de degrés indiqué en paramètre. Exemple : @(90)',
turnleftamountvalue: '@() la tortue pivote vers la gauche du nombre de degrés indiqué en paramètre. Exemple : @(90)',
turnrightamount: '@() la tortue pivote vers la droite du nombre de degrés indiqué en paramètre. Exemple : @(90)',
turnrightamountvalue: '@() la tortue pivote vers la droite du nombre de degrés indiqué en paramètre. Exemple : @(90)',
row: '@() capteur qui renvoie la ligne sur laquelle se trouve la tortue',
col: '@() capteur qui renvoie la colonne sur laquelle se trouve la tortue',
penup: '@() la tortue lève son pinceau. Dans cette position, le pinceau ne laisse pas de trace.',
pendown: '@() la tortue place son pinceau dans la position où il laisse une trace.',
colourvalue: '@() la trace du pinceau aura la couleur indiquée en paramètre. Exemple : @(\'red\')',
inputvalue: '@() lire un nombre en entrée.'
startingBlockName: "Programme de la tortue",
messages: {
paintingWrong: "La tortue n'a pas tout dessiné correctement.",
paintingCorrect: "Bravo! La tortue a tout dessiné correctement.",
paintingFree: "La tortue a tracé le dessin que vous avez programmé. Si vous voulez le garder, faites une capture d'écran."
de: {
left: "links ↺",
right: "rechts ↻",
penup: "hebe Stift ab",
pendown: "setze Stift auf",
categories: {
turtle: "Schildkröte"
label: {
move: "gehe",
moveamount: "gehe %1 Schritte",
movebackamount: "gehe %1 Schritte zurück",
moveamountvalue: "gehe %1 Schritte",
movebackamountvalue: "gehe %1 Schritte zurück",
turnleft: "drehe nach links ↺",
turnright: "drehe nach rechts ↻",
turnleftamount: "drehe um %1° nach links ↺",
turnrightamount: "drehe um %1° nach rechts ↻",
turnleftamountvalue: "drehe um %1 nach links ↺",
turnrightamountvalue: "drehe um %1 nach rechts ↻",
turnleftamountvalue_noround: "drehe um %1 Grad nach links ↺",
turnrightamountvalue_noround: "drehe um %1 Grad nach rechts ↻",
turnleftamountvalue_options: "drehe um %1 nach links ↺",
turnrightamountvalue_options: "drehe um %1 nach rechts ↻",
turnleftamountvalue_moreoptions: "drehe um %1 nach links ↺",
turnrightamountvalue_moreoptions: "drehe um %1 nach rechts ↻",
turnleftamountvalue_europe: "drehe um %1 nach links ↺",
turnrightamountvalue_europe: "drehe um %1 nach rechts ↻",
turnleftamountvalue_nikolaus: "drehe um %1 nach links ↺",
turnrightamountvalue_nikolaus: "drehe um %1 nach rechts ↻",
turneitheramount: "drehe um %1° nach %2",
turneitheramountvalue: "drehe um %1 nach %2",
row: "turtle's row", // TODO :: translate
col: "turtle's column",
penup: "hebe Stift ab",
pendown: "setze Stift auf",
peneither: "%1",
colour2: "setze Farbe",
colourvalue: "setze Farbe %1",
turn: "drehe (Grad) ",
alert: "messagebox",
log: "logge",
inputvalue: "Eingabewert"
code: {
move: "gehe",
moveamount: "geheSchritte",
movebackamount: "geheZurueckSchritte",
moveamountvalue: "geheSchritte",
movebackamountvalue: "geheZurueckSchritte",
turnleft: "dreheLinks",
turnright: "dreheRechts",
turnleftamount: "dreheLinksGrad",
turnrightamount: "dreheRechtsGrad",
turnleftamountvalue: "dreheLinksGrad",
turnrightamountvalue: "dreheRechtsGrad",
turnleftamountvalue_noround: "dreheLinksGrad",
turnrightamountvalue_noround: "dreheRechtsGrad",
turnleftamountvalue_options: "dreheLinksGrad",
turnrightamountvalue_options: "dreheRechtsGrad",
turnleftamountvalue_moreoptions: "dreheLinksGrad",
turnrightamountvalue_moreoptions: "dreheRechtsGrad",
turnleftamountvalue_europe: "dreheLinksGrad",
turnrightamountvalue_europe: "dreheRechtsGrad",
turnleftamountvalue_nikolaus: "dreheLinksGrad",
turnrightamountvalue_nikolaus: "dreheRechtsGrad",
turneitheramount: "dreheGrade",
turneitheramountvalue: "dreheGrad",
row: "turtleRow", // TODO :: translate
col: "turtleColumn",
penup: "stiftHoch",
pendown: "stiftRunter",
peneither: "stift",
colour2: "setzeFarbe",
colourvalue: "setzeFarbe",
turn: "drehe",
alert: "alert",
log: "log",
inputvalue: "eingabewert"
description: {
startingBlockName: "Schildkröten-Programm",
messages: {
paintingWrong: "Die Schildkröte hat nicht alles richtig gezeichnet.",
paintingCorrect: "Bravo! Die Schildkröte hat alles richtig gezeichnet.",
paintingFree: "La tortue a tracé le dessin que vous avez programmé. Si vous voulez le garder, vous pouvez faire une capture d'écran."
en: {
turnleft: "right ↺",
turnright: "left ↻",
penup: "lift the paintbrush",
pendown: "lower the paintbrush",
categories: {
turtle: "Tortue"
label: {
move: "move forward",
moveamount: "move forward by %1 step(s)",
movebackamount: "move back by %1 step(s)",
moveamountvalue: "move forward by %1 step(s)",
movebackamountvalue: "move back by %1 step(s)",
turnleft: "turn right ↺",
turnright: "turn left ↻",
turnleftamount: "turn to the left by %1° ↺",
turnrightamount: "turn to the right by %1° ↻",
turnleftamountvalue: "turn to the left by %1 ↺",
turnrightamountvalue: "turn to the right by %1 ↻",
turnleftamountvalue_noround: "drehe um %1 Grad nach links ↺",
turnrightamountvalue_noround: "drehe um %1 Grad nach rechts ↻",
turnleftamountvalue_options: "drehe um %1 nach links ↺",
turnrightamountvalue_options: "drehe um %1 nach rechts ↻",
turnleftamountvalue_moreoptions: "drehe um %1 nach links ↺",
turnrightamountvalue_moreoptions: "drehe um %1 nach rechts ↻",
turneitheramount: "turn by %1° to the %2",
turneitheramountvalue: "turn by %1 to the %2",
row: "turtle's row",
col: "turtle's column",
penup: "lift the paintbrush",
pendown: "lower the paintbrush",
peneither: "%1",
colour2: "setze Farbe",
colourvalue: "use color %1",
turn: "drehe (Grad) ",
alert: "messagebox",
log: "logge",
inputvalue: "Eingabewert"
code: {
move: "forward",
moveamount: "forward",
movebackamount: "backward",
moveamountvalue: "forward",
movebackamountvalue: "backward",
turnleft: "turnLeft",
turnright: "turnRight",
turnleftamount: "left",
turnrightamount: "right",
turnleftamountvalue: "left",
turnrightamountvalue: "right",
turnleftamountvalue_noround: "dreheLinksGrad",
turnrightamountvalue_noround: "dreheRechtsGrad",
turnleftamountvalue_options: "dreheLinksGrad",
turnrightamountvalue_options: "dreheRechtsGrad",
turnleftamountvalue_moreoptions: "dreheLinksGrad",
turnrightamountvalue_moreoptions: "dreheRechtsGrad",
turneitheramount: "turn",
turneitheramountvalue: "turn",
row: "row",
col: "col",
penup: "liftBrush",
pendown: "lowerBrush",
peneither: "stift",
colour2: "setzeFarbe",
colourvalue: "color",
turn: "drehe",
alert: "alert",
log: "log",
inputvalue: "inputvalue"
description: {
startingBlockName: "Program of the turtle",
messages: {
paintingWrong: "The turtle didn't draw everything correctly.",
paintingCorrect: "Congratulations, the turtle has drawn everything correctly.",
paintingFree: "The turtle painted according to your program. If you want to keep it, do a screenshot."
none: {
comment: {
var context = quickAlgoContext(display, infos);
var strings = context.setLocalLanguageStrings(localLanguageStrings);
if(infos.turtleInputValueLabel) {
strings.label.inputvalue = infos.turtleInputValueLabel;
if(infos.turtleInputValueDescription) {
strings.description.inputvalue = infos.turtleInputValueDescription;
var cells = [];
var texts = [];
var scale = 1;
var paper;
context.turtle = {displayTurtle : new makeTurtle(infos.coords), displaySolutionTurtle : new makeTurtle(infos.coords), invisibleTurtle : new makeTurtle(infos.coords), invisibleSolutionTurtle : new makeTurtle(infos.coords)};
switch (infos.blocklyColourTheme) {
case "bwinf":
context.provideBlocklyColours = function() {
return {
categories: {
logic: 100,
loops: 180,
math: 230,
texts: 60,
lists: 40,
colour: 20,
variables: 330,
functions: 290,
turtle: 260,
turtleInput: 200,
_default: 0
blocks: {}
// we could set turtle specific default colours here, if we wanted to …
context.debug_log = function(callback, message) {
message = message ? message.toString() : '';
if (context.display) {
if (context.display) {
context.reset = function(gridInfos) {
if(gridInfos === undefined) {
gridInfos = context.defaultGridInfos;
else {
context.defaultGridInfos = gridInfos;
if (context.display && gridInfos) {
context.turtle.displayTurtle.reset(context.infos.turtleStepSize, gridInfos.coords || infos.coords);
context.turtle.displaySolutionTurtle.reset(context.infos.turtleStepSize, gridInfos.coords || infos.coords);
function createMeACanvas() {
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = 300;
canvas.height = 300; = "300px"; = "300px"; = "1px solid black"; = "none";
//document.body.appendChild(canvas); // for debug
return canvas;
if (gridInfos) {
context.turtle.invisibleTurtle.reset(context.infos.turtleStepSize, gridInfos.coords);
context.turtle.invisibleSolutionTurtle.reset(context.infos.turtleStepSize, gridInfos.coords);
context.drawSolution = gridInfos.drawSolution;
context.inputValue = gridInfos.inputValue;
if (context.display) {
context.resetDisplay = function() {
var turtleFileName = "turtle.svg";
if ($("#turtleImg").length > 0) {
turtleFileName = $("#turtleImg").attr("src");
var turtleUpFileName = "turtle.svg";
if ($("#turtleUpImg").length > 0) {
turtleUpFileName = $("#turtleUpImg").attr("src");
$("#grid").html("<div id='output' style='height: 300px;width: 300px;border: solid 2px;margin: 12px auto;position:relative;background-color:white;'> <img id='drawinggrid' width='300' height='300' style='width:300px;height:300px;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;opacity: 0.4;filter: alpha(opacity=10);' src='" + context.infos.overlayFileName + "'><canvas id='solutionfield' width='300' height='300' style='width:300px;height:300px;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;opacity: 0.4;filter: alpha(opacity=20);'></canvas><canvas id='displayfield' width='300' height='300' style='width:300px;height:300px;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;'></canvas><canvas id='invisibledisplayfield' width='300' height='300' style='width:300px;height:300px;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;visibility:hidden;'></canvas><img id='turtle' pendown='" + turtleFileName + "' penup='" + turtleUpFileName + "' src='" + turtleFileName + "' style='width: 22px; height: 27px; position:absolute; left: 139px; top: 136px;'></img></div>")
context.turtle.displayTurtle.fixTurtle(); // TODO :: find a way to define whether the turtle needs fixing or not
context.updateScale(); // does nothing for now
context.unload = function() {
if (context.display) {
// ... clean up necessary?
context.updateScale = function() {
function callOnAllTurtles(fn) {
if (context.display) {
context.turtle.moveamount = function(param, callback) {
if (typeof callback == "undefined") {
callback = param;
param = 0;
callOnAllTurtles(function(turtle) {
context.turtle.movebackamount = function(param, callback) {
if (typeof callback == "undefined") {
callback = param;
param = 0;
callOnAllTurtles(function(turtle) {
context.turtle.turn = function(param, callback) {
callOnAllTurtles(function(turtle) {
context.turtle.turneitheramount = function(degree, direction, callback) {
if (typeof callback == "undefined") {
callback = direction;
direction = "l";
if (typeof callback == "undefined") {
callback = degree;
degree = 0;
callOnAllTurtles(function(turtle) {
if ('l') != -1) {
else {
context.turtle.peneither = function(status, callback) {
callOnAllTurtles(function(turtle) {
if (status == "up") {
else {
context.turtle.row = function(callback) {
context.runner.noDelay(callback, context.turtle.invisibleTurtle.getCoords().y);
context.turtle.col = function(callback) {
context.runner.noDelay(callback, context.turtle.invisibleTurtle.getCoords().x);
context.turtle.move = function(callback) {
context.turtle.moveamount(1, callback);
context.turtle.turnleftamount = function(param, callback) {
context.turtle.turneitheramount(param, "l", callback);
context.turtle.turnrightamount = function(param, callback) {
context.turtle.turneitheramount(param, "r", callback);
context.turtle.turnleft = function(callback) {
context.turtle.turnleftamount(90, callback);
context.turtle.turnright = function(callback) {
context.turtle.turnrightamount(90, callback);
context.turtle.penup = function(callback) {
context.turtle.peneither("up", callback);
context.turtle.pendown = function(callback) {
context.turtle.peneither("down", callback);
context.turtle.inputvalue = function(callback) {
context.callCallback(callback, context.inputValue);
context.turtle.moveamountvalue = context.turtle.moveamount;
context.turtle.movebackamountvalue = context.turtle.movebackamount;
context.turtle.turnleftamountvalue = context.turtle.turnleftamount;
context.turtle.turnrightamountvalue = context.turtle.turnrightamount;
context.turtle.turneitheramountvalue = context.turtle.turneitheramount;
context.turtle.turnleftamountvalue_noround = context.turtle.turnleftamount;
context.turtle.turnrightamountvalue_noround = context.turtle.turnrightamount;
context.turtle.turnleftamountvalue_options = context.turtle.turnleftamount;
context.turtle.turnrightamountvalue_options = context.turtle.turnrightamount;
context.turtle.turnleftamountvalue_moreoptions = context.turtle.turnleftamount;
context.turtle.turnrightamountvalue_moreoptions = context.turtle.turnrightamount;
context.turtle.turnleftamountvalue_europe = context.turtle.turnleftamount;
context.turtle.turnrightamountvalue_europe = context.turtle.turnrightamount;
context.turtle.turnleftamountvalue_nikolaus = context.turtle.turnleftamount;
context.turtle.turnrightamountvalue_nikolaus = context.turtle.turnrightamount;
context.turtle.colour2 = function(colour, callback) {
if (typeof callback == "undefined") {
callback = colour;
colour = "#000000";
callOnAllTurtles(function(turtle) {
context.turtle.colourvalue = context.turtle.colour2;
var defaultMoveAmount = 1;
if(context.infos.defaultMoveAmount != undefined)
defaultMoveAmount = context.infos.defaultMoveAmount;
context.customBlocks = {
turtle: {
turtle: [
{ name: "move" },
{ name: "moveamount", params: [null]},
{ name: "movebackamount", params: [null]},
{ name: "moveamountvalue", params: [null], blocklyJson: {"args0": [{"type": "field_number", "name": "PARAM_0", "value": defaultMoveAmount}]}},
{ name: "movebackamountvalue", params: [null], blocklyJson: {"args0": [{"type": "field_number", "name": "PARAM_0", "value": defaultMoveAmount}]}},
{ name: "turnleft" },
{ name: "turnright" },
{ name: "turn", params: [null]},
{ name: "turnleftamount", params: [null]},
{ name: "turnrightamount", params: [null]},
{ name: "turnleftamountvalue", params: [null], blocklyJson: {"args0": [{"type": "field_angle", "name": "PARAM_0", "angle": 90}]}},
{ name: "turnrightamountvalue", params: [null], blocklyJson: {"args0": [{"type": "field_angle", "name": "PARAM_0", "angle": 90}]}},
{ name: "turnleftamountvalue_noround", blocklyJson: {"args0": [{"type": "field_number", "name": "PARAM_0", "value": 90}]}},
{ name: "turnrightamountvalue_noround", blocklyJson: {"args0": [{"type": "field_number", "name": "PARAM_0", "value": 90}]}},
{ name: "turnleftamountvalue_options", blocklyJson: {"args0": [{"type": "field_dropdown", "name": "PARAM_0", "options": [
{ name: "turnrightamountvalue_options", blocklyJson: {"args0": [{"type": "field_dropdown", "name": "PARAM_0", "options": [
{ name: "turnleftamountvalue_moreoptions", blocklyJson: {"args0": [{"type": "field_dropdown", "name": "PARAM_0", "options": [
{ name: "turnrightamountvalue_moreoptions", blocklyJson: {"args0": [{"type": "field_dropdown", "name": "PARAM_0", "options": [
{ name: "turnleftamountvalue_europe", blocklyJson: {"args0": [{"type": "field_dropdown", "name": "PARAM_0", "options": [
{ name: "turnrightamountvalue_europe", blocklyJson: {"args0": [{"type": "field_dropdown", "name": "PARAM_0", "options": [
{ name: "turnleftamountvalue_nikolaus", blocklyJson: {"args0": [{"type": "field_dropdown", "name": "PARAM_0", "options": [
["36.9 °","36.86989"],["53.1 °","53.13010"],["73.7 °","73.73979"],["90°","90"],["106.3 °","106.26020"],["126.9 °","126.86989"],["143.1 °","143.13010"],["180°","180"]]}]}},
{ name: "turnrightamountvalue_nikolaus", blocklyJson: {"args0": [{"type": "field_dropdown", "name": "PARAM_0", "options": [
["36.9 °","36.86989"],["53.1 °","53.13010"],["73.7 °","73.73979"],["90°","90"],["106.3 °","106.26020"],["126.9 °","126.86989"],["143.1 °","143.13010"],["180°","180"]]}]}},
{ name: "turneitheramount", blocklyJson: {"args0": [
{"type": "input_value", "name": "PARAM_0"},
{"type": "field_dropdown", "name": "PARAM_1", "options":
{ name: "turneitheramountvalue", blocklyJson: {"args0": [
{"type": "field_angle", "name": "PARAM_0", "angle": 90},
{"type": "field_dropdown", "name": "PARAM_1", "options":
{ name: "row", yieldsValue: true },
{ name: "col", yieldsValue: true },
{ name: "penup" },
{ name: "pendown" },
{ name: "peneither", blocklyJson: {"args0": [
{"type": "field_dropdown", "name": "PARAM_0", "options":
{ name: "colour2", params: [null]},
{ name: "colourvalue", params: [null], blocklyJson: {"args0": [{"type": "field_colour", "name": "PARAM_0", "colour": "#ff0000"}]}}
turtleInput: [
{ name: "inputvalue", yieldsValue: true }
debug: {
debug: [
{ name: "alert", params: [null], handler: context.debug_alert,
blocklyXml: "<block type='alert'><value name='PARAM_0'><block type='text'><field name='TEXT'></field></block></value></block>"},
{ name: "log", params: [null], handler: context.debug_log,
blocklyXml: "<block type='log'><value name='PARAM_0'><block type='text'><field name='TEXT'></field></block></value></block>"}
return context;
if(window.quickAlgoLibraries) {
quickAlgoLibraries.register('turtle', getContext);
} else {
if(!window.quickAlgoLibrariesList) { window.quickAlgoLibrariesList = []; }
window.quickAlgoLibrariesList.push(['turtle', getContext]);