forked from Open-CT/openct-tasks
3878 lines
154 KiB
3878 lines
154 KiB
/*blocklyRoboy_lib-1.0.0 by Arthur Léonard*/
/*TODO : un changement de taille de la fenetre à la fin d'une execution duplique les items*/
/*TODO : traduire le context wiring*/
var robotCommands = [];
var getContext = function(display, infos, curLevel) {
var localLanguageStrings = {
fr: {
label: {},
code: {},
messages: {},
description: {}
en: {
label: {},
code: {},
messages: {},
description: {}
es: {
label: {},
code: {},
messages: {},
description: {}
de: {
label: {},
code: {},
messages: {},
description: {}
var contextStrings = {
none: {
fr: {
label: {
row: "ligne du robot",
col: "colonne du robot",
wait: "attendre",
north: "avancer vers le haut",
south: "avancer vers le bas",
east: "avancer vers la droite",
west: "avancer vers la gauche",
left: "tourner à gauche",
right: "tourner à droite",
turnAround: "faire demi-tour",
forward: "avancer",
backwards: "reculer",
jump: "sauter",
obstacleInFront: "obstacle devant",
obstacleEast: "obstacle à droite",
obstacleWest: "obstacle à gauche",
obstacleNorth: "obstacle en haut",
obstacleSouth: "obstacle en bas",
obstacleRight: "obstacle à droite",
obstacleLeft: "obstacle à gauche",
gridEdgeEast: "bord de la grille à droite",
gridEdgeWest: "bord de la grille à gauche",
gridEdgeNorth: "bord de la grille en haut",
gridEdgeSouth: "bord de la grille en bas",
platformInFront: "plateforme devant",
platformAbove: "plateforme au-dessus",
withdrawObject: "ramasser l'objet",
dropObject: "déposer l'objet",
onObject: "sur un objet",
onContainer: "sur un conteneur",
onNumber: "sur un nombre",
onWritable: "sur un tableau",
onLauncher: "sur un lanceur laser",
writeNumber: "écrire le nombre",
readNumber: "nombre de la case",
pushObject: "pousser l'objet",
pushableInFront: "poussable devant",
shoot: "tirer au laser dans la direction %1",
shoot_noShadow: "tirer au laser dans la direction %1",
shootCondition: "retour départ tir direction %1",
shootCondition_noShadow: "retour départ tir direction %1",
connect: "brancher un câble",
onMale: "sur une prise mâle",
onFemale: "sur une prise femelle"
code: {
row: "ligneRobot",
col: "colonneRobot",
wait: "attendre",
north: "haut",
south: "bas",
east: "droite",
west: "gauche",
left: "tournerGauche",
right: "tournerDroite",
turnAround: "demiTour",
forward: "avancer",
backwards: "reculer",
jump: "sauter",
obstacleInFront: "obstacleDevant",
obstacleEast: "obstacleDroite",
obstacleWest: "obstacleGauche",
obstacleNorth: "obstacleHaut",
obstacleSouth: "obstacleBas",
obstacleRight: "obstacleDroiteRel",
obstacleLeft: "obstacleGaucheRel",
gridEdgeEast: "bordGrilleDroite",
gridEdgeWest: "bordGrilleGauche",
gridEdgeNorth: "bordGrilleHaut",
gridEdgeSouth: "bordGrilleBas",
platformInFront: "plateformeDevant",
platformAbove: "plateformeDessus",
withdrawObject: "ramasserObjet",
dropObject: "deposerObjet",
onObject: "surObjet",
onContainer: "surConteneur",
onNumber: "surNombre",
onWritable: "surTableau",
onLauncher: "surLanceur",
writeNumber: "ecrireNombre",
readNumber: "nombreSurCase",
pushObject: "pousserObjet",
pushableInFront: "poussableDevant",
shoot: "tirerLaser",
shoot_noShadow: "tirerLaser",
shootCondition: "tirerCondition",
shootCondition_noShadow: "tirerCondition",
connect: "brancherCable",
onMale: "surMale",
onFemale: "surFemelle"
messages: {
leavesGrid: "Le robot sort de la grille !",
obstacle: "Le robot essaie de se déplacer sur un obstacle !",
nothingToPickUp: "Il n'y a rien à ramasser !",
nothingToLookAt: "Il n'y a ni carte ni conteneur sur cette case",
falls: "Le robot va se jeter dans le vide !",
willFallAndCrash: "Le robot va tomber de haut et s'écraser !",
jumpOutsideGrid: "Le robot essaie de sauter en dehors de la grille !",
jumpObstacleBlocking: "Le robot essaie de sauter mais il y a un obstacle qui le bloque",
jumpNoPlatform: "Le robot essaie de sauter mais il n'y a pas de plateforme au dessus !",
tooManyObjects: "Le robot essaie de transporter trop d'objets à la fois !",
emptyBag: "Le robot essaie de déposer un objet alors qu'il n'en transporte pas !",
successReachExit: "Bravo, votre robot a atteint la sortie !",
failureReachExit: "Votre robot n'a pas atteint la sortie.",
successPickedAllWithdrawables: "Bravo, votre robot a tout ramassé !",
failurePickedAllWithdrawables: "Votre robot n'a pas tout ramassé.",
successContainersFilled: "Bravo, votre robot a rempli tous les conteneurs",
failureContainersFilled: "Il y a un objet hors des conteneurs",
failureContainersFilledLess: "Votre robot n'a pas rempli tous les conteneurs",
failureContainersFilledBag: "Votre robot n'a pas posé tous les objets",
failureUnfilteredObject: "Votre robot a ramassé un objet invalide",
failureTooManyMoves: "Votre robot a effectué trop de déplacements.",
failureWriteHere: "Votre robot ne peut pas écrire ici !",
failureReadHere: "Il n'y a pas de nombre écrit ici !",
successNumbersWritten: "Bravo, votre robot a écrit les bons nombres !",
failureNumbersWritten: "Votre robot n'a pas écrit les bons nombres !",
failureNothingToPush: "Il n'y a pas d'objet à pousser !",
failureWhilePushing: "Le robot ne peut pas pousser cet objet !",
failureDropObject: "On ne peut pas poser d'objet ici",
failureDropOutside: "Votre robot essaie de poser un objet hors de la grille",
failureNotEnoughPlatform: "Pas assez de plateformes",
failureLights: "Il reste des spots à allumer.",
successLights: "Bravo, votre robot a allumé tous les spots !",
failureLaser: "Le robot doit se trouver sur une borne laser pour pouvoir tirer !",
failureNoPlug: "Le robot doit se trouver sur une prise pour pouvoir brancher un câble !",
failureAlreadyWired: "Cette prise est déjà connectée à un câble !",
failureWrongPlugType: "On ne peut pas connecter ces prises ensemble !",
successPlugsWired: "La machine est réparée !",
failurePlugsWired: "La machine ne fonctionne pas car des prises n'ont pas été connectées !",
failureWireCrossing: "Impossible de relier ces deux prises, deux câbles vont s'intersecter !",
failureWireTooLong: "Impossible de relier ces deux prises car elles sont trop éloignées !",
failureTotalLengthExceeded: "Vous n'avez pas assez de longueur de câble pour relier ces deux prises !",
failureProjectile: "Le robot s'est pris un projectile !",
failureRewrite: "Le robot a essayé de repeindre une case."
startingBlockName: "Programme du robot"
en: {
label: {
row: "robot's row",
col: "robot's column",
wait: "wait",
north: "move up",
south: "move down",
east: "move right",
west: "more left",
left: "turn left",
right: "turn right",
turnAround: "turn around",
forward: "move forward",
backwards: "move backwards",
jump: "jump",
obstacleInFront: "obstacle ahead",
obstacleEast: "obstacle on the right",
obstacleWest: "obstacle on the left",
obstacleNorth: "obstacle above",
obstacleSouth: "obstacle below",
obstacleRight: "obstacle on the right",
obstacleLeft: "obstacle on the left",
gridEdgeEast: "grid edge on the right",
gridEdgeWest: "grid edge on the left",
gridEdgeNorth: "grid edge above",
gridEdgeSouth: "grid edge below",
platformInFront: "platform ahead",
platformAbove: "platform above",
withdrawObject: "pick the object",
dropObject: "drop the object",
onObject: "on an object",
onContainer: "on a container",
onNumber: "on a number",
onWritable: "on a blackboard",
onLauncher: "on a laser emitter",
writeNumber: "write the number",
readNumber: "number in the cell",
pushObject: "push the object",
pushableInFront: "pushable object ahead",
shoot: "shoot a laser in direction %1",
shoot_noShadow: "shoot a laser in direction %1",
shootCondition: "laser shot returning to starting point in direction %1",
shootCondition_noShadow: "laser shot returning to starting point in direction %1",
connect: "plug a wire",
onMale: "to a male plug",
onFemale: "to a female plug"
code: {
row: "robotRow",
col: "robotColumn",
wait: "wait",
north: "up",
south: "down",
east: "right",
west: "left",
left: "turnLeft",
right: "turnRight",
turnAround: "turnAround",
forward: "forward",
backwards: "backwards",
jump: "jump",
obstacleInFront: "obstacleAhead",
obstacleEast: "obstacleRight",
obstacleWest: "obstacleLeft",
obstacleNorth: "obstacleAbove",
obstacleSouth: "obstacleBelow",
obstacleRight: "obstacleRightRel",
obstacleLeft: "obstacleLeftRel",
gridEdgeEast: "gridEdgeRight",
gridEdgeWest: "gridEdgeLeft",
gridEdgeNorth: "gridEdgeAbove",
gridEdgeSouth: "gridEdgeBelow",
platformInFront: "plateformAhead",
platformAbove: "platformAbove",
withdrawObject: "pickObject",
dropObject: "dropObject",
onObject: "onObject",
onContainer: "onContainer",
onNumber: "onNumber",
onWritable: "onWritable",
onLauncher: "onLauncher",
writeNumber: "writeNumber",
readNumber: "numberOnCell",
pushObject: "pushObject",
pushableInFront: "pushableAhead",
shoot: "shootLaser",
shoot_noShadow: "shootLaser",
shootCondition: "shootOnCondition",
shootCondition_noShadow: "shootOnCondition",
connect: "plugCable",
onMale: "onMalePlug",
onFemale: "onFemalePlug"
messages: {
leavesGrid: "The robot exits the grid!",
obstacle: "The robot attempts to move towards an obstacle!",
nothingToPickUp: "There is nothing to puck up!",
nothingToLookAt: "There is no card or container in this cell",
falls: "The robot will leap into the void",
willFallAndCrash: "The robot will jump from a high point and crash!",
jumpOutsideGrid: "The robot tries to jump outside of the grid!",
jumpObstacleBlocking: "The robot tries to jump but an obstacle blacks it",
jumpNoPlatform: "The robot tries to jump but there is no platform above!",
tooManyObjects: "The robot tries to transport too many objects at a time!",
emptyBag: "The robot tries to drop an object but it doesn't carry one!",
successReachExit: "Congratulations, your robot reached the exit!",
failureReachExit: "Your robot didn't reach the exit.",
successPickedAllWithdrawables: "Congratulations, your robot picked up everything!",
failurePickedAllWithdrawables: "Your robot didn't pick up everything.",
successContainersFilled: "Congratulations, your robot filled every container",
failureContainersFilled: "An object was left outside of containers",
failureContainersFilledLess: "Yout robot didn't fill every container",
failureContainersFilledBag: "Your robot didn't drop all the objects",
failureUnfilteredObject: "Your robot picked an invalid object",
failureTooManyMoves: "Your robot made too many moves.",
failureWriteHere: "Your robot can't write here!",
failureReadHere: "There is no number written here!",
successNumbersWritten: "Congratulations, your robot wrote all the correct numbers!",
failureNumbersWritten: "Your robot didn't write the correct numbers!",
failureNothingToPush: "There is no object to push!",
failureWhilePushing: "The robot can't push this object!",
failureDropObject: "You can't drop an object here",
failureDropOutside: "Your robot tries to drop an object outside of the grid",
failureNotEnoughPlatform: "Not enough platforms",
failureLights: "There are still lights to turn on.",
successLights: "Congratulations, your robot turned on all the lights!",
failureLaser: "The robot has to be on a launcher to be able to shoot!",
failureNoPlug: "The robot has to be on a plug to plug in a cable!",
failureAlreadyWired: "This plug is already connected to a cable!",
failureWrongPlugType: "You can't connect these plugs together!",
successPlugsWired: "The machine is fixed!",
failurePlugsWired: "The machine doesn't work because some plugs are not connected!",
failureWireCrossing: "Impossible to connect these two plugs: two cables would intersect!",
failureWireTooLong: "Impossible to connect these two plugs: they are too far from eachother!",
failureTotalLengthExceeded: "You don't have enough length of cable to connect these two plugs!",
failureProjectile: "The robot got hit by a projectile!"
startingBlockName: "Program of the robot"
es: {
label: {
row: "fila del robot",
col: "columna del robot",
north: "avanzar hacia arriba",
south: "avanzar hacia abajo",
east: "avanzar hacia la derecha",
west: "avanzar hacia la izquierda",
left: "girar a la izquierda",
right: "girar a la derecha",
turnAround: "dar media vuelta",
forward: "avanzar",
backwards: "retroceder",
jump: "saltar",
obstacleInFront: "obstáculo adelante",
obstacleEast: "obstáculo a la derecha",
obstacleWest: "obstáculo a la izquierda",
obstacleNorth: "obstáculo arriba",
obstacleSouth: "obstáculo abajo",
obstacleRight: "obstáculo a la derecha",
obstacleLeft: "obstáculo a la izquierda",
gridEdgeEast: "borde de la cuadrícula a la derecha",
gridEdgeWest: "borde de la cuadrícula a la izquierda",
gridEdgeNorth: "borde de la cuadrícula arriba",
gridEdgeSouth: "borde de la cuadrícula abajo",
platformInFront: "plataforma adelante",
platformAbove: "plataforma arriba",
withdrawObject: "recoger el objeto",
dropObject: "soltar el objeto",
onObject: "sobre un objeto",
onContainer: "sobre un contenedor",
onNumber: "sobre un número",
onWritable: "sobre un cuadro",
onLauncher: "sobre un lanzador láser",
writeNumber: "escribir el número",
readNumber: "número en la casilla",
pushObject: "empujar el objeto",
pushableInFront: "objeto empujable adelante",
shoot: "disparar el láser en la dirección %1",
shoot_noShadow: "disparar el laser en la dirección %1",
shootCondition: "dirección del tiro de retorno %1",
shootCondition_noShadow: "dirección del tiro de retorno %1"
code: {
row: "filaRobot",
col: "columnaRobot",
north: "arriba",
south: "abajo",
east: "derecha",
west: "izquierda",
left: "girarIzquierda",
right: "girarDerecha",
turnAround: "mediaVuelta",
forward: "avanzar",
backwards: "retroceder",
jump: "saltar",
obstacleInFront: "obstaculoAdelante",
obstacleRight: "obstaculoDerechaRel",
obstacleLeft: "obstaculoIzquierdaRel",
obstacleEast: "obstaculoDerecha",
obstacleWest: "obstaculoIzquierda",
obstacleNorth: "obstaculoArriba",
obstacleSouth: "obstaculoAbajo",
gridEdgeEast: "bordeCuadriculaDerecha",
gridEdgeWest: "bordeCuadriculaIzquierda",
gridEdgeNorth: "bordeCuadriculaArriba",
gridEdgeSouth: "bordeCuadriculaAbajo",
platformInFront: "plataformaAdelante",
platformAbove: "plataformaArriba",
withdrawObject: "recogerObjeto",
dropObject: "soltarObjeto",
onObject: "sobreObjeto",
onContainer: "sobreContenedor",
onNumber: "sobreNumero",
onWritable: "sobreCuadro",
onLauncher: "sobreLanzador",
writeNumber: "escribirNumero",
readNumber: "leerNumero",
pushObject: "empujarObjeto",
pushableInFront: "empujableAdelante",
shoot: "dispararLaser",
shoot_noShadow: "dispararLaser",
shootCondition: "condicionDisparo",
shootCondition_noShadow: "condicionDisparo"
messages: {
leavesGrid: "¡El robot salió de la cuadrícula!",
obstacle: "¡El robot intenta moverse sobre un obstáculo!",
nothingToPickUp: "No hay algo para recoger",
nothingToLookAt: "No hay carta ni contenedor en esta casilla",
falls: "¡El robot va a caer al vacío!",
willFallAndCrash: "¡El robot va a caer y chocar!",
jumpOutsideGrid: "¡El robot intenta saltar fuera de la cuadrícula!",
jumpObstacleBlocking: "El robot intenta saltar pero hay un obstáculo que lo bloquea",
jumpNoPlatform: "¡El robot intenta saltar pero no hay una plataforma arriba!",
tooManyObjects: "¡El robot intenta transportar demasiados objetos al mismo tiempo!",
emptyBag: "El robot intenta soltar un objeto, ¡pero no carga nada!",
successReachExit: "Bravo, ¡su robot a llegado a la salida!",
failureReachExit: "Su robot no ha llegado a la salida.",
successPickedAllWithdrawables: "Bravo, su robot ha recogido todo!",
failurePickedAllWithdrawables: "Su robot no ha recogido todo.",
successContainersFilled: "Bravo, su robot ha llenado todos los contenedores",
failureContainersFilled: "Hay un objeto fuera de los contenedores",
failureContainersFilledLess: "Su robot no ha llenado todos los contenedores",
failureContainersFilledBag: "Su robot no ha puesto todos los objetos",
failureUnfilteredObject: "Su robot ha recogido un objeto inválido",
failureTooManyMoves: "Su robot ha realizado demasiados desplazamientos.",
failureWriteHere: "¡Su robot no puede escribir aquí!",
failureReadHere: "¡No hay un número aquí!",
successNumbersWritten: "Bravo, su robot ha escrito los números correctos!",
failureNumbersWritten: "Su robot no ha escrito los números correctos!",
failureNothingToPush: "¡No hay un objeto que empujar!",
failureWhilePushing: "¡El robot no puede empujar este objeto!",
failureDropObject: "No es posible poner el objeto aquí",
failureDropOutside: "Su robot intenta poner un objeto fuera de la cuadrícula",
failureNotEnoughPlatform: "No hay suficiente plataforma",
failureLights: "Aún faltan lugares que iluminar.",
successLights: "Bravo, ¡su robot ha iluminado todos los lugares!",
failureLaser: "¡El robot debe encontrarse sobre una terminal láser para poder disparar!"
startingBlockName: "Programa del robot"
de: {
label: {
row: "Zeile des Roboters",
col: "Spalte des Roboters",
north: "gehe nach oben",
south: "gehe nach unten",
east: "gehe nach rechts",
west: "gehe nach links",
left: "drehe nach links",
right: "drehe nach rechts",
turnAround: "drehe um",
forward: "gehe",
backwards: "gehe rückwärts",
jump: "springe",
obstacleInFront: "vor Hindernis",
obstacleEast: "Hindernis rechts",
obstacleWest: "Hindernis links",
obstacleNorth: "Hindernis oben",
obstacleSouth: "Hindernis unten",
obstacleRight: "Hindernis rechts",
obstacleLeft: "Hindernis links",
gridEdgeAbove: "unter Rand des Gitters",
gridEdgeBelow: "über Rand des Gitters",
gridEdgeEast: "links vom Gitterrand",
gridEdgeWest: "rechts vom Gitterrand",
platformInFront: "vor Plattform",
platformAbove: "Plattform darüber",
withdrawObject: "hebe Objekt auf",
dropObject: "lege Objekt ab",
onObject: "auf Objekt",
onContainer: "auf Kiste",
onNumber: "auf Zahl",
onWritable: "auf Tafel",
onLauncher: "sur un lanceur laser", // TODO :: translate
writeNumber: "schreibe Zahl",
readNumber: "Zahl auf dem Feld",
pushObject: "schiebe Kiste",
pushableInFront: "vor Kiste",
shoot: "schieße Laser in Richtung %1",
shoot_noShadow: "schieße Laser in Richtung %1",
shootCondition: "Rückkehr von der Schießrichtung %1",
shootCondition_noShadow: "Rückkehr von der Schießrichtung %1"
code: {
row: "ligneRobot",
col: "colonneRobot",
north: "haut",
south: "bas",
east: "droite",
west: "gauche",
left: "tournerGauche",
right: "tournerDroite",
turnAround: "demiTour",
forward: "avancer",
backwards: "reculer",
jump: "sauter",
obstacleInFront: "obstacleDevant",
obstacleEast: "obstacleDroite",
obstacleWest: "obstacleGauche",
obstacleNorth: "obstacleHaut",
obstacleSouth: "obstacleBas",
obstacleRight: "obstacleDroiteRel",
obstacleLeft: "obstacleGaucheRel",
gridEdgeEast: "bordGrilleDroite",
gridEdgeWest: "bordGrilleGauche",
gridEdgeNorth: "bordGrilleHaut",
gridEdgeSouth: "bordGrilleBas",
platformInFront: "plateformeDevant",
platformAbove: "plateformeDessus",
withdrawObject: "ramasserObjet",
dropObject: "deposerObjet",
onObject: "surObjet",
onContainer: "surConteneur",
onNumber: "surNombre",
onWritable: "surTableau",
onLauncher: "surLanceur",
writeNumber: "ecrireNombre",
readNumber: "nombreSurCase",
pushObject: "pousserObjet",
pushableInFront: "poussableDevant",
shoot: "tirerLaser",
shoot_noShadow: "tirerLaser",
shootCondition: "tirerCondition",
shootCondition_noShadow: "tirerCondition"
messages: {
leavesGrid: "Der Roboter hat das Gitter verlassen!",
obstacle: "Der Roboter ist gegen ein Hindernis gelaufen!",
nothingToPickUp: "An dieser Stelle gibt es nichts zum aufheben!",
nothingToLookAt: "An dieser Stelle gibt es nichts zum betrachten!",
falls: "Der Roboter fällt in den Abgrund!",
willFallAndCrash: "Der Roboter würde hier runterfallen und kaputt gehen!",
jumpOutsideGrid: "Der Roboter versucht, aus dem Gitter zu springen!",
jumpObstacleBlocking: "Der Roboter kann hier nicht springen, weil ein Hindernis ihn blockiert.",
jumpNoPlatform: "Der Roboter kann hier nicht springen, weil über ihm keine Plattform ist.",
tooManyObjects: "Der Roboter kann nicht so viele Objekte auf einmal tragen!",
emptyBag: "Der Roboter kann nichts ablegen, weil er gar nichts transportiert!",
successReachExit: "Bravo! Der Roboter hat den Ausgang erreicht.",
failureReachExit: "Der Roboter hat den Ausgang nicht erreich!",
successPickedAllWithdrawables: "Bravo! Der Roboter hat alles eingesammelt.",
failurePickedAllWithdrawables: "Der Roboter hat nicht alles eingesammelt!",
successContainersFilled: "Gut gemacht! Der Roboter hat alle Behälter gefüllt.",
failureContainersFilled: "Es befindet sich ein Objekt außerhalb der Behälter.",
failureContainersFilledLess: "Der Roboter hat nicht alle Behälter gefüllt.",
failureContainersFilledBag: "Der Roboter hat nicht alle Objekte platziert.",
failureUnfilteredObject: "Dein Roboter hat ein nicht erlaubtes Objekt aufgehoben!",
failureTooManyMoves: "Votre robot a effectué trop de déplacements.",
failureWriteHere: "Der Roboter kann an dieser Stelle nicht schreiben!",
failureReadHere: "An dieser Stelle steht keine Zahl!",
successNumbersWritten: "Bravo! Der Roboter hat die richtigen Zahlen geschrieben.",
failureNumbersWritten: "Dein Roboter hat nicht die richtigen Zahlen geschrieben!",
failureNothingToPush: "An dieser Stelle gibt es nichts zum Schieben!",
failureWhilePushing: "Der Roboter hat es nicht geschafft, das Objekt zu schieben!",
failureDropObject: "An dieser Stelle kann kein Objekt abgelegt werden!",
failureDropOutside: "Der Roboter hat versucht ein Objekt vom Gitterrand zu schieben!",
failureNotEnoughPlatform: "Nicht genügend Plattformen!",
failureLights: "Der Roboter hat nicht alles beleuchtet!",
successLights: "Bravo! Der Roboter hat alles beleuchtet.",
failureLaser: "Der Roboter muss auf einem Laser stehen, um schießen zu können!",
startingBlockName: "Roboter-Programm"
arrows: {
fr: {
messages: {
obstacle: "Le robot va sortir du parcours fléché !",
successReachExit: "Bravo, votre robot a récupéré le coffre !",
failureReachExit: "Votre robot s'est perdu en chemin."
en: {
messages: {
obstacle: "The robot will get out of the marked track!",
successReachExit: "Congratulations, your robot collected the safe!",
failureReachExit: "Yout robot got lost."
es: {
messages: {
obstacle: "¡El robot va a salirse del camino marcado!",
successReachExit: "Bravo, ¡su robot ha recuperado el cofre!",
failureReachExit: "Su robot se perdió en el camino."
cards: {
fr: {
label: {
withdrawObject: "ramasser la carte",
dropObject: "déposer la carte",
onObject: "sur une carte",
onContainer: "sur un emplacement de dépôt",
messages: {
successContainersFilled: "Bravo, votre robot a rangé les cartes au bon endroit !",
failureContainersFilled: "Il y a des cartes mal rangées",
failureContainersFilledLess: "Il y a encore des cartes à ranger.",
failureContainersFilledBag: "Votre robot doit déposer sa carte."
en: {
label: {
withdrawObject: "pick up the card",
dropObject: "drop the card",
onObject: "on a card",
onContainer: "on a placeholder",
messages: {
successContainersFilled: "Congratulations, your robot placed all the cards at the right location!",
failureContainersFilled: "Some cards are misplaced",
failureContainersFilledLess: "There are still misplaced cards.",
failureContainersFilledBag: "Your robot must drop its card."
es: {
label: {
withdrawObject: "recoger la carta",
dropObject: "soltar la carta",
onObject: "sobre una carta",
onContainer: "en un sitio de depósito",
messages: {
successContainersFilled: "Bravo, su robot ha ordenado las cartas en un buen lugar!",
failureContainersFilled: "Hay cartas ordenadas incorrectamente.",
failureContainersFilledLess: "Aún quedan cartas sin ordenar.",
failureContainersFilledBag: "Su robot debe depositar su carta."
chticode_abs: {
fr: {
label: {
messages: {
successPickedAllWithdrawables: "Bravo, votre robot a réussi la mission !",
failureReachExit: "Votre robot n'a pas atteint la case verte."
en: {
label: {
messages: {
successPickedAllWithdrawables: "Congratulations, your robot succeeded this mission!",
failureReachExit: "Your robot didn't reach the green cell."
es: {
label: {
messages: {
successPickedAllWithdrawables: "Bravo, ¡su robot ha completado la misión!",
failureReachExit: "Su robot no llegó a la casilla verde."
chticode_rel: {
fr: {
label: {
messages: {
successReachExit: "Bravo, votre robot a atteint la case verte !",
failureReachExit: "Votre robot n'a pas atteint la case verte."
en: {
label: {
messages: {
successReachExit: "Congratulations, your robot reached the green cells!",
failureReachExit: "Your robot didn't reach the green cell."
es: {
label: {
messages: {
successReachExit: "Bravo, ¡su robot llegó a la casilla verde!",
failureReachExit: "Su robot no ha llegado a la casilla verde."
cones: {
fr: {
label: {
dropObject: "déposer un plot",
onContainer: "sur une case marquée",
obstacleInFront: "plot devant"
code: {
dropObject: "deposerPlot",
onContainer: "surCaseMarquee",
obstacleInFront: "plotDevant"
messages: {
successContainersFilled: "Bravo, votre robot a déposé des plots sur les bonnes cases !",
failureContainersFilled: "Il manque des plots ou ils ne sont pas au bon endroit."
en: {
label: {
dropObject: "drop a cone",
onContainer: "on a marked cell",
obstacleInFront: "cone ahead"
code: {
dropObject: "dropCone",
onContainer: "onMarkedCell",
obstacleInFront: "coneAhead"
messages: {
successContainersFilled: "Congratulations, your robot dropped cones on the marked cells!",
failureContainersFilled: "Some cones are missing or are misplaced."
es: {
label: {
dropObject: "soltar un cono",
onContainer: "sobre una casilla marcada",
obstacleInFront: "cono adelante"
code: {
dropObject: "soltarCono",
onContainer: "sobreCasillaMarcada",
obstacleInFront: "conoAdelante"
messages: {
successContainersFilled: "Bravo, ¡Su robot ha puesto los conos en las casillas correctas!",
failureContainersFilled: "Aún hay conos en lugares incorrectos."
flowers: {
fr: {
label: {
dropObject: "semer une graine",
onContainer: "terre sur la case",
obstacleInFront: "fleur devant"
code: {
dropObject: "semerGraine",
onContainer: "terreSurCase",
obstacleInFront: "fleurDevant"
messages: {
successContainersFilled: "Bravo, votre robot est un bon jardinier !",
failureContainersFilled: "Votre robot a semé hors des zones de terre.",
failureContainersFilledLess: "Il reste de la terre vide de fleur !",
obstacle: "Attention à la fleur !",
en: {
label: {
dropObject: "plant a seed",
onContainer: "soil on the cell",
obstacleInFront: "flower ahead"
code: {
dropObject: "plantSeed",
onContainer: "soilOnCell",
obstacleInFront: "flowerAhead"
messages: {
successContainersFilled: "Congratulations, your robot is a good gardener!",
failureContainersFilled: "Your robot dropped seeds where there is no soil.",
failureContainersFilledLess: "Some soil spots don't have any flower!",
obstacle: "Be careful, there's a flower!",
es: {
label: {
dropObject: "sembrar una semilla",
onContainer: "tierra en la casilla",
obstacleInFront: "flor adelante"
code: {
dropObject: "sembrarSemilla",
onContainer: "tierraEnCasilla",
obstacleInFront: "florAdelante"
messages: {
successContainersFilled: "Bravo, ¡el robot es un gran jardinero!",
failureContainersFilled: "El robot ha sembrado fuera de las casillas con tierra",
failureContainersFilledLess: "¡Aún hay tierra sin flores!"
course: {
fr: {
messages: {
successReachExit: "Bravo, le robot a atteint la case verte !",
failureReachExit: "Le robot n'est pas arrivé sur la case verte.",
obstacle: "Le robot tente de foncer dans un mur !"
en: {
messages: {
successReachExit: "Congratulations, the robot reached the green cell!",
failureReachExit: "The robot didn't reach the green cell.",
obstacle: "The robot is attemting to run into a wall!"
es: {
messages: {
successReachExit: "Bravo, ¡El robot llegó a la casilla verde!",
failureReachExit: "El robot no llegó a la casilla verde.",
obstacle: "¡El robot intenta traspasar un muro!"
dominoes: {
fr: {
label: {
withdrawObject: "ramasser le domino",
code: {
withdrawObject: "ramasserDomino"
messages: {
"successPickedAllWithdrawables": "Bravo, le robot a ramassé tous les dominos demandés !",
"failurePickedAllWithdrawables": "Le robot n'a pas ramassé les dominos demandés."
en: {
label: {
withdrawObject: "pick the domino",
code: {
withdrawObject: "pickDomino"
messages: {
"successPickedAllWithdrawables": "Congratulations, the robot picked all the requested dominoes!",
"failurePickedAllWithdrawables": "The robot didn't pick up the requested dominoes!"
es: {
label: {
withdrawObject: "recoger el dominó",
code: {
withdrawObject: "recogerDomino"
messages: {
"successPickedAllWithdrawables": "Bravo, ¡el robot recogió todos los dominó requeridos!",
"failurePickedAllWithdrawables": "El robot no recogió todos los dominó requeridos."
gears: {
fr: {
label: {
withdrawObject: "ramasser la roue dentée",
dropObject: "accrocher la roue dentée",
onObject: "sur une roue dentée",
onContainer: "sur une machine"
code: {
withdrawObject: "ramasserRoue",
dropObject: "deposerRoue",
onObject: "surRoueDentee",
onContainer: "surMachine"
messages: {
successContainersFilled: "Bravo, les machines sont prêtes à fonctionner !",
failureContainersFilled: "Votre robot n'a pas replacé toutes les roues dentées au bon endroit.",
failureContainersFilledLess: "Votre robot n'a pas replacé toutes les roues dentées au bon endroit.",
failureContainersFilledBag: "Votre robot doit déposer la roue dentée sur la machine.",
failureDropOutside: "Votre robot essaie de construire une plateforme hors de la grille.",
failureDropObject: "Il y a déjà une plateforme ici !",
emptyBag: "Le robot essaie d'accrocher une roue dentée alors qu'il n'en transporte pas !"
en: {
label: {
withdrawObject: "pick up the gear",
dropObject: "accrocher la roue dentée",
onObject: "sur une roue dentée",
onContainer: "sur une machine"
code: {
withdrawObject: "pickGear",
dropObject: "attachGear",
onObject: "onGear",
onContainer: "onMachine"
messages: {
successContainersFilled: "Bravo, les machines sont prêtes à fonctionner !",
failureContainersFilled: "Votre robot n'a pas replacé toutes les roues dentées au bon endroit.",
failureContainersFilledLess: "Votre robot n'a pas replacé toutes les roues dentées au bon endroit.",
failureContainersFilledBag: "Votre robot doit déposer la roue dentée sur la machine.",
failureDropOutside: "Votre robot essaie de construire une plateforme hors de la grille.",
failureDropObject: "Il y a déjà une plateforme ici !",
emptyBag: "Le robot essaie d'accrocher une roue dentée alors qu'il n'en transporte pas !"
es: {
label: {
withdrawObject: "recoger el engranaje",
dropObject: "soltar el engranaje",
onObject: "sobre engranaje",
onContainer: "sobre una máquina"
code: {
withdrawObject: "recogerEngranaje",
dropObject: "soltarEngranaje",
onObject: "sobreEngranaje",
onContainer: "sobreMaquina"
messages: {
successContainersFilled: "Bravo, ¡la máquina está lista para funcionar!",
failureContainersFilled: "Su robot no ha puesto todos los engranajes en el lugar correcto.",
failureContainersFilledLess: "Su robot no ha puesto todos los engranajes en el lugar correcto.",
failureContainersFilledBag: "Su robot debe colocar el engranaje en la máquina.",
failureDropOutside: "Su robot intenta construir una plataforma fuera de la cuadrícula."
marbles: {
fr: {
label: {
withdrawObject: "ramasser la bille",
dropObject: "déposer la bille",
onObject: "sur une bille",
onContainer: "sur un trou",
code: {
withdrawObject: "ramasserBille",
dropObject: "deposerBille",
onObject: "surBille",
onContainer: "surTrou",
messages: {
emptyBag: "Le robot ne porte pas de bille !",
tooManyObjects: "Le robot porte déjà une bille !",
successContainersFilled: "Bravo, vous avez rangé les billes !",
failureContainersFilled: "Les billes ne sont pas toutes bien rangées.",
failureContainersFilledLess: "Il reste une bille à ranger.",
failureContainersFilledBag: "Il faut déposer la bille dans le trou !",
es: {
label: {
withdrawObject: "recoger la bola",
dropObject: "soltar la bola",
onObject: "sobre una bola",
onContainer: "sobre un agujero",
code: {
withdrawObject: "recogerBola",
dropObject: "soltarBola",
onObject: "sobreBola",
onContainer: "sobreAgujero",
messages: {
emptyBag: "¡El robot no carga ninguna bola!",
tooManyObjects: "¡El robot ya está cargando una bola!",
successContainersFilled: "Bravo, ¡el robot ordenó las bolas!",
failureContainersFilled: "Hay bolas en lugares incorrectos.",
failureContainersFilledLess: "Aún falta colocar una bola.",
failureContainersFilledBag: "¡Debe colocar la bola en un agujero!",
objects_in_space: {
fr: {
label: {
obstacleInFront: "astéroïde devant"
code: {
obstacleInFront: "asteroideDevant"
messages: {
obstacle: "Attention à l'astéroïde !"
es: {
label: {
obstacleInFront: "asteroide adelante"
code: {
obstacleInFront: "asteroideAdelante"
messages: {
obstacle: "¡Cuidado con el asteroide!"
paint: {
fr: {
label: {
dropObject: "peindre la case",
onContainer: "sur une case marquée",
readNumber: "nombre de la case",
code: {
dropObject: "peindreCase",
onContainer: "surCaseMarquee",
readNumber: "nombreSurCase",
messages: {
successContainersFilled: "Bravo, votre robot a peint le motif !",
failureContainersFilled: "Votre robot n'a pas peint les bonnes cases.",
failureContainersFilledLess: "Votre robot n'a pas peint toutes les cases marquées.",
failureContainersFilledBag: "Votre robot n'a pas posé tous les objets",
es: {
label: {
dropObject: "pintar la casilla",
onContainer: "sobre una casilla marcada",
readNumber: "número en la casilla",
code: {
dropObject: "pintarCasilla",
onContainer: "sobreCasillaMarcada",
readNumber: "númeroEnCasilla",
messages: {
successContainersFilled: "Bravo, ¡su robot ha pintado el patrón!",
failureContainersFilled: "El robot no pintó las casillas correctas.",
failureContainersFilledLess: "Su robot no ha pintado todas las casillas marcadas.",
failureContainersFilledBag: "Su robot no ha puesto todos los objetos",
rocket: {
fr: {
label: {
obstacleRight: "asteroïde à droite",
obstacleInFront: "asteroïde devant",
messages: {
successReachExit: "Bravo, le robot a rejoint la fusée !",
failureReachExit: "Le robot est perdu dans l'espace. Recommencez pour l'aider à rejoindre la fusée.",
obstacle: "Attention à l'astéroïde !"
es: {
label: {
obstacleRight: "asteroide a la derecha",
obstacleInFront: "asteroide adelante",
messages: {
successReachExit: "Bravo, ¡el robot llegó al cohete!",
failureReachExit: "El robot está perdido en el espacio. Vuelva a comenzar para ayudarle a llegar al cohete.",
obstacle: "¡Cuidado con el asteroide!"
sokoban: {
fr: {
label: {
pushObject: "pousser la caisse",
onContainer: "sur une case marquée",
pushableInFront: "caisse devant",
obstacleInFront: "obstacle devant",
readNumber: "nombre de la case"
code: {
pushObject: "pousserCaisse",
onContainer: "surCaseMarquee",
pushableInFront: "caisseDevant",
obstacleInFront: "obstacleDevant",
readNumber: "nombreSurCase"
messages: {
successContainersFilled: "Bravo, les caisses sont bien rangées !",
failureContainersFilled: "Il y a encore des caisses qui ne sont pas à leur place.",
failureNothingToPush: "Il n'y a pas de caisse à pousser ici !",
failureWhilePushing: "Le robot ne peut pas pousser ici !",
obstacle: "Le robot essaie de foncer dans un mur ou dans une caisse !"
es: {
label: {
pushObject: "empujar la caja",
onContainer: "sobre una casilla marcada",
pushableInFront: "caja adelante",
obstacleInFront: "obstáculo adelante",
readNumber: "número en la casilla"
code: {
pushObject: "empujarCaja",
onContainer: "sobreCasillaMarcada",
pushableInFront: "cajaAdelante",
obstacleInFront: "obstáculoAdelante",
readNumber: "númeroEnCasilla"
messages: {
successContainersFilled: "Bravo, ¡las cajas están bien ordenadas!",
failureContainersFilled: "Aún hay cajas que no están en su lugar.",
failureNothingToPush: "¡Aquí no hay caja para empujar!",
failureWhilePushing: "¡El robot no puede empujar aquí!",
obstacle: "El robot intenta traspasar un muro o una caja!"
var contextParams = {
none: {
hideSaveOrLoad: true,
actionDelay: 200,
ignoreInvalidMoves: false,
checkEndEveryTurn: false,
cellSide: 60
arrows: {
newBlocks: [
name: "onRightArrow",
strings: {
fr: {
label: "sur une flèche vers la droite",
code: "surFlecheDroite",
description: "surFlecheDroite(): Le robot est-il sur une flèche vers la droite ?"
es: {
label: "sobre una flecha hacia la derecha",
code: "sobreFlechaHaciaLaDerecha",
description: "sobreFlechaHaciaLaDerecha(): ¿Se encuentra el robot sobre una flecha hacia la derecha?"
category: "robot",
type: "sensors",
block: {
name: "onRightArrow",
yieldsValue: true
func: function(callback) {
this.callCallback(callback, this.isOn(function(obj) {return obj.forwardsRight===true;}));
name: "onLeftArrow",
strings: {
fr: {
label: "sur une flèche vers la gauche",
code: "surFlecheGauche",
description: "surFlecheGauche(): Le robot est-il sur une flèche vers la gauche ?"
es: {
label: "sobre una flecha hacia la izquierda",
code: "sobreFlechaHaciaLaIzquierda",
description: "sobreFlechaHaciaLaIzquierda(): ¿Se encuentra el robot sobre una flecha hacia la izquierda?"
category: "robot",
type: "sensors",
block: {
name: "onLeftArrow",
yieldsValue: true
func: function(callback) {
this.callCallback(callback, this.isOn(function(obj) {return obj.forwardsLeft===true;}));
name: "onTopArrow",
strings: {
fr: {
label: "sur une flèche vers le haut",
code: "surFlecheHaut",
description: "surFlecheHaut(): Le robot est-il sur une flèche vers le haut ?"
es: {
label: "sobre una flecha hacia arriba",
code: "sobreFlechaHaciaArriba",
description: "sobreFlechaHaciaArriba(): ¿Se encuentra el robot sobre una flecha hacia arriba?"
category: "robot",
type: "sensors",
block: {
name: "onTopArrow",
yieldsValue: true
func: function(callback) {
this.callCallback(callback, this.isOn(function(obj) {return obj.forwardsTop===true;}));
name: "onBottomArrow",
strings: {
fr: {
label: "sur une flèche vers le bas",
code: "surFlecheBas",
description: "surFlecheBas(): Le robot est-il sur une flèche vers le bas ?"
es: {
label: "sobre una flecha hacia abajo",
code: "sobreFlechaHaciaAbajo",
description: "sobreFlechaHaciaAbajo(): ¿Se encuentra el robot sobre una flecha hacia abajo?"
category: "robot",
type: "sensors",
block: {
name: "onBottomArrow",
yieldsValue: true
func: function(callback) {
this.callCallback(callback, this.isOn(function(obj) {return obj.forwardsBottom===true;}));
backgroundColor: getGridOptions('arrows', 'backgroundColor'),
itemTypes: getGridOptions('arrows', 'itemTypes'),
checkEndCondition: robotEndConditions.checkReachExit
cards: {
newBlocks: [
name: "onRound",
strings: {
fr: {
label: "rond sur la carte",
code: "rondCarte",
description: "rondCarte(): Le robot est-il sur une carte qui contient un rond ?"
es: {
label: "círculo sobre la carta",
code: "círculoCarta",
description: "círculoCarta(): ¿está el robot sobre una carta que contiene un círculo?"
category: "robot",
type: "sensors",
block: {
name: "onRound",
yieldsValue: true
func: function(callback) {
if(!this.isOn(function(obj) {return obj.isWithdrawable===true || obj.isContainer===true;}))
this.callCallback(callback, this.isOn(function(obj) {return obj.isRound===true;}));
name: "onSquare",
strings: {
fr: {
label: "carré sur la carte",
code: "carreCarte",
description: "carreCarte(): Le robot est-il sur une carte qui contient un carré ?"
es: {
label: "cuadrado sobre la carta",
code: "cuadradoCarta",
description: "cuadradoCarta(): ¿está el robot sobre una carta que contiene un cuadrado?"
category: "robot",
type: "sensors",
block: {
name: "onSquare",
yieldsValue: true
func: function(callback) {
if(!this.isOn(function(obj) {return obj.isWithdrawable===true || obj.isContainer===true;}))
this.callCallback(callback, this.isOn(function(obj) {return obj.isSquare===true;}));
name: "onTriangle",
strings: {
fr: {
label: "triangle sur la carte",
code: "triangleCarte",
description: "rondCarte(): Le robot est-il sur une carte qui contient un triangle ?"
es: {
label: "triángulo sobre la carta",
code: "triánguloCarta",
description: "triánguloCarta(): ¿está el robot sobre una carta que contiene un triángulo?"
category: "robot",
type: "sensors",
block: {
name: "onTriangle",
yieldsValue: true
func: function(callback) {
if(!this.isOn(function(obj) {return obj.isWithdrawable===true || obj.isContainer===true;}))
this.callCallback(callback, this.isOn(function(obj) {return obj.isTriangle===true;}));
name: "onQuadrille",
strings: {
fr: {
label: "sur un motif quadrillé",
code: "surQuadrille",
description: "surQuadrille(): Le robot est-il sur une carte quadrillée ?"
es: {
label: "patrón cuadriculado",
code: "sobreCudarícula",
description: "sobreCudarícula(): ¿Está el robot sobre una carta cuadriculada?"
category: "robot",
type: "sensors",
block: {
name: "onQuadrille",
yieldsValue: true
func: function(callback) {
if(!this.isOn(function(obj) {return obj.isWithdrawable===true || obj.isContainer===true;}))
this.callCallback(callback, this.isOn(function(obj) {return obj.isQuadrille===true;}));
name: "onStriped",
strings: {
fr: {
label: "sur un motif rayé",
code: "surRaye",
description: "surRaye(): Le robot est-il sur une carte rayée ?"
es: {
label: "patrón rayado",
code: "sobreRayado",
description: "sobreRayado(): ¿Está el robot sobre una carta rayada?"
category: "robot",
type: "sensors",
block: {
name: "onStriped",
yieldsValue: true
func: function(callback) {
if(!this.isOn(function(obj) {return obj.isWithdrawable===true || obj.isContainer===true;}))
this.callCallback(callback, this.isOn(function(obj) {return obj.isStriped===true;}));
name: "onDotted",
strings: {
fr: {
label: "sur un motif à pois",
code: "surPois",
description: "surPois(): Le robot est-il sur une carte à pois ?"
es: {
label: "patrón con puntos",
code: "sobrePuntos",
description: "sobrePuntos(): ¿Está el robot sobre una carta con puntos?"
category: "robot",
type: "sensors",
block: {
name: "onDotted",
yieldsValue: true
func: function(callback) {
if(!this.isOn(function(obj) {return obj.isWithdrawable===true || obj.isContainer===true;}))
this.callCallback(callback, this.isOn(function(obj) {return obj.isDotted===true ;}));
bagSize: 1,
backgroundColor: getGridOptions('cards', 'backgroundColor'),
itemTypes: getGridOptions('cards', 'itemTypes'),
checkEndCondition: robotEndConditions.checkContainersFilled
chticode_abs: {
itemTypes: getGridOptions('chticode_abs', 'itemTypes'),
checkEndCondition: robotEndConditions.checkBothReachAndCollect
chticode_rel: {
itemTypes: getGridOptions('chticode_rel', 'itemTypes'),
checkEndCondition: robotEndConditions.checkReachExit
cones: {
bagInit: {
count: 200,
type: "cone"
backgroundColor: getGridOptions('cones', 'backgroundColor'),
itemTypes: getGridOptions('cones', 'itemTypes'),
checkEndCondition: robotEndConditions.checkContainersFilled
flowers: {
bagInit: {
count: 200,
type: "flower"
backgroundColor: getGridOptions('flowers', 'backgroundColor'),
itemTypes: getGridOptions('flowers', 'itemTypes'),
checkEndCondition: robotEndConditions.checkContainersFilled
course: {
itemTypes: getGridOptions('course', 'itemTypes'),
checkEndCondition: robotEndConditions.checkReachExit
dominoes: {
newBlocks: [
name: "onCross",
strings: {
fr: {
label: "sur croix",
code: "surCroix",
description: "surCroix(): Le robot est-il sur une croix ?"
es: {
label: "sobre cruz",
code: "sobreCruz",
description: "sobreCruz(): ¿Se encuentra el robot sobre una cruz?"
category: "robot",
type: "sensors",
block: {
name: "onCross",
yieldsValue: true
func: function(callback) {
this.callCallback(callback, this.isOn(function(obj) {return obj.isCross===true;}));
name: "onStar",
strings: {
fr: {
label: "sur étoile",
code: "surEtoile",
description: "surEtoile(): Le robot est-il sur une étoile ?"
es: {
label: "sobre estrella",
code: "sobreEstrella",
description: "sobreEstrella(): ¿Se encuentra el robot sobre una estrella?"
category: "robot",
type: "sensors",
block: {
name: "onStar",
yieldsValue: true
func: function(callback) {
this.callCallback(callback, this.isOn(function(obj) {return obj.isStar===true;}));
name: "onSquare",
strings: {
fr: {
label: "sur carré",
code: "surCarre",
description: "surCarre(): Le robot est-il sur du bleu ?"
es: {
label: "sobre cuadrado",
code: "sobreCuadrado",
description: "sobreCuadrado(): ¿Se encuentra el robot sobre un cuadrado?"
category: "robot",
type: "sensors",
block: {
name: "onSquare",
yieldsValue: true
func: function(callback) {
this.callCallback(callback, this.isOn(function(obj) {return obj.isSquare===true;}));
noBorders: true,
backgroundColor: getGridOptions('dominoes', 'backgroundColor'),
itemTypes: getGridOptions('dominoes', 'itemTypes')
gears: {
newBlocks: [
name: "dropPlatformInFront",
strings: {
fr: {
label: "construire une plateforme devant",
code: "construirePlateformeDevant"
es: {
label: "construir una plataforma adelante",
code: "construirPlataformaAdelante"
category: "robot",
type: "actions",
block: {
name: "dropPlatformInFront"
func: function(callback) {
if(this.nbPlatforms == 0)
var coords = {row: this.coordsInFront().row + 1, col: this.coordsInFront().col};
if(this.getItemsOn(coords.row, coords.col, function(item) { return item.isObstacle === true; }).length != 0) {
this.nbPlatforms -= 1;
this.dropObject({type: "platform"}, coords);
name: "dropPlatformAbove",
strings: {
fr: {
label: "construire une plateforme au-dessus",
code: "construirePlateformeAuDessus"
es: {
label: "construir una plataforma arriba",
code: "construirPlataformaArriba"
category: "robot",
type: "actions",
block: {
name: "dropPlatformAbove"
func: function(callback) {
if(this.nbPlatforms == 0)
var coords = {row: this.getRobot().row - 1, col: this.getRobot().col};
if(this.getItemsOn(coords.row, coords.col, function(item) { return item.isObstacle === true; }).length != 0) {
this.nbPlatforms -= 1;
this.dropObject({type: "platform"}, coords);
backgroundColor: getGridOptions('gears', 'backgroundColor'),
hasGravity: true,
bagSize: 1,
containerSize: 1,
itemTypes: getGridOptions('gears', 'itemTypes'),
checkEndCondition: robotEndConditions.checkContainersFilled
gems: {
backgroundColor: getGridOptions('gems', 'backgroundColor'),
itemTypes: getGridOptions('gems', 'itemTypes'),
checkEndCondition: robotEndConditions.checkPickedAllWithdrawables
help: {
newBlocks: [
name: "onGreen",
strings: {
fr: {
label: "sur la case verte",
code: "surCaseVerte",
description: "surCaseVerte(): Le robot est-il sur la case verte ?"
es: {
label: "sobre la casilla verde",
code: "sobreCasillaVerde",
description: "sobreCasillaVerde(): ¿Se encuentra el robot sobre la casilla verde?"
category: "robot",
type: "sensors",
block: {
name: "onGreen",
yieldsValue: true
func: function(callback) {
this.callCallback(callback, this.isOn(function(obj) {return obj.isGreen===true;}));
itemTypes: getGridOptions('help', 'itemTypes'),
checkEndCondition: robotEndConditions.checkReachExit
laser: {
backgroundColor: getGridOptions('laser', 'backgroundColor'),
itemTypes: getGridOptions('laser', 'itemTypes'),
checkEndCondition: robotEndConditions.checkLights
marbles: {
bagSize: 1,
backgroundColor: getGridOptions('marbles', 'backgroundColor'),
itemTypes: getGridOptions('marbles', 'itemTypes'),
checkEndCondition: robotEndConditions.checkContainersFilled
objects_in_space: {
backgroundColor: getGridOptions('objects_in_space', 'backgroundColor'),
itemTypes: getGridOptions('objects_in_space', 'itemTypes'),
checkEndCondition: robotEndConditions.checkPickedAllWithdrawables
paint: {
newBlocks: [
name: "onPaint",
strings: {
fr: {
label: "peinture sur la case",
code: "surPeinture",
description: "surPeinture(): Le robot est-il sur une case déjà peinte ?"
es: {
label: "casilla pintada",
code: "casillaPintada",
description: "casillaPintada(): ¿El robot se encuentra sobre una casilla pintada?"
category: "robot",
type: "sensors",
block: {
name: "onPaint",
yieldsValue: true
func: function(callback) {
this.callCallback(callback, this.isOn(function(obj) {return obj.isWithdrawable===true;}));
bagInit: {
count: 200,
type: "paint"
ignoreBag: true,
backgroundColor: getGridOptions('paint', 'backgroundColor'),
itemTypes: getGridOptions('paint', 'itemTypes'),
checkEndCondition: robotEndConditions.checkContainersFilled
pixelArt: {
newBlocks: (function(names, colors, colorsSecondary, colorsTertiary, translations) {
var blocks = [];
for(var iColor = 0;iColor < colors.length;iColor++) {
name: names[iColor],
strings: {
fr: {
label: translations["fr"][iColor],
code: translations["fr"][iColor],
description: translations["fr"][iColor] + "(): Peint la case en " + translations["fr"][iColor]
category: "robot",
type: "actions",
block: {
name: names[iColor], blocklyJson: {"colour": colors[iColor], "colourSecondary": colorsSecondary[iColor], "colourTertiary": colorsTertiary[iColor]}
func: (function(cur_color) { return function(callback) {
var robot = this.getRobot();
if(infos.allowRewrite === true) {
this.withdraw(undefined, false);
else if(this.isOn(function(obj) { return obj.isWithdrawable === true;})) {
this.dropObject({type: "paint", color: cur_color});
if (robot.col == context.nbCols - 1) {
robot.row = (robot.row + 1) % context.nbRows;
robot.col = 0;
} else {
} })(colors[iColor])
return blocks;
})(["red", "blue", "yellow", "white", "green", "orange", "pink", "purple", "brown", "grey", "black"],
["#ff0000", "#0000ff", "#ffff00", "#ffffff", "#00ff00", "#ff8000", "#ff80ff", "#800080", "#804d00", "#808080", "#000000"],
["#efa2a2", "#a2a2ef", "#efefa2", "#efefef", "#a2efa2", "#efb6a2", "#efb6ef", "#b6a2b6", "#b6a9a2", "#b6b6b6", "#a2a2a2"],
["#dddddd", "#dddddd", "#dddddd", "#dddddd", "#dddddd", "#dddddd", "#dddddd", "#dddddd", "#dddddd", "#dddddd", "#dddddd"],
{fr: ["rouge", "bleu", "jaune", "blanc", "vert", "orange", "rose", "violet", "marron", "gris", "noir"]}),
backgroundColor: getGridOptions('pixelArt', 'backgroundColor'),
ignoreBag: true,
itemTypes: getGridOptions('pixelArt', 'itemTypes'),
checkEndCondition: robotEndConditions.checkContainersFilled
rocket: {
backgroundColor: getGridOptions('rocket', 'backgroundColor'),
itemTypes: getGridOptions('rocket', 'itemTypes'),
checkEndCondition: robotEndConditions.checkReachExit
sokoban: {
backgroundColor: getGridOptions('sokoban', 'backgroundColor'),
itemTypes: getGridOptions('sokoban', 'itemTypes'),
checkEndCondition: robotEndConditions.checkContainersFilled
wiring: {
backgroundColor: getGridOptions('wiring', 'backgroundColor'),
maxWireLength: 100,
maxTotalLength: 100000,
itemTypes: getGridOptions('wiring', 'itemTypes'),
checkEndCondition: robotEndConditions.checkPlugsWired
if('modulesPath' in window) {
imgPrefix = window.modulesPath.replace(/\/$/, '') + '/pemFioi/robot/images/' + infos.contextType + '/';
} else {
console.error('modulesPath undefined');
if(infos.newBlocks == undefined)
infos.newBlocks = [];
if(infos.maxFallAltitude == undefined)
infos.maxFallAltitude = 2;
var loadContext = function(name) {
for(var language in contextStrings[name]) {
var ctx = contextStrings[name][language];
for(var type in ctx) {
if((typeof ctx[type]) === "string") {
localLanguageStrings[language][type] = ctx[type];
else {
if(localLanguageStrings[language][type] == undefined)
localLanguageStrings[language][type] = {};
for(var line in ctx[type]) {
localLanguageStrings[language][type][line] = ctx[type][line];
for(var param in contextParams[name]) {
if(infos[param] === undefined || param == "newBlocks") {
infos[param] = contextParams[name][param];
if(infos.contextType != undefined) {
name: "row",
type: "sensors",
block: { name: "row", yieldsValue: 'int' },
func: function(callback) {
this.callCallback(callback, 1 + this.getRobot().row);
name: "col",
type: "sensors",
block: { name: "col", yieldsValue: 'int' },
func: function(callback) {
this.callCallback(callback, 1 + this.getRobot().col);
name: "wait",
type: "actions",
block: { name: "wait" },
func: function(callback) {
name: "north",
type: "actions",
block: { name: "north" },
func: function(callback) {
name: "south",
type: "actions",
block: { name: "south" },
func: function(callback) {
name: "east",
type: "actions",
block: { name: "east" },
func: function(callback) {
name: "west",
type: "actions",
block: { name: "west" },
func: function(callback) {
name: "left",
type: "actions",
block: { name: "left" },
func: function(callback) {
name: "right",
type: "actions",
block: { name: "right" },
func: function(callback) {
name: "turnAround",
type: "actions",
block: { name: "turnAround" },
func: function(callback) {
name: "forward",
type: "actions",
block: { name: "forward" },
func: function(callback) {
name: "backwards",
type: "actions",
block: { name: "backwards" },
func: function(callback) {
name: "jump",
type: "actions",
block: { name: "jump" },
func: function(callback) {
name: "obstacleInFront",
type: "sensors",
block: { name: "obstacleInFront", yieldsValue: true },
func: function(callback) {
this.callCallback(callback, this.obstacleInFront());
name: "obstacleEast",
type: "sensors",
block: { name: "obstacleEast", yieldsValue: true },
func: function(callback) {
var robot = this.getRobot();
this.callCallback(callback, this.hasOn(robot.row, robot.col + 1, function(obj) { return obj.isObstacle === true; }));
name: "obstacleWest",
type: "sensors",
block: { name: "obstacleWest", yieldsValue: true },
func: function(callback) {
var robot = this.getRobot();
this.callCallback(callback, this.hasOn(robot.row, robot.col - 1, function(obj) { return obj.isObstacle === true; }));
name: "obstacleNorth",
type: "sensors",
block: { name: "obstacleNorth", yieldsValue: true },
func: function(callback) {
var robot = this.getRobot();
this.callCallback(callback, this.hasOn(robot.row - 1, robot.col, function(obj) { return obj.isObstacle === true; }));
name: "obstacleSouth",
type: "sensors",
block: { name: "obstacleSouth", yieldsValue: true },
func: function(callback) {
var robot = this.getRobot();
this.callCallback(callback, this.hasOn(robot.row + 1, robot.col, function(obj) { return obj.isObstacle === true; }));
name: "obstacleRight",
type: "sensors",
block: { name: "obstacleRight", yieldsValue: true },
func: function(callback) {
var robot = this.getRobot();
var coords = this.coordsInFront(1);
this.callCallback(callback, this.hasOn(coords.row, coords.col, function(obj) { return obj.isObstacle === true; }));
name: "obstacleLeft",
type: "sensors",
block: { name: "obstacleLeft", yieldsValue: true },
func: function(callback) {
var robot = this.getRobot();
var coords = this.coordsInFront(3);
this.callCallback(callback, this.hasOn(coords.row, coords.col, function(obj) { return obj.isObstacle === true; }));
name: "gridEdgeEast",
type: "sensors",
block: { name: "gridEdgeEast", yieldsValue: true },
func: function(callback) {
var robot = this.getRobot();
this.callCallback(callback, !this.isInGrid(robot.row, robot.col + 1));
name: "gridEdgeWest",
type: "sensors",
block: { name: "gridEdgeWest", yieldsValue: true },
func: function(callback) {
var robot = this.getRobot();
this.callCallback(callback, !this.isInGrid(robot.row, robot.col - 1));
name: "gridEdgeNorth",
type: "sensors",
block: { name: "gridEdgeNorth", yieldsValue: true },
func: function(callback) {
var robot = this.getRobot();
this.callCallback(callback, !this.isInGrid(robot.row - 1, robot.col));
name: "gridEdgeSouth",
type: "sensors",
block: { name: "gridEdgeSouth", yieldsValue: true },
func: function(callback) {
var robot = this.getRobot();
this.callCallback(callback, !this.isInGrid(robot.row + 1, robot.col));
name: "platformInFront",
type: "sensors",
block: { name: "platformInFront", yieldsValue: true },
func: function(callback) {
this.callCallback(callback, this.platformInFront());
name: "platformAbove",
type: "sensors",
block: { name: "platformAbove", yieldsValue: true },
func: function(callback) {
this.callCallback(callback, this.platformAbove());
name: "withdrawObject",
type: "actions",
block: { name: "withdrawObject" },
func: function(callback) {
name: "dropObject",
type: "actions",
block: { name: "dropObject" },
func: function(callback) {
name: "onObject",
type: "sensors",
block: { name: "onObject", yieldsValue: true },
func: function(callback) {
this.callCallback(callback, this.isOn(function(obj) { return obj.isWithdrawable === true;}));
name: "onContainer",
type: "sensors",
block: { name: "onContainer", yieldsValue: true },
func: function(callback) {
this.callCallback(callback, this.isOn(function(obj) { return obj.isContainer === true;}));
name: "onNumber",
type: "sensors",
block: { name: "onNumber", yieldsValue: true },
func: function(callback) {
this.callCallback(callback, this.isOn(function(obj) { return obj.value !== undefined;}));
name: "onLauncher",
type: "sensors",
block: { name: "onLauncher", yieldsValue: true },
func: function(callback) {
this.callCallback(callback, this.isOn(function(obj) { return obj.isLaser === true;}));
name: "onWritable",
type: "sensors",
block: { name: "onWritable", yieldsValue: true },
func: function(callback) {
this.callCallback(callback, this.isOn(function(obj) { return obj.isWritable === true; }));
name: "writeNumber",
type: "actions",
block: { name: "writeNumber", params: [null] },
func: function(value, callback) {
var robot = this.getRobot();
this.writeNumber(robot.row, robot.col, value);
name: "readNumber",
type: "sensors",
block: { name: "readNumber", yieldsValue: 'int' },
func: function(callback) {
var robot = this.getRobot();
this.callCallback(callback, this.readNumber(robot.row, robot.col));
name: "pushObject",
type: "actions",
block: { name: "pushObject" },
func: function(callback) {
name: "pushableInFront",
type: "sensors",
block: { name: "pushableInFront", yieldsValue: true },
func: function(callback) {
this.callCallback(callback, this.isInFront(function(obj) { return obj.isPushable === true; }));
name: "dropInFront",
type: "actions",
block: { name: "dropInFront" },
func: function(callback) {
this.drop(1, this.coordsInFront());
name: "dropAbove",
type: "actions",
block: { name: "dropAbove" },
func: function(callback) {
this.drop(1, {row: this.getRobot().row - 1, col: this.getRobot().col});
name: "shoot_noShadow",
type: "actions",
block: {
name: "shoot_noShadow",
params: [null]
func: function(value, callback) {
if((typeof value) == "function") {
if(this.isOn(function(obj) { return obj.isLaser === true; })) {
this.shoot(this.getRobot().row, this.getRobot().col, value);
if(this.display) {
var robot = this.getRobot();
var lasers = context.getItemsOn(robot.row, robot.col, function(obj) {
return obj.isLaser === true;
if(lasers.length != 0) {
else {
name: "shoot",
type: "actions",
block: { name: "shoot", params: [null], blocklyXml: "<block type='shoot_noShadow'>" +
" <value name='PARAM_0'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>0</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
func: function(value, callback) {
if((typeof value) == "function") {
if(this.isOn(function(obj) { return obj.isLaser === true; })) {
this.shoot(this.getRobot().row, this.getRobot().col, value);
if(this.display) {
var robot = this.getRobot();
var lasers = context.getItemsOn(robot.row, robot.col, function(obj) {
return obj.isLaser === true;
if(lasers.length != 0) {
else {
name: "shootCondition_noShadow",
type: "actions",
block: {
name: "shootCondition_noShadow",
params: [null],
yieldsValue: true
func: function(value, callback) {
if((typeof value) == "function") {
if(this.isOn(function(obj) { return obj.isLaser === true; })) {
var retour = this.shoot(this.getRobot().row, this.getRobot().col, value);
if(this.display) {
var robot = this.getRobot();
var lasers = context.getItemsOn(robot.row, robot.col, function(obj) {
return obj.isLaser === true;
if(lasers.length != 0) {
this.waitDelay(callback, retour);
else {
name: "shootCondition",
type: "actions",
block: { name: "shootCondition", blocklyXml: "<block type='shootCondition_noShadow'>" +
" <value name='PARAM_0'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>0</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
func: function(value, callback) {
if((typeof value) == "function") {
if(this.isOn(function(obj) { return obj.isLaser === true; })) {
var retour = this.shoot(this.getRobot().row, this.getRobot().col, value);
if(this.display) {
var robot = this.getRobot();
var lasers = context.getItemsOn(robot.row, robot.col, function(obj) {
return obj.isLaser === true;
if(lasers.length != 0) {
this.waitDelay(callback, retour);
else {
name: "connect",
type: "actions",
block: { name: "connect" },
func: function(callback) {
name: "onMale",
type: "sensors",
block: { name: "onMale", yieldsValue: true },
func: function(callback) {
this.callCallback(callback, this.isOn(function(obj) { return obj.plugType > 0; }));
name: "onFemale",
type: "sensors",
block: { name: "onFemale", yieldsValue: true },
func: function(callback) {
this.callCallback(callback, this.isOn(function(obj) { return obj.plugType < 0; }));
var context = quickAlgoContext(display, infos);
context.robot = {};
context.customBlocks = {
robot: {
actions: [],
sensors: []
for(var command in infos.newBlocks) {
cmd = infos.newBlocks[command];
if(cmd.strings) {
for(var language in cmd.strings) {
for(var type in cmd.strings[language]) {
localLanguageStrings[language][type][] = cmd.strings[language][type];
if(cmd.func) {
context.robot[] = cmd.func.bind(context);
var strings = context.setLocalLanguageStrings(localLanguageStrings);
function replaceStringsRec(source, dest) {
if((typeof source != "object") || (typeof dest != "object")) {
for(var key1 in source) {
if(dest[key1] != undefined) {
if(typeof dest[key1] == "object") {
replaceStringsRec(source[key1], dest[key1]);
else {
dest[key1] = source[key1];
if(infos.languageStrings != undefined) {
replaceStringsRec(infos.languageStrings.blocklyRobot_lib, strings);
var cells = [];
var colsLabels = [];
var rowsLabels = [];
var scale = 1;
var paper;
if(infos.leftMargin === undefined) {
infos.leftMargin = 10;
if(infos.rightMargin === undefined) {
infos.rightMargin = 10;
if(infos.bottomMargin === undefined) {
infos.bottomMargin = 10;
if(infos.topMargin === undefined) {
if(infos.showLabels) {
infos.topMargin = 10;
else {
infos.topMargin = infos.cellSide / 2;
if(infos.showLabels) {
infos.leftMargin += infos.cellSide;
infos.topMargin += infos.cellSide;
switch(infos.blocklyColourTheme) {
case "bwinf":
context.provideBlocklyColours = function() {
return {
categories: {
logic: 100,
loops: 180,
math: 220,
text: 250,
lists: 60,
colour: 310,
variables: 340,
functions: 20,
actions: 260,
sensors : 340,
_default: 280
blocks: {}
context.reset = function(gridInfos) {
if(gridInfos) {
context.tiles = gridInfos.tiles;
context.initItems = gridInfos.initItems;
context.nbRows = context.tiles.length;
context.nbCols = context.tiles[0].length;
context.nbPlatforms = infos.nbPlatforms;
context.items = [];
context.multicell_items = [];
context.last_connect = undefined;
context.wires = [];
context.lost = false;
context.success = false;
context.nbMoves = 0;
context.time = 0;
context.bag = [];
if(infos.bagInit != undefined) {
for(var i = 0;i < infos.bagInit.count;i++) {
var item = {};
var initItem = infos.itemTypes[infos.bagInit.type];
item.type = infos.bagInit.type;
item.side = 0;
item.offsetX = 0;
item.offsetY = 0;
item.nbStates = 1;
item.zOrder = 0;
for(var property in initItem) {
item[property] = initItem[property];
if(context.display) {
if(paper !== undefined)
paper = this.raphaelFactory.create("paperMain", "grid", infos.cellSide * context.nbCols * scale, infos.cellSide * context.nbRows * scale);
else {
context.unload = function() {
if(context.display && paper != null) {
var itemAttributes = function(item) {
var itemType = infos.itemTypes[item.type];
var x = (infos.cellSide * item.col + item.offsetX + infos.leftMargin) * scale;
var y = (infos.cellSide * item.row - (item.side - infos.cellSide) + item.offsetY + infos.topMargin) * scale;
var xClip = x;
if(item.dir != undefined) {
var dirToState = [0, 2, 4, 6];
x = x - (dirToState[item.dir] * item.side * scale);
var clipRect = "" + xClip + "," + y + "," + (item.side * scale) + "," + (item.side * scale);
if((!itemType.img && !item.img) && (!itemType.color && !item.color)) {
x += item.side * scale / 2;
y += item.side * scale / 2;
var ret = {x: x, y: y, width: item.side * item.nbStates * scale, height: item.side * scale, "clip-rect": clipRect};
return ret;
var resetBoard = function() {
for(var iRow = 0;iRow < context.nbRows;iRow++) {
cells[iRow] = [];
for(var iCol = 0;iCol < context.nbCols;iCol++) {
cells[iRow][iCol] = paper.rect(0, 0, 10, 10);
if(context.tiles[iRow][iCol] == 0)
cells[iRow][iCol].attr({'stroke-width': '0'});
if(infos.backgroundColor && context.tiles[iRow][iCol] != 0)
cells[iRow][iCol].attr({'fill': infos.backgroundColor});
if(infos.noBorders && context.tiles[iRow][iCol] != 0)
cells[iRow][iCol].attr({'stroke': infos.backgroundColor});
if(infos.showLabels) {
for(var iRow = 0;iRow < context.nbRows;iRow++) {
rowsLabels[iRow] = paper.text(0, 0, (iRow + 1));
for(var iCol = 0;iCol < context.nbCols;iCol++) {
colsLabels[iCol] = paper.text(0, 0, (iCol + 1));
var resetItem = function(initItem, redisplay) {
if(redisplay === undefined)
redisplay = true;
var item = {};
for(var property in initItem) {
item[property] = initItem[property];
item.side = 0;
item.offsetX = 0;
item.offsetY = 0;
item.nbStates = 1;
item.zOrder = 0;
for(var property in infos.itemTypes[item.type]) {
item[property] = infos.itemTypes[item.type][property];
if(context.display && redisplay) {
var resetItems = function() {
context.items = [];
var itemTypeByNum = {};
for(var type in infos.itemTypes) {
var itemType = infos.itemTypes[type];
if(itemType.num != undefined) {
itemTypeByNum[itemType.num] = type;
for(var iRow = 0;iRow < context.nbRows;iRow++) {
for(var iCol = 0;iCol < context.nbCols;iCol++) {
var itemTypeNum = context.tiles[iRow][iCol];
if(itemTypeByNum[itemTypeNum] != undefined) {
row: iRow,
col: iCol,
type: itemTypeByNum[itemTypeNum]
}, false);
for(var iItem = context.initItems.length - 1;iItem >= 0;iItem--) {
resetItem(context.initItems[iItem], false);
var resetItemsZOrder = function(row, col) {
var cellItems = [];
for(var iItem = context.items.length - 1;iItem >= 0;iItem--) {
var item = context.items[iItem];
if((item.row == row) && (item.col == col)) {
cellItems.sort(function(itemA, itemB) {
if(itemA.zOrder < itemB.zOrder) {
return -1;
if(itemA.zOrder > itemB.zOrder) {
return 1;
return 0;
for(var iItem = 0;iItem < cellItems.length;iItem++) {
var redisplayItem = function(item, resetZOrder) {
if(context.display !== true)
if(resetZOrder === undefined)
resetZOrder = true;
if(item.element !== undefined) {
var x = (infos.cellSide * item.col + infos.leftMargin) * scale;
var y = (infos.cellSide * item.row + infos.topMargin) * scale;
var itemType = infos.itemTypes[item.type];
if(item.img) {
item.element = paper.image(imgPrefix + item.img, x, y, item.side * item.nbStates * scale, item.side * scale);
else if(item.value !== undefined) {
item.element = paper.text(x + item.side * scale / 2, y + item.side * scale / 2, item.value).attr({"font-size": item.side * scale / 2});
else if(item.color !== undefined) {
item.element = paper.rect(0, 0, item.side, item.side).attr({"fill": item.color});
if(item.element !== undefined)
resetItemsZOrder(item.row, item.col);
context.updateScale = function() {
if(!context.display) {
if(paper == null) {
if(window.quickAlgoResponsive) {
var areaWidth = Math.max(200, $('#grid').width()-24);
var areaHeight = Math.max(150, $('#grid').height()-24);
} else {
var areaWidth = 400;
var areaHeight = 600;
var newCellSide = 0;
if(context.nbCols && context.nbRows) {
var marginAsCols = infos.leftMargin / infos.cellSide;
var marginAsRows = infos.topMargin / infos.cellSide;
newCellSide = Math.min(infos.cellSide, Math.min(areaWidth / (context.nbCols + marginAsCols), areaHeight / (context.nbRows + marginAsRows)));
scale = newCellSide / infos.cellSide;
paper.setSize((infos.cellSide * context.nbCols + infos.leftMargin + infos.rightMargin) * scale, (infos.cellSide * context.nbRows + infos.topMargin + infos.bottomMargin) * scale);
for(var iRow = 0;iRow < context.nbRows;iRow++) {
for(var iCol = 0;iCol < context.nbCols;iCol++) {
if(cells[iRow][iCol] === undefined)
var x = (infos.cellSide * iCol + infos.leftMargin) * scale;
var y = (infos.cellSide * iRow + infos.topMargin) * scale;
cells[iRow][iCol].attr({x: x, y: y, width: infos.cellSide * scale, height: infos.cellSide * scale});
if(infos.showLabels) {
for(var iRow = 0;iRow < context.nbRows;iRow++) {
var x = (infos.leftMargin - infos.cellSide / 2) * scale;
var y = (infos.cellSide * (iRow + 0.5) + infos.topMargin) * scale;
rowsLabels[iRow].attr({x: x, y: y}).attr({"font-size": infos.cellSide * scale / 2});
for(var iCol = 0;iCol < context.nbCols;iCol++) {
var x = (infos.cellSide * iCol + infos.leftMargin + infos.cellSide / 2) * scale;
var y = (infos.topMargin - infos.cellSide / 2) * scale;
colsLabels[iCol].attr({x: x, y: y}).attr({"font-size": infos.cellSide * scale / 2});
var redisplayAllItems = function() {
if(context.display !== true)
for(var iItem = 0;iItem < context.items.length;iItem++) {
var item = context.items[iItem];
redisplayItem(item, false);
if(item.element !== undefined)
for(var iItem = 0;iItem < context.multicell_items.length;iItem++) {
var item = context.multicell_items[iItem];
var cellItems = [];
for(var iItem = context.items.length - 1;iItem >= 0;iItem--) {
var item = context.items[iItem];
for(var iItem = 0;iItem < context.multicell_items.length;iItem++) {
var item = context.multicell_items[iItem];
cellItems.sort(function(itemA, itemB) {
if(itemA.zOrder < itemB.zOrder) {
return -1;
if(itemA.zOrder > itemB.zOrder) {
return 1;
return 0;
for(var iItem = 0;iItem < cellItems.length;iItem++) {
if(cellItems[iItem].element !== undefined)
context.advanceTime = function(epsilon) {
var items = [];
for(var id in context.items) {
for(var iTime = 0;iTime < epsilon;iTime++) {
for(var id in items) {
if(items[id] !== undefined && items[id].action !== undefined) {
items[id].action.bind(context)(items[id], context.time);
var robot = this.getRobot();
if(this.hasOn(robot.row, robot.col, function(item) { return item.isProjectile === true; })) {
context.getRobotId = function() {
for(var id in context.items) {
if(context.items[id].isRobot != undefined) {
return id;
return undefined;
context.getRobot = function() {
return context.items[context.getRobotId()];
context.getInfo = function(name) {
return infos[name];
context.setInfo = function(name, value) {
infos[name] = value;
context.hasOn = function(row, col, filter) {
for(var id in context.items) {
var item = context.items[id];
if(item.row == row && item.col == col && filter(item)) {
return true;
return false;
context.setIndexes = function() {
for(var id in context.items) {
var item = context.items[id];
item.index = id;
context.getItemsOn = function(row, col, filter) {
if(filter === undefined) {
filter = function(obj) { return true; };
var selected = [];
for(var id in context.items) {
var item = context.items[id];
if(item.row == row && item.col == col && filter(item)) {
return selected;
context.isOn = function(filter) {
var item = context.getRobot();
return context.hasOn(item.row, item.col, filter);
context.isInFront = function(filter) {
var coords = context.coordsInFront();
return context.hasOn(coords.row, coords.col, filter);
context.isInGrid = function(row, col) {
if(row < 0 || col < 0 || row >= context.nbRows || col >= context.nbCols) {
return false;
if (context.tiles[row][col] == 0) {
return false;
return true;
context.tryToBeOn = function(row, col) {
if(!context.isInGrid(row, col)) {
return false;
if(context.hasOn(row, col, function(item) { return item.isObstacle === true; })) {
return false;
if(context.hasOn(row, col, function(item) { return item.isProjectile === true; })) {
return false;
return true;
context.coordsInFront = function(dDir, mult) {
if(dDir === undefined)
dDir = 0;
if(mult === undefined)
mult = 1;
var item = context.getRobot();
var lookDir = (item.dir + dDir + 4) % 4;
var delta = [[0,1],[1,0],[0,-1],[-1,0]];
return {
row: item.row + delta[lookDir][0] * mult,
col: item.col + delta[lookDir][1] * mult
context.isCrossing = function(wireA, wireB) {
function crossProduct(pointA, pointB, pointC) {
return (pointB[0] - pointA[0]) * (pointC[1] - pointA[1]) - (pointB[1] - pointA[1]) * (pointC[0] - pointA[0]);
function onLine(segment, point) {
return (Math.min(segment[0][0], segment[1][0]) <= point[0] && point[0] <= Math.max(segment[0][0], segment[1][0]))
&& (Math.min(segment[0][1], segment[1][1]) <= point[1] && point[1] <= Math.max(segment[0][1], segment[1][1]));
if(crossProduct(wireA[0], wireA[1], wireB[0]) == 0 && crossProduct(wireA[0], wireA[1], wireB[1]) == 0) {
return onLine(wireA, wireB[0]) || onLine(wireA, wireB[1]) || onLine(wireB, wireA[0]) || onLine(wireB, wireA[1]);
return (crossProduct(wireA[0], wireA[1], wireB[0])
* crossProduct(wireA[0], wireA[1], wireB[1]) <= 0) &&
(crossProduct(wireB[0], wireB[1], wireA[0])
* crossProduct(wireB[0], wireB[1], wireA[1]) <= 0);
context.moveRobot = function(newRow, newCol, newDir, callback) {
var iRobot = context.getRobotId();
var item = context.items[iRobot];
if (context.display)
var animate = (item.row != newRow) || (item.col != newCol) || (newDir == item.dir);
if((item.dir != newDir) && ((item.row != newRow) || (item.col != newCol))) {
if(item.dir !== undefined)
item.dir = newDir;
if(context.display) {
var attr = itemAttributes(item);
if(item.dir !== undefined)
item.dir = newDir;
item.row = newRow;
item.col = newCol;
context.withdraw(function(obj) { return obj.autoWithdraw === true; }, false);
if(context.display) {
if(animate) {
attr = itemAttributes(item);
context.raphaelFactory.animate("animRobot" + iRobot + "_" + Math.random(), item.element, attr, infos.actionDelay);
else {
attr = itemAttributes(item);
if(infos.actionDelay > 0) {
context.delayFactory.createTimeout("moveRobot" + iRobot + "_" + Math.random(), function() {
}, infos.actionDelay / 2);
} else {
context.moveItem = function(item, newRow, newCol) {
var animate = (item.row != newRow) || (item.col != newCol);
var robot = context.getRobot();
if(context.display) {
resetItemsZOrder(newRow, newCol);
resetItemsZOrder(item.row, item.col);
resetItemsZOrder(robot.row, robot.col);
item.row = newRow;
item.col = newCol;
if(context.display) {
if(animate) {
attr = itemAttributes(item);
context.raphaelFactory.animate("animItem" + "_" + Math.random(), item.element, attr, infos.actionDelay);
else {
attr = itemAttributes(item);
if(infos.actionDelay > 0) {
context.delayFactory.createTimeout("moveItem" + "_" + Math.random(), function() {
}, infos.actionDelay / 2);
} else {
context.moveProjectile = function(item) {
if(!context.isInGrid(item.row + 1, item.col)) {
if(context.hasOn(item.row + 1, item.col, function(item) { return item.isObstacle === true; } )) {
context.dropObject({type: "dispersion"}, {row: item.row + 1, col: item.col});
if(context.hasOn(item.row + 1, item.col, function(item) { return item.isRobot === true; } )) {
context.dropObject({type: "dispersion_robot"}, {row: item.row + 1, col: item.col});
context.moveItem(item, item.row + 1, item.col);
context.destroy = function(item) {
context.items.splice(item.index, 1);
if(context.display) {
context.fall = function(item, row, col, callback) {
var startRow = row;
var platforms = context.getItemsOn(row + 1, col, function(obj) { return obj.isObstacle === true; });
while(context.isInGrid(row + 1, col) && platforms.length == 0) {
platforms = context.getItemsOn(row + 1, col, function(obj) { return obj.isObstacle === true; });
if(!context.isInGrid(row + 1, col)) {
if(row - startRow > infos.maxFallAltitude) {
context.moveRobot(row, col, item.dir, callback);
context.jump = function(callback) {
if(!infos.hasGravity) {
throw("Error: can't jump without gravity");
var item = context.getRobot();
if(!context.isInGrid(item.row - 1, item.col)) {
var obstacle = context.getItemsOn(item.row - 2, item.col, function(obj) { return obj.isObstacle === true || obj.isProjectile === true; });
if(obstacle.length > 0) {
var platforms = context.getItemsOn(item.row - 1, item.col, function(obj) { return obj.isObstacle === true; });
if(platforms.length == 0) {
context.moveRobot(item.row - 2, item.col, item.dir, callback);
context.withdraw = function(filter, errorWhenEmpty) {
if(filter === undefined) {
filter = function(obj) { return true; };
if(errorWhenEmpty === undefined) {
errorWhenEmpty = true;
var item = context.getRobot();
var withdrawables = context.getItemsOn(item.row, item.col, function(obj) { return obj.isWithdrawable === true && filter(obj); });
if(withdrawables.length == 0) {
if(infos.bagSize != undefined && context.bag.length == infos.bagSize) {
var withdrawable = withdrawables[0];
context.items.splice(withdrawable.index, 1);
if(context.display) {
if (infos.actionDelay > 0) {
context.delayFactory.createTimeout("takeItem_" + Math.random(), function() {
}, infos.actionDelay);
} else {
context.drop = function(count, coords, filter) {
if(count === undefined) {
count = 1;
if(filter === undefined) {
filter = function(obj) { return true; };
if(coords == undefined) {
var item = context.getRobot();
coords = {row: item.row, col: item.col};
for(var i = 0;i < count;i++) {
if(context.bag.length == 0) {
var object = context.bag.pop();
object.row = coords.row;
object.col = coords.col;
var itemsOn = context.getItemsOn(coords.row, coords.col);
var maxi = object.zOrder;
for(var item in itemsOn) {
if(itemsOn[item].isWithdrawable === true && itemsOn[item].zOrder > maxi) {
maxi = itemsOn[item].zOrder;
object.zOrder = maxi + 0.000001;
context.dropObject = function(object, coords) {
if(coords == undefined) {
var item = context.getRobot();
coords = {row: item.row, col: item.col};
if(!context.isInGrid(coords.row, coords.col)) {
object.row = coords.row;
object.col = coords.col;
var itemsOn = context.getItemsOn(coords.row, coords.col);
var maxi = object.zOrder;
if(maxi === undefined) {
maxi = 0;
for(var item in itemsOn) {
if(itemsOn[item].isWithdrawable === true && itemsOn[item].zOrder > maxi) {
maxi = itemsOn[item].zOrder;
context.turnLeft = function(callback) {
var robot = context.getRobot();
context.moveRobot(robot.row, robot.col, (robot.dir + 3) % 4, callback);
context.turnRight = function(callback) {
var robot = context.getRobot();
context.moveRobot(robot.row, robot.col, (robot.dir + 1) % 4, callback);
context.turnAround = function(callback) {
var robot = context.getRobot();
context.moveRobot(robot.row, robot.col, (robot.dir + 2) % 4, callback);
context.forward = function(callback) {
var robot = context.getRobot();
var coords = context.coordsInFront();
if(!context.tryToBeOn(coords.row, coords.col)) {
if(infos.hasGravity) {
context.fall(robot, coords.row, coords.col, callback);
else {
context.moveRobot(coords.row, coords.col, robot.dir, callback);
context.backwards = function(callback) {
var robot = context.getRobot();
var coords = context.coordsInFront(2);
if(!context.tryToBeOn(coords.row, coords.col)) {
if(infos.hasGravity) {
context.fall(robot, coords.row, coords.col, callback);
else {
context.moveRobot(coords.row, coords.col, robot.dir, callback);
context.north = function(callback) {
var item = context.getRobot();
if(!context.tryToBeOn(item.row - 1, item.col)) {
} else {
context.moveRobot(item.row - 1, item.col, 3, callback);
context.south = function(callback) {
var item = context.getRobot();
if(!context.tryToBeOn(item.row + 1, item.col)) {
} else {
context.moveRobot(item.row + 1, item.col, 1, callback);
context.east = function(callback) {
var item = context.getRobot();
if(!context.tryToBeOn(item.row, item.col + 1)) {
} else {
context.moveRobot(item.row, item.col + 1, 0, callback);
context.west = function(callback) {
var item = context.getRobot();
if(!context.tryToBeOn(item.row, item.col - 1)) {
} else {
context.moveRobot(item.row, item.col - 1, 2, callback);
context.obstacleInFront = function() {
return context.isInFront(function(obj) { return obj.isObstacle === true; });
context.platformInFront = function() {
var coords = context.coordsInFront();
return context.hasOn(coords.row + 1, coords.col, function(obj) { return obj.isObstacle === true; });
context.platformAbove = function() {
var robot = context.getRobot();
return context.hasOn(robot.row - 1, robot.col, function(obj) { return obj.isObstacle === true; });
context.writeNumber = function(row, col, value) {
var numbers = context.getItemsOn(row, col, function(obj) { return obj.isWritable === true; });
if(numbers.length == 0) {
var number = numbers[0];
number.value = value;
if(context.display) {
context.readNumber = function(row, col) {
var numbers = context.getItemsOn(row, col, function(obj) { return obj.value !== undefined; });
if(numbers.length == 0) {
return parseInt(numbers[0].value);
context.pushObject = function(callback) {
var robot = context.getRobot();
var coords = context.coordsInFront();
var items = context.getItemsOn(coords.row, coords.col, function(obj) { return obj.isPushable === true ; });
if(items.length == 0) {
var coordsAfter = context.coordsInFront(0, 2);
if(!context.isInGrid(coordsAfter.row, coordsAfter.col))
if(context.hasOn(coordsAfter.row, coordsAfter.col, function(obj) { return obj.isObstacle === true; } ))
if(context.tiles[coordsAfter.row][coordsAfter.col] == 0)
context.moveItem(items[0], coordsAfter.row, coordsAfter.col);
context.shoot = function(lig, col, dir) {
dir = dir % 8;
var dirs = [
[-1, 0],
[-1, 1],
[0, 1],
[1, 1],
[1, 0],
[1, -1],
[0, -1],
[-1, -1]
var lights = context.getItemsOn(lig, col, function(obj) {
return obj.isLight === true;
for(var light in lights) {
lights[light].state = 1;
lights[light].img = lights[light].states[lights[light].state];
var x = (infos.cellSide * (col + 0.5) + infos.leftMargin) * scale;
var y = (infos.cellSide * (lig + 0.5) + infos.topMargin) * scale;
var taille = infos.cellSide;
var findRobot = false;
var plig = lig + dirs[dir][0];
var pcol = col + dirs[dir][1];
if(!context.isInGrid(plig, pcol) || context.hasOn(plig, pcol, function(obj) { return obj.isOpaque === true; })) {
taille /= 2;
findRobot = context.hasOn(plig, pcol, function(obj) { return obj.isRobot === true; });
else {
var pdir = dir;
var mirrors = context.getItemsOn(plig, pcol, function(obj) { return obj.isMirror === true; });
if(mirrors.length != 0) {
pdir = mirrors[0].mirrorFunction(dir);
findRobot = context.hasOn(plig, pcol, function(obj) { return obj.isRobot === true; });
if(context.shoot(plig, pcol, pdir)) {
findRobot = true;
var dx = (taille * dirs[dir][1]) * scale;
var dy = (taille * dirs[dir][0]) * scale;
if(context.display && paper != undefined) {
var segment = paper.path("M " + x + " " + y + " l " + dx + " " + dy);
segment.attr({'stroke-width': 5, 'stroke': '#ffff93'});
context.delayFactory.createTimeout("deleteSegement_" + Math.random(), function() {
}, infos.actionDelay * 2);
return findRobot;
context.connect = function() {
var robot = context.getRobot();
var plugs = context.getItemsOn(robot.row, robot.col, function(obj) { return obj.plugType !== undefined ; });
if(plugs.length == 0) {
var wires = context.getItemsOn(robot.row, robot.col, function(obj) { return obj.isWire === true; });
if(wires.length != 0) {
this.dropObject({type: "wire", zOrder: 1});
if(this.last_connect !== undefined) {
if(this.last_connect.plugType + plugs[0].plugType != 0)
function segmentLength(segment) {
return Math.sqrt((segment[0][0] - segment[1][0]) * (segment[0][0] - segment[1][0]) + (segment[0][1] - segment[1][1]) * (segment[0][1] - segment[1][1]));
var wire = [[this.last_connect.row, this.last_connect.col],[plugs[0].row, plugs[0].col]];
if(segmentLength(wire) > infos.maxWireLength) {
var totalLength = segmentLength(wire);
for(var iWire = 0;iWire < this.wires.length;iWire++) {
if(this.isCrossing(wire, this.wires[iWire])) {
totalLength += segmentLength(this.wires[iWire]);
if(totalLength > infos.maxTotalLength) {
var x = (this.last_connect.col + 0.5) * infos.cellSide + infos.leftMargin;
var y = (this.last_connect.row + 0.5) * infos.cellSide + infos.topMargin;
var dx = (plugs[0].col - this.last_connect.col) * infos.cellSide;
var dy = (plugs[0].row - this.last_connect.row) * infos.cellSide;
var wire_item = {zOrder: 2};
wire_item.redisplay = function() {
wire_item.element = paper.path("M " + (x * scale) + " " + (y * scale) + " l " + (dx * scale) + " " + (dy * scale));
wire_item.element.attr({'stroke-width': 5, 'stroke': '#dd0000'});
this.last_connect = undefined;
else {
this.last_connect = plugs[0];
return context;
var robotEndConditions = {
checkReachExit: function(context, lastTurn) {
var robot = context.getRobot();
if(context.isOn(function(obj) { return obj.isExit === true; })) {
context.success = true;
if(lastTurn) {
context.success = false;
checkPickedAllWithdrawables: function(context, lastTurn) {
var solved = true;
for(var row = 0;row < context.nbRows;row++) {
for(var col = 0;col < context.nbCols;col++) {
if(context.hasOn(row, col, function(obj) { return obj.isWithdrawable === true; })) {
solved = false;
if(solved) {
context.success = true;
if(lastTurn) {
context.success = false;
checkPlugsWired: function(context, lastTurn) {
var solved = true;
for(var row = 0;row < context.nbRows;row++) {
for(var col = 0;col < context.nbCols;col++) {
if(context.hasOn(row, col, function(obj) { return obj.plugType !== undefined; }) && !context.hasOn(row, col, function(obj) { return obj.isWire === true; })) {
solved = false;
if(solved) {
context.success = true;
if(lastTurn) {
context.success = false;
checkContainersFilled: function(context, lastTurn) {
var solved = true;
var messages = [
var message = 2;
if (context.infos.maxMoves != undefined) {
if (context.nbMoves > context.infos.maxMoves) {
context.success = false;
throw(window.languageStrings.messages.failureTooManyMoves + " : " + context.nbMoves);
for(var row = 0;row < context.nbRows;row++) {
for(var col = 0;col < context.nbCols;col++) {
var containers = context.getItemsOn(row, col, function(obj) { return (obj.isContainer === true) && (!obj.isFake) });
if(containers.length != 0) {
var container = containers[0];
if(container.containerSize == undefined && container.containerFilter == undefined) {
container.containerSize = 1;
var filter;
if(container.containerFilter == undefined)
filter = function(obj) { return obj.isWithdrawable === true; };
filter = function(obj) { return obj.isWithdrawable === true && container.containerFilter(obj) };
if(container.containerSize != undefined && context.getItemsOn(row, col, filter).length != container.containerSize) {
solved = false;
message = Math.min(message, 1);
else if(context.getItemsOn(row, col, filter).length == 0) {
solved = false;
message = Math.min(message, 0);
if(container.containerFilter != undefined) {
if(context.hasOn(row, col, function(obj) { return obj.isWithdrawable === true && !container.containerFilter(obj) })) {
solved = false;
message = Math.min(message, 0);
for(var item in context.bag) {
if(filter(context.bag[item]) && context.infos.ignoreBag === undefined) {
solved = false;
message = Math.min(message, 2);
else {
if(context.getItemsOn(row, col, function(obj) { return obj.isWithdrawable === true && obj.canBeOutside !== true; }).length > 0) {
solved = false;
message = Math.min(message, 0);
if(solved) {
context.success = true;
if(lastTurn) {
context.success = false;
checkBothReachAndCollect: function(context, lastTurn) {
var robot = context.getRobot();
if(context.isOn(function(obj) { return obj.isExit === true; })) {
var solved = true;
for(var row = 0;row < context.nbRows;row++) {
for(var col = 0;col < context.nbCols;col++) {
if(context.hasOn(row, col, function(obj) { return obj.isWithdrawable === true; })) {
solved = false;
if(solved) {
context.success = true;
if(lastTurn) {
context.success = false;
checkLights: function(context, lastTurn) {
var solved = true;
for(var row = 0;row < context.nbRows;row++) {
for(var col = 0;col < context.nbCols;col++) {
if(context.hasOn(row, col, function(obj) { return obj.isLight === true && obj.state === 0; })) {
solved = false;
if(solved) {
context.success = true;
if(lastTurn) {
context.success = false;
var robotEndFunctionGenerator = {
allFilteredPicked: function(filter) {
return function(context, lastTurn) {
var solved = true;
for(var row = 0;row < context.nbRows;row++) {
for(var col = 0;col < context.nbCols;col++) {
var filtered = context.getItemsOn(row, col, function(obj) { return obj.isWithdrawable && filter(obj); })
if(filtered.length != 0) {
solved = false;
for(var item in context.bag) {
if(!filter(context.bag[item])) {
context.success = false;
if(solved) {
context.success = true;
if(lastTurn) {
context.success = false;
allNumbersWritten: function(numbers) {
return function(context, lastTurn) {
var solved = true;
for(var iNumber in numbers) {
var number = numbers[iNumber];
var items = context.getItemsOn(number.row, number.col, function(obj) { return obj.value !== undefined; });
if(items.length == 0)
throw("Error: no number here");
var expected;
if(typeof number.value === "number") {
expected = number.value;
} else {
expected = number.value.bind(context)();
if(expected != items[0].value) {
solved = false;
if(solved) {
context.success = true;
if(lastTurn) {
context.success = false;
function getGridOptions(block, key) {
var gripOptions = {
arrows: {
backgroundColor: "#d3e7b6",
itemTypes: {
red_robot: { img: "red_robot.png", side: 90, nbStates: 1, isRobot: true, offsetX: -15, offsetY: 15, zOrder: 2 },
cell: {num: 1, color: "#d3e7b6", side: 60, isObstacle: true, zOrder: 0 },
box: { num: 3, img: "box.png", side: 60, isExit: true },
leftArrow: { num: 4, img: "leftArrow.png", side: 60, forwardsLeft: true, zOrder: 0},
rightArrow: { num: 5, img: "rightArrow.png", side: 60, forwardsRight: true, zOrder: 0},
topArrow: { num: 6, img: "topArrow.png", side: 60, forwardsTop: true, zOrder: 0},
bottomArrow: { num: 7, img: "bottomArrow.png", side: 60, forwardsBottom: true, zOrder: 0}
cards: {
backgroundColor: "#abeaf4",
itemTypes: {
red_robot: { img: "red_robot.png", side: 90, nbStates: 1, isRobot: true, offsetX: -15, offsetY: 15, zOrder: 2 },
square: { num: 2, img: "purple.png", side: 60, isContainer: true, containerFilter: function(obj) { return obj.isSquare === true; }, zOrder: 0 },
round: { num: 3, img: "green.png", side: 60, isContainer: true, containerFilter: function(obj) { return obj.isRound === true; }, zOrder: 0 },
triangle: { num: 4, img: "orange.png", side: 60, isContainer: true, containerFilter: function(obj) { return obj.isTriangle === true; }, zOrder: 0 },
dotted: { num: 5, img: "dotted.png", side: 60, isContainer: true, containerFilter: function(obj) { return obj.isDotted === true; }, zOrder: 0 },
striped: { num: 6, img: "striped.png", side: 60, isContainer: true, containerFilter: function(obj) { return obj.isStriped === true; }, zOrder: 0 },
quadrille: { num: 7, img: "quadrille.png", side: 60, isContainer: true, containerFilter: function(obj) { return obj.isQuadrille === true; }, zOrder: 0 },
roundQuadrille: { img: "roundQuadrille.png", side: 60, isWithdrawable: true, isRound: true, isQuadrille: true, zOrder: 1 },
squareQuadrille: { img: "squareQuadrille.png", side: 60, isWithdrawable: true, isSquare: true, isQuadrille: true, zOrder: 1 },
triangleQuadrille: { img: "triangleQuadrille.png", side: 60, isWithdrawable: true, isTriangle: true, isQuadrille: true, zOrder: 1 },
roundStriped: { img: "roundStriped.png", side: 60, isWithdrawable: true, isRound: true, isStriped: true, zOrder: 1 },
squareStriped: { img: "squareStriped.png", side: 60, isWithdrawable: true, isSquare: true, isStriped: true, zOrder: 1 },
triangleStriped: { img: "triangleStriped.png", side: 60, isWithdrawable: true, isTriangle: true, isStriped: true, zOrder: 1 },
roundDotted: { img: "roundDotted.png", side: 60, isWithdrawable: true, isRound: true, isDotted: true, zOrder: 1 },
squareDotted: { img: "squareDotted.png", side: 60, isWithdrawable: true, isSquare: true, isDotted: true, zOrder: 1 },
triangleDotted: { img: "triangleDotted.png", side: 60, isWithdrawable: true, isTriangle: true, isDotted: true, zOrder: 1 }
chticode_abs: {
itemTypes: {
red_robot: { img: "red_robot.png", side: 90, nbStates: 1, isRobot: true, offsetX: -15, offsetY: 15, zOrder: 2 },
obstacle: { num: 2, img: "obstacle.png", side: 60, isObstacle: true },
green: { num: 3, color: "#b5e61d", side: 60, isExit: true, zOrder: 0 },
gem: { num: 4, img: "gem.png", side: 60, isWithdrawable: true, autoWithdraw: true, zOrder: 1 }
chticode_rel: {
itemTypes: {
green_robot: { img: "green_robot.png", side: 80, nbStates: 9, isRobot: true, offsetX: -14, zOrder: 2 },
obstacle: { num: 2, img: "obstacle.png", side: 60, isObstacle: true },
green: { num: 3, color: "#b5e61d", side: 60, isExit: true},
gem: { num: 4, img: "gem.png", side: 60, isWithdrawable: true, autoWithdraw: true, zOrder: 1 }
cones: {
bagInit: {
count: 200,
type: "cone"
backgroundColor: "#f9f9c1",
itemTypes: {
green_robot: { img: "green_robot.png", side: 80, nbStates: 9, isRobot: true, offsetX: -11, zOrder: 2 },
marker: { num: 2, img: "marker.png", side: 60, isContainer: true, zOrder: 0 },
cone: { num: 3, img: "cone.png", side: 60, isWithdrawable: true, isObstacle: true, zOrder: 1 },
contour: { num: 4, img: "contour.png", side: 60, zOrder: 1 },
fixed_cone: { num: 5, img: "cone.png", side: 60, isObstacle: true, zOrder: 1 },
number: { num: 6, side: 60, zOrder: 1 }
flowers: {
backgroundColor: "#f9f9c1",
itemTypes: {
green_robot: { img: "green_robot.png", side: 80, nbStates: 9, isRobot: true, offsetX: -11, zOrder: 2 },
marker: { num: 2, img: "marker.png", side: 60, isContainer: true, zOrder: 0 },
flower: { num: 3, img: "flower.png", side: 60, isWithdrawable: true, isObstacle: true, zOrder: 1 },
fixed_flower: { num: 5, img: "fixed_flower.png", side: 60, isObstacle: true, zOrder: 1 }
course: {
itemTypes: {
red_robot: { img: "red_robot.png", side: 70, nbStates: 1, offsetX: -5, offsetY: 5, isRobot: true, zOrder: 2 },
obstacle: { num: 2, img: "obstacle.png", side: 60, isObstacle: true, zOrder: 0 },
green: { num: 3, color: "#b5e61d", side: 60, isExit: true, zOrder: 0},
number: { num: 5, side: 60, zOrder: 1 },
horizontal_closed_door: { num: 7, img: "horizontal_closed_door.png", side: 60, isObstacle: true, zOrder: 1 },
vertical_closed_door: { num: 8, img: "vertical_closed_door.png", side: 60, isObstacle: true, zOrder: 1 },
horizontal_open_door: { num: 11, img: "horizontal_open_door.png", side: 60, zOrder: 1},
vertical_open_door: { num: 12, img: "vertical_open_door.png", side: 60, zOrder: 1}
dominoes: {
backgroundColor: "#a40e0e",
itemTypes: {
green_robot: { img: "green_robot.png", side: 80, nbStates: 9, isRobot: true, offsetX: -11, zOrder: 2 },
contour: { num: 2, img: "contour.png", side: 60, zOrder: 0 },
GG: { num: 3, img: "GG.png", side: 60, isWithdrawable: true, isCross: true, zOrder: 1 },
GO: { num: 4, img: "GO.png", side: 60, isWithdrawable: true, isCross: true, isStar: true, zOrder: 1 },
GB: { num: 5, img: "GB.png", side: 60, isWithdrawable: true, isCross: true, isSquare: true, zOrder: 1 },
OG: { num: 6, img: "OG.png", side: 60, isWithdrawable: true, isStar: true, isCross: true, zOrder: 1 },
OO: { num: 7, img: "OO.png", side: 60, isWithdrawable: true, isStar: true, zOrder: 1 },
OB: { num: 8, img: "OB.png", side: 60, isWithdrawable: true, isStar: true, isSquare: true, zOrder: 1 },
BG: { num: 9, img: "BG.png", side: 60, isWithdrawable: true, isSquare: true, isCross: true, zOrder: 1 },
BO: { num: 10, img: "BO.png", side: 60, isWithdrawable: true, isSquare: true, isStar: true, zOrder: 1 },
BB: { num: 11, img: "BB.png", side: 60, isWithdrawable: true, isSquare: true, zOrder: 1 },
board_background: { num: 12, color: "#ffffff", side: 60, zOrder: 0 },
board: {num: 13, side: 60, isWritable: true, zOrder: 1 }
gears: {
backgroundColor: "#f2f1e3",
itemTypes: {
green_robot: { img: "green_robot.png", side: 80, nbStates: 9, isRobot: true, offsetX: -11, offsetY: 3, zOrder: 3 },
platform: { num: 2, img: "platform.png", side: 60, isObstacle: true, zOrder: 0 },
gears: { num: 4, img: "gears.png", side: 60, isContainer: true, zOrder: 1},
wheel: { num:5, img: "wheel.png", side: 60, isWithdrawable: true, zOrder: 2},
projectile: {num: 6, img: "projectile.png", side: 60, zOrder: 4, action: function(item, time) { this.moveProjectile(item); }, isProjectile: true},
dispersion: {img: "dispersion.png", side: 60, zOrder: 4, action: function(item, time) { this.destroy(item); }, isProjectile: true},
dispersion_robot: {img: "dispersion.png", side: 60, zOrder: 4, offsetY: -15, action: function(item, time) { this.destroy(item); }, isProjectile: true},
projectile_generator: {num: 7, side: 60, action: function(item, time) {
if(item.period == undefined)
item.period = 1;
if(item.start == undefined)
item.start = 1;
if(time % item.period == item.start)
this.dropObject({type: "projectile"}, {row: item.row, col: item.col});
gems: {
backgroundColor: "#e6b5d3",
itemTypes: {
green_robot: { img: "green_robot.png", side: 80, nbStates: 9, isRobot: true, offsetX: -11, zOrder: 2 },
gem: { num: 3, img: "gem.png", side: 60, isWithdrawable: true, autoWithdraw: true, zOrder: 1 },
obstacle: { num: 4, img: "obstacle.png", side: 60, isObstacle: true, zOrder: 0 },
number: { num: 5, side: 60, zOrder: 1 }
help: {
itemTypes: {
green_robot: { img: "green_robot.png", side: 80, nbStates: 9, isRobot: true, offsetX: -11, zOrder: 2 },
obstacle: { num: 2, img: "obstacle.png", side: 60, isObstacle: true },
green: { num: 3, color: "#b5e61d", side: 60, isGreen: true, isExit: true},
number: { num: 4, side: 60, zOrder: 1 },
board: {num: 5, side: 60, isWritable: true, zOrder: 1 },
object: {num: 6, img: "object.png", side : 40, isWithdrawable: true, autoWithdraw: true, offsetX: 10, offsetY: -10, zOrder: 1}
laser: {
backgroundColor: "#33237a",
itemTypes: {
green_robot: { img: "green_robot.png", side: 80, nbStates: 9, isRobot: true, offsetX: -11, zOrder: 2, isOpaque: true },
obstacle: { num: 2, img: "obstacle.png", side: 60, isObstacle: true, isOpaque: true },
light: { num: 3, img: "off_spot.png", states: ["off_spot.png", "on_spot.png"], isLight: true, state: 0, side: 60 },
launcher: { num: 5, img: "launcher.png", isLaser: true, side: 60 },
mirrorN: { num: 6, img: "mirrorN.png", isMirror: true, mirrorFunction: function(dir) { return (14 - dir) % 8; }, side: 60 },
mirrorZ: { num: 7, img: "mirrorZ.png", isMirror: true, mirrorFunction: function(dir) { return (10 - dir) % 8; }, side: 60 },
mirrorH: { num: 8, img: "mirrorH.png", isMirror: true, mirrorFunction: function(dir) { return (12 - dir) % 8; }, side: 60 },
mirrorI: { num: 9, img: "mirrorI.png", isMirror: true, mirrorFunction: function(dir) { return (8 - dir) % 8; }, side: 60 },
number: { side: 60, zOrder: 1 },
board_background: { num: 4, color: "#685aa6", side: 60, zOrder: 0 },
marbles: {
backgroundColor: "#dadada",
itemTypes: {
red_robot: { img: "red_robot.png", side: 90, nbStates: 1, isRobot: true, offsetX: -15, offsetY: 15, zOrder: 2 },
hole: { num: 3, img: "hole.png", side: 60, isContainer: true, zOrder: 0 },
marble: { num: 4, img: "marble.png", side: 60, isWithdrawable: true, zOrder: 1 },
number: { num: 5, side: 60, zOrder: 1 },
board: { num: 6, side: 60, isWritable: true, zOrder: 1 },
white: { num: 7, color: "#ffffff", side: 60, zOrder: 0 }
objects_in_space: {
backgroundColor: "#666699",
itemTypes: {
green_robot: { img: "green_robot.png", side: 80, nbStates: 9, isRobot: true, offsetX: -11, zOrder: 2 },
stars: { num: 3, img: "stars.png", side: 60, zOrder: 0},
objet1: { num: 4, img: "objet1.png", side: 60, isWithdrawable: true, zOrder: 1 },
objet2: { num: 5, img: "objet2.png", side: 60, isWithdrawable: true, zOrder: 1 },
obstacle: { num: 6, img: "asteroide.png", side: 60, isObstacle: true, zOrder: 0 }
paint: {
backgroundColor: "#ffbf5e",
itemTypes: {
red_robot: { img: "red_robot.png", side: 90, nbStates: 1, isRobot: true, offsetX: -15, offsetY: 15, zOrder: 3 },
initialPaint: { num: 2, color: "#2e1de5", side: 60, isPaint: true, zOrder: 1 },
marker: { num: 3, img: "marker.png", side: 60, isContainer: true, containerFilter: function(item) {return item.type === "paint";}, zOrder: 0 },
marker_white: { num: 4, img: "marker_white.png", isContainer: true, isFake: true, side: 60, zOrder: 0 },
paint: { color: "#2e1de5", side: 60, isWithdrawable: true, zOrder: 1 },
number: { side: 60, zOrder: 2 },
board_background: { num: 5, color: "#ffffff", side: 60, zOrder: 0 },
board: { side: 60, isWritable: true, zOrder: 1 }
pixelArt: {
backgroundColor: "#ece4ce",
itemTypes: {
green_robot: { img: "cursor.png", side: 60, nbStates: 9, isRobot: true, zOrder: 2 },
marker_red: { num: 2, side: 60, isContainer: true, zOrder: 0, containerFilter: function(item) {return item.color === "#ff0000";} },
marker_blue: { num: 3, side: 60, isContainer: true, zOrder: 0, containerFilter: function(item) {return item.color === "#0000ff";} },
marker_yellow: { num: 4, side: 60, isContainer: true, zOrder: 0, containerFilter: function(item) {return item.color === "#ffff00";} },
marker_white: { num: 5, side: 60, isContainer: true, zOrder: 0, containerFilter: function(item) {return item.color === "#ffffff";} },
marker_green: { num: 6, side: 60, isContainer: true, zOrder: 0, containerFilter: function(item) {return item.color === "#00ff00";} },
marker_orange: { num: 7, side: 60, isContainer: true, zOrder: 0, containerFilter: function(item) {return item.color === "#ff8000";} },
marker_pink: { num: 8, side: 60, isContainer: true, zOrder: 0, containerFilter: function(item) {return item.color === "#ff80ff";} },
marker_purple: { num: 9, side: 60, isContainer: true, zOrder: 0, containerFilter: function(item) {return item.color === "#800080";} },
marker_brown: { num: 10, side: 60, isContainer: true, zOrder: 0, containerFilter: function(item) {return item.color === "#804d00";} },
marker_grey: { num: 11, side: 60, isContainer: true, zOrder: 0, containerFilter: function(item) {return item.color === "#808080";} },
marker_black: { num: 12, side: 60, isContainer: true, zOrder: 0, containerFilter: function(item) {return item.color === "#000000";} },
paint: { side: 60, isWithdrawable: true, zOrder: 1 }
rocket: {
backgroundColor: "#666699",
itemTypes: {
green_robot: { img: "green_robot.png", side: 80, nbStates: 9, isRobot: true, offsetX: -11, zOrder: 2 },
board_background: { num: 2, color: "#8d8dbe", side: 60, zOrder: 0},
stars: { num: 3, img: "stars.png", side: 60, zOrder: 1},
asteroide: { num: 4, img: "asteroide.png", side: 60, isObstacle: true, zOrder: 1 },
rocket: { num: 5, img: "rocket.png", side: 60, isExit: true, zOrder: 1 },
obstacle: { num: 6, img: "obstacle.png", side: 60, isObstacle: true, zOrder: 1 },
objet1: { num: 7, img: "objet1.png", side: 60, isWithdrawable: true, zOrder: 1 },
objet2: { num: 8, img: "objet2.png", side: 60, isWithdrawable: true, zOrder: 1 },
number: { side: 60, zOrder: 1 }
sokoban: {
backgroundColor: "#ffeead",
itemTypes: {
green_robot: { img: "green_robot.png", side: 80, nbStates: 9, isRobot: true, offsetX: -11, zOrder: 2 },
wall: { num: 2, img: "wall.png", side: 60, isObstacle: true, zOrder: 0 },
marker: { num: 3, img: "marker.png", side: 60, isContainer: true, zOrder: 0 },
box: { num: 4, img: "box.png", side: 60, isObstacle: true, isPushable: true, isWithdrawable: true, zOrder: 1 },
number: { num: 5, side: 60, zOrder: 1 }
wiring: {
backgroundColor: "#00733f",
itemTypes: {
red_robot: { img: "red_robot.png", side: 90, nbStates: 1, isRobot: true, offsetX: -15, offsetY: 15, zOrder: 3 },
wire: { img: "wire.png", side: 60, isWire: true, zOrder: 1},
black_male: { num: 2, img: "black_male.png", side: 60, zOrder: 0, plugType: 1},
black_female: { num: 3, img: "black_female.png", side: 60, zOrder: 0, plugType: -1},
white_male: { num: 4, img: "white_male.png", side: 60, zOrder: 0, plugType: 2},
white_female: { num: 5, img: "white_female.png", side: 60, zOrder: 0, plugType: -2},
return block in gripOptions ? gripOptions[block][key] : null;
window.quickAlgoRobotGetGridOptions = getGridOptions;
if(window.quickAlgoLibraries) {
quickAlgoLibraries.register('robot', getContext);
} else {
if(!window.quickAlgoLibrariesList) { window.quickAlgoLibrariesList = []; }
window.quickAlgoLibrariesList.push(['robot', getContext]);