forked from Open-CT/openct-tasks
2797 lines
106 KiB
2797 lines
106 KiB
var getContext = function(display, infos) {
var config = {
width: 300, //px
height: 300, //px
scale: 1
gradingOptions: {
drawingBias: 3,
vlidateColors: true,
missedPixelsThreshold: 0,
extraPixelsThreshold: 0
var localLanguageStrings = {
fr: {
categories: {
environment: "Environnement",
shape_2D: "Formes – 2D",
shape_curve: "Formes – courbes",
shape_3D: "Formes – 3D",
shape_attributes: "Formes – attributs",
shape_vertex: "Formes – sommets",
shape_other: "Formes – autres",
transform: "Transformations",
effect_lights: "Effets – lumières",
effect_camera: "Effets – caméra",
effect_coordinates: "Effets – coordonnées",
effect_material: "Effets – matière",
color_setting: "Couleurs – réglages",
color_creating_reading: "Couleurs – création et lecture",
image_displaying: "Images – affichage",
image_pixels: "Images – pixels",
rendering: "Rendu",
typography_displaying: "Typographie – affichage",
typography_attributes: "Typographie – attributs",
typography_metrics: "Typographie – mesures"
label: {
// environment
popStyle: "dépiler le style",
pushStyle: "empiler le style",
cursor: "utiliser le pointeur de souris %1",
focused: "le canevas est sélectionné",
width: "largeur",
height: "hauteur",
// shape_2D
arc: "dessiner un arc à %1 %2 de taille %3 %4 entre les angles %5 et %6",
ellipse: "dessiner une ellipse à %1 %2 de taille %3 %4",
line: "dessiner une ligne de %1 %2 à %3 %4",
point: "dessiner un point à %1 %2",
quad: "dessiner un quadrilatère aux points %1 %2, %3 %4, %5 %6, %7 %8",
rect: "dessiner un rectangle à %1 %2 de taille %3 %4",
triangle: "dessiner un triangle aux points %1 %2, %3 %4, %5 %6",
// shape_curve
bezier: "dessiner une courbe de Bézier allant de %1 %2 avec les ancres %3 %4 et %5 %6 jusqu'à %7 %8",
bezierDetail: "définir la résolution des courbes de Bézier à %1",
bezierPoint: "coordonnée sur la courbe de Bézier allant de %1 avec les ancres %2 et %3 jusqu'au point %4 à l'emplacement %5",
bezierTangent: "tangente sur la courbe de Bézier allant de %1 avec les ancres %2 et %3 jusqu'au point %4 à l'emplacement %5",
curve: "dessiner une courbe spline allant de %1 %2 avec les ancres %3 %4 et %5 %6 jusqu'à %7 %8",
curveDetail: "définir la résolution des courbes splines à %1",
curvePoint: "coordonnée sur la courbe spline allant de %1 avec les ancres %2 et %3 jusqu'au point %4 à l'emplacement %5",
curveTangent: "tangente sur la courbe spline allant de %1 avec les ancres %2 et %3 jusqu'au point %4 à l'emplacement %5",
curveTightness: "définir la tension des courbes splines à %1",
// shape_3D
box: "dessiner une boite de taille %1 %2 %3",
sphere: "dessiner une sphère de rayon %1",
sphereDetail: "définir la résolution des sphères à %1 %2",
// shape_attributes
ellipseMode: "utiliser le mode %1 pour les ellipses",
noSmooth: "désactiver le lissage",
rectMode: "utiliser le mode %1 pour les rectangles",
smooth: "activer le lissage",
strokeCap: "utiliser des terminaisons %1",
strokeJoin: "utiliser des jointures %1",
strokeWeight: "définir l'épaisseur des lignes à %1",
// shape_vertex
beginShape: "commencer une forme avec le mode %1",
bezierVertex: "placer un sommet de courbe de Bézier à %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6",
curveVertex: "placer un sommet de courbe spline à %1 %2",
endShape: "terminer une forme %1",
texture: "utiliser la texture %1",
textureMode: "utiliser le mode %1 pour se référer à la texture",
vertex: "placer un sommet à %1 %2 %3 %4 %5",
// shape_other
shape: "afficher la forme %1 à %2 %3 avec la taille %4 %5",
shapeMode: "utiliser le mode %1 pour les formes",
isVisible: "est visible",
setVisible: "définir la visibilité à %1",
disableStyle: "désactiver le style spécifique",
enableStyle: "activer le style spécifique",
getChild: "enfant %1",
// debug
print: "sortir %1",
println: "sortir la ligne %1",
// transform
applyMatrix: "appliquer la matrice de transformation %1 %2 %3 %4, %5 %6 %7 %8, %9 %10 %11 %12, %13 %14 %15 %16",
popMatrix: "dépiler la matrice de transformation",
printMatrix: "sortir la matrice de transformation",
pushMatrix: "empiler la matrice de transformation",
resetMatrix: "réinitialiser la matrice de transformation",
rotate: "pivoter de %1",
rotateX: "pivoter sur l'axe X de %1",
rotateY: "pivoter sur l'axe Y de %1",
rotateZ: "pivoter sur l'axe Z de %1",
scale: "appliquer une échelle de %1 %2 %3",
translate: infos['processing3D'] ? "déplacer de %1 %2 %3" : "déplacer de %1 %2",
// effect_lights
ambientLight: "ajouter une lumière ambiante %1 %2 %3 à %4 %5 %6",
directionalLight: "ajouter une lumière directionnelle %1 %2 %3 vers %4 %5 %6",
lightFalloff: "placer la réduction de lumière sur %1 %2 %3",
lightSpecular: "définir la lumière spéculaire à %1 %2 %3",
lights: "installer les lumières",
noLights: "désactiver les lumières",
normal: "définir le vecteur normal utilisé à %1 %2 %3",
pointLight: "ajouter une lumière %1 %2 %3 partant de %4 %5 %6",
spotLight: "ajouter une lumière %1 %2 %3 partant de %4 %5 %6 vers %7 %8 %9 selon un angle de %10 et une exponentielle de %11",
// effect_camera
beginCamera: "commencer un déplacement de la caméra",
camera: "placer la caméra à %1 %2 %3 visant %4 %5 %6 éloignée de %7 %8 %9",
endCamera: "terminer un déplacement de la caméra",
frustum: "définir la matrice de perspective à %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6",
ortho: "définir la projection orthographique à %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6",
perspective: "définir la projection de perspective à %1 %2 %3 %4",
printCamera: "sortir la matrice de la caméra",
printProjection: "sortir la matrice de la projection",
// effect_coordinates
modelX: "coordonnée X sur le modèle du point %1 %2 %3",
modelY: "coordonnée Y sur le modèle du point %1 %2 %3",
modelZ: "coordonnée Z sur le modèle du point %1 %2 %3",
screenX: "coordonnée X sur l'écran du point %1 %2 %3",
screenY: "coordonnée Y sur l'écran du point %1 %2 %3",
screenZ: "coordonnée Z sur l'écran du point %1 %2 %3",
// effect_material
ambient: "définir la réflectance sur les formes à %1 %2 %3",
emissive: "définir l'émission sur les formes à %1 %2 %3",
shininess: "définir la brillance sur les formes à %1",
specular: "définir la spécularité des formes à %1",
// color_setting
background: "remplir l'arrière-plan avec %1 %2 %3 %4",
colorMode: "utiliser le mode de couleur %1 avec les limites %2 %3 %4 %5",
fill: "définir la couleur de fond à %1 %2 %3",
noFill: "désactiver le fond",
noStroke: "désactiver la ligne de contour",
stroke: "définir la couleur de ligne à %1 %2 %3",
// color_creating_reading
alpha: "opacité dans %1",
blendColor: "mélanger les couleurs %1 et %2 avec le mode %3",
blue: "bleu dans %1",
brightness: "luminosité dans %1",
color: "couleur %1 %2 %3 %4",
green: "vert dans %1",
hue: "teinte dans %1",
lerpColor: "couleur intermédiaire entre %1 et %2 à l'emplacement %3",
red: "rouge dans %1",
saturation: "saturation dans %1",
// image_displaying
createImage: "nouvelle image de taille %1 %2 au format %3",
image: "afficher l'image %1 à %2 %3 avec la taille %4 %5",
imageMode: "utiliser le mode %1 pour le positionnement des images",
noTint: "désactiver le teint des images",
tint: "utiliser pour les images un teint %1 %2 %3 %4",
resize: "redimensionner à la taille %1 %2",
// image_pixels
blend: "mélanger la source à %1 %2 taille %3 %4 avec la destination à %5 %6 taille %7 %8 avec le mode %9",
copy: "copier la source à %1 %2 taille %3 %4 sur la destination à %5 %6 taille %7 %8",
filter: "appliquer le filtre %1 avec le niveau %2",
get: "récupérer les pixels à %1 %2 taille %3 %4",
loadPixels: "charger les pixels",
pixels: "pixels",
set: "placer à %1 %2 la couleur %3",
updatePixels: "actualiser les pixels",
// rendering
createGraphics: "nouveau graphisme de taille %1 %2 avec le moteur %3",
beginDraw: "commencer à dessiner",
endDraw: "terminer de dessiner",
// typography_displaying
PFont_list: "liste des polices disponibles",
createFont: "nouvelle police de nom %1 et de taille %2",
loadFont: "nouvelle police de nom %1",
text_: "afficher le texte %1 à %2 %3 dans un cadre de taille %4 %5",
textFont: "définir la police du texte à %1 avec la taille %2",
// typography_attributes
textAlign: "définir l'alignement du texte, à l'horizontale : %1 et à la verticale : %2",
textLeading: "définir l'interligne du texte à %1",
textMode: "utiliser le mode %1 pour le texte",
textSize: "définir la taille du texte à %1",
textWidth: "largeur du texte %1",
// typography_metrics
textAscent: "hauteur du texte au-dessus de la ligne de base",
textDescent: "hauteur du texte en dessous de la ligne de base"
code: {
// environment
popStyle: "depilerStyle",//dépilerStyle
pushStyle: "empilerStyle",
cursor: "curseurSouris",
focused: "canevasSelectionne",//canevasSélectionné
width: "largeur",
height: "hauteur",
// shape_2D
arc: "arc",
ellipse: "ellipse",
line: "ligne",
point: "point",
quad: "quad",
rect: "rect",
triangle: "triangle",
// shape_curve
bezier: "bezier",
bezierDetail: "detailBezier",//détailBezier
bezierPoint: "pointBezier",
bezierTangent: "tangenteBezier",
curve: "courbe",
curveDetail: "detailCourbes",//détailCourbes
curvePoint: "pointCourbe",
curveTangent: "tangenteCourbe",
curveTightness: "tensionCourbes",
// shape_3D
box: "boite",
sphere: "sphere",//sphère
sphereDetail: "detailSpheres",//détailSphères
// shape_attributes
ellipseMode: "modeEllipses",
noSmooth: "desactiverLissage",//désactiverLissage
rectMode: "modeRectangles",
smooth: "lissage",
strokeCap: "terminaisonsLignes",
strokeJoin: "jointuresLignes",
strokeWeight: "epaisseurLignes",//épaisseurLignes
// shape_vertex
beginShape: "commencerForme",
bezierVertex: "sommetBezier",
curveVertex: "sommetCourbe",
endShape: "terminerForme",
texture: "texture",
textureMode: "modeTextures",
vertex: "sommet",
// shape_other
shape: "forme",
shapeMode: "modeFormes",
isVisible: "estVisible",
setVisible: "changerVisible",
disableStyle: "desactiverStyle",//désactiverStyle
enableStyle: "activerStyle",
getChild: "enfant",
// debug
print: "sortirTexte",
println: "sortirLigne",
// transform
applyMatrix: "appliquerMatrice",
popMatrix: "depilerMatrice",//dépilerMatrice
printMatrix: "sortirMatrice",
pushMatrix: "empilerMatrice",
resetMatrix: "reinitialiserMatrice",//réinitialiserMatrice
rotate: "pivoter",
rotateX: "pivoterX",
rotateY: "pivoterY",
rotateZ: "pivoterZ",
scale: "mettreEchelle",//mettreÉchelle
translate: "deplacer",//déplacer
// effect_lights
ambientLight: "lumiereAmbiante",//lumièreAmbiante
directionalLight: "lumiereDirectionnelle",//lumièreDirectionnelle
lightFalloff: "reductionLumiere",//réductionLumière
lightSpecular: "lumiereSpeculaire",//lumièreSpéculaire
lights: "lumieres",//lumières
noLights: "desactiverLumieres",//désactiverLumières
normal: "normal",
pointLight: "lumierePoint",//lumièrePoint
spotLight: "lumiereProjetee",//lumièreProjetée
// effect_camera
beginCamera: "commencerCamera",//commencerCaméra
camera: "camera",//caméra
endCamera: "terminerCamera",//terminerCaméra
frustum: "frustum",
ortho: "ortho",
perspective: "perspective",
printCamera: "sortirCamera",
printProjection: "sortirProjection",
// effect_coordinates
modelX: "modeleX",//modèleX
modelY: "modeleY",//modèleY
modelZ: "modeleZ",//modèleZ
screenX: "ecranX",//écranX
screenY: "ecranY",//écranY
screenZ: "ecranZ",//écranZ
// effect_material
ambient: "ambiante",
emissive: "emissive",//émissive
shininess: "brillante",
specular: "speculaire",//spéculaire
// color_setting
background: "arrierePlan",//arrièrePlan
colorMode: "modeCouleurs",
fill: "couleurFond",
noFill: "desactiverFond",//désactiverFond
noStroke: "desactiverLigne",//désactiverLigne
stroke: "couleurLigne",
// color_creating_reading
alpha: "opacite",//opacité
blendColor: "melangerCouleurs",//mélangerCouleurs
blue: "bleu",
brightness: "luminosite",//luminosité
color: "couleur",
green: "vert",
hue: "teinte",
lerpColor: "couleurIntermediaire",//couleurIntermédiaire
red: "rouge",
saturation: "saturation",
// image_displaying
createImage: "nouvelleImage",
image: "image",
imageMode: "modeImages",
noTint: "desactiverTeint",//désactiverTeint
tint: "teint",
resize: "redimensionner",
// image_displaying
blend: "melanger",//mélanger
copy: "copier",
filter: "appliquerFiltre",
get: "recupererPixels",//récupérerPixels
loadPixels: "chargerPixels",
pixels: "pixels",
set: "placerPixels",
updatePixels: "actualiserPixels",
// rendering
createGraphics: "nouveauGraphisme",
beginDraw: "commencerDessin",
endDraw: "terminerDessin",
// typography_displaying
PFont_list: "listePolices",
createFont: "nouvellePolice",
loadFont: "chargerPolice",
text_: "texte",
textFont: "policeTexte",
// typography_attributes
textAlign: "alignementTexte",
textLeading: "interligneTexte",
textMode: "modeTexte",
textSize: "tailleTexte",
textWidth: "largeurTexte",
// typography_metrics
textAscent: "ascensionTexte",
textDescent: "descenteTexte"
description: {
// environment
popStyle: "restaure le style précédant le dernier empilement avec <code>empilerStyle()</code>",
pushStyle: "enregistre le style actuel afin qu'il puisse être restauré par <code>depilerStyle()</code>",//dépilerStyle
cursor: "utilise l'image indiquée ou fournie pour représenter la souris sur le canevas",
focused: "vrai si le canevas est sélectionné, faux sinon",
width: "largeur du canevas",
height: "hauteur du canevas",
// shape_2D
arc: "dessine l'arc de l'ellipse aux propriétés indiquées, " +
"depuis l'angle <var>début</var> jusqu'à l'angle <var>fin</var> (donnés en degrés)",
ellipse: "dessine l'ellipse aux coordonnées indiquées avec la taille indiquée, " +
"dont le fonctionnement peut être changé par la fonction <code>modeEllipses</code>",
line: "dessine la ligne allant du premier point au second point indiqués",
point: "dessine un point (disque dont le diamètre correspond à l'épaisseur des lignes actuelle) " +
"aux coordonnées indiquées",
quad: "dessine un quadrilatère ayant pour sommets les quatre points indiqués",
rect: "dessine un rectangle aux coordonnées indiquées avec la taille indiquée, dont le fonctionnement " +
"peut être changé par la fonction <code>modeRectangles</code>, et avec les rayons indiqués pour arrondir les coins",
triangle: "dessine un triangle ayant pour sommets les trois points indiqués",
// shape_curve
/*bezier: "bezier",
bezierDetail: "detailBezier",//détailBezier
bezierPoint: "pointBezier",
bezierTangent: "tangenteBezier",
curve: "courbe",
curveDetail: "detailCourbes",//détailCourbes
curvePoint: "pointCourbe",
curveTangent: "tangenteCourbe",
curveTightness: "tensionCourbes",
// shape_3D
box: "boite",
sphere: "sphere",//sphère
sphereDetail: "detailSpheres",//détailSphères*/
// shape_attributes
ellipseMode: "définit la manière dont les propriétés des ellipses sont interprétées — " +
"<code>CENTRE</code> et <code>RAYON</code> utilisent les coordonnées comme centre, <code>RAYON</code> utilise " +
"la taille comme des rayons, <code>COIN</code> et <code>COINS</code> utilisent les coordonnées " +
"comme coin haut-gauche, <code>COINS</code> utilise la taille comme coordonnées du coin bas-droite",
noSmooth: "désactive le lissage appliqué aux formes",
rectMode: "définit la manière dont les propriétés " +
"des rectangles sont interprétées — voir modeEllipses",
smooth: "active le lissage appliqué aux formes",
strokeCap: "définit le style de terminaison des lignes (<code>CARREES</code>, <code>PROJETEES</code> " +//CARRÉES, PROJETÉES
"ou <code>ARRONDIES</code>)",
strokeJoin: "définit le style de jointure des segments de lignes (<code>EN_ONGLET</code>, <code>BISEAUTEES</code> " +//BISEAUTÉES
"ou <code>ARRONDIES</code>)",
strokeWeight: "définit l'épaisseur des lignes, en pixels",
// shape_vertex
/*beginShape: "commencerForme",
bezierVertex: "sommetBezier",
curveVertex: "sommetCourbe",
endShape: "terminerForme",
texture: "texture",
textureMode: "modeTextures",
vertex: "sommet",
// shape_other
shape: "forme",
shapeMode: "modeFormes",
isVisible: "estVisible",
setVisible: "changerVisible",
disableStyle: "desactiverStyle",//désactiverStyle
enableStyle: "activerStyle",
getChild: "enfant",*/
// debug
print: "affiche le texte ou les données indiquées dans la console",
println: "affiche le texte ou les données indiquées dans la console, suivies d'une fin de ligne",
// transform
/*applyMatrix: "appliquerMatrice",
popMatrix: "depilerMatrice",//dépilerMatrice
printMatrix: "sortirMatrice",
pushMatrix: "empilerMatrice",
resetMatrix: "reinitialiserMatrice",//réinitialiserMatrice
rotate: "pivoter",
rotateX: "pivoterX",
rotateY: "pivoterY",
rotateZ: "pivoterZ",
scale: "mettreEchelle",//mettreÉchelle
translate: "deplacer",//déplacer
// effect_lights
ambientLight: "lumiereAmbiante",//lumièreAmbiante
directionalLight: "lumiereDirectionnelle",//lumièreDirectionnelle
lightFalloff: "reductionLumiere",//réductionLumière
lightSpecular: "lumiereSpeculaire",//lumièreSpéculaire
lights: "lumieres",//lumières
noLights: "desactiverLumieres",//désactiverLumières
normal: "normal",
pointLight: "lumierePoint",//lumièrePoint
spotLight: "lumiereProjetee",//lumièreProjetée
// effect_camera
beginCamera: "commencerCamera",//commencerCaméra
camera: "camera",//caméra
endCamera: "terminerCamera",//terminerCaméra
frustum: "frustum",
ortho: "ortho",
perspective: "perspective",
printCamera: "sortirCamera",
printProjection: "sortirProjection",
// effect_coordinates
modelX: "modeleX",//modèleX
modelY: "modeleY",//modèleY
modelZ: "modeleZ",//modèleZ
screenX: "ecranX",//écranX
screenY: "ecranY",//écranY
screenZ: "ecranZ",//écranZ
// effect_material
ambient: "ambiante",
emissive: "emissive",//émissive
shininess: "brillante",
specular: "speculaire",//spéculaire*/
// color_setting
background: "remplit le canevas avec la couleur indiquée (doit être utilisé en tout début de programme)",
colorMode: "définit la manière dont les composantes des couleurs sont interprétées ; le premier paramètre définit " +
"le mode (<code>RVB</code> pour rouge, vert et bleu ; <code>TSL</code> pour teinte, saturation, luminosité) ; " +
"les suivants définissent la valeur maximale (255 par défaut)",
fill: "définit la couleur de fond utilisée pour le dessin",
noFill: "utilise un fond transparent pour les prochains dessins",
noStroke: "utilise une ligne transparente pour les prochains dessins",
stroke: "définit la couleur de ligne utilisée pour le dessin",
// color_creating_reading
alpha: "extrait la valeur d'opacité d'une couleur",
blendColor: "fournit la couleur obtenue par le mélange des deux couleurs indiquées avec le mode indiqué " +
"(<code>FUSION</code>, <code>ADDITION</code>, <code>SOUSTRACTION</code>, <code>LE_PLUS_SOMBRE</code>, " +
"<code>LE_PLUS_LUMINEUX</code>, <code>DIFFERENCE</code>, <code>EXCLUSION</code>, <code>MULTIPLICATION</code>, " +//DIFFÉRENCE
"<code>ECRAN</code>, <code>RECOUVREMENT</code>, <code>LUMIERE_DURE</code>, <code>LUMIERE_DOUCE</code>, " +//ÉCRAN, LUMIÈRE_DURE, LUMIÈRE_DOUCE
blue: "extrait la valeur de bleu d'une couleur",
brightness: "extrait la valeur de luminosité d'une couleur",
color: "crée une couleur avec les valeurs indiquées",
green: "extrait la valeur de vert d'une couleur",
hue: "extrait la valeur de teinte d'une couleur",
lerpColor: "fournit une couleur interpolée entre les deux couleurs indiquées, " +
"l'emplacement étant une valeur entre 0 et 1 (0 correspond à la première couleur, 0,1 en est proche, " +
"0,5 est au milieu des deux…)",
red: "extrait la quantité de rouge d'une couleur",
saturation: "extrait la quantité de saturation d'une couleur",
// image_displaying
/*createImage: "nouvelleImage",
image: "image",
imageMode: "modeImages",
noTint: "desactiverTeint",//désactiverTeint
tint: "teint",
resize: "redimensionner",
// image_displaying
blend: "melanger",//mélanger
copy: "copier",
filter: "appliquerFiltre",
get: "recupererPixels",//récupérerPixels
loadPixels: "chargerPixels",
pixels: "pixels",
set: "placerPixels",
updatePixels: "actualiserPixels",
// rendering
createGraphics: "nouveauGraphisme",
beginDraw: "commencerDessin()",
endDraw: "terminerDessin()",
// typography_displaying
PFont_list: "listePolices()",
createFont: "nouvellePolice",
loadFont: "chargerPolice",
text_: "texte",
textFont: "policeTexte",
// typography_attributes
textAlign: "alignementTexte",
textLeading: "interligneTexte",
textMode: "modeTexte",
textSize: "tailleTexte",
textWidth: "largeurTexte",
// typography_metrics
textAscent: "ascensionTexte",
textDescent: "descenteTexte"*/
params: {
mode: "mode",
image: "image",
width: "largeur",
height: "hauteur",
radius: "rayon",
tlradius: "rayonHG",
trradius: "rayonHD",
brradius: "rayonBD",
blradius: "rayonBG",
start: "début",
stop: "fin",
detail: "détail",
squishy: "tension",
visible: "visible",
target: "cible",
angle: "angle",
constant: "constante",
linear: "coefLin",
quadratic: "coefQuad",
concentration: "concentration",
eyeX: "xŒil",
eyeY: "yŒil",
eyeZ: "zŒil",
centerX: "xCentre",
centerY: "yCentre",
centerZ: "zCentre",
upX: "xHaut",
upY: "yHaut",
upZ: "zHaut",
left: "gauche",
right: "droite",
bottom: "bas",
top: "haut",
near: "auprès",
far: "auLoin",
fov: "champDeVision",
aspect: "aspect",
zNear: "zPrès",
zFar: "zLoin",
shine: "brillance",
size: "taille",
text: "texte",
gray: "gris",
alpha: "opacité",
value1: "valeur1",
value2: "valeur2",
value3: "valeur3",
color: "couleur",
color1: "couleur1",
color2: "couleur2",
range: "étendue",
range1: "étendue1",
range2: "étendue2",
range3: "étendue3",
range4: "étendue4",
amount: "emplacement",
srcImg: "imgSrc",
dx: "xDest",
dy: "yDest",
dwidth: "largeurDest",
dheight: "largeurDest",
param: "param",
renderer: "moteur",
name: "nom",
data: "donnée",
font: "police",
align: "align",
yAlign: "alignY",
dist: "dist"
constantLabel: {
// environment
ARROW: "Flèche",
CROSS: "Croix",
HAND: "Main",
MOVE: "Déplacement",
TEXT: "Texte",
WAIT: "Attente",
// shape
CENTER: "Centre",
RADIUS: "Rayon",
CORNER: "Coin",
CORNERS: "Coins",
SQUARE: "carrées",
PROJECT: "projetées",
ROUND: "arrondies",
MITER: "en onglet",
BEVEL: "biseautées",
POINTS: "points",
LINES: "lignes",
TRIANGLES: "triangles",
TRIANGLE_FAN: "triangles en éventail",
TRIANGLE_STRIP: "triangles en bande",
QUADS: "quadrilatères",
QUAD_STRIP: "quadrilatères en bande",
IMAGE: "image",
NORMALIZED: "normalisé",
CLOSE: "fermée",
// color
BLEND: "fusion",
ADD: "addition",
SUBTRACT: "soustraction",
DARKEST: "plus sombre",
LIGHTEST: "plus lumineux",
DIFFERENCE: "différence",
EXCLUSION: "exclusion",
MULTIPLY: "multiplication",
SCREEN: "écran",
OVERLAY: "recouvrement",
HARD_LIGHT: "lumière dure",
SOFT_LIGHT: "lumière douce",
DODGE: "assombrissement",
BURN: "éclaircissement",
// image
ALPHA: "Alpha",
THRESHOLD: "Seuiller",
GRAY: "Désaturer",
INVERT: "Inverser",
POSTERIZE: "Postériser",
BLUR: "Flouter",
OPAQUE: "Rendre opaque",
ERODE: "Éroder",
DILATE: "Dilater",
// rendering
P2D: "P2D",
P3D: "P3D",
// typography
LEFT: "Gauche",
RIGHT: "Droite",
TOP: "Haut",
BOTTOM: "Bas",
BASELINE: "Ligne de base",
MODEL: "modèle",
SHAPE: "forme"
constant: {
// environment
// shape
// color
// image
// rendering
P2D: "P2D",
P3D: "P3D",
// typography
startingBlockName: "Programme",
hideInitialDrawing: "Cacher le motif de départ",
messages: {
redCoveredGreenNotCovered: "Vous avez bien recouvert tout le rouge sans toucher au vert.",
redNotCovered: "Recouvrez bien toute la partie rouge.",
greenCovered: "Vous avez caché la partie rouge, mais avez recouvert une partie du vert.",
redNotCoveredGreenCovered: "Vous n'avez pas masqué la partie rouge, et avez recouvert une partie du vert !",
tooManyWhitePixelsCovered: "Trop de pixels blancs ont été recouverts. Votre score est de {score} sur {initial_score}.",
allFiguresMustBeConnected: "Toutes les formes doivent être connexes.",
taskCompleted: "Mission accomplie !",
mistakeExtraPixel: "Extra pixels covered",
mistakeMissedPixel: "Missed pixels found"
misc: {
colon: " : "
en: {
categories: {
environment: "Environment",
shape_2D: "Shape – 2D",
shape_curve: "Shape – courbes",
shape_3D: "Shape – 3D",
shape_attributes: "Shape – attributes",
shape_vertex: "Shape – vertex",
shape_other: "Shape – other",
transform: "Transform",
effect_lights: "Effect – lights",
effect_camera: "Effect – camera",
effect_coordinates: "Effect – coordinates",
effect_material: "Effect – material",
color_setting: "Color – setting",
color_creating_reading: "Color – creating and reading",
image_displaying: "Image – displaying",
image_pixels: "Image – pixels",
rendering: "Rendering",
typography_displaying: "Typography – displaying",
typography_attributes: "Typography – attributes",
typography_metrics: "Typography – metrics"
label: {
// environment
popStyle: "pop style",
pushStyle: "push style",
cursor: "use mouse pointer %1",
focused: "canvas is focused",
width: "width",
height: "height",
// shape_2D
arc: "draw an arc at %1 %2 of size %3 %4 between angles %5 and %6",
ellipse: "draw an ellipse at %1 %2 of size %3 %4",
line: "draw a line from %1 %2 to %3 %4",
point: "draw a point at %1 %2",
quad: "draw a quadrilateral at points %1 %2, %3 %4, %5 %6, %7 %8",
rect: "draw a rectangle at %1 %2 of size %3 %4",
triangle: "draw a triangle at points %1 %2, %3 %4, %5 %6",
// shape_curve
bezier: "draw a Bezier curve from %1 %2 with anchors %3 %4 and %5 %6 to %7 %8",
bezierDetail: "set Bezier curve resolution to %1",
bezierPoint: "coordinate on Bezier curve from %1 with anchors %2 and %3 to %4 at position %5",
bezierTangent: "tangent on Bezier curve from %1 with anchors %2 and %3 to %4 at position %5",
curve: "draw spline curve from %1 %2 with anchors %3 %4 and %5 %6 to %7 %8",
curveDetail: "set spline curve resolution to %1",
curvePoint: "coordinate on spline curve from %1 with anchors %2 and %3 to %4 at position %5",
curveTangent: "tangent on spline curve from %1 with anchors %2 and %3 to %4 at position %5",
curveTightness: "set spline curve tightness to %1",
// shape_3D
box: "draw a box with size %1 %2 %3",
sphere: "draw a sphere with radius %1",
sphereDetail: "set sphere resolution to %1 %2",
// shape_attributes
ellipseMode: "use %1 mode for ellipses",
noSmooth: "disable smoothing",
rectMode: "use %1 mode for rectangles",
smooth: "enable smoothing",
strokeCap: "use %1 stroke caps",
strokeJoin: "use %1 stroke joints",
strokeWeight: "set stroke weight to %1",
// shape_vertex
beginShape: "begin a shape with %1 mode",
bezierVertex: "put a Bezier curve vertex at %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6",
curveVertex: "put a spline curve vertex at %1 %2",
endShape: "end a shape %1",
texture: "use texture %1",
textureMode: "use %1 mode to refer to texture",
vertex: "put a vertex at %1 %2 %3 %4 %5",
// shape_other
shape: "display shape %1 at %2 %3 with size %4 %5",
shapeMode: "use %1 mode for shapes",
isVisible: "is visible",
setVisible: "set visibility to %1",
disableStyle: "disable specific style",
enableStyle: "enable specific style",
getChild: "child %1",
// debug
print: "print %1",
println: "print line %1",
// transform
applyMatrix: "apply transform matrix %1 %2 %3 %4, %5 %6 %7 %8, %9 %10 %11 %12, %13 %14 %15 %16",
popMatrix: "pop transform matrix",
printMatrix: "print transform matrix",
pushMatrix: "push transform matrix",
resetMatrix: "reset transform matrix",
rotate: "rotate by %1",
rotateX: "rotate on X axis by %1",
rotateY: "rotate on Y axis by %1",
rotateZ: "rotate on Z axis by %1",
scale: "scale by %1 %2 %3",
translate: infos['processing3D'] ? "translate by %1 %2 %3" : "translate by %1 %2",
// effect_lights
ambientLight: "add an ambient light %1 %2 %3 at %4 %5 %6",
directionalLight: "add a directional light %1 %2 %3 toward %4 %5 %6",
lightFalloff: "put light falloff at %1 %2 %3",
lightSpecular: "set specular light to %1 %2 %3",
lights: "lay lights",
noLights: "remove lights",
normal: "set normal vector to %1 %2 %3",
pointLight: "add a light %1 %2 %3 from %4 %5 %6",
spotLight: "add a light %1 %2 %3 from %4 %5 %6 toward %7 %8 %9 with a angle of %10 and an exponent of %11",
// effect_camera
beginCamera: "begin camera movement",
camera: "put camera at %1 %2 %3 toward %4 %5 %6 distant with %7 %8 %9",
endCamera: "end camera movement",
frustum: "set perspective matrix to %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6",
ortho: "set orthographic projection to %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6",
perspective: "set perspective projection to %1 %2 %3 %4",
printCamera: "print camera matrix",
printProjection: "print projection matrix",
// effect_coordinates
modelX: "model X coordinate of point %1 %2 %3",
modelY: "model Y coordinate of point %1 %2 %3",
modelZ: "model Z coordinate of point %1 %2 %3",
screenX: "screen X coordinate of point %1 %2 %3",
screenY: "screen Y coordinate of point %1 %2 %3",
screenZ: "screen Z coordinate of point %1 %2 %3",
// effect_material
ambient: "set reflectance on shapes to %1 %2 %3",
emissive: "set emission on shapes to %1 %2 %3",
shininess: "set shininess on shapes to %1",
specular: "set specularity on shapes to %1",
// color_setting
background: "fill background with %1 %2 %3 %4",
colorMode: "use %1 color mode with limits %2 %3 %4 %5",
fill: "set fill color to %1 %2 %3",
noFill: "disable fill",
noStroke: "disable stroke",
stroke: "set stroke color to %1 %2 %3",
// color_creating_reading
alpha: "opacity of %1",
blendColor: "blend colors %1 and %2 with %3 mode",
blue: "blue of %1",
brightness: "brighness of %1",
color: "color %1 %2 %3 %4",
green: "green of %1",
hue: "hue of %1",
lerpColor: "lerp color between %1 and %2 at position %3",
red: "red of %1",
saturation: "saturation of %1",
// image_displaying
createImage: "new image of size %1 %2 with format %3",
image: "display image %1 at %2 %3 with size %4 %5",
imageMode: "use %1 mode to position images",
noTint: "disable image tint",
tint: "use image tint %1 %2 %3 %4",
resize: "resize to %1 %2",
// image_pixels
blend: "blend source at %1 %2 size %3 %4 with destination %5 %6 size %7 %8 with %9 mode",
copy: "copy source at %1 %2 size %3 %4 on destination at %5 %6 size %7 %8",
filter: "apply filter %1 with level %2",
get: "get pixels at %1 %2 size %3 %4",
loadPixels: "load pixels",
pixels: "pixels",
set: "set at %1 %2 color %3",
updatePixels: "update pixels",
// rendering
createGraphics: "new graphics of size %1 %2 with renderer %3",
beginDraw: "begin drawing",
endDraw: "end drawing",
// typography_displaying
PFont_list: "list available fonts",
createFont: "new font with name %1 and size %2",
loadFont: "new font with name %1",
text_: "display text %1 at %2 %3 in a frame of size %4 %5",
textFont: "set text font to %1 with size %2",
// typography_attributes
textAlign: "set text alignment to, horizontally : %1 and vertically : %2",
textLeading: "set text leading to %1",
textMode: "use %1 mode for text",
textSize: "set text size to %1",
textWidth: "width of text %1",
// typography_metrics
textAscent: "text ascent",
textDescent: "text descent"
code: {
// environment
popStyle: "popStyle",
pushStyle: "pushStyle",
cursor: "mouseCursor",
focused: "canvasFocused",
width: "width",
height: "height",
// shape_2D
arc: "arc",
ellipse: "ellipse",
line: "line",
point: "point",
quad: "quad",
rect: "rect",
triangle: "triangle",
// shape_curve
bezier: "bezier",
bezierDetail: "bezierDetail",
bezierPoint: "bezierPoint",
bezierTangent: "bezierTangent",
curve: "curve",
curveDetail: "curveDetail",
curvePoint: "curvePoint",
curveTangent: "curveTangent",
curveTightness: "curveTightness",
// shape_3D
box: "box",
sphere: "sphere",
sphereDetail: "sphereDetail",
// shape_attributes
ellipseMode: "ellipseMode",
noSmooth: "noSmooth",
rectMode: "rectMode",
smooth: "smooth",
strokeCap: "strokeCap",
strokeJoin: "strokeJoin",
strokeWeight: "strokeWeight",
// shape_vertex
beginShape: "beginShape",
bezierVertex: "bezierVertex",
curveVertex: "curveVertex",
endShape: "endShape",
texture: "texture",
textureMode: "textureMode",
vertex: "vertex",
// shape_other
shape: "shape",
shapeMode: "shapeMode",
isVisible: "isVisible",
setVisible: "setVisible",
disableStyle: "disableStyle",
enableStyle: "enableStyle",
getChild: "getChild",
// debug
print: "print",
println: "println",
// transform
applyMatrix: "applyMatrix",
popMatrix: "popMatrix",
printMatrix: "printMatrix",
pushMatrix: "pushMatrix",
resetMatrix: "resetMatrix",
rotate: "rotate",
rotateX: "rotateX",
rotateY: "rotateY",
rotateZ: "rotateZ",
scale: "scale",
translate: "translate",
// effect_lights
ambientLight: "ambientLight",
directionalLight: "directionalLight",
lightFalloff: "lightFalloff",
lightSpecular: "lightSpecular",
lights: "lights",
noLights: "noLights",
normal: "normal",
pointLight: "pointLight",
spotLight: "spotLight",
// effect_camera
beginCamera: "beginCamera",
camera: "camera",
endCamera: "endCamera",
frustum: "frustum",
ortho: "ortho",
perspective: "perspective",
printCamera: "printCamera",
printProjection: "printProjection",
// effect_coordinates
modelX: "modelX",
modelY: "modelY",
modelZ: "modelZ",
screenX: "screenX",
screenY: "screenY",
screenZ: "screenZ",
// effect_material
ambient: "ambient",
emissive: "emissive",
shininess: "shininess",
specular: "specular",
// color_setting
background: "background",
colorMode: "colorMode",
fill: "fill",
noFill: "noFill",
noStroke: "noStroke",
stroke: "stroke",
// color_creating_reading
alpha: "alpha",
blendColor: "blendColor",
blue: "blue",
brightness: "brightness",
color: "color",
green: "green",
hue: "hue",
lerpColor: "lerpColor",
red: "red",
saturation: "saturation",
// image_displaying
createImage: "createImage",
image: "image",
imageMode: "imageMode",
noTint: "noTint",
tint: "tint",
resize: "resize",
// image_displaying
blend: "blend",
copy: "copy",
filter: "filter",
get: "get",
loadPixels: "loadPixels",
pixels: "pixels",
set: "set",
updatePixels: "updatePixels",
// rendering
createGraphics: "createGraphics",
beginDraw: "beginDraw",
endDraw: "endDraw",
// typography_displaying
PFont_list: "PFont_list",
createFont: "createFont",
loadFont: "loadFont",
text_: "text_",
textFont: "textFont",
// typography_attributes
textAlign: "textAlign",
textLeading: "textLeading",
textMode: "textMode",
textSize: "textSize",
textWidth: "textWidth",
// typography_metrics
textAscent: "textAscent",
textDescent: "textDescent"
description: {},
params: {},
constantLabel: {
// environment
ARROW: "Arrow",
CROSS: "Cross",
HAND: "Hand",
MOVE: "Move",
TEXT: "Text",
WAIT: "Wait",
// shape
CENTER: "Center",
RADIUS: "Radius",
CORNER: "Corner",
CORNERS: "Corners",
SQUARE: "square",
PROJECT: "project",
ROUND: "round",
MITER: "miter",
BEVEL: "bevel",
POINTS: "points",
LINES: "lines",
TRIANGLES: "triangles",
TRIANGLE_FAN: "triangle fan",
TRIANGLE_STRIP: "triangle strip",
QUADS: "quads",
QUAD_STRIP: "quad strip",
IMAGE: "image",
NORMALIZED: "normalizep",
CLOSE: "closed",
// color
BLEND: "blend",
ADD: "add",
SUBTRACT: "substract",
DARKEST: "darkest",
LIGHTEST: "lightest",
DIFFERENCE: "difference",
EXCLUSION: "exclusion",
MULTIPLY: "multiply",
SCREEN: "screen",
OVERLAY: "overlay",
HARD_LIGHT: "hard light",
SOFT_LIGHT: "soft light",
DODGE: "dodge",
BURN: "burn",
// image
ALPHA: "Alpha",
THRESHOLD: "Threshold",
GRAY: "Gray",
INVERT: "Invert",
POSTERIZE: "Posterize",
BLUR: "Blur",
OPAQUE: "Opaque",
ERODE: "Erode",
DILATE: "Dilate",
// rendering
P2D: "P2D",
P3D: "P3D",
// typography
LEFT: "Left",
RIGHT: "Right",
TOP: "Top",
BOTTOM: "Bottom",
BASELINE: "Baseline",
MODEL: "model",
SHAPE: "shape"
startingBlockName: "Program",
hideInitialDrawing: "Hide initial drawing",
messages: {
// google translate :)
redCoveredGreenNotCovered: "You covered all the red without touching the green.",
redNotCovered: "Cover the entire red part.",
greenCovered: "You hid the red part, but covered some of the green.",
redNotCoveredGreenCovered: "You did not hide the red part, and covered some of the green!",
tooManyWhitePixelsCovered: "Too many white pixels were covered, your score is {score} of {initial_score}.",
allFiguresMustBeConnected: "All figures must be connected.",
taskCompleted: "Task completed!",
mistakeExtraPixel: "Extra pixels covered",
mistakeMissedPixel: "Missed pixels found"
misc: {
colon: ": "
none: {
comment: {}
var context = quickAlgoContext(display, infos);
var strings = context.setLocalLanguageStrings(localLanguageStrings);
context.provideBlocklyColours = function() {
return {
categories: {
environment: 0,
shape_2D: 75,
shape_curve: 85,
shape_3D: 95,
shape_attributes: 105,
shape_vertex: 115,
shape_other: 125,
debug: 200,
transform: 300,
effect_lights: 385,
effect_camera: 395,
effect_coordinates: 405,
effect_material: 415,
color_setting: 75,
color_creating_reading: 85,
image_displaying: 175,
image_pixels: 185,
rendering: 280,
typography_displaying: 370,
typography_attributes: 380,
typography_metrics: 390,
var conceptBaseUrl = window.location.protocol + '//' + '';
context.conceptList = [
{id: 'processing_introduction', name: 'Processing - introduction', url: conceptBaseUrl+'#processing_introduction'},
{id: 'processing_environment', name: 'Environnement', url: conceptBaseUrl+'#processing_environment'},
{id: 'processing_shape_2D', name: 'Formes - 2D', url: conceptBaseUrl+'#processing_shape_2D'},
{id: 'processing_shape_curves', name: 'Formes - courbes', url: conceptBaseUrl+'#processing_shape_curves'},
{id: 'processing_shape_attributes', name: 'Formes - ellipse', url: conceptBaseUrl+'#processing_shape_attributes'},
{id: 'processing_shape_vertex', name: 'Formes - sommets', url: conceptBaseUrl+'#processing_shape_vertex'},
{id: 'processing_shape_other', name: 'Formes - autres', url: conceptBaseUrl+'#processing_shape_other'},
{id: 'processing_transforms', name: 'Transformations', url: conceptBaseUrl+'#processing_transforms'},
{id: 'processing_effect_lights', name: 'Effets - lumière', url: conceptBaseUrl+'#processing_effect_lights'},
{id: 'processing_effect_camera', name: 'Effets - caméra', url: conceptBaseUrl+'#processing_effect_camera'},
{id: 'processing_coordinates', name: 'Effets - coordonnées', url: conceptBaseUrl+'#processing_coordinates'},
{id: 'processing_effect_matter', name: 'Effets - matière', url: conceptBaseUrl+'#processing_effect_matter'},
{id: 'processing_color_setting', name: 'Couleurs - réglages', url: conceptBaseUrl+'#processing_color_setting'},
{id: 'processing_image_displaying', name: 'Couleurs - création et lecture', url: conceptBaseUrl+'#processing_image_displaying'},
{id: 'processing_image_textures', name: 'Images - affichage', url: conceptBaseUrl+'#processing_image_textures'},
{id: 'processing_image_pixels', name: 'Images - pixels', url: conceptBaseUrl+'#processing_image_pixels'},
{id: 'processing_rendering', name: 'Rendu', url: conceptBaseUrl+'#processing_rendering'},
{id: 'processing_typography_display', name: 'Typographie - affichage', url: conceptBaseUrl+'#processing_typography_display'},
{id: 'processing_typography_attributes', name: 'Typographie - attributs', url: conceptBaseUrl+'#processing_typography_attributes'},
{id: 'processing_typography_measures', name: 'Typographie - mesures', url: conceptBaseUrl+'#processing_typography_measures'},
{id: 'processing_constants', name: '', url: conceptBaseUrl+'#processing_constants'},
context.state = {
hideInitialDrawing: false,
scale: 1,
options: {}
context.getCanvasSize = function() {
var size = context.state.options['canvas_size'] ? context.state.options.canvas_size : config.DEFAULT_CANVAS_SIZE;
return {
width: size.width * context.state.scale,
height: size.height * context.state.scale
function createProcessing(canvas, size) {
var p = new Processing(canvas, function(processing) {
processing.setup = function() {
p.scale(context.state.scale / config.DEFAULT_CANVAS_SIZE.scale);
return p;
function drawPreviewWireframe(buffer, drawing_func) {
if(!drawing_func) {
var options = {
dot_size: 6,
dash_size_linear: 8,
dash_size_radial: 0.12 // part of PI
var hints = [];
function formatLabel() {
var str = arguments[0];
for(var i=1; i<arguments.length; i++) {
str = str.replace('%' + i, arguments[i]);
return str;
function addDot(x, y, label) {
buffer.ellipse(x, y, options.dot_size, options.dot_size);
x: x,
y: y,
label: label
function drawLineDashes(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
dx = x2 - x1,
dy = y2 - y1,
l = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy),
k = options.dash_size_linear / l,
xx1 = x1 + (x2 - x1) * k,
yy1 = y1 + (y2 - y1) * k,
xx2 = x2 - (x2 - x1) * k,
yy2 = y2 - (y2 - y1) * k;
buffer.line(x1, y1, xx1, yy1);
buffer.line(x2, y2, xx2, yy2);
var attributes = {
color: false,
background: false
var overload = {
circle: function(x, y, d) {
var rl = Math.PI * options.dash_size_radial;
buffer.arc(x, y, d, d, 0, rl);
buffer.arc(x, y, d, d, Math.PI * 0.5, Math.PI * 0.5 + rl);
buffer.arc(x, y, d, d, Math.PI, Math.PI + rl);
buffer.arc(x, y, d, d, Math.PI * 1.5, Math.PI * 1.5 + rl);
var label = formatLabel(, x, y, d);
addDot(x, y, label);
addDot(x - 0.5 * d, y, label);
arc: function(x, y, w, h, start, stop) {
var rl = Math.PI * options.dash_size_radial;
buffer.arc(x, y, w, h, start, start + rl);
buffer.arc(x, y, w, h, stop - rl, stop);
var label = formatLabel(strings.label.arc, x, y, w, h, start, stop);
addDot(x, y, label);
addDot(x + 0.5 * w * Math.cos(start), y + 0.5 * h * Math.sin(start), label);
addDot(x + 0.5 * w * Math.cos(stop), y + 0.5 * h * Math.sin(stop), label);
ellipse: function(x, y, w, h) {
var rl = Math.PI * options.dash_size_radial;
buffer.arc(x, y, w, h, -rl, rl);
buffer.arc(x, y, w, h, Math.PI * 0.5 - rl, Math.PI * 0.5 + rl);
buffer.arc(x, y, w, h, Math.PI - rl, Math.PI + rl);
buffer.arc(x, y, w, h, Math.PI * 1.5 - rl, Math.PI * 1.5 + rl);
var label = formatLabel(strings.label.ellipse, x, y, w, h);
addDot(x, y, label);
addDot(x - 0.5 * w, y, label);
addDot(x + 0.5 * w, y, label);
addDot(x, y - 0.5 * h, label);
addDot(x, y + 0.5 * h, label);
line: function(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
drawLineDashes(x1, y1, x2, y2);
var label = formatLabel(strings.label.line, x1, y1, x2, y2);
addDot(x1, y1, label);
addDot(x2, y2, label);
point: function(x, y) {
var label = formatLabel(strings.label.point, x, y);
addDot(x, y, label);
quad: function(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) {
drawLineDashes(x1, y1, x2, y2);
drawLineDashes(x1, y1, x4, y4);
drawLineDashes(x3, y3, x2, y2);
drawLineDashes(x3, y3, x4, y4);
var label = formatLabel(strings.label.quad, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4);
addDot(x1, y1, label);
addDot(x2, y2, label);
addDot(x3, y3, label);
addDot(x4, y4, label);
rect: function(x, y, w, h) {
var x2 = x + w, y2 = y + h;
drawLineDashes(x, y, x, y2);
drawLineDashes(x, y, x2, y);
drawLineDashes(x2, y2, x2, y);
drawLineDashes(x2, y2, x, y2);
var label = formatLabel(strings.label.rect, x, y, w, h);
addDot(x, y, label);
addDot(x, y2, label);
addDot(x2, y, label);
addDot(x2, y2, label);
triangle: function(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) {
drawLineDashes(x1, y1, x2, y2);
drawLineDashes(x2, y2, x3, y3);
drawLineDashes(x3, y3, x1, y1);
var label = formatLabel(strings.label.triangle, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
addDot(x1, y1, label);
addDot(x2, y2, label);
addDot(x3, y3, label);
var f = function(){};
for(var k in buffer) {
if(k in overload || !buffer.hasOwnProperty(k) || typeof buffer[k] !== 'function') continue;
overload[k] = f;
return {
hints: hints,
dot_size: options.dot_size
function initHints(data) {
var el = $('#grid').find('div.hint');
if(el.length == 0) {
el = $('<div class="hint"> </div>');
var container = $('#grid .drawing-container');
function mousePos(e) {
var ofs = container.offset();
return {
x: Math.round((e.pageX - ofs.left) / context.state.scale),
y: Math.round((e.pageY - / context.state.scale)
function getLabel(pos) {
var dx, dy;
for(var i=0; i<data.hints.length; i++) {
dx = Math.abs(data.hints[i].x - pos.x);
dy = Math.abs(data.hints[i].y - pos.y);
if(dx <= data.dot_size && dy <= data.dot_size) {
return data.hints[i].label;
return pos.x + ' × ' + pos.y;
container.on('mousemove', function(e) {
var pos = mousePos(e);
var label = getLabel(pos);
context.reset = function(taskInfos) {
if(taskInfos) {
context.state.options = taskInfos.options || {};
context.state.initialDrawing = taskInfos.initialDrawing;
context.state.gradingOptions = Object.assign(
taskInfos.gradingOptions || infos.gradingOptions || {}
if (context.display) {
context.resetDisplay = function() {
var canvasSize = context.getCanvasSize();
var wrapper = $('<div style="border: 1px solid #000"></div>');
var inner = $('<div style="position: relative" class="drawing-container"></div>');
wrapper.css('width', canvasSize.width).css('height', canvasSize.height);
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user: $('<canvas style="z-index: 1; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;"></canvas>'),
preview: $('<canvas style="z-index: 2; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;"></canvas>')
canvas.preview.get(0).getContext('2d').globalCompositeOperation = 'source-in';
inner.append(canvas.preview, canvas.user);
if (infos.buttonHideInitialDrawing && $('#hideInitialDrawing').length == 0) {
hideInitialDrawing = $('<label for="hideInitialDrawing">');
hideInitialDrawing.text(" " + strings.hideInitialDrawing);
var cb = $('<input id="hideInitialDrawing" type="checkbox">');
cb.prop('checked', context.state.hideInitialDrawing);
$('#grid').prepend($('<div style="margin-bottom: 4px;">').append(hideInitialDrawing));
$('#hideInitialDrawing').change(function(e) {
context.state.hideInitialDrawing = $('checked');
context.renderers = {}
context.renderers.preview = createProcessing(canvas.preview.get(0), canvasSize);
var hints = drawPreviewWireframe(context.renderers.preview, context.state.initialDrawing);
context.renderers.user = createProcessing(canvas.user.get(0), canvasSize);
context.setScale = function(scale) {
this.state.scale = scale;
context.unload = function() {
// TODO: kill processing instances
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{ name: "popStyle" },
{ name: "pushStyle" },
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['image', 'x', 'y']
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{ name: "height", yieldsValue: true } // must be a value
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{ name: "arc",
params: ['Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Angle', 'Angle'],
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params: ['Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number'],
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{ name: "point",
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['Number', 'Number', 'Number']
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{ name: "quad",
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['Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number']
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['Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number']
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{ name: "curveDetail",
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{ name: "curvePoint",
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yieldsValue: true
{ name: "curveTightness",
params: ['Number'],
params_names: ['squishy']
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{ name: "box",
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['Number', 'Number', 'Number']
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['width', 'height', 'depth']
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['Number', 'Number']
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['ures', 'vres']
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{ name: "ellipseMode",
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params_names: ['mode']
{ name: "noSmooth" },
{ name: "rectMode",
params: [{ options: ["CORNER", "CORNERS", "CENTER", "RADIUS"] }],
params_names: ['mode']
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{ name: "strokeCap",
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['Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number']
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['cx1', 'cy1', 'cz1', 'cx2', 'cy2', 'cz2', 'x', 'y', 'z']
{ name: "curveVertex",
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['Number', 'Number'],
['Number', 'Number', 'Number']
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['x', 'y'],
['x', 'y', 'z']
{ name: "endShape",
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[{ options: ["CLOSE"] }]
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{ name: "texture",
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{ name: "textureMode",
params: [{ options: ["IMAGE", "NORMALIZED"] }],
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['Number', 'Number'],
['Number', 'Number', 'Number'],
['Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number'],
['Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number']
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['x', 'y'],
['x', 'y', 'z'],
['x', 'y', 'u', 'v'],
['x', 'y', 'z', 'u', 'v']
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{ name: "shape",
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['Shape', 'Number', 'Number'],
['Shape', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number']
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['shape', 'x', 'y'],
['shape', 'x', 'y', 'width', 'height']
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params_names: ['mode']
{ name: "isVisible", yieldsValue: true },
{ name: "setVisible",
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params_names: ['visible']
{ name: "disableStyle" },
{ name: "enableStyle" },
{ name: "getChild",
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params_names: ['target']
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{ name: "print",
params: [null],
params_names: ['text']
{ name: "println",
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params_names: ['text']
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'n3_1', 'n3_2', 'n3_3', 'n3_4', 'n4_1', 'n4_2', 'n4_3', 'n4_4']
{ name: "popMatrix" },
{ name: "printMatrix" },
{ name: "pushMatrix" },
{ name: "resetMatrix" },
{ name: "rotate",
params: ['Angle'],
params_names: ['angle']
{ name: "rotateX",
params: ['Angle'],
params_names: ['angle']
{ name: "rotateY",
params: ['Angle'],
params_names: ['angle']
{ name: "rotateZ",
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['Number', 'Number'],
['Number', 'Number', 'Number']
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['x', 'y', 'z']
{ name: "translate",
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params_names: infos['processing3D'] ? ['x', 'y', 'z'] : ['x', 'y']
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{ name: "ambientLight",
variants: [
['Number', 'Number', 'Number'],
['Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number']
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['v1', 'v2', 'v3'],
['v1', 'v2', 'v3', 'x', 'y', 'z']
{ name: "directionalLight",
params: ['Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number'],
params_names: ['v1', 'v2', 'v3', 'nx', 'ny', 'nz']
{ name: "lightFalloff",
params: ['Number', 'Number', 'Number'],
params_names: ['constant', 'linear', 'quadratic']
{ name: "lightSpecular",
params: ['Number', 'Number', 'Number'],
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{ name: "lights" },
{ name: "noLights" },
{ name: "normal",
params: ['Number', 'Number', 'Number'],
params_names: ['nx', 'ny', 'nz']
{ name: "pointLight",
params: ['Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number'],
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{ name: "spotLight",
params: ['Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number',
'Number', 'Number', 'Number'],
params_names: ['v1', 'v2', 'v3', 'nx', 'ny', 'nz', 'angle', 'concentration']
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{ name: "beginCamera" },
{ name: "camera",
variants: [
['Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number']
variants_names: [
['eyeX', 'eyeY', 'eyeZ', 'centerX', 'centerY', 'centerZ', 'upX', 'upY', 'upZ']
{ name: "endCamera" },
{ name: "frustum",
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{ name: "ortho",
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['Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number']
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['left', 'right', 'bottom', 'top', 'near', 'far']
{ name: "perspective",
variants: [
['Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number']
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['fov', 'aspect', 'zNear', 'zFar']
{ name: "printCamera" },
{ name: "printProjection" }
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params: ['Number', 'Number', 'Number'],
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{ name: "modelY",
params: ['Number', 'Number', 'Number'],
params_names: ['x', 'y', 'z'],
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params: ['Number', 'Number', 'Number'],
params_names: ['x', 'y', 'z'],
yieldsValue: true
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params: ['Number', 'Number', 'Number'],
params_names: ['x', 'y', 'z'],
yieldsValue: true
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params: ['Number', 'Number', 'Number'],
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params: ['Number', 'Number', 'Number'],
params_names: ['x', 'y', 'z'],
yieldsValue: true
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{ name: "ambient",
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['Number', 'Number', 'Number'],
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['value1', 'value2', 'value3'],
{ name: "emissive",
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['Number', 'Number', 'Number'],
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['value1', 'value2', 'value3'],
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params: ['Number'],
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['Number', 'Number', 'Number'],
['Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number'],
['Colour', 'Number'],
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['gray', 'alpha'],
['value1', 'value2', 'value3'],
['value1', 'value2', 'value3', 'alpha'],
['color', 'alpha']
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['ColorModeConst', 'Number'],
['ColorModeConst', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number'],
['ColorModeConst', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number']
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['mode', 'range'],
['mode', 'range1', 'range2', 'range3'],
['mode', 'range1', 'range2', 'range3', 'range4']
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['Number', 'Number'],
['Number', 'Number', 'Number'],
['Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number'],
['Colour', 'Number']
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['color', 'alpha']
{ name: "noFill" },
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['value1', 'value2', 'value3', 'alpha'],
['color', 'alpha']
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params_names: ['color'],
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{ name: "brightness",
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{ name: "color",
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['Number', 'Number', 'Number'],
['Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number']
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//['gray', 'alpha'],
['value1', 'value2', 'value3'],
['value1', 'value2', 'value3', 'alpha'],
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{ name: "green",
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params_names: ['color'],
yieldsValue: true
{ name: "hue",
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params_names: ['color'],
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{ name: "lerpColor",
params: ['Colour', 'Colour', 'Number'],
params_names: ['color1', 'color2', 'amount'],
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{ name: "red",
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params_names: ['color'],
yieldsValue: true
{ name: "saturation",
params: ['Colour'],
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['Image', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number']
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['image', 'x', 'y', 'width', 'height']
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{ name: "noTint" },
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['Number', 'Number', 'Number'],
['Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number'],
['Colour', 'Number']
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['gray', 'alpha'],
['value1', 'value2', 'value3'],
['value1', 'value2', 'value3', 'alpha'],
['color', 'alpha']
{ name: "resize",
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['Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'BlendConst'],
['Image', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'BlendConst']
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{ name: "copy",
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['Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number'],
['Image', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number']
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['srcImg', 'x', 'y', 'width', 'height', 'dx', 'dy', 'dwidth', 'dheight']
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['FilterConst', 'Number']
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['mode', 'param']
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['Number', 'Number'],
['Number', 'Number', 'Number', 'Number']
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['x', 'y'],
['x', 'y', 'width', 'height']
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{ name: "loadPixels" },
{ name: "pixels", yieldsValue: true }, // must be a list
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['Number', 'Number', 'Colour'],
['Number', 'Number', 'Image']
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['x', 'y', 'color'],
['x', 'y', 'image']
{ name: "updatePixels" }
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[null, 'Number', 'Number'],
[null, 'Number', 'Number', 'Number'],
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'Number': { bType: 'input_value', vType: 'math_number', fName: 'NUM', defVal: 0 },
'String': { bType: 'input_value', vType: 'text', fName: 'TEXT', defVal: '' },
'Colour': { bType: 'input_value', vType: 'colour_picker', fName: 'COLOUR', defVal: "#ffffff",
conv: function(value) { return typeof value == 'string' ? parseInt('0xff' + value.substr(1)) : value; } },
'Angle': { pType: 'Number', bType: 'input_value', vType: 'math_angle', fName: 'ANGLE', defVal: 0,
conv: function(value) { return value * Math.PI / 180; } },
'Const': { conv: function(value) { return context.processing.internalInstance[value] || value; } },
'ColorModeConst': { options: ["RGB", "HSB"] },
'FilterConst': { options: ["THRESHOLD", "GRAY", "INVERT", "POSTERIZE", "BLUR", "OPAQUE", "ERODE", "DILATE"] }
context.processing = {}
for (var category in context.customBlocks.processing) {
for (var iBlock = 0; iBlock < context.customBlocks.processing[category].length; iBlock++) {
(function() {
var block = context.customBlocks.processing[category][iBlock];
if (!context.processing[]) {
var params = [];
if (block.params || block.variants) {
if (block.variants) {
block.params = block.variants[0];
strings.label[] = strings.label[].replace(
new RegExp('\s*' + (block.params.length == 0 ? '()%1' : '(%' + block.params.length + ')') + '.*$', 'g'), '$1');
block.blocklyJson = $.extend({ inputsInline: true, args0: {} }, block.blocklyJson);
block.blocklyXml = '<block type="' + + '">';
var blockArgs = block.blocklyJson.args0;
for (var iParam = 0; iParam < block.params.length; iParam++) {
params[iParam] = block.params[iParam];
var paramData = typeData[params[iParam]] || { bType: 'input_value' };
if (params[iParam] && params[iParam].options) {
paramData = params[iParam];
block.params[iParam] = 'Const';
if (paramData.options) {
params[iParam] = 'Const';
paramData.bType = 'field_dropdown';
blockArgs[iParam] = $.extend({ options: [] }, blockArgs[iParam]);
for (var iValue = 0; iValue < paramData.options.length; iValue++) {
[strings.constantLabel[paramData.options[iValue]], paramData.options[iValue]]);
if (paramData.pType) {
block.params[iParam] = paramData.pType;
blockArgs[iParam] = $.extend({ type: paramData.bType, name: "PARAM_" + iParam }, blockArgs[iParam]);
if (paramData.vType) {
block.blocklyXml +=
'<value name="PARAM_' + iParam + '"><shadow type="' + paramData.vType + '">' +
'<field name="' + paramData.fName + '">' + paramData.defVal + '</field>' +
block.blocklyXml += '</block>';
context.processing[] = function() {
//var values = [$/, '').replace('_', '.')];
var values = [];
for (var iParam = 0; iParam < arguments.length - 1; iParam++) {
var val = arguments[iParam];
if (params[iParam] in typeData && typeData[params[iParam]].conv) {
val = typeData[params[iParam]].conv(val);
//console.log('block ' +, values)
// TODO: add print function
var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
context.renderers.user[].apply(null, values)
var r = context.processing.commonOp.apply(this, values);
console.log('call processing: ',, values, r)
return r;
context.customConstants = { processing: [] };
for (var constName in strings.constant) {
context.customConstants.processing.push({ name: constName, value: context.processing.internalInstance[constName] });
context.docGenerator = {
variants_cache: null,
separators: {
argument: ', ',
variant: '<br>',
description: strings.misc.colon
init: function() {
if (this.variants_cache) return;
this.variants_cache = {};
for (var lib in context.customBlocks) {
for (var section in context.customBlocks[lib]) {
var blocks = context.customBlocks[lib][section];
for (var i=0; i<blocks.length; i++) {
var block = blocks[i];
if (block.variants_names) {
this.variants_cache[] = [];
for (var j=0; j<block.variants_names.length; j++) {
} else if (block.params_names) {
this.variants_cache[] = [
formatArguments: function(arg_names) {
var res = [];
for (var i=0; i<arg_names.length; i++) {
var arg = arg_names[i];
res.push(context.strings.params[arg] || arg);
return res.join(this.separators.argument);
blockDescription: function(name) {
var description = context.strings.description[name] || '';
var separator_description = description == '' ? ' ' : this.separators.description;
var visible_name = context.strings.code[name] || name;
var variants = this.variants_cache[name];
var res = [];
if (variants) {
for (var i=0; i<variants.length; i++) {
res.push('<code>' + visible_name + '(' + variants[i] + ')</code>');
return res.join(this.separators.variant) +
(res.length > 1 ? this.separators.variant : separator_description) +
return '<code>' + visible_name + '()</code>' + separator_description + description
// drading
function normalizePixels(buffer) {
var l = buffer.pixels.getLength();
var r, g, b, c, t = 64;
for(var i=0; i<l; i++) {
c = buffer.pixels.getPixel(i);
a = (c & buffer.PConstants.ALPHA_MASK) >>> 24;
r = (c & buffer.PConstants.RED_MASK) >> 16;
g = (c & buffer.PConstants.GREEN_MASK) >> 8;
b = (c & buffer.PConstants.BLUE_MASK);
r = r >= t ? 255 : 0;
g = g >= t ? 255 : 0;
b = b >= t ? 255 : 0;
c = (a << 24) & buffer.PConstants.ALPHA_MASK |
(r << 16) & buffer.PConstants.RED_MASK |
(g << 8) & buffer.PConstants.GREEN_MASK |
b & buffer.PConstants.BLUE_MASK;
buffer.pixels.setPixel(i, c);
context.getGradingData = function() {
var canvasSize = this.getCanvasSize();
var buffer = this.renderers.user.createGraphics(canvasSize.width, canvasSize.height);
buffer.scale(this.state.scale / config.DEFAULT_CANVAS_SIZE.scale);
var noop = function(){};
buffer.fill = noop;
buffer.stroke = noop;
this.state.initialDrawing && this.state.initialDrawing(buffer);
var mask = [];
var l = buffer.pixels.getLength();
var ofs, fl;
var bias = this.state.gradingOptions.drawingBias;
for(var i=0; i<l; i++) {
mask[i] = 0;
if(buffer.pixels.getPixel(i) != 0) {
mask[i] = 1; // valid pixed
} else {
fl = false;
for(var x=-bias; x<bias; x++) {
for(var y=-bias; y<bias; y++) {
ofs = i + x + y * buffer.width;
if(ofs < 0 || ofs >= l) {
if(buffer.pixels.getPixel(ofs) != 0) {
fl = true;
break bias_loops;
if(!fl) {
mask[i] = 2; // invalid pixel
buffer.filter(buffer.PConstants.THRESHOLD, 0.5);
return {
targetPixels: buffer.pixels,
mask: mask,
userPixels: this.renderers.user.pixels,
size: this.getCanvasSize(),
options: this.state.gradingOptions
context.gradeDrawing = function(lastTurn) {
var data = context.getGradingData();
pdebug.displayGradingData(context, data);
var l=data.userPixels.getLength();
var bias = data.options.drawingBias;
for(var i=0; i<l; i++) {
var upixel = data.userPixels.getPixel(i);
// check pixels in restricted area
if(upixel != 0 && data.mask[i] == 2) {
context.displayExtraPixelMistake(i % data.size.width, Math.floor(i / data.size.width));
// check missed pixels
tpixel = data.targetPixels.getPixel(i);
if(tpixel == 0) {
var fl = false;
for(var y=-bias; y<bias; y++) {
for(var x=-bias; x<bias; x++) {
var ofs = i + x + y * data.size.width;
if(ofs < 0 || ofs >= l) {
if(data.userPixels.getPixel(ofs) != 0) {
//if(data.userPixels.getPixel(ofs) != tpixel) {
// TODO: check how to disable smooth
may be make image sharpen?
imageData = context2d.getImageData (0, 0, g.width, g.height);
for (i = 0; i !=; i ++) {
if ([i] != 0x00)
||[i] = 0xFF;
context2d.putImageData (imageData, 0, 0);
fl = true;
break bias_loops;
if(!fl) {
context.displayMissedPixelMistake(i % data.size.width, Math.floor(i / data.size.width));
// grading mistakes
context.displayExtraPixelMistake = function(x, y) {
var d = config.MISTAKE_POINTER_SIZE/2;
context.renderers.preview.stroke(255, 0, 0);
context.renderers.preview.arc(x-d, y-d, d*2, d*2, 0, Math.PI*2);
throw context.strings.messages.mistakeExtraPixel;
context.displayMissedPixelMistake = function(x, y) {
var d = config.MISTAKE_POINTER_SIZE/2;
context.renderers.preview.stroke(255, 0, 0);
context.renderers.preview.rect(x-d, y-d, d*2, d*2);
throw context.strings.messages.mistakeMissedPixel;
return context;
function processingEndCondition(context, lastTurn) {
if(window.quickAlgoLibraries) {
quickAlgoLibraries.register('processing', getContext);
} else {
if(!window.quickAlgoLibrariesList) { window.quickAlgoLibrariesList = []; }
window.quickAlgoLibrariesList.push(['processing', getContext]);
pdebug = {
getWrapper: function() {
this.wrapper = $('#pdebug');
if(!this.wrapper.length) {
this.wrapper = $('<div id="pdebug">')
.css('position', 'fixed')
.css('z-index', 10000)
.css('right', '1px')
.css('bottom', '1px')
.css('border', '1px solid #000')
.css('padding', '10px 10px 10px 5px')
.css('background', '#CCC');
return this.wrapper;
reset: function() {
this.wrapper && this.wrapper.remove();
this.wrapper = null;
createCanvas: function(size, title) {
var canvas = $('<canvas>');
var inner = $('<div>')
.css('width', size.width)
.css('height', size.height)
.css('background', '#FFF')
.css('border', '1px solid #000000')
var outer = $('<div>')
.css('float', 'right')
.css('margin-left', '5px')
.append('<span>' + title + '</span>')
return canvas[0];
displayMask: function(context, title, mask) {
var canvasSize = context.getCanvasSize();
var buffer = context.renderers.preview.createGraphics(canvasSize.width, canvasSize.height);
var colors = [
for(var i=0; i<mask.length; i++) {
buffer.pixels.setPixel(i, colors[mask[i]])
this.displayPixels(context, title, buffer.pixels)
displayPixels: function(context, title, pixels) {
var size = context.getCanvasSize();
var canvas = this.createCanvas(size, title);
var p = new Processing(canvas, function(processing) {
processing.setup = function() {
for (var i=0; i<pixels.getLength(); i++) {
p.pixels.setPixel(i, pixels.getPixel(i));
displayGradingData: function(context, data) {
this.displayPixels(context, 'target pixels', data.targetPixels);
this.displayMask(context, 'target mask', data.mask);
this.displayPixels(context, 'user pixels', data.userPixels);
$(document).ready(function() {
}) |