
5865 lines
227 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

Various utility functions for all modes.
var getUrlParameter = function getUrlParameter(sParam) {
var sPageURL = decodeURIComponent(;
var sURLVariables = sPageURL.split('&');
for (var i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++) {
var sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split('=');
if (sParameterName[0] === sParam) {
return sParameterName[1] === undefined ? true : sParameterName[1];
var arrayContains = function(array, needle) {
for (var index in array) {
if (needle == array[index]) {
return true;
return false;
var highlightPause = false;
function resetFormElement(e) {
// Prevent form submission
// from
// where they got it from the stackoverflow-code itself ("formatUnicorn")
if (!String.prototype.format) {
String.prototype.format = function() {
var str = this.toString();
if (!arguments.length)
return str;
var args = typeof arguments[0],
args = (("string" == args || "number" == args) ? arguments : arguments[0]);
for (var arg in args) {
str = str.replace(RegExp("\\{" + arg + "\\}", "gi"), args[arg]);
return str;
function showModal(id) {
var el = '#' + id
function closeModal(id) {
var el = '#' + id;
// Merges arrays by values
// (Flat-Copy only)
function mergeIntoArray(into, other) {
for (var iOther in other) {
var intoContains = false;
for (var iInto in into) {
if (other[iOther] == into[iInto]) {
intoContains = true;
if (!intoContains) {
// Merges objects into each other similar to $.extend, but
// merges Arrays differently (see above)
// (Deep-Copy only)
function mergeIntoObject(into, other) {
for (var property in other) {
if (other[property] instanceof Array) {
if (!(into[property] instanceof Array)) {
into[property] = [];
mergeIntoArray(into[property], other[property]);
if (other[property] instanceof Object) {
if (!(into[property] instanceof Object)) {
into[property] = {};
mergeIntoObject(into[property], other[property]);
into[property] = other[property];
{ shared: { field1: X }, easy: { field2: Y } } becomes { field1: X, field2: Y } if the current level is easy
{ shared: [X, Y], easy: [Z] } becomes [X, Y, Z] if the current level is easy
{ easy: X, medium: Y, hard: Z} becomes X if the current level is easy
function testLevelSpecific() {
var tests = [
in: { field1: "X", field2: "Y" },
out: { field1: "X", field2: "Y" }
in: { easy: "X", medium: "Y", hard: "Z"},
out: "X"
in: { shared: { field1: "X" }, easy: { field2: "Y" } },
out: { field1: "X", field2: "Y" }
in: { shared: ["X", "Y"], easy: ["Z"] },
out: ["X", "Y", "Z"]
for (var iTest = 0; iTest < tests.length; iTest++) {
var res = extractLevelSpecific(tests[iTest].in, "easy");
if (JSON.stringify(res) != JSON.stringify(tests[iTest].out)) { // TODO better way to compare two objects
console.error("Test " + iTest + " failed: returned " + JSON.stringify(res));
// We need to be able to clean all events
if (Node && Node.prototype.addEventListenerBase == undefined) {
// IE11 doesn't have EventTarget
if(typeof EventTarget === 'undefined') {
var targetPrototype = Node.prototype;
} else {
var targetPrototype = EventTarget.prototype;
targetPrototype.addEventListenerBase = targetPrototype.addEventListener;
targetPrototype.addEventListener = function(type, listener)
if(!this.EventList) { this.EventList = []; }
this.addEventListenerBase.apply(this, arguments);
if(!this.EventList[type]) { this.EventList[type] = []; }
var list = this.EventList[type];
for(var index = 0; index != list.length; index++)
if(list[index] === listener) { return; }
targetPrototype.removeEventListenerBase = targetPrototype.removeEventListener;
targetPrototype.removeEventListener = function(type, listener)
if(!this.EventList) { this.EventList = []; }
if(listener instanceof Function) { this.removeEventListenerBase.apply(this, arguments); }
if(!this.EventList[type]) { return; }
var list = this.EventList[type];
for(var index = 0; index != list.length;)
var item = list[index];
this.removeEventListenerBase(type, item);
list.splice(index, 1); continue;
else if(item === listener)
list.splice(index, 1); break;
if(list.length == 0) { delete this.EventList[type]; }
function debounce(fn, threshold, wait) {
var timeout;
return function debounced() {
if (timeout) {
if(wait) {
} else {
function delayed() {
timeout = null;
timeout = setTimeout(delayed, threshold || 100);
function addInSet(l, val) {
// Add val to list l if not already present
if(l.indexOf(val) == -1) {
// From
function dragElement(elmnt) {
var pos1 = 0, pos2 = 0, pos3 = 0, pos4 = 0;
if (document.getElementById( + "-header")) {
// if present, the header is where you move the DIV from:
document.getElementById( + "-header").onmousedown = dragMouseDown;
} else {
// otherwise, move the DIV from anywhere inside the DIV:
elmnt.onmousedown = dragMouseDown;
function dragMouseDown(e) {
e = e || window.event;
// get the mouse cursor position at startup:
pos3 = e.clientX;
pos4 = e.clientY;
document.onmouseup = closeDragElement;
// call a function whenever the cursor moves:
document.onmousemove = elementDrag;
function elementDrag(e) {
e = e || window.event;
// calculate the new cursor position:
pos1 = pos3 - e.clientX;
pos2 = pos4 - e.clientY;
pos3 = e.clientX;
pos4 = e.clientY;
// set the element's new position: = (elmnt.offsetTop - pos2) + "px"; = (elmnt.offsetLeft - pos1) + "px";
function closeDragElement() {
// stop moving when mouse button is released:
document.onmouseup = null;
document.onmousemove = null;
window.iOSDetected = (/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window.MSStream) || (navigator.platform && /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.platform));
(function() {
var detectTouch = null;
detectTouch = function() {
window.touchDetected = true;
window.removeEventListener('touchstart', detectTouch);
window.addEventListener('touchstart', detectTouch);
Translations for the various strings in quickAlgo
var localLanguageStrings = {
fr: {
categories: {
actions: "Actions",
sensors: "Capteurs",
debug: "Débogage",
colour: "Couleurs",
data: "Données",
dicts: "Dictionnaires",
input: "Entrées",
lists: "Listes",
tables: "Tableaux",
logic: "Logique",
loops: "Boucles",
control: "Contrôles",
operator: "Opérateurs",
math: "Maths",
texts: "Texte",
variables: "Variables",
functions: "Fonctions",
read: "Lecture",
print: "Écriture",
internet: "Internet",
display: "Afficher",
invalidContent: "Contenu invalide",
unknownFileType: "Type de fichier non reconnu",
download: "télécharger",
smallestOfTwoNumbers: "Plus petit des deux nombres",
greatestOfTwoNumbers: "Plus grand des deux nombres",
flagClicked: "Quand %1 cliqué",
tooManyIterations: "Votre programme met trop de temps à se terminer !",
tooManyIterationsWithoutAction: "Votre programme s'est exécuté trop longtemps sans effectuer d'action !",
submitProgram: "Valider le programme",
runProgram: "Exécuter sur ce test",
stopProgram: "|<",
speedSliderSlower: "Slower",
speedSliderFaster: "Faster",
speed: "Vitesse :",
stepProgram: "|>",
slowSpeed: ">",
mediumSpeed: ">>",
fastSpeed: ">>>",
ludicrousSpeed: ">|",
stopProgramDesc: "Repartir du début",
stepProgramDesc: "Exécution pas à pas",
slowSpeedDesc: "Exécuter sur ce test",
mediumSpeedDesc: "Vitesse moyenne",
fastSpeedDesc: "Vitesse rapide",
ludicrousSpeedDesc: "Vitesse très rapide",
selectLanguage: "Langage :",
blocklyLanguage: "Blockly",
javascriptLanguage: "Javascript",
importFromBlockly: "Repartir de blockly",
loadExample: "Insérer l'exemple",
saveOrLoadButton: "Charger / enregistrer",
saveOrLoadProgram: "Enregistrer ou recharger votre programme :",
avoidReloadingOtherTask: "Attention : ne rechargez pas le programme d'un autre sujet !",
files: "Fichiers",
reloadProgram: "Recharger",
restart: "Recommencer",
loadBestAnswer: "Charger ma meilleure réponse",
saveProgram: "Enregistrer",
copy: "Copier",
paste: "Coller",
blocklyToPython: "Afficher la traduction en Python",
blocklyToPythonTitle: "Code Python",
blocklyToPythonIntro: "Le code ci-dessous est l'équivalent dans le langage Python de votre programme Blockly.",
blocklyToPythonPassComment: '# Insérer des instructions ici',
limitBlocks: "{remainingBlocks} blocs restants sur {maxBlocks} autorisés.",
limitBlocksOver: "{remainingBlocks} blocs en trop utilisés pour {maxBlocks} autorisés.",
limitElements: "{remainingBlocks} blocs restants sur {maxBlocks} autorisés.",
limitElementsOver: "{remainingBlocks} blocs en trop utilisés pour {maxBlocks} autorisés.",
capacityWarning: "Attention : votre programme est invalide car il utilise trop de blocs. Faites attention à la limite de blocs affichée en haut à droite de l'éditeur.",
clipboardDisallowedBlocks: "Vous ne pouvez pas coller ce programme, car il contient des blocs non autorisés dans cette version.",
previousTestcase: "Précédent",
nextTestcase: "Suivant",
allTests: "Tous les tests : ",
errorEmptyProgram: "Le programme est vide ! Connectez des blocs.",
tooManyBlocks: "Vous utilisez trop de blocs !",
limitedBlock: "Vous utilisez trop souvent un bloc à utilisation limitée :",
uninitializedVar: "Variable non initialisée :",
undefinedMsg: "Cela peut venir d'un accès à un indice hors d'une liste, ou d'une variable non définie.",
valueTrue: 'vrai',
valueFalse: 'faux',
evaluatingAnswer: 'Évaluation en cours',
correctAnswer: 'Réponse correcte',
partialAnswer: 'Réponse améliorable',
wrongAnswer: 'Réponse incorrecte',
resultsNoSuccess: "Vous n'avez validé aucun test.",
resultsPartialSuccess: "Vous avez validé seulement {nbSuccess} test(s) sur {nbTests}.",
gradingInProgress: "Évaluation en cours",
introTitle: "Votre mission",
introDetailsTitle: "Détails de la mission",
textVariable: "texte",
listVariable: "liste",
scaleDrawing: "Zoom ×2",
loopRepeat: "repeat",
loopDo: "do",
displayVideo: "Afficher la vidéo",
showDetails: "Plus de détails",
hideDetails: "Masquer les détails",
editor: "Éditeur",
instructions: "Énoncé",
testLabel: "Test",
testError: "erreur",
testSuccess: "validé",
seeTest: "voir",
infiniteLoop: "répéter indéfiniment"
en: {
categories: {
actions: "Actions",
sensors: "Sensors",
debug: "Debug",
colour: "Colors",
data: "Data",
dicts: "Dictionaries",
input: "Input",
lists: "Lists",
tables: "Tables",
logic: "Logic",
loops: "Loops",
control: "Controls",
operator: "Operators",
math: "Math",
texts: "Text",
variables: "Variables",
functions: "Functions",
read: "Reading",
print: "Writing"
invalidContent: "Invalid content",
unknownFileType: "Unrecognized file type",
download: "download",
smallestOfTwoNumbers: "Smallest of the two numbers",
greatestOfTwoNumbers: "Greatest of the two numbers",
flagClicked: "When %1 clicked",
tooManyIterations: "Too many iterations!",
tooManyIterationsWithoutAction: "Too many iterations without action!",
submitProgram: "Validate this program",
runProgram: "Run this program",
stopProgram: "|<",
speedSliderSlower: "Slower",
speedSliderFaster: "Faster",
speed: "Speed:",
stepProgram: "|>",
slowSpeed: ">",
mediumSpeed: ">>",
fastSpeed: ">>>",
ludicrousSpeed: ">|",
stopProgramDesc: "Restart from the beginning",
stepProgramDesc: "Step-by-step execution",
slowSpeedDesc: "Execute on this test",
mediumSpeedDesc: "Average speed",
fastSpeedDesc: "Fast speed",
ludicrousSpeedDesc: "Ludicrous speed",
selectLanguage: "Language :",
blocklyLanguage: "Blockly",
javascriptLanguage: "Javascript",
importFromBlockly: "Generate from blockly",
loadExample: "Insert example",
saveOrLoadButton: "Load / save",
saveOrLoadProgram: "Save or reload your code:",
avoidReloadingOtherTask: "Warning: do not reload code for another task!",
files: "Files",
reloadProgram: "Reload",
restart: "Restart",
loadBestAnswer: "Load best answer",
saveProgram: "Save",
copy: "Copy",
paste: "Paste",
blocklyToPython: "Convert to Python",
blocklyToPythonTitle: "Python code",
blocklyToPythonIntro: "",
blocklyToPythonPassComment: '# Insert instructions here',
limitBlocks: "{remainingBlocks} blocks remaining out of {maxBlocks} available.",
limitBlocksOver: "{remainingBlocks} blocks over the limit of {maxBlocks} available.",
limitElements: "{remainingBlocks} elements remaining out of {maxBlocks} available.",
limitElementsOver: "{remainingBlocks} elements over the limit of {maxBlocks} available.",
capacityWarning: "Warning : your program is invalid as it uses too many blocks. Be careful of the block limit displayed on the top right side of the editor.",
clipboardDisallowedBlocks: "You cannot paste this program, as it contains blocks which aren't allowed in this version.",
previousTestcase: "Previous",
nextTestcase: "Next",
allTests: "All tests: ",
errorEmptyProgram: "Le programme est vide ! Connectez des blocs.",
tooManyBlocks: "You use too many blocks!",
limitedBlock: "You use too many of a limited use block:",
uninitializedVar: "Uninitialized variable:",
undefinedMsg: "This can be because of an access to an index out of a list, or an undefined variable.",
valueTrue: 'true',
valueFalse: 'false',
evaluatingAnswer: 'Evaluation in progress',
correctAnswer: 'Correct answer',
partialAnswer: 'Partial answer',
wrongAnswer: 'Wrong answer',
resultsNoSuccess: "You passed none of the tests.",
resultsPartialSuccess: "You passed only {nbSuccess} test(s) of {nbTests}.",
gradingInProgress: "Grading in process",
introTitle: "Your mission",
introDetailsTitle: "Mission details",
textVariable: "text",
listVariable: "list",
scaleDrawing: "Scale 2×",
loopRepeat: "repeat",
loopDo: "do",
displayVideo: "Display video",
showDetails: "Show details",
hideDetails: "Hide details",
editor: "Editor",
instructions: "Instructions",
testLabel: "Test",
testError: "error",
testSuccess: "valid",
seeTest: "see test"
de: {
categories: {
actions: "Aktionen",
sensors: "Sensoren",
debug: "Debug",
colour: "Farben",
data: "Daten", // TODO :: translate
dicts: "Hash-Map",
input: "Eingabe",
lists: "Listen",
tables: "Tables", // TODO :: translate
logic: "Logik",
loops: "Schleifen",
control: "Steuerung",
operator: "Operatoren",
math: "Mathe",
texts: "Text",
variables: "Variablen",
functions: "Funktionen",
read: "Einlesen",
print: "Ausgeben",
manipulate: "Umwandeln",
invalidContent: "Ungültiger Inhalt",
unknownFileType: "Ungültiger Datentyp",
download: "Herunterladen",
smallestOfTwoNumbers: "Kleinere von zwei Zahlen",
greatestOfTwoNumbers: "Größere von zwei Zahlen",
flagClicked: "Sobald %1 geklickt", // (scratch start flag, %1 is the flag icon)
tooManyIterations: "Zu viele Anweisungen wurden ausgeführt!",
tooManyIterationsWithoutAction: "Zu viele Anweisungen ohne eine Aktion wurden ausgeführt!",
submitProgram: "Speichern, ausführen und bewerten",
runProgram: "Testen",
stopProgram: "|<",
speedSliderSlower: "Slower",
speedSliderFaster: "Faster",
speed: "Ablaufgeschwindigkeit:",
stepProgram: "|>",
slowSpeed: ">",
mediumSpeed: ">>",
fastSpeed: ">>>",
ludicrousSpeed: ">|",
stopProgramDesc: "Von vorne anfangen", // TODO :: translate and next 5
stepProgramDesc: "Schritt für Schritt",
slowSpeedDesc: "Für diesen Test ausführen",
mediumSpeedDesc: "Mittlere Geschwindigkeit",
fastSpeedDesc: "Schnell",
ludicrousSpeedDesc: "Sehr schnell",
selectLanguage: "Sprache:",
blocklyLanguage: "Blockly",
javascriptLanguage: "Javascript",
importFromBlockly: "Generiere von Blockly-Blöcken",
loadExample: "Insert example", // TODO :: translate
saveOrLoadButton: "Load / save", // TODO :: translate
saveOrLoadProgram: "Speicher oder lade deinen Quelltext:",
avoidReloadingOtherTask: "Warnung: Lade keinen Quelltext von einer anderen Aufgabe!",
files: "Dateien",
reloadProgram: "Laden",
restart: "Restart", // TODO :: translate
loadBestAnswer: "Load best answer", // TODO :: translate
saveProgram: "Speichern",
copy: "Copy", // TODO :: translate
paste: "Paste",
blocklyToPython: "Convert to Python",
blocklyToPythonTitle: "Python code",
blocklyToPythonIntro: "",
blocklyToPythonPassComment: '# Insert instructions here',
limitBlocks: "Noch {remainingBlocks} von {maxBlocks} Bausteinen verfügbar.",
limitBlocksOver: "{remainingBlocks} Bausteine zusätzlich zum Limit von {maxBlocks} verbraucht.", // TODO :: stimmt das?
limitElements: "Noch {remainingBlocks} von {maxBlocks} Bausteinen verfügbar.", // TODO :: check this one and next one (same strings as above but with "elements" instead of "blocks"
limitElementsOver: "{remainingBlocks} Bausteine zusätzlich zum Limit von {maxBlocks} verbraucht.",
capacityWarning: "Warning : your program is invalid as it uses too many blocks. Be careful of the block limit displayed on the top right side of the editor.", // TODO :: translate
clipboardDisallowedBlocks: "You cannot paste this program, as it contains blocks which aren't allowed in this version.", // TODO :: translate
previousTestcase: " < ",
nextTestcase: " > ",
allTests: "Alle Testfälle: ",
errorEmptyProgram: "Das Programm enthält keine Befehle. Verbinde die Blöcke um ein Programm zu schreiben.",
tooManyBlocks: "Du benutzt zu viele Bausteine!",
limitedBlock: "You use too many of a limited use block:", // TODO
uninitializedVar: "Nicht initialisierte Variable:",
undefinedMsg: "This can be because of an access to an index out of a list, or an undefined variable.", // TODO :: translate
valueTrue: 'wahr',
valueFalse: 'unwahr',
evaluatingAnswer: 'Evaluation in progress', // TODO
correctAnswer: 'Richtige Antwort',
partialAnswer: 'Teilweise richtige Antwort',
wrongAnswer: 'Falsche Antwort',
resultsNoSuccess: "Du hast keinen Testfall richtig.",
resultsPartialSuccess: "Du hast {nbSuccess} von {nbTests} Testfällen richtig.",
gradingInProgress: "Das Ergebnis wird ausgewertet …",
introTitle: "Your mission", // TODO :: translate
introDetailsTitle: "Mission details", // TODO :: translate
textVariable: "Text",
listVariable: "Liste",
scaleDrawing: "Scale 2×",
loopRepeat: "wiederhole",
loopDo: "mache",
displayVideo: "Display video", // TODO :: translate
showDetails: "Show details", // TODO :: translate
hideDetails: "Hide details", // TODO :: translate
editor: "Editor", // TODO :: translate
instructions: "Instructions", // TODO :: translate
testLabel: "Test", // TODO :: translate
testError: "error", // TODO :: translate
testSuccess: "valid", // TODO :: translate
seeTest: "see test" // TODO :: translate
es: {
categories: {
actions: "Acciones",
sensors: "Sensores",
debug: "Depurar",
colour: "Colores",
data: "Datos",
dicts: "Diccionarios",
input: "Entradas",
lists: "Listas",
tables: "Tablas",
logic: "Lógica",
loops: "Bucles",
control: "Control",
operator: "Operadores",
math: "Mate",
texts: "Texto",
variables: "Variables",
functions: "Funciones",
read: "Lectura",
print: "Escritura",
internet: "Internet",
display: "Pantalla",
invalidContent: "Contenido inválido",
unknownFileType: "Tipo de archivo no reconocido",
download: "descargar",
smallestOfTwoNumbers: "El menor de dos números",
greatestOfTwoNumbers: "El mayor de dos números",
flagClicked: "Cuando se hace click en %1",
tooManyIterations: "¡Su programa se tomó demasiado tiempo para terminar!",
tooManyIterationsWithoutAction: "¡Su programa se tomó demasiado tiempo para terminar!", // TODO :: change translation
submitProgram: "Validar el programa",
runProgram: "Ejecutar el programa",
speedSliderSlower: "Más lento",
speedSliderFaster: "Más rápido",
speed: "Velocidad:",
stopProgram: "|<",
stepProgram: "|>",
slowSpeed: ">",
mediumSpeed: ">>",
fastSpeed: ">>>",
ludicrousSpeed: ">|",
stopProgramDesc: "Reiniciar desde el principio",
stepProgramDesc: "Ejecución paso a paso",
slowSpeedDesc: "Ejecutar en esta prueba",
mediumSpeedDesc: "Velocidad media",
fastSpeedDesc: "Velocidad rápida",
ludicrousSpeedDesc: "Velocidad muy rápida",
selectLanguage: "Lenguaje:",
blocklyLanguage: "Blockly",
javascriptLanguage: "Javascript",
importFromBlockly: "Generar desde blockly",
loadExample: "Cargar el ejemplo",
saveOrLoadButton: "Cargar / Guardar",
saveOrLoadProgram: "Guardar o cargar su programa:",
avoidReloadingOtherTask: "Atención: ¡no recargue el programa de otro problema!",
files: "Archivos",
reloadProgram: "Recargar",
restart: "Reiniciar",
loadBestAnswer: "Cargar la mejor respuesta",
saveProgram: "Guardar",
copy: "Copy", // TODO :: translate
paste: "Paste",
blocklyToPython: "Convert to Python",
blocklyToPythonTitle: "Python code",
blocklyToPythonIntro: "",
blocklyToPythonPassComment: '# Insert instructions here',
limitBlocks: "{remainingBlocks} bloques disponibles de {maxBlocks} autorizados.",
limitBlocksOver: "{remainingBlocks} bloques sobre el límite de {maxBlocks} autorizados.",
limitElements: "{remainingBlocks} elementos disponibles de {maxBlocks} autorizados.",
limitElementsOver: "{remainingBlocks} elementos sobre el límite de {maxBlocks} autorizados.",
capacityWarning: "Advertencia: tu programa está inválido porque ha utilizado demasiados bloques. Pon atención al límite de bloques permitidos mostrados en la parte superior derecha del editor.",
clipboardDisallowedBlocks: "You cannot paste this program, as it contains blocks which aren't allowed in this version.", // TODO :: translate
previousTestcase: "Anterior",
nextTestcase: "Siguiente",
allTests: "Todas las pruebas:",
errorEmptyProgram: "¡El programa está vacío! Conecte algunos bloques.",
tooManyBlocks: "¡Utiliza demasiados bloques!",
limitedBlock: "Utiliza demasiadas veces un tipo de bloque limitado:",
uninitializedVar: "Variable no inicializada:",
undefinedMsg: "Esto puede ser causado por acceder a un índice fuera de la lista o por una variable no definida.",
valueTrue: 'verdadero',
valueFalse: 'falso',
evaluatingAnswer: 'Evaluación en progreso',
correctAnswer: 'Respuesta correcta',
partialAnswer: 'Respuesta parcial',
wrongAnswer: 'Respuesta Incorrecta',
resultsNoSuccess: "No pasó ninguna prueba.",
resultsPartialSuccess: "Pasó únicamente {nbSuccess} prueba(s) de {nbTests}.",
gradingInProgress: "Evaluación en curso",
introTitle: "Su misión",
introDetailsTitle: "Detalles de la misión",
textVariable: "texto",
listVariable: "lista",
scaleDrawing: "Aumentar 2X",
loopRepeat: "repetir",
loopDo: "hacer",
displayVideo: "Mostrar el video",
showDetails: "Mostrar más información",
hideDetails: "Ocultar información",
editor: "Editor",
instructions: "Enunciado",
testLabel: "Caso",
testError: "error",
testSuccess: "correcto",
seeTest: "ver",
infiniteLoop: "repetir indefinidamente"
sl: {
categories: {
actions: "Dejanja",
sensors: "Senzorji",
debug: "Razhroščevanje",
colour: "Barve",
dicts: "Slovarji",
input: "Vnos",
lists: "Seznami",
tables: "Tabele",
logic: "Logika",
loops: "Zanke",
control: "Nadzor",
operator: "Operatorji",
math: "Matematika",
texts: "Besedilo",
variables: "Spremenljivke",
functions: "Funkcije",
read: "Branje",
print: "Pisanje",
turtle: "Želva"
invalidContent: "Neveljavna vsebina",
unknownFileType: "Neznana vrsta datoteke",
download: "prenos",
smallestOfTwoNumbers: "Manjše od dveh števil",
greatestOfTwoNumbers: "Večje od dveh števil",
flagClicked: "Ko je kliknjena %1",
tooManyIterations: "Preveč ponovitev!",
tooManyIterationsWithoutAction: "Preveč ponovitev brez dejanja!",
submitProgram: "Oddaj program",
runProgram: "Poženi program",
stopProgram: "|<",
speedSliderSlower: "Slower",
speedSliderFaster: "Faster",
speed: "Hitrost:",
stepProgram: "|>",
slowSpeed: ">",
mediumSpeed: ">>",
fastSpeed: ">>>",
ludicrousSpeed: ">|",
stopProgramDesc: "Začni znova",
stepProgramDesc: "Izvajanje po korakih",
slowSpeedDesc: "Počasi",
mediumSpeedDesc: "Običajno hitro",
fastSpeedDesc: "Hitro",
ludicrousSpeedDesc: "Nesmiselno hitro",
selectLanguage: "Jezik:",
blocklyLanguage: "Blockly",
javascriptLanguage: "Javascript",
importFromBlockly: "Ustvari iz Blocklyja",
loadExample: "Naloži primer",
saveOrLoadButton: "Naloži / Shrani",
saveOrLoadProgram: "Shrani ali znova naloži kodo:",
avoidReloadingOtherTask: "Opozorilo: Za drugo nalogo ne naloži kode znova!",
files: "Datoteke",
reloadProgram: "Znova naloži",
restart: "Ponastavi",
loadBestAnswer: "Naloži najboljši odgovor",
saveProgram: "Shrani",
copy: "Copy", // TODO :: translate
paste: "Paste",
blocklyToPython: "Convert to Python",
blocklyToPythonTitle: "Python code",
blocklyToPythonIntro: "",
blocklyToPythonPassComment: '# Insert instructions here',
limitBlocks: "Delčkov na voljo: {remainingBlocks}",
limitBlocksOver: "{remainingBlocks} delčkov preko meje {maxBlocks}",
limitElements: "{remainingBlocks} elementov izmed {maxBlocks} imaš še na voljo.",
limitElementsOver: "{remainingBlocks} elementov preko meje {maxBlocks} elementov, ki so na voljo.",
capacityWarning: "Opozorilo : program je rešen narobe, uporablja preveliko število delčkov. Bodi pozoren na število delčkov, ki jih lahko uporabiš, informacijo o tem imaš zgoraj.",
clipboardDisallowedBlocks: "You cannot paste this program, as it contains blocks which aren't allowed in this version.", // TODO :: translate
previousTestcase: "Nazaj",
nextTestcase: "Naprej",
allTests: "Vsi testi: ",
errorEmptyProgram: "Program je prazen! Poveži delčke.",
tooManyBlocks: "Uporabljaš preveč delčkov!",
limitedBlock: "Uporabljaš preveliko število omejeneg števila blokov:",
uninitializedVar: "Spremenljivka ni določena:",
undefinedMsg: "Do napake lahko pride, ker je indeks prevelik, ali pa spremenljivka ni definirana.",
valueTrue: 'resnično',
valueFalse: 'neresnično',
evaluatingAnswer: 'Proces preverjanja',
correctAnswer: 'Pravilni odgovor',
partialAnswer: 'Delni odgovor',
wrongAnswer: 'Napačen odgovor',
resultsNoSuccess: "Noben test ni bil opravljen.",
resultsPartialSuccess: "Opravljen(ih) {nbSuccess} test(ov) od {nbTests}.",
gradingInProgress: "Ocenjevanje poteka",
introTitle: "Naloga",
introDetailsTitle: "Podrobnosti naloge",
textVariable: "besedilo",
listVariable: "tabela",
scaleDrawing: "Približaj ×2",
loopRepeat: "repeat",
loopDo: "do",
displayVideo: "Prikaži video",
showDetails: "Prikaži podrobnosti",
hideDetails: "Skrij podrobnosti",
editor: "Urednik",
instructions: "Navodila",
testLabel: "Test",
testError: "napaka",
testSuccess: "pravilno",
seeTest: "poglej test"
window.stringsLanguage = window.stringsLanguage || "fr";
window.languageStrings = window.languageStrings || {};
if (typeof window.languageStrings != "object") {
console.error("window.languageStrings is not an object");
else { // merge translations
$.extend(true, window.languageStrings, localLanguageStrings[window.stringsLanguage]);
Main interface for quickAlgo, common to all languages.
var quickAlgoInterface = {
strings: {},
nbTestCases: 0,
delayFactory: new DelayFactory(),
loadInterface: function(context) {
// Load quickAlgo interface into the DOM
this.context = context;
this.strings = window.languageStrings;
var gridHtml = "<center>";
gridHtml += "<div id='gridButtonsBefore'></div>";
gridHtml += "<div id='grid'></div>";
gridHtml += "<div id='gridButtonsAfter'></div>";
gridHtml += "</center>";
"<div id='editorBar'>" +
" <div id='editorButtons'></div>" +
" <div id='capacity'></div>" +
"</div>" +
"<div id='languageInterface'></div>" +
"<div id='saveOrLoadModal' class='modalWrapper'></div>\n");
// Upper right load buttons
"<button type='button' id='displayHelpBtn' class='btn btn-xs btn-default' style='display: none;' onclick=''>" +
"?" +
"</button>&nbsp;" +
"<button type='button' id='loadExampleBtn' class='btn btn-xs btn-default' style='display: none;' onclick='task.displayedSubTask.loadExample()'>" +
this.strings.loadExample +
"</button>&nbsp;" +
"<button type='button' id='saveOrLoadBtn' class='btn btn-xs btn-default' onclick='quickAlgoInterface.saveOrLoad()'>" +
this.strings.saveOrLoadButton +
var saveOrLoadModal = "<div class='modal'>" +
" <p><b>" + this.strings.saveOrLoadProgram + "</b></p>\n" +
" <button type='button' class='btn' onclick='task.displayedSubTask.blocklyHelper.saveProgram()' >" + this.strings.saveProgram +
"</button><span id='saveUrl'></span>\n" +
" <p>" + this.strings.avoidReloadingOtherTask + "</p>\n" +
" <p>" + this.strings.reloadProgram + " <input type='file' id='input' " +
"onchange='task.displayedSubTask.blocklyHelper.handleFiles(this.files);resetFormElement($(\"#input\"))'></p>\n" +
" <button type='button' class='btn close' onclick='closeModal(`saveOrLoadModal`)' >x</button>"
// Buttons from buttonsAndMessages
var addTaskHTML = '<div id="displayHelperAnswering" class="contentCentered" style="padding: 1px;">';
var placementNames = ['graderMessage', 'validate', 'saved'];
for (var iPlacement = 0; iPlacement < placementNames.length; iPlacement++) {
var placement = 'displayHelper_' + placementNames[iPlacement];
if ($('#' + placement).length === 0) {
addTaskHTML += '<div id="' + placement + '"></div>';
addTaskHTML += '</div>';
if(!$('#displayHelper_cancel').length) {
$('body').append($('<div class="contentCentered" style="margin-top: 15px;"><div id="displayHelper_cancel"></div></div>'));
var scaleControl = '';
if(context.display && context.infos.buttonScaleDrawing) {
var scaleControl = '<div class="scaleDrawingControl">' +
'<label for="scaleDrawing"><input id="scaleDrawing" type="checkbox">' +
this.strings.scaleDrawing +
'</label>' +
var gridButtonsAfter = scaleControl
+ "<div id='testSelector'></div>";
if(!this.context || !this.context.infos || !this.context.infos.hideValidate) {
gridButtonsAfter += ''
+ "<button type='button' id='submitBtn' class='btn btn-primary' onclick='task.displayedSubTask.submit()'>"
+ this.strings.submitProgram
+ "</button><br/>";
gridButtonsAfter += "<div id='messages'><span id='tooltip'></span><span id='errors'></span></div>" + addTaskHTML;
bindBlocklyHelper: function(blocklyHelper) {
this.blocklyHelper = blocklyHelper;
setOptions: function(opt) {
// Load options from the task
var hideControls = opt.hideControls ? opt.hideControls : {};
if(opt.conceptViewer) {
} else {
appendTaskIntro: function(html) {
toggleLongIntro: function(forceNewState) {
// For compatibility with new interface
onScaleDrawingChange: function(e) {
var scaled = $('checked');
$("#gridContainer").toggleClass('gridContainerScaled', scaled);
$("#blocklyLibContent").toggleClass('blocklyLibContentScaled', scaled);
this.context.setScale(scaled ? 2 : 1);
onEditorChange: function() {},
onResize: function() {},
updateBestAnswerStatus: function() {},
blinkRemaining: function(times, red) {
var capacity = $('#capacity');
if(times % 2 == 0) {
} else {
if(times > (red ? 1 : 0)) {
var that = this;
this.delayFactory.createTimeout('blinkRemaining', function() { that.blinkRemaining(times - 1, red); }, 400);
displayCapacity: function(info) {
$('#capacity').html(info.text ? info.text : '');
if(info.invalid) {
this.blinkRemaining(11, true);
} else if(info.warning) {
} else {
initTestSelector: function (nbTestCases) {
// Create the DOM for the tests display (typically on the left side)
this.nbTestCases = nbTestCases;
var buttons = [
{cls: 'speedStop', label: this.strings.stopProgram, tooltip: this.strings.stopProgramDesc, onclick: 'task.displayedSubTask.stop()'},
{cls: 'speedStep', label: this.strings.stepProgram, tooltip: this.strings.stepProgramDesc, onclick: 'task.displayedSubTask.step()'},
{cls: 'speedSlow', label: this.strings.slowSpeed, tooltip: this.strings.slowSpeedDesc, onclick: 'task.displayedSubTask.changeSpeed(200)'},
{cls: 'speedMedium', label: this.strings.mediumSpeed, tooltip: this.strings.mediumSpeedDesc, onclick: 'task.displayedSubTask.changeSpeed(50)'},
{cls: 'speedFast', label: this.strings.fastSpeed, tooltip: this.strings.fastSpeedDesc, onclick: 'task.displayedSubTask.changeSpeed(5)'},
{cls: 'speedLudicrous', label: this.strings.ludicrousSpeed, tooltip: this.strings.ludicrousSpeedDesc, onclick: 'task.displayedSubTask.changeSpeed(0)'}
var selectSpeed = "<div class='selectSpeed'>" +
" <div class='btn-group'>\n";
for(var btnIdx = 0; btnIdx < buttons.length; btnIdx++) {
var btn = buttons[btnIdx];
selectSpeed += " <button type='button' class='"+btn.cls+" btn btn-default btn-icon'>"+btn.label+" </button>\n";
selectSpeed += " </div></div>";
var html = '<div class="panel-group">';
for(var iTest=0; iTest<this.nbTestCases; iTest++) {
html += '<div id="testPanel'+iTest+'" class="panel panel-default">';
if(this.nbTestCases > 1) {
html += ' <div class="panel-heading" onclick="task.displayedSubTask.changeTestTo('+iTest+')"><h4 class="panel-title"></h4></div>';
html += ' <div class="panel-body">'
+ selectSpeed
+ ' </div>'
+ '</div>';
var selectSpeedClickHandler = function () {
var thisBtn = $(this);
for(var btnIdx = 0; btnIdx < buttons.length; btnIdx++) {
var btnInfo = buttons[btnIdx];
if(thisBtn.hasClass(btnInfo.cls)) {
$('#tooltip').html(btnInfo.tooltip + '<br>');
var selectSpeedHoverHandler = function () {
var thisBtn = $(this);
for(var btnIdx = 0; btnIdx < buttons.length; btnIdx++) {
var btnInfo = buttons[btnIdx];
if(thisBtn.hasClass(btnInfo.cls)) {
$('#tooltip').html(btnInfo.tooltip + '<br>');
var selectSpeedHoverClear = function () {
// Only clear #tooltip if the tooltip was for this button
var thisBtn = $(this);
for(var btnIdx = 0; btnIdx < buttons.length; btnIdx++) {
var btnInfo = buttons[btnIdx];
if(thisBtn.hasClass(btnInfo.cls)) {
if($('#tooltip').html() == btnInfo.tooltip + '<br>') {
// TODO :: better display functions for #errors
$('.selectSpeed button').click(selectSpeedClickHandler);
$('.selectSpeed button').hover(selectSpeedHoverHandler, selectSpeedHoverClear);
updateTestScores: function (testScores) {
// Display test results
for(var iTest=0; iTest<testScores.length; iTest++) {
if(!testScores[iTest]) { continue; }
if(testScores[iTest].successRate >= 1) {
var icon = '<span class="testResultIcon" style="color: green">✔</span>';
var label = '<span class="testResult testSuccess">'+this.strings.correctAnswer+'</span>';
} else if(testScores[iTest].successRate > 0) {
var icon = '<span class="testResultIcon" style="color: orange">✖</span>';
var label = '<span class="testResult testPartial">'+this.strings.partialAnswer+'</span>';
} else {
var icon = '<span class="testResultIcon" style="color: red">✖</span>';
var label = '<span class="testResult testFailure">'+this.strings.wrongAnswer+'</span>';
$('#testPanel'+iTest+' .panel-title').html(icon+' Test '+(iTest+1)+' '+label);
resetTestScores: function () {
// Reset test results display
for(var iTest=0; iTest<this.nbTestCases; iTest++) {
$('#testPanel'+iTest+' .panel-title').html('<span class="testResultIcon">&nbsp;</span> Test '+(iTest+1));
updateTestSelector: function (newCurTest) {
$("#testSelector .panel-body").hide();
$("#testSelector .panel").removeClass('currentTest');
$("#testPanel"+newCurTest+" .panel-body").prepend($('#grid')).append($('#messages')).show();
unloadLevel: function() {
// Called when level is unloaded
saveOrLoad: function () {
displayError: function(message) {
message ? $('#errors').html(message) : $('#errors').empty();
displayResults: function(mainResults, worstResults) {
this.displayError('<span class="testError">'+mainResults.message+'</span>');
setPlayPause: function(isPlaying) {}, // Does nothing
exportCurrentAsPng: function(name) {
if(typeof window.saveSvgAsPng == 'undefined') {
throw "Unable to export without save-svg-as-png. Please add 'save-svg-as-png' to the importModules statement.";
if(!name) { name = 'export.png'; }
var svgBbox = $('#blocklyDiv svg')[0].getBoundingClientRect();
var blocksBbox = $('#blocklyDiv svg > .blocklyWorkspace > .blocklyBlockCanvas')[0].getBoundingClientRect();
var svg = $('#blocklyDiv svg').clone();
svg.find('.blocklyFlyout, .blocklyMainBackground, .blocklyTrash, .blocklyBubbleCanvas, .blocklyScrollbarVertical, .blocklyScrollbarHorizontal, .blocklyScrollbarBackground').remove();
var options = {
backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF',
top: - - 4,
left: blocksBbox.left - svgBbox.left - 4,
width: blocksBbox.width + 8,
height: blocksBbox.height + 8
window.saveSvgAsPng(svg[0], name, options);
updateControlsDisplay: function() {}
Block generation and configuration logic for the Blockly mode
// Sets of blocks
var blocklySets = {
allDefault: {
wholeCategories: ["input", "logic", "loops", "math", "texts", "lists", "dicts", "tables", "variables", "functions"]
allJls: {
wholeCategories: ["input", "logic", "loops", "math", "texts", "lists", "dicts", "tables", "variables", "functions"],
excludedBlocks: ['text_eval', 'text_print', 'text_print_noend']
// Blockly to Scratch translations
var blocklyToScratch = {
singleBlocks: {
'controls_if': ['control_if'],
'controls_if_else': ['control_if_else'],
'controls_infiniteloop': ['control_forever'],
'controls_repeat': ['control_repeat'],
'controls_repeat_ext': ['control_repeat'],
'controls_whileUntil': ['control_repeat_until'],
'controls_untilWhile': ['control_repeat_until'],
'lists_repeat': ['data_listrepeat'],
'lists_create_with_empty': [], // Scratch logic is not to initialize
'lists_getIndex': ['data_itemoflist'],
'lists_setIndex': ['data_replaceitemoflist'],
'logic_negate': ['operator_not'],
'logic_boolean': [],
'logic_compare': ['operator_equals', 'operator_gt', 'operator_lt', 'operator_not'],
'logic_operation': ['operator_and', 'operator_or'],
'text': [],
'text_append': [],
'text_join': ['operator_join'],
'math_arithmetic': ['operator_add', 'operator_subtract', 'operator_multiply', 'operator_divide'],
'math_change': ['data_changevariableby'],
'math_number': ['math_number'],
'variables_get': ['data_variable'],
'variables_set': ['data_setvariableto']
wholeCategories: {
'loops': 'control',
'logic': 'operator',
'math': 'operator'
// Allowed blocks that make another block allowed as well
var blocklyAllowedSiblings = {
'controls_if_else': ['controls_if'],
'lists_create_with_empty': ['lists_create_with']
function getBlocklyBlockFunctions(maxBlocks, nbTestCases) {
// TODO :: completely split the logic so it can be a separate object
return {
allBlocksAllowed: [],
addBlocksAllowed: function(blocks) {
for(var i=0; i < blocks.length; i++) {
var name = blocks[i];
if(arrayContains(this.allBlocksAllowed, name)) { continue; }
if(blocklyAllowedSiblings[name]) {
getBlocksAllowed: function() {
return this.scratchMode ? this.blocksToScratch(this.allBlocksAllowed) : this.allBlocksAllowed;
getBlockLabel: function(type) {
// Fetch user-friendly name for the block
var msg = this.mainContext.strings.label[type];
// TODO :: Names for Blockly/Scratch blocks
return msg ? msg : type;
checkConstraints: function(workspace) {
// Check we satisfy constraints
return this.getRemainingCapacity(workspace) >= 0 && !this.findLimited(workspace);
makeLimitedUsesPointers: function() {
// Make the list of pointers for each block to the limitedUses it
// appears in
if(this.limitedPointers && this.limitedPointers.limitedUses === this.mainContext.infos.limitedUses) { return; }
this.limitedPointers = {
// Keep in memory the limitedUses these limitedPointers were made for
limitedUses: this.mainContext.infos.limitedUses
for(var i=0; i < this.mainContext.infos.limitedUses.length; i++) {
var curLimit = this.mainContext.infos.limitedUses[i];
if(this.scratchMode) {
// Convert block list to Scratch
var blocks = [];
for(var j=0; j < curLimit.blocks.length; j++) {
var curBlock = curLimit.blocks[j];
var convBlockList = blocklyToScratch.singleBlocks[curBlock];
if(convBlockList) {
for(var k=0; k < convBlockList.length; k++) {
addInSet(blocks, convBlockList[k]);
} else {
addInSet(blocks, curBlock);
} else {
var blocks = curLimit.blocks;
for(var j=0; j < blocks.length; j++) {
var block = blocks[j];
if(!this.limitedPointers[block]) {
this.limitedPointers[block] = [];
findLimited: function(workspace) {
// Check we don't use blocks with limited uses too much
// Returns false if there's none, else the name of the first block
// found which is over the limit
if(!this.mainContext.infos || !this.mainContext.infos.limitedUses) { return false; }
var workspaceBlocks = workspace.getAllBlocks();
var usesCount = {};
for(var i = 0; i < workspaceBlocks.length; i++) {
var blockType = workspaceBlocks[i].type;
if(!this.limitedPointers[blockType]) { continue; }
for(var j = 0; j < this.limitedPointers[blockType].length; j++) {
// Each pointer is a position in the limitedUses array that
// this block appears in
var pointer = this.limitedPointers[blockType][j];
if(!usesCount[pointer]) { usesCount[pointer] = 0; }
// Exceeded the number of uses
if(usesCount[pointer] > this.mainContext.infos.limitedUses[pointer].nbUses) {
return blockType;
// All blocks are under the use limit
return false;
getRemainingCapacity: function(workspace) {
// Get the number of blocks allowed
if(!this.maxBlocks) { return Infinity; }
var remaining = workspace.remainingCapacity(this.maxBlocks+1);
if(this.maxBlocks && remaining == Infinity) {
// Blockly won't return anything as we didn't set a limit
remaining = this.maxBlocks+1 - workspace.getAllBlocks().length;
return remaining;
isEmpty: function(workspace) {
// Check if workspace is empty
if(!workspace) { workspace = this.workspace; }
var blocks = workspace.getAllBlocks();
if(blocks.length == 1) {
return blocks[0].type == 'robot_start';
} else {
return blocks.length == 0;
getCodeFromXml: function(xmlText, language) {
try {
var xml = Blockly.Xml.textToDom(xmlText)
} catch (e) {
// Remove statement prefix (highlightBlock)
var statementPrefix = Blockly.JavaScript.STATEMENT_PREFIX;
Blockly.JavaScript.STATEMENT_PREFIX = '';
// New workspaces need options, else they can give unpredictable results
var tmpOptions = new Blockly.Options({});
var tmpWorkspace = new Blockly.Workspace(tmpOptions);
if(this.scratchMode) {
// Make sure it has the right information from this blocklyHelper
tmpWorkspace.maxBlocks = function () { return maxBlocks; };
Blockly.Xml.domToWorkspace(xml, tmpWorkspace);
var code = this.getCode(language, tmpWorkspace);
Blockly.JavaScript.STATEMENT_PREFIX = statementPrefix;
return code;
getCode: function(language, codeWorkspace, noReportValue) {
if (codeWorkspace == undefined) {
codeWorkspace = this.workspace;
if(!this.checkConstraints(codeWorkspace)) {
// Safeguard: avoid generating code when we use too many blocks
return 'throw "'+this.strings.tooManyBlocks+'";';
var blocks = codeWorkspace.getTopBlocks(true);
var languageObj = null;
if (language == "javascript") {
languageObj = Blockly.JavaScript;
if (language == "python") {
languageObj = Blockly.Python;
var oldReportValues = this.reportValues;
if(noReportValue) {
this.reportValues = false;
var code = [];
var comments = [];
for (var b = 0; b < blocks.length; b++) {
var block = blocks[b];
var blockCode = languageObj.blockToCode(block);
if (arrayContains(["procedures_defnoreturn", "procedures_defreturn"], block.type)) {
// For function blocks, the code is stored in languageObj.definitions_
} else {
if (block.type == "robot_start" || !this.startingBlock) {
for (var def in languageObj.definitions_) {
var code = code.join("\n");
code += "\n";
code += comments.join("\n");
this.reportValues = oldReportValues;
return code;
completeBlockHandler: function(block, objectName, context) {
if (typeof block.handler == "undefined") {
block.handler = context[objectName][];
if (typeof block.handler == "undefined") {
block.handler = (function(oName, bName) {
return function() { console.error("Error: No handler given. No function context." + oName + "." + bName + "() found!" ); }
completeBlockJson: function(block, objectName, categoryName, context) {
// Needs context object solely for the language strings. Maybe change that …
if (typeof block.blocklyJson == "undefined") {
block.blocklyJson = {};
// Set block name
if (typeof block.blocklyJson.type == "undefined") {
block.blocklyJson.type =;
// Add connectors (top-bottom or left)
if (typeof block.blocklyJson.output == "undefined" &&
typeof block.blocklyJson.previousStatement == "undefined" &&
typeof block.blocklyJson.nextStatement == "undefined" &&
!(block.noConnectors)) {
if (block.yieldsValue) {
block.blocklyJson.output = null;
if(this.scratchMode) {
if(block.yieldsValue == 'int') {
block.blocklyJson.outputShape = Blockly.OUTPUT_SHAPE_ROUND;
} else {
block.blocklyJson.outputShape = Blockly.OUTPUT_SHAPE_HEXAGONAL;
if(typeof block.blocklyJson.colour == "undefined") {
block.blocklyJson.colour = Blockly.Colours.sensing.primary;
block.blocklyJson.colourSecondary = Blockly.Colours.sensing.secondary;
block.blocklyJson.colourTertiary = Blockly.Colours.sensing.tertiary;
else {
block.blocklyJson.previousStatement = null;
block.blocklyJson.nextStatement = null;
if(this.scratchMode) {
if(typeof block.blocklyJson.colour == "undefined") {
block.blocklyJson.colour = Blockly.Colours.motion.primary;
block.blocklyJson.colourSecondary = Blockly.Colours.motion.secondary;
block.blocklyJson.colourTertiary = Blockly.Colours.motion.tertiary;
// Add parameters
if (typeof block.blocklyJson.args0 == "undefined" &&
typeof block.params != "undefined" &&
block.params.length > 0) {
block.blocklyJson.args0 = [];
for (var iParam = 0; iParam < block.params.length; iParam++) {
var param = {
type: "input_value",
name: "PARAM_" + iParam
if (block.params[iParam] != null) {
param.check = block.params[iParam]; // Should be a string!
// Add message string
if (typeof block.blocklyJson.message0 == "undefined") {
block.blocklyJson.message0 = context.strings.label[];
// TODO: Load default colours + custom styles
if (typeof block.blocklyJson.message0 == "undefined") {
block.blocklyJson.message0 = "<translation missing: " + + ">";
// append all missing params to the message string
if (typeof block.blocklyJson.args0 != "undefined") {
var alreadyInserted = (block.blocklyJson.message0.match(/%/g) || []).length;
for (var iArgs0 = alreadyInserted; iArgs0 < block.blocklyJson.args0.length; iArgs0++) {
if (block.blocklyJson.args0[iArgs0].type == "input_value"
|| block.blocklyJson.args0[iArgs0].type == "field_number"
|| block.blocklyJson.args0[iArgs0].type == "field_angle"
|| block.blocklyJson.args0[iArgs0].type == "field_colour"
|| block.blocklyJson.args0[iArgs0].type == "field_dropdown"
|| block.blocklyJson.args0[iArgs0].type == "field_input") {
block.blocklyJson.message0 += " %" + (iArgs0 + 1);
// Tooltip & HelpUrl should always exist, so lets just add empty ones in case they don't exist
if (typeof block.blocklyJson.tooltip == "undefined") { block.blocklyJson.tooltip = ""; }
if (typeof block.blocklyJson.helpUrl == "undefined") { block.blocklyJson.helpUrl = ""; } // TODO: Or maybe not?
// TODO: Load default colours + custom styles
if (typeof block.blocklyJson.colour == "undefined") {
if(this.scratchMode) {
block.blocklyJson.colour = Blockly.Colours.motion.primary;
block.blocklyJson.colourSecondary = Blockly.Colours.motion.secondary;
block.blocklyJson.colourTertiary = Blockly.Colours.motion.tertiary;
} else {
var colours = this.getDefaultColours();
block.blocklyJson.colour = 210; // default: blue
if ("blocks" in colours && in colours.blocks) {
block.blocklyJson.colour = colours.blocks[];
else if ("categories" in colours) {
if (categoryName in colours.categories) {
block.blocklyJson.colour = colours.categories[categoryName];
else if ("_default" in colours.categories) {
block.blocklyJson.colour = colours.categories["_default"];
completeBlockXml: function(block) {
if (typeof block.blocklyXml == "undefined" || block.blocklyXml == "") {
block.blocklyXml = "<block type='" + + "'></block>";
completeCodeGenerators: function(blockInfo, objectName) {
if (typeof blockInfo.codeGenerators == "undefined") {
blockInfo.codeGenerators = {};
var that = this;
// for closure:
var args0 = blockInfo.blocklyJson.args0;
var code = this.mainContext.strings.code[];
var output = blockInfo.blocklyJson.output;
var blockParams = blockInfo.params;
for (var language in {JavaScript: null, Python: null}) {
if (typeof blockInfo.codeGenerators[language] == "undefined") {
// Prevent the function name to be used as a variable
function setCodeGeneratorForLanguage(language) {
blockInfo.codeGenerators[language] = function(block) {
var params = "";
/* There are three kinds of input: value_input, statement_input and dummy_input,
We should definitely consider value_input here and not consider dummy_input here.
I don't know how statement_input is handled best, so I'll ignore it first -- Robert
var iParam = 0;
for (var iArgs0 in args0) {
if (args0[iArgs0].type == "input_value") {
if (iParam) {
params += ", ";
params += Blockly[language].valueToCode(block, 'PARAM_' + iParam, Blockly[language].ORDER_ATOMIC);
iParam += 1;
if (args0[iArgs0].type == "field_number"
|| args0[iArgs0].type == "field_angle"
|| args0[iArgs0].type == "field_dropdown"
|| args0[iArgs0].type == "field_input") {
if (iParam) {
params += ", ";
var fieldValue = block.getFieldValue('PARAM_' + iParam);
if(blockParams && blockParams[iArgs0] == 'Number') {
params += parseInt(fieldValue);
} else {
params += JSON.stringify(fieldValue);
iParam += 1;
if (args0[iArgs0].type == "field_colour") {
if (iParam) {
params += ", ";
params += '"' + block.getFieldValue('PARAM_' + iParam) + '"';
iParam += 1;
var callCode = code + '(' + params + ')';
// Add reportValue to show the value in step-by-step mode
if(that.reportValues) {
var reportedCode = "reportBlockValue('" + + "', " + callCode + ")";
} else {
var reportedCode = callCode;
if (typeof output == "undefined") {
return callCode + ";\n";
else {
return [reportedCode, Blockly[language].ORDER_NONE];
applyCodeGenerators: function(block) {
for (var language in block.codeGenerators) {
Blockly[language][] = block.codeGenerators[language];
createBlock: function(block) {
if (typeof block.blocklyInit == "undefined") {
var blocklyjson = block.blocklyJson;
Blockly.Blocks[] = {
init: function() {
else if (typeof block.blocklyInit == "function") {
Blockly.Blocks[] = {
init: block.blocklyInit()
else {
console.err( + ".blocklyInit is defined but not a function");
createSimpleGenerator: function(label, code, type, nbParams) {
var jsDefinitions = this.definitions['javascript'] ? this.definitions['javascript'] : [];
var pyDefinitions = this.definitions['python'] ? this.definitions['python'] : [];
// Prevent the function name to be used as a variable
Blockly.JavaScript[label] = function(block) {
for (var iDef=0; iDef < jsDefinitions.length; iDef++) {
var def = jsDefinitions[iDef];
Blockly.Javascript.definitions_[def.label] = def.code;
var params = "";
for (var iParam = 0; iParam < nbParams; iParam++) {
if (iParam != 0) {
params += ", ";
params += Blockly.JavaScript.valueToCode(block, 'NAME_' + (iParam + 1), Blockly.JavaScript.ORDER_ATOMIC);
if (type == 0) {
return code + "(" + params + ");\n";
} else if (type == 1){
return [code + "(" + params + ")", Blockly.JavaScript.ORDER_NONE];
Blockly.Python[label] = function(block) {
for (var iDef=0; iDef < pyDefinitions.length; iDef++) {
var def = pyDefinitions[iDef];
Blockly.Python.definitions_[def.label] = def.code;
var params = "";
for (var iParam = 0; iParam < nbParams; iParam++) {
if (iParam != 0) {
params += ", ";
params += Blockly.Python.valueToCode(block, 'NAME_' + (iParam + 1), Blockly.Python.ORDER_ATOMIC);
if (type == 0) {
return code + "(" + params + ")\n";
} else if (type == 1) {
return [code + "(" + params + ")", Blockly.Python.ORDER_NONE];
createSimpleBlock: function(label, code, type, nbParams) {
Blockly.Blocks[label] = {
init: function() {
if (type == 0) {
if (type == 1) {
for (var iParam = 0; iParam < nbParams; iParam++) {
this.appendValueInput("NAME_" + (iParam + 1)).setCheck(null);
createSimpleGeneratorsAndBlocks: function() {
for (var genName in this.simpleGenerators) {
for (var iGen = 0; iGen < this.simpleGenerators[genName].length; iGen++) {
var generator = this.simpleGenerators[genName][iGen];
if(genName == '.') {
var label = generator.label + "__";
var code = generator.code;
} else {
var label = genName + "_" + generator.label + "__";
var code = genName + "." + generator.code;
this.createSimpleGenerator(label, code, generator.type, generator.nbParams);
// TODO :: merge createSimpleBlock with completeBlock*
this.createSimpleBlock(label, generator.label, generator.type, generator.nbParams);
createGeneratorsAndBlocks: function() {
var customGenerators = this.mainContext.customBlocks;
for (var objectName in customGenerators) {
for (var categoryName in customGenerators[objectName]) {
var category = customGenerators[objectName][categoryName];
for (var iBlock = 0; iBlock < category.length; iBlock++) {
var block = category[iBlock];
/* TODO: Allow library writers to provide their own JS/Python code instead of just a handler */
this.completeBlockHandler(block, objectName, this.mainContext);
this.completeBlockJson(block, objectName, categoryName, this.mainContext); /* category.category is category name */
this.completeCodeGenerators(block, objectName);
// TODO: Anything of this still needs to be done?
//this.createGenerator(label, objectName + "." + code, generator.type, generator.nbParams);
//this.createBlock(label, generator.labelFr, generator.type, generator.nbParams);
getBlocklyLibCode: function(generators) {
var strCode = "";
for (var objectName in generators) {
strCode += "var " + objectName + " = {\n";
for (var iGen = 0; iGen < generators[objectName].length; iGen++) {
var generator = generators[objectName][iGen];
if (generator.nbParams == 0) {
strCode += generator.codeFr + ": function() { ";
} else {
strCode += generator.codeFr + ": function(param1) { ";
if (generator.type == 1) {
strCode += "return ";
if (generator.nbParams == 0) {
strCode += objectName + "_" + generator.labelEn + "(); }";
} else {
strCode += objectName + "_" + generator.labelEn + "(param1); }";
if (iGen < generators[objectName].length - 1) {
strCode += ",";
strCode += "\n";
strCode += "};\n\n";
strCode += "Math['max'] = function(a, b) { if (a > b) return a; return b; };\n";
strCode += "Math['min'] = function(a, b) { if (a > b) return b; return a; };\n";
return strCode;
getDefaultColours: function() {
var colours = {
categories: {
logic: 210,
loops: 120,
control: 120,
math: 230,
operator: 230,
texts: 160,
lists: 260,
colour: 20,
variables: 330,
functions: 290,
_default: 65
blocks: {}
if (typeof this.mainContext.provideBlocklyColours == "function") {
var providedColours = this.mainContext.provideBlocklyColours();
for (var group in providedColours) {
if (!(group in colours)) {
colours[group] = {};
for (name in providedColours[group]) {
colours[group][name] = providedColours[group][name];
if (typeof provideBlocklyColours == "function") {
var providedColours = provideBlocklyColours();
for (var group in providedColours) {
if (!(group in colours)) {
colours[group] = {};
for (name in providedColours[group]) {
colours[group][name] = providedColours[group][name];
return colours;
getStdBlocks: function() {
return this.scratchMode ? this.getStdScratchBlocks() : this.getStdBlocklyBlocks();
getStdBlocklyBlocks: function() {
return {
input: [
name: "input_num",
blocklyXml: "<block type='input_num'></block>"
name: "input_num_list",
blocklyXml: "<block type='input_num_list'></block>"
name: "input_line",
blocklyXml: "<block type='input_line'></block>"
name: "input_num_next",
blocklyXml: "<block type='input_num_next'></block>"
name: "input_char",
blocklyXml: "<block type='input_char'></block>"
name: "input_word",
blocklyXml: "<block type='input_word'></block>"
logic: [
name: "controls_if",
blocklyXml: "<block type='controls_if'></block>"
name: "controls_if_else",
blocklyXml: "<block type='controls_if'><mutation else='1'></mutation></block>",
excludedByDefault: this.mainContext ? this.mainContext.showIfMutator : false
name: "logic_compare",
blocklyXml: "<block type='logic_compare'></block>"
name: "logic_operation",
blocklyXml: "<block type='logic_operation' inline='false'></block>"
name: "logic_negate",
blocklyXml: "<block type='logic_negate'></block>"
name: "logic_boolean",
blocklyXml: "<block type='logic_boolean'></block>"
name: "logic_null",
blocklyXml: "<block type='logic_null'></block>",
excludedByDefault: true
name: "logic_ternary",
blocklyXml: "<block type='logic_ternary'></block>",
excludedByDefault: true
loops: [
name: "controls_loop",
blocklyXml: "<block type='controls_loop'></block>",
excludedByDefault: true
name: "controls_repeat",
blocklyXml: "<block type='controls_repeat'></block>",
excludedByDefault: true
name: "controls_repeat_ext",
blocklyXml: "<block type='controls_repeat_ext'>" +
" <value name='TIMES'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>10</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "controls_repeat_ext_noShadow",
blocklyXml: "<block type='controls_repeat_ext'></block>",
excludedByDefault: true
name: "controls_whileUntil",
blocklyXml: "<block type='controls_whileUntil'></block>"
name: "controls_untilWhile",
blocklyXml: "<block type='controls_whileUntil'><field name='MODE'>UNTIL</field></block>",
excludedByDefault: true
name: "controls_for",
blocklyXml: "<block type='controls_for'>" +
" <value name='FROM'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>1</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='TO'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>10</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='BY'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>1</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "controls_for_noShadow",
blocklyXml: "<block type='controls_for'></block>",
excludedByDefault: true
name: "controls_for_fillShadow",
blocklyXml: "<block type='controls_for'>" +
" <value name='FROM'>" +
" <block type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>1</field>" +
" </block>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='TO'>" +
" <block type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>10</field>" +
" </block>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='BY'>" +
" <block type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>1</field>" +
" </block>" +
" </value>" +
excludedByDefault: true
name: "controls_forEach",
blocklyXml: "<block type='controls_forEach'></block>",
excludedByDefault: true
name: "controls_flow_statements",
blocklyXml: "<block type='controls_flow_statements'></block>"
name: "controls_infiniteloop",
blocklyXml: "<block type='controls_infiniteloop'></block>",
excludedByDefault: true
math: [
name: "math_number",
blocklyXml: "<block type='math_number' gap='32'></block>"
name: "math_arithmetic",
blocklyXml: "<block type='math_arithmetic'>" +
" <value name='A'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>1</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='B'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>1</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "math_arithmetic_noShadow",
blocklyXml: "<block type='math_arithmetic'></block>",
excludedByDefault: true
name: "math_single",
blocklyXml: "<block type='math_single'>" +
" <value name='NUM'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>9</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "math_single_noShadow",
blocklyXml: "<block type='math_single'></block>",
excludedByDefault: true
name: "math_extra_single",
blocklyXml: "<block type='math_extra_single'>" +
" <value name='NUM'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>9</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
excludedByDefault: true
name: "math_extra_single_noShadow",
blocklyXml: "<block type='math_extra_single'></block>",
excludedByDefault: true
name: "math_extra_double",
blocklyXml: "<block type='math_extra_double'>" +
" <value name='A'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>1</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='B'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>1</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
excludedByDefault: true
name: "math_extra_double",
blocklyXml: "<block type='math_extra_double'></block>",
excludedByDefault: true
name: "math_trig",
blocklyXml: "<block type='math_trig'>" +
" <value name='NUM'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>45</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
excludedByDefault: true
name: "math_trig_noShadow",
blocklyXml: "<block type='math_trig'></block>",
excludedByDefault: true
name: "math_constant",
blocklyXml: "<block type='math_constant'></block>",
excludedByDefault: true
name: "math_number_property",
blocklyXml: "<block type='math_number_property'>" +
" <value name='NUMBER_TO_CHECK'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>0</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "math_number_property_noShadow",
blocklyXml: "<block type='math_number_property'></block>",
excludedByDefault: true
name: "math_round",
blocklyXml: "<block type='math_round'>" +
" <value name='NUM'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>3.1</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "math_round_noShadow",
blocklyXml: "<block type='math_round'></block>",
excludedByDefault: true
name: "math_on_list",
blocklyXml: "<block type='math_on_list'></block>",
excludedByDefault: true
name: "math_modulo",
blocklyXml: "<block type='math_modulo'>" +
" <value name='DIVIDEND'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>64</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='DIVISOR'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>10</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "math_modulo_noShadow",
blocklyXml: "<block type='math_modulo'></block>",
excludedByDefault: true
name: "math_constrain",
blocklyXml: "<block type='math_constrain'>" +
" <value name='VALUE'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>50</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='LOW'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>1</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='HIGH'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>100</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
excludedByDefault: true
name: "math_constrain_noShadow",
blocklyXml: "<block type='math_constrain'></block>",
excludedByDefault: true
name: "math_random_int",
blocklyXml: "<block type='math_random_int'>" +
" <value name='FROM'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>1</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='TO'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>100</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
excludedByDefault: true
name: "math_random_int_noShadow",
blocklyXml: "<block type='math_random_int'></block>",
excludedByDefault: true
name: "math_random_float",
blocklyXml: "<block type='math_random_float'></block>",
excludedByDefault: true
texts: [
name: "text",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text'></block>"
name: "text_eval",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_eval'></block>"
name: "text_print",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_print'>" +
" <value name='TEXT'>" +
" <shadow type='text'>" +
" <field name='TEXT'>abc</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "text_print_noend",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_print_noend'>" +
" <value name='TEXT'>" +
" <shadow type='text'>" +
" <field name='TEXT'>abc</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "text_join",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_join'></block>"
name: "text_append",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_append'></block>"
name: "text_length",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_length'>" +
" <value name='VALUE'>" +
" <shadow type='text'>" +
" <field name='TEXT'>abc</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "text_length_noShadow",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_length'></block>",
excludedByDefault: true
name: "text_isEmpty",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_isEmpty'>" +
" <value name='VALUE'>" +
" <shadow type='text'>" +
" <field name='TEXT'></field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "text_isEmpty_noShadow",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_isEmpty'></block>",
excludedByDefault: true
name: "text_indexOf",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_indexOf'>" +
" <value name='VALUE'>" +
" <block type='variables_get'>" +
" <field name='VAR'>{textVariable}</field>" +
" </block>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='FIND'>" +
" <shadow type='text'>" +
" <field name='TEXT'>abc</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "text_indexOf_noShadow",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_indexOf'></block>",
excludedByDefault: true
name: "text_charAt",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_charAt'>" +
" <value name='VALUE'>" +
" <block type='variables_get'>" +
" <field name='VAR'>{textVariable}</field>" +
" </block>" +
" </value>" +
name: "text_charAt_noShado",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_charAt'></block>",
excludedByDefault: true
name: "text_getSubstring",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_getSubstring'>" +
" <value name='STRING'>" +
" <block type='variables_get'>" +
" <field name='VAR'>{textVariable}</field>" +
" </block>" +
" </value>" +
name: "text_getSubstring_noShadow",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_getSubstring'></block>",
excludedByDefault: true
name: "text_changeCase",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_changeCase'>" +
" <value name='TEXT'>" +
" <shadow type='text'>" +
" <field name='TEXT'>abc</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "text_changeCase_noShadow",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_changeCase'></block>",
excludedByDefault: true
name: "text_trim",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_trim'>" +
" <value name='TEXT'>" +
" <shadow type='text'>" +
" <field name='TEXT'>abc</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "text_trim_noShadow",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_trim'></block>",
excludedByDefault: true
name: "text_print_noShadow",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_print'></block>",
excludedByDefault: true
name: "text_prompt_ext",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_prompt_ext'>" +
" <value name='TEXT'>" +
" <shadow type='text'>" +
" <field name='TEXT'>abc</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
excludedByDefault: true
name: "text_prompt_ext_noShadow",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_prompt_ext'></block>",
excludedByDefault: true
lists: [
name: "lists_create_with_empty",
blocklyXml: "<block type='lists_create_with'>" +
" <mutation items='0'></mutation>" +
name: "lists_create_with",
blocklyXml: "<block type='lists_create_with'></block>"
name: "lists_repeat",
blocklyXml: "<block type='lists_repeat'>" +
" <value name='NUM'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>5</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "lists_length",
blocklyXml: "<block type='lists_length'></block>"
name: "lists_isEmpty",
blocklyXml: "<block type='lists_isEmpty'></block>"
name: "lists_indexOf",
blocklyXml: "<block type='lists_indexOf'>" +
" <value name='VALUE'>" +
" <block type='variables_get'>" +
" <field name='VAR'>{listVariable}</field>" +
" </block>" +
" </value>" +
name: "lists_getIndex",
blocklyXml: "<block type='lists_getIndex'>" +
" <value name='VALUE'>" +
" <block type='variables_get'>" +
" <field name='VAR'>{listVariable}</field>" +
" </block>" +
" </value>" +
name: "lists_setIndex",
blocklyXml: "<block type='lists_setIndex'>" +
" <value name='LIST'>" +
" <block type='variables_get'>" +
" <field name='VAR'>{listVariable}</field>" +
" </block>" +
" </value>" +
name: "lists_getSublist",
blocklyXml: "<block type='lists_getSublist'>" +
" <value name='LIST'>" +
" <block type='variables_get'>" +
" <field name='VAR'>{listVariable}</field>" +
" </block>" +
" </value>" +
name: "lists_sort_place",
blocklyXml: "<block type='lists_sort_place'></block>"
name: "lists_sort",
blocklyXml: "<block type='lists_sort'></block>"
name: "lists_split",
blocklyXml: "<block type='lists_split'>" +
" <value name='DELIM'>" +
" <shadow type='text'>" +
" <field name='TEXT'>,</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "lists_append",
blocklyXml: "<block type='lists_append'></block>"
tables: [
name: "tables_2d_init",
blocklyXml: "<block type='tables_2d_init'>" +
" <value name='LINES'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>2</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='COLS'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>2</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='ITEM'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>0</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "tables_2d_set",
blocklyXml: "<block type='tables_2d_set'>" +
" <value name='LINE'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>1</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='COL'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>1</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='ITEM'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>0</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "tables_2d_get",
blocklyXml: "<block type='tables_2d_get'>" +
" <value name='LINE'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>1</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='COL'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>1</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "tables_3d_init",
blocklyXml: "<block type='tables_3d_init'>" +
" <value name='LAYERS'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>2</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='LINES'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>2</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='COLS'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>2</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='ITEM'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>0</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "tables_3d_set",
blocklyXml: "<block type='tables_3d_set'>" +
" <value name='LAYER'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>2</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='LINE'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>1</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='COL'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>1</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='ITEM'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>0</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "tables_3d_get",
blocklyXml: "<block type='tables_3d_get'>" +
" <value name='LAYER'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>2</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='LINE'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>1</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='COL'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>1</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
// Note :: this category is not enabled unless explicitly specified
colour: [
name: "colour_picker",
blocklyXml: "<block type='colour_picker'></block>"
name: "colour_random",
blocklyXml: "<block type='colour_random'></block>"
name: "colour_rgb",
blocklyXml: "<block type='colour_rgb'>" +
" <value name='RED'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>100</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='GREEN'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>50</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='BLUE'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>0</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "colour_rgb_noShadow",
blocklyXml: "<block type='colour_rgb'></block>",
excludedByDefault: true
name: "colour_blend",
blocklyXml: "<block type='colour_blend'>" +
" <value name='COLOUR1'>" +
" <shadow type='colour_picker'>" +
" <field name='COLOUR'>#ff0000</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='COLOUR2'>" +
" <shadow type='colour_picker'>" +
" <field name='COLOUR'>#3333ff</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='RATIO'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>0.5</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "colour_blend_noShadow",
blocklyXml: "<block type='colour_blend'></block>",
excludedByDefault: true
dicts: [
name: "dicts_create_with",
blocklyXml: "<block type='dicts_create_with'></block>"
name: "dict_get_literal",
blocklyXml: "<block type='dict_get_literal'></block>"
name: "dict_set_literal",
blocklyXml: "<block type='dict_set_literal'></block>"
name: "dict_keys",
blocklyXml: "<block type='dict_keys'></block>"
variables: [],
functions: []
getStdScratchBlocks: function() {
// TODO :: make the list of standard scratch blocks
return {
control: [
name: "control_if",
blocklyXml: "<block type='control_if'></block>"
name: "control_if_else",
blocklyXml: "<block type='control_if_else'></block>"
name: "control_repeat",
blocklyXml: "<block type='control_repeat'>" +
" <value name='TIMES'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>10</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "control_repeat_until",
blocklyXml: "<block type='control_repeat_until'></block>"
name: "control_forever",
blocklyXml: "<block type='control_forever'></block>",
excludedByDefault: true
input: [
name: "input_num",
blocklyXml: "<block type='input_num'></block>"
name: "input_num_list",
blocklyXml: "<block type='input_num_list'></block>"
name: "input_line",
blocklyXml: "<block type='input_line'></block>"
name: "input_num_next",
blocklyXml: "<block type='input_num_next'></block>"
name: "input_char",
blocklyXml: "<block type='input_char'></block>"
name: "input_word",
blocklyXml: "<block type='input_word'></block>"
lists: [
name: "data_listrepeat",
blocklyXml: "<block type='data_listrepeat'>" +
" <field name='LIST'>" + (this.strings ? this.strings.listVariable : 'list') + "</field>" +
" <value name='ITEM'>" +
" <shadow type='text'>" +
" <field name='TEXT'></field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='TIMES'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>1</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "data_itemoflist",
blocklyXml: "<block type='data_itemoflist'>" +
" <field name='LIST'>" + (this.strings ? this.strings.listVariable : 'list') + "</field>" +
" <value name='INDEX'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>1</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "data_replaceitemoflist",
blocklyXml: "<block type='data_replaceitemoflist'>" +
" <field name='LIST'>" + (this.strings ? this.strings.listVariable : 'list') + "</field>" +
" <value name='INDEX'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>1</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='ITEM'>" +
" <shadow type='text'>" +
" <field name='TEXT'></field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "lists_sort_place",
blocklyXml: "<block type='lists_sort_place'></block>"
math: [
name: "math_number",
blocklyXml: "<block type='math_number' gap='32'></block>"
operator: [
name: "operator_add",
blocklyXml: "<block type='operator_add'>" +
" <value name='NUM1'><shadow type='math_number'><field name='NUM'></field></shadow></value>" +
" <value name='NUM2'><shadow type='math_number'><field name='NUM'></field></shadow></value>" +
name: "operator_subtract",
blocklyXml: "<block type='operator_subtract'>" +
" <value name='NUM1'><shadow type='math_number'><field name='NUM'></field></shadow></value>" +
" <value name='NUM2'><shadow type='math_number'><field name='NUM'></field></shadow></value>" +
name: "operator_multiply",
blocklyXml: "<block type='operator_multiply'>" +
" <value name='NUM1'><shadow type='math_number'><field name='NUM'></field></shadow></value>" +
" <value name='NUM2'><shadow type='math_number'><field name='NUM'></field></shadow></value>" +
name: "operator_divide",
blocklyXml: "<block type='operator_divide'>" +
" <value name='NUM1'><shadow type='math_number'><field name='NUM'></field></shadow></value>" +
" <value name='NUM2'><shadow type='math_number'><field name='NUM'></field></shadow></value>" +
name: "operator_equals",
blocklyXml: "<block type='operator_equals'>" +
" <value name='OPERAND1'><shadow type='math_number'><field name='NUM'></field></shadow></value>" +
" <value name='OPERAND2'><shadow type='math_number'><field name='NUM'></field></shadow></value>" +
name: "operator_gt",
blocklyXml: "<block type='operator_gt'>" +
" <value name='OPERAND1'><shadow type='math_number'><field name='NUM'></field></shadow></value>" +
" <value name='OPERAND2'><shadow type='math_number'><field name='NUM'></field></shadow></value>" +
name: "operator_lt",
blocklyXml: "<block type='operator_lt'>" +
" <value name='OPERAND1'><shadow type='math_number'><field name='NUM'></field></shadow></value>" +
" <value name='OPERAND2'><shadow type='math_number'><field name='NUM'></field></shadow></value>" +
name: "operator_and",
blocklyXml: "<block type='operator_and'></block>"
name: "operator_or",
blocklyXml: "<block type='operator_or'></block>"
name: "operator_not",
blocklyXml: "<block type='operator_not'></block>"
name: "operator_join",
blocklyXml: "<block type='operator_join'>" +
" <value name='STRING1'><shadow type='text'><field name='TEXT'></field></shadow></value>" +
" <value name='STRING2'><shadow type='text'><field name='TEXT'></field></shadow></value>" +
tables: [
name: "tables_2d_init",
blocklyXml: "<block type='tables_2d_init'>" +
" <value name='LINES'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>2</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='COLS'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>2</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='ITEM'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>0</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "tables_2d_set",
blocklyXml: "<block type='tables_2d_set'>" +
" <value name='LINE'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>1</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='COL'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>1</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='ITEM'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>0</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "tables_2d_get",
blocklyXml: "<block type='tables_2d_get'>" +
" <value name='LINE'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>1</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='COL'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>1</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "tables_3d_init",
blocklyXml: "<block type='tables_3d_init'>" +
" <value name='LAYERS'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>2</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='LINES'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>2</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='COLS'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>2</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='ITEM'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>0</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "tables_3d_set",
blocklyXml: "<block type='tables_3d_set'>" +
" <value name='LAYER'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>2</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='LINE'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>1</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='COL'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>1</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='ITEM'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>0</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "tables_3d_get",
blocklyXml: "<block type='tables_3d_get'>" +
" <value name='LAYER'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>2</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='LINE'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>1</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
" <value name='COL'>" +
" <shadow type='math_number'>" +
" <field name='NUM'>1</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
texts: [
name: "text_print",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_print'>" +
" <value name='TEXT'>" +
" <shadow type='text'>" +
" <field name='TEXT'>abc</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "text_print_noend",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_print_noend'>" +
" <value name='TEXT'>" +
" <shadow type='text'>" +
" <field name='TEXT'>abc</field>" +
" </shadow>" +
" </value>" +
name: "text_eval",
blocklyXml: "<block type='text_eval'></block>"
variables: [],
functions: []
getBlockXmlInfo: function(generatorStruct, blockName) {
for (var categoryName in generatorStruct) {
var blocks = generatorStruct[categoryName];
for (var iBlock = 0; iBlock < blocks.length; iBlock++) {
var block = blocks[iBlock];
if ( == blockName) {
return {
category: categoryName,
xml: block.blocklyXml
console.error("Block not found: " + blockName);
return null;
addBlocksAndCategories: function(blockNames, blocksDefinition, categoriesInfos) {
var colours = this.getDefaultColours();
for (var iBlock = 0; iBlock < blockNames.length; iBlock++) {
var blockName = blockNames[iBlock];
var blockXmlInfo = this.getBlockXmlInfo(blocksDefinition, blockName);
var categoryName = blockXmlInfo.category;
if (!(categoryName in categoriesInfos)) {
categoriesInfos[categoryName] = {
blocksXml: [],
colour: colours.blocks[blockName]
var blockXml = blockXmlInfo.xml;
if(categoriesInfos[categoryName].blocksXml.indexOf(blockXml) == -1) {
// by the way, just change the defaul colours of the blockly blocks:
if(!this.scratchMode) {
var defCat = ["logic", "loops", "math", "texts", "lists", "colour"];
for (var iCat in defCat) {
Blockly.Blocks[defCat[iCat]].HUE = colours.categories[defCat[iCat]];
getToolboxXml: function() {
var categoriesInfos = {};
var colours = this.getDefaultColours();
// Reset the flyoutOptions for the variables and the procedures
Blockly.Variables.flyoutOptions = {
any: false,
anyButton: !!this.includeBlocks.groupByCategory,
fixed: [],
includedBlocks: {get: true, set: true, incr: true},
shortList: true
Blockly.Procedures.flyoutOptions = {
includedBlocks: {noret: false, ret: false, ifret: false}
// Initialize allBlocksAllowed
this.allBlocksAllowed = [];
if(this.scratchMode) {
this.addBlocksAllowed(['math_number', 'text']);
// *** Blocks from the lib
if(this.includeBlocks.generatedBlocks && 'wholeCategories' in this.includeBlocks.generatedBlocks) {
for(var blockType in this.includeBlocks.generatedBlocks.wholeCategories) {
var categories = this.includeBlocks.generatedBlocks.wholeCategories[blockType];
for(var i=0; i<categories.length; i++) {
var category = categories[i];
if(blockType in this.mainContext.customBlocks && category in this.mainContext.customBlocks[blockType]) {
var contextBlocks = this.mainContext.customBlocks[blockType][category];
var blockNames = [];
for(var i=0; i<contextBlocks.length; i++) {
if(this.includeBlocks.generatedBlocks && 'singleBlocks' in this.includeBlocks.generatedBlocks) {
for(var blockType in this.includeBlocks.generatedBlocks.singleBlocks) {
for (var blockType in this.includeBlocks.generatedBlocks) {
if(blockType == 'wholeCategories' || blockType == 'singleBlocks') continue;
for (var genName in this.simpleGenerators) {
for (var iGen = 0; iGen < this.simpleGenerators[genName].length; iGen++) {
var generator = this.simpleGenerators[genName][iGen];
if (categoriesInfos[generator.category] == undefined) {
categoriesInfos[generator.category] = {
blocksXml: [],
colour: 210
var blockName = (genName == '.') ? generator.label + "__" : genName + "_" + generator.label + "__";
categoriesInfos[generator.category].blocksXml.push("<block type='"+blockName+"'></block>");
// *** Standard blocks
var stdBlocks = this.getStdBlocks();
var taskStdInclude = (this.includeBlocks && this.includeBlocks.standardBlocks) || {};
var stdInclude = {
wholeCategories: [],
singleBlocks: [],
excludedBlocks: []
// Merge all lists into stdInclude
if (taskStdInclude.includeAll) {
if(this.scratchMode) {
stdInclude.wholeCategories = ["control", "input", "lists", "operator", "tables", "texts", "variables", "functions"];
} else {
stdInclude.wholeCategories = ["input", "logic", "loops", "math", "texts", "lists", "dicts", "tables", "variables", "functions"];
mergeIntoArray(stdInclude.wholeCategories, taskStdInclude.wholeCategories || []);
mergeIntoArray(stdInclude.singleBlocks, taskStdInclude.singleBlocks || []);
mergeIntoArray(stdInclude.excludedBlocks, taskStdInclude.excludedBlocks || []);
// Add block sets
if(taskStdInclude.blockSets) {
for(var iSet in taskStdInclude.blockSets) {
mergeIntoObject(stdInclude, blocklySets[taskStdInclude.blockSets[iSet]]);
// Prevent from using excludedBlocks if includeAll is set
if(taskStdInclude.includeAll) { stdInclude.excludedBlocks = []; }
// Remove excludedBlocks from singleBlocks
for(var iBlock=0; iBlock < stdInclude.singleBlocks; iBlock++) {
if(arrayContains(stdInclude.excludedBlocks, stdInclude.singleBlocks[iBlock])) {
stdInclude.singleBlocks.splice(iBlock, 1);
var handledCategories = [];
for (var iCategory = 0; iCategory < stdInclude.wholeCategories.length; iCategory++) {
var categoryName = stdInclude.wholeCategories[iCategory];
if(this.scratchMode && !taskStdInclude.includeAll && blocklyToScratch.wholeCategories[categoryName]) {
categoryName = blocklyToScratch.wholeCategories[categoryName];
if(arrayContains(handledCategories, categoryName)) { continue; }
if (!(categoryName in categoriesInfos)) {
categoriesInfos[categoryName] = {
blocksXml: []
if (categoryName == 'variables') {
Blockly.Variables.flyoutOptions.any = true;
} else if (categoryName == 'functions') {
Blockly.Procedures.flyoutOptions.includedBlocks = {noret: true, ret: true, ifret: true};
var blocks = stdBlocks[categoryName];
if(blocks) {
if (!(blocks instanceof Array)) { // just for now, maintain backwards compatibility
blocks = blocks.blocks;
var blockNames = [];
for (var iBlock = 0; iBlock < blocks.length; iBlock++) {
if (!(blocks[iBlock].excludedByDefault) && !arrayContains(stdInclude.excludedBlocks, blocks[iBlock].name)) {
var singleBlocks = stdInclude.singleBlocks;
for(var iBlock = 0; iBlock < singleBlocks.length; iBlock++) {
var blockName = singleBlocks[iBlock];
if(blockName == 'procedures_defnoreturn') {
Blockly.Procedures.flyoutOptions.includedBlocks['noret'] = true;
} else if(blockName == 'procedures_defreturn') {
Blockly.Procedures.flyoutOptions.includedBlocks['ret'] = true;
} else if(blockName == 'procedures_ifreturn') {
Blockly.Procedures.flyoutOptions.includedBlocks['ifret'] = true;
} else {
// If we're here, a block has been found
this.addBlocksAllowed([blockName, 'procedures_callnoreturn', 'procedures_callreturn']);
singleBlocks.splice(iBlock, 1);
|| Blockly.Procedures.flyoutOptions.includedBlocks['ret']
|| Blockly.Procedures.flyoutOptions.includedBlocks['ifret']) {
if(Blockly.Procedures.flyoutOptions.includedBlocks['noret']) {
this.addBlocksAllowed(['procedures_defnoreturn', 'procedures_callnoreturn']);
} else if(Blockly.Procedures.flyoutOptions.includedBlocks['ret']) {
this.addBlocksAllowed(['procedures_defreturn', 'procedures_callnoreturn']);
} else if(Blockly.Procedures.flyoutOptions.includedBlocks['ifret']) {
categoriesInfos['functions'] = {
blocksXml: []
if(this.scratchMode && !arrayContains(singleBlocks, 'math_number')) {
singleBlocks.push('math_number'); // TODO :: temporary
if(!this.includeBlocks.groupByCategory) {
console.error('Task configuration error: groupByCategory must be activated for functions.');
this.addBlocksAndCategories(singleBlocks, stdBlocks, categoriesInfos);
// Handle variable blocks, which are normally automatically added with
// the VARIABLES category but can be customized here
if (typeof this.includeBlocks.variables !== 'undefined') {
Blockly.Variables.flyoutOptions.fixed = (this.includeBlocks.variables.length > 0) ? this.includeBlocks.variables : [];
if (typeof this.includeBlocks.variablesOnlyBlocks !== 'undefined') {
Blockly.Variables.flyoutOptions.includedBlocks = {get: false, set: false, incr: false};
for (var iBlock=0; iBlock < this.includeBlocks.variablesOnlyBlocks.length; iBlock++) {
Blockly.Variables.flyoutOptions.includedBlocks[this.includeBlocks.variablesOnlyBlocks[iBlock]] = true;
var varAnyIdx = Blockly.Variables.flyoutOptions.fixed.indexOf('*');
if(varAnyIdx > -1) {
Blockly.Variables.flyoutOptions.fixed.splice(varAnyIdx, 1);
Blockly.Variables.flyoutOptions.any = true;
var blocksXml = Blockly.Variables.flyoutCategory();
var xmlSer = new XMLSerializer();
for(var i=0; i<blocksXml.length; i++) {
blocksXml[i] = xmlSer.serializeToString(blocksXml[i]);
categoriesInfos["variables"] = {
blocksXml: blocksXml,
colour: 330
if(Blockly.Variables.flyoutOptions.includedBlocks['get']) {
if(Blockly.Variables.flyoutOptions.includedBlocks['set']) {
if(Blockly.Variables.flyoutOptions.includedBlocks['incr']) {
var xmlString = "";
for (var categoryName in categoriesInfos) {
var categoryInfo = categoriesInfos[categoryName];
if (this.includeBlocks.groupByCategory) {
var colour = categoryInfo.colour;
if (typeof(colour) == "undefined") {
colour = colours.categories[categoryName]
if (typeof(colour) == "undefined") {
colour = colours.categories._default;
xmlString += "<category "
+ " name='" + this.strings.categories[categoryName] + "'"
+ " colour='" + colour + "'"
+ (this.scratchMode ? " secondaryColour='" + colour + "'" : '')
+ (categoryName == 'variables' ? ' custom="VARIABLE"' : '')
+ (categoryName == 'functions' ? ' custom="PROCEDURE"' : '')
+ ">";
var blocks = categoryInfo.blocksXml;
for (var iBlock = 0; iBlock < blocks.length; iBlock++) {
xmlString += blocks[iBlock];
if (this.includeBlocks.groupByCategory) {
xmlString += "</category>";
(function (strings) {
xmlString = xmlString.replace(/{(\w+)}/g, function(m, p1) {return strings[p1]}); // taken from blockly/demo/code
return xmlString;
addExtraBlocks: function() {
var that = this;
Blockly.Blocks['controls_untilWhile'] = Blockly.Blocks['controls_whileUntil'];
Blockly.JavaScript['controls_untilWhile'] = Blockly.JavaScript['controls_whileUntil'];
Blockly.Python['controls_untilWhile'] = Blockly.Python['controls_whileUntil'];
Blockly.Blocks['math_angle'] = {
init: function() {
this.setOutput(true, 'Number');
.appendField(new Blockly.FieldAngle(90), "ANGLE");
Blockly.JavaScript['math_angle'] = function(block) {
return ['' + block.getFieldValue('ANGLE'), Blockly.JavaScript.ORDER_FUNCTION_CALL];
Blockly.Python['math_angle'] = function(block) {
return ['' + block.getFieldValue('ANGLE'), Blockly.Python.ORDER_FUNCTION_CALL];
Blockly.Blocks['math_extra_single'] = {
* Block for advanced math operators with single operand.
* @this Blockly.Block
init: function() {
['-', 'NEG']
this.setOutput(true, 'Number');
.appendField(new Blockly.FieldDropdown(OPERATORS), 'OP');
// Assign 'this' to a variable for use in the tooltip closure below.
var thisBlock = this;
this.setTooltip(function() {
var mode = thisBlock.getFieldValue('OP');
var TOOLTIPS = {
return TOOLTIPS[mode];
Blockly.JavaScript['math_extra_single'] = Blockly.JavaScript['math_single'];
Blockly.Python['math_extra_single'] = Blockly.Python['math_single'];
Blockly.Blocks['math_extra_double'] = {
* Block for advanced math operators with double operand.
* @this Blockly.Block
init: function() {
['min', 'MIN'],
['max', 'MAX']
this.setOutput(true, 'Number');
this.appendDummyInput('OP').appendField(new Blockly.FieldDropdown([["min", "MIN"], ["max", "MAX"], ["", ""]]), "OP");
this.appendDummyInput().appendField(" entre ");
this.appendDummyInput().appendField(" et ");
// Assign 'this' to a variable for use in the tooltip closure below.
var thisBlock = this;
this.setTooltip(function() {
var mode = thisBlock.getFieldValue('OP');
var TOOLTIPS = {
'MIN': that.strings.smallestOfTwoNumbers,
'MAX': that.strings.greatestOfTwoNumbers
return TOOLTIPS[mode];
Blockly.JavaScript['math_extra_double'] = function(block) {
// Math operators with double operand.
var operator = block.getFieldValue('OP');
var arg1 = Blockly.JavaScript.valueToCode(block, 'A', Blockly.JavaScript.ORDER_NONE) || '0';
var arg2 = Blockly.JavaScript.valueToCode(block, 'B', Blockly.JavaScript.ORDER_NONE) || '0';
if (operator == 'MIN') {
var code = "Math.min(" + arg1 + ", " + arg2 + ")";
if (operator == 'MAX') {
var code = "Math.max(" + arg1 + ", " + arg2 + ")";
return [code, Blockly.JavaScript.ORDER_FUNCTION_CALL];
Blockly.Python['math_extra_double'] = function(block) {
// Math operators with double operand.
var operator = block.getFieldValue('OP');
var arg1 = Blockly.Python.valueToCode(block, 'A', Blockly.Python.ORDER_NONE) || '0';
var arg2 = Blockly.Python.valueToCode(block, 'B', Blockly.Python.ORDER_NONE) || '0';
if (operator == 'MIN') {
var code = "Math.min(" + arg1 + ", " + arg2 + ")";
if (operator == 'MAX') {
var code = "Math.max(" + arg1 + ", " + arg2 + ")";
return [code, Blockly.Python.ORDER_FUNCTION_CALL];
Blockly.Blocks['controls_loop'] = {
init: function() {
this.setPreviousStatement(true, null);
this.setNextStatement(true, null);
Blockly.JavaScript['controls_loop'] = function(block) {
var statements = Blockly.JavaScript.statementToCode(block, 'inner_blocks');
var code = 'while(true){\n' + statements + '}\n';
return code;
Blockly.Blocks['controls_infiniteloop'] = {
init: function() {
this.setPreviousStatement(true, null);
this.setNextStatement(false, null);
Blockly.JavaScript['controls_infiniteloop'] = function(block) {
var statements = Blockly.JavaScript.statementToCode(block, 'inner_blocks');
var code = 'while(true){\n' + statements + '}\n';
return code;
Blockly.Python['controls_infiniteloop'] = function(block) {
// Do while/until loop.
var branch = Blockly.Python.statementToCode(block, 'inner_blocks');
branch = Blockly.Python.addLoopTrap(branch, ||
return 'while True:\n' + branch;
if(this.scratchMode) {
Blockly.Blocks['robot_start'] = {
init: function() {
"id": "event_whenflagclicked",
"message0": that.strings.flagClicked,
"args0": [
"type": "field_image",
"src": Blockly.mainWorkspace.options.pathToMedia + "icons/event_whenflagclicked.svg",
"width": 24,
"height": 24,
"alt": "flag",
"flip_rtl": true
"inputsInline": true,
"nextStatement": null,
"category": Blockly.Categories.event,
"colour": Blockly.Colours.event.primary,
"colourSecondary": Blockly.Colours.event.secondary,
"colourTertiary": Blockly.Colours.event.tertiary
Blockly.JavaScript['control_forever'] = function(block) {
var statements = Blockly.JavaScript.statementToCode(block, 'SUBSTACK');
var code = 'while(true){\n' + statements + '}\n';
return code;
Blockly.Python['control_forever'] = function(block) {
// Do while/until loop.
var branch = Blockly.Python.statementToCode(block, 'SUBSTACK');
branch = Blockly.Python.addLoopTrap(branch, ||
return 'while True:\n' + branch;
} else {
if (!this.mainContext.infos || !this.mainContext.infos.showIfMutator) {
var old = Blockly.Blocks.controls_if.init;
Blockly.Blocks.controls_if.init = function() {;
Blockly.Blocks['robot_start'] = {
init: function() {
this.deletable_ = false;
this.editable_ = false;
this.movable_ = false;
// this.setHelpUrl('');
Blockly.JavaScript['robot_start'] = function(block) {
return "";
Blockly.Python['robot_start'] = function(block) {
return "";
blocksToScratch: function(blockList) {
var scratchBlocks = [];
for (var iBlock = 0; iBlock < blockList.length; iBlock++) {
var blockName = blockList[iBlock];
if(blocklyToScratch.singleBlocks[blockName]) {
for(var b=0; b<blocklyToScratch.singleBlocks[blockName].length; b++) {
} else {
return scratchBlocks;
fixScratch: function() {
// Store the maxBlocks information somewhere, as Scratch ignores it
Blockly.Workspace.prototype.maxBlocks = function () { return maxBlocks; };
// Translate requested Blocks from Blockly to Scratch blocks
// TODO :: full translation
this.includeBlocks.standardBlocks.singleBlocks = this.blocksToScratch(this.includeBlocks.standardBlocks.singleBlocks || []);
getFullCode: function(code) {
return this.getBlocklyLibCode(this.generators) + code + "program_end()";
checkCode: function(code, display) {
// TODO :: check a code is okay for validation; for now it's checked
// by getCode so this function is not useful in the Blockly/Scratch
// version
return true;
checkBlocksAreAllowed: function(xml, silent) {
if(this.includeBlocks && this.includeBlocks.standardBlocks && this.includeBlocks.standardBlocks.includeAll) { return true; }
var allowed = this.getBlocksAllowed();
var blockList = xml.getElementsByTagName('block');
var notAllowed = [];
function checkBlock(block) {
var blockName = block.getAttribute('type');
if(!arrayContains(allowed, blockName)) {
for(var i=0; i<blockList.length; i++) {
if(xml.localName == 'block') {
// Also check the top element
if(!silent && notAllowed.length > 0) {
console.error('Error: tried to load programs with unallowed blocks '+notAllowed.join(', '));
return !(notAllowed.length);
cleanBlockAttributes: function(xml, origin) {
// Clean up block attributes
if(!origin) {
origin = {x: 0, y: 0};
var blockList = xml.getElementsByTagName('block');
var minX = Infinity, minY = Infinity;
for(var i=0; i<blockList.length; i++) {
var block = blockList[i];
// Clean up IDs which contain now forbidden characters
var blockId = block.getAttribute('id');
if(blockId && (blockId.indexOf('%') != -1 || blockId.indexOf('$') != -1 || blockId.indexOf('^') != -1)) {
block.setAttribute('id', Blockly.genUid());
// Clean up read-only attributes
if(block.getAttribute('type') != 'robot_start') {
// Get minimum x and y
var x = block.getAttribute('x');
if(x !== null) { minX = Math.min(minX, parseInt(x)); }
var y = block.getAttribute('y');
if(y !== null) { minY = Math.min(minY, parseInt(y)); }
// Move blocks to start at x=0, y=0
for(var i=0; i<blockList.length; i++) {
var block = blockList[i];
var x = block.getAttribute('x');
if(x !== null) {
block.setAttribute('x', parseInt(x) - minX + origin.x);
var y = block.getAttribute('y');
if(y !== null) {
block.setAttribute('y', parseInt(y) - minY + origin.y);
Blockly mode interface and running logic
function getBlocklyInterface(maxBlocks, nbTestCases) {
return {
isBlockly: true,
scratchMode: (typeof Blockly.Blocks['control_if'] !== 'undefined'),
maxBlocks: maxBlocks,
textFile: null,
extended: false,
programs: [],
language: (typeof Blockly.Blocks['control_if'] !== 'undefined') ? 'scratch' : 'blockly',
languages: [],
locale: 'fr',
definitions: {},
simpleGenerators: {},
player: 0,
workspace: null,
prevWidth: 0,
options: {},
initialScale: 1,
nbTestCases: 1,
divId: 'blocklyDiv',
hidden: false,
trashInToolbox: false,
languageStrings: window.LanguageStrings,
startingBlock: true,
mediaUrl: (
(window.location.protocol == 'file:' && modulesPath)
? modulesPath+'/img/blockly/'
: (window.location.protocol == 'https:' ? 'https:' : 'http:') + "//"
unloaded: false,
reloadForFlyout: 0,
display: false,
readOnly: false,
reportValues: true,
quickAlgoInterface: window.quickAlgoInterface,
glowingBlock: null,
includeBlocks: {
groupByCategory: true,
generatedBlocks: {},
standardBlocks: {
includeAll: true,
wholeCategories: [],
singleBlocks: []
loadHtml: function(nbTestCases) {
$("#languageInterface").html("<xml id='toolbox' style='display: none'></xml>" +
" <div style='height: 40px;display:none' id='lang'>" +
" <p>" + this.strings.selectLanguage +
" <select id='selectLanguage' onchange='task.displayedSubTask.blocklyHelper.changeLanguage()'>" +
" <option value='blockly'>" + this.strings.blocklyLanguage + "</option>" +
" <option value='javascript'>" + this.strings.javascriptLanguage + "</option>" +
" </select>" +
" <input type='button' class='language_javascript' value='" + this.strings.importFromBlockly +
"' style='display:none' onclick='task.displayedSubTask.blocklyHelper.importFromBlockly()' />" +
" </p>" +
" </div>" +
" <div id='blocklyContainer'>" +
" <div id='blocklyDiv' class='language_blockly'></div>" +
" <textarea id='program' class='language_javascript' style='width:100%;height:100%;display:none'></textarea>" +
" </div>\n");
if(this.scratchMode) {
$("submitBtn").html("<img src='" + this.mediaUrl + "icons/event_whenflagclicked.svg' height='32px' width='32px' style='vertical-align: middle;'>" + $("submitBtn").html());
loadContext: function (mainContext) {
this.mainContext = mainContext;
load: function(locale, display, nbTestCases, options) {
this.unloaded = false;
if(this.scratchMode) {
if (options == undefined) options = {};
if (options.divId) this.divId = options.divId;
this.strings = window.languageStrings;
if (options.startingBlockName) {
this.strings.startingBlockName = options.startingBlockName;
if (options.maxListSize) {
FioiBlockly.maxListSize = options.maxListSize;
this.locale = locale;
this.nbTestCases = nbTestCases;
this.options = options;
this.display = display;
if (display) {
var xml = this.getToolboxXml();
var wsConfig = {
toolbox: "<xml>"+xml+"</xml>",
comments: true,
sounds: false,
trashcan: true,
media: this.mediaUrl,
scrollbars: true,
zoom: { startScale: 1 }
if(typeof options.scrollbars != 'undefined') { wsConfig.scrollbars = !!options.scrollbars; }
// IE <= 10 needs scrollbars
if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") > -1) { wsConfig.scrollbars = true; }
wsConfig.readOnly = !!options.readOnly || this.readOnly;
if(options.zoom) {
wsConfig.zoom.controls = !!options.zoom.controls;
wsConfig.zoom.startScale = options.zoom.scale ? options.zoom.scale : 1;
if (this.scratchMode) {
wsConfig.zoom.startScale = wsConfig.zoom.startScale * 0.75;
this.initialScale = wsConfig.zoom.startScale;
if(wsConfig.zoom.controls && window.blocklyUserScale) {
wsConfig.zoom.startScale *= window.blocklyUserScale;
if(this.trashInToolbox) {
Blockly.Trashcan.prototype.MARGIN_SIDE_ = $('#blocklyDiv').width() - 110;
// Clean events if the previous unload wasn't done properly
// Inject Blockly
window.blocklyWorkspace = this.workspace = Blockly.inject(this.divId, wsConfig);
// Start checking whether it's hidden, to sort out contents
// automatically when it's displayed
if(this.hiddenCheckTimeout) {
if(!options.noHiddenCheck) {
this.hiddenCheckTimeout = setTimeout(this.hiddenCheck.bind(this), 0);
var toolboxNode = $('#toolboxXml');
if (toolboxNode.length != 0) {
// Restore clipboard if allowed
if(window.blocklyClipboardSaved) {
if(this.checkBlocksAreAllowed(window.blocklyClipboardSaved)) {
Blockly.clipboardXml_ = window.blocklyClipboardSaved;
} else {
// Set to false to indicate that blocks were disallowed
Blockly.clipboardXml_ = false;
Blockly.clipboardSource_ = this.workspace;
$(".blocklyToolboxDiv").css("background-color", "rgba(168, 168, 168, 0.5)");
} else {
var tmpOptions = new Blockly.Options({});
this.workspace = new Blockly.Workspace(tmpOptions);
this.programs = [];
for (var iPlayer = this.mainContext.nbRobots - 1; iPlayer >= 0; iPlayer--) {
this.programs[iPlayer] = {blockly: null, blocklyJS: "", blocklyPython: "", javascript: ""};
this.languages[iPlayer] = "blockly";
if(this.startingBlock || options.startingExample) {
var xml = this.getDefaultContent();
Blockly.Events.recordUndo = false;
Blockly.Xml.domToWorkspace(Blockly.Xml.textToDom(xml), this.workspace);
Blockly.Events.recordUndo = true;
if(window.quickAlgoInterface) { quickAlgoInterface.updateControlsDisplay(); }
unloadLevel: function() {
if(this.hiddenCheckTimeout) {
this.unloaded = true; // Prevents from saving programs after unload
try {
// Need to hide the WidgetDiv before disposing of the workspace
} catch(e) {}
// Save clipboard
if(this.display && Blockly.clipboardXml_) {
window.blocklyClipboardSaved = Blockly.clipboardXml_;
var ws = this.workspace;
if (ws != null) {
try {
} catch(e) {}
unload: function() {
if(this.hiddenCheckTimeout) {
reload: function() {
// Reload Blockly editor
this.reloading = true;
var programs = this.programs;
this.load(this.locale, true, this.nbTestCases, this.options);
this.programs = programs;
if(window.quickAlgoInterface) {
this.reloading = false;
setReadOnly: function(newState) {
if(!!newState == this.readOnly) { return; }
this.readOnly = !!newState;
// options.readOnly has priority
if(this.options.readOnly) { return; }
onResizeFct: function() {
// onResize function to be called by the interface
if(document.documentElement.clientHeight < 600 || document.documentElement.clientWidth < 800) {
FioiBlockly.trashcanScale = 0.75;
FioiBlockly.zoomControlsScale = 0.9;
} else {
FioiBlockly.trashcanScale = 1;
FioiBlockly.zoomControlsScale = 1;
// Reload Blockly if the flyout is not properly rendered
// TODO :: find why it's not properly rendered in the first place
if(!this.scratchMode && this.workspace.flyout_ && this.reloadForFlyout < 5) {
var flyoutWidthDiff = Math.abs(this.workspace.flyout_.svgGroup_.getBoundingClientRect().width -
if(flyoutWidthDiff > 5) {
this.reloadForFlyout += 1;
onResize: function() {
// This function will replace itself with the debounced onResizeFct
this.onResize = debounce(this.onResizeFct.bind(this), 500, false);
hiddenCheck: function() {
// Check whether the Blockly editor is hidden
var visible = $('#'+this.divId).is(':visible');
if(this.hidden && visible) {
this.hidden = false;
// Reload the Blockly editor to remove display issues after
// being hidden
return; // it will be restarted by reload
this.hidden = !visible;
this.hiddenCheckTimeout = setTimeout(this.hiddenCheck.bind(this), 500);
onChangeResetDisplayFct: function() {
if(this.unloaded || this.reloading) { return; }
if(this.mainContext.runner) {
if(this.scratchMode) {
if(this.quickAlgoInterface && !this.reloading) {
if(this.keepDisplayedError) {
// Do not clear the error this time
this.keepDisplayedError = false;
} else {
onChangeResetDisplay: function() {
// This function will replace itself with the debounced onChangeResetDisplayFct
this.onChangeResetDisplay = debounce(this.onChangeResetDisplayFct.bind(this), 500, false);
resetDisplay: function() {
if(this.scratchMode) {
} else if(Blockly.selected) {
// Do not execute that while the user is moving blocks around
getCapacityInfo: function() {
var remaining = 1;
var text = '';
if(maxBlocks) {
// Update the remaining blocks display
remaining = this.getRemainingCapacity(this.workspace);
var optLimitBlocks = {
maxBlocks: maxBlocks,
remainingBlocks: Math.abs(remaining)
var strLimitBlocks = remaining < 0 ? this.strings.limitBlocksOver : this.strings.limitBlocks;
text = strLimitBlocks.format(optLimitBlocks);
if(remaining < 0) {
return {text: text, invalid: true, type: 'capacity'};
// We're over the block limit, is there any block used too often?
var limited = this.findLimited(this.workspace);
if(limited) {
return {text: this.strings.limitedBlock+' "'+this.getBlockLabel(limited)+'".', invalid: true, type: 'limited'};
} else if(remaining == 0) {
return {text: text, warning: true, type: 'capacity'};
return {text: text, type: 'capacity'};
onChange: function(event) {
var eventType = event ? event.constructor : null;
var isBlockEvent = event ? (
eventType === Blockly.Events.Create ||
eventType === Blockly.Events.Delete ||
eventType === Blockly.Events.Move ||
eventType === Blockly.Events.Change) : true;
if(isBlockEvent) {
var capacityInfo = this.getCapacityInfo();
if(window.quickAlgoInterface) {
if(eventType === Blockly.Events.Move) {
// Only display popup when we drop the block, not on creation
capacityInfo.popup = true;
} else {
} else {
// Refresh the toolbox for new procedures (same with variables
// but it's already handled correctly there)
if(this.scratchMode && this.includeBlocks.groupByCategory && this.workspace.toolbox_) {
setIncludeBlocks: function(includeBlocks) {
this.includeBlocks = includeBlocks;
getEmptyContent: function() {
if(this.startingBlock) {
if(this.scratchMode) {
return '<xml><block type="robot_start" deletable="false" movable="false" x="10" y="20"></block></xml>';
} else {
return '<xml><block type="robot_start" deletable="false" movable="false"></block></xml>';
else {
return '<xml></xml>';
getDefaultContent: function() {
if(this.options.startingExample) {
var xml = this.options.startingExample[this.language];
if(xml) { return xml; }
return this.getEmptyContent();
checkRobotStart: function () {
if(!this.startingBlock || !this.workspace) { return; }
var blocks = this.workspace.getTopBlocks(true);
for(var b=0; b<blocks.length; b++) {
if(blocks[b].type == 'robot_start') { return;}
var xml = Blockly.Xml.textToDom(this.getEmptyContent())
Blockly.Xml.domToWorkspace(xml, this.workspace);
getOrigin: function() {
// Get x/y origin
if(this.includeBlocks.groupByCategory && typeof this.options.scrollbars != 'undefined' && !this.options.scrollbars) {
return this.scratchMode ? {x: 340, y: 20} : {x: 105, y: 2};
return this.scratchMode ? {x: 4, y: 20} : {x: 2, y: 2};
setPlayer: function(newPlayer) {
this.player = newPlayer;
$(".robot0, .robot1").hide();
$(".robot" + this.player).show();
changePlayer: function() {
loadPlayer: function(player) {
this.player = player;
for (var iRobot = 0; iRobot < this.mainContext.nbRobots; iRobot++) {
$(".robot" + iRobot).hide();
$(".robot" + this.player).show();
$(".language_blockly, .language_javascript").hide();
$(".language_" + this.languages[this.player]).show();
var blocklyElems = $(".blocklyToolboxDiv, .blocklyWidgetDiv");
if (this.languages[this.player] == "blockly") {;
} else {
savePrograms: function() {
if(this.unloaded) {
console.error('savePrograms called after unload');
// Save zoom
if(this.display && this.workspace.scale) {
window.blocklyUserScale = this.workspace.scale / this.initialScale;
this.programs[this.player].javascript = $("#program").val();
if (this.workspace != null) {
var xml = Blockly.Xml.workspaceToDom(this.workspace);
if (this.mainContext.savePrograms) {
this.programs[this.player].blockly = Blockly.Xml.domToText(xml);
this.programs[this.player].blocklyJS = this.getCode("javascript");
//this.programs[this.player].blocklyPython = this.getCode("python");
loadPrograms: function() {
if (this.workspace != null) {
var xml = Blockly.Xml.textToDom(this.programs[this.player].blockly);
this.cleanBlockAttributes(xml, this.getOrigin());
Blockly.Xml.domToWorkspace(xml, this.workspace);
if (this.mainContext.loadPrograms) {
loadProgramFromDom: function(xml) {
if(!this.checkBlocksAreAllowed(xml)) {
// Shift to x=200 y=20 + offset
if(!this.exampleOffset) { this.exampleOffset = 0; }
var origin = this.getOrigin();
origin.x += 200 + this.exampleOffset;
origin.y += 20 + this.exampleOffset;
// Add an offset of 10 each time, so if someone clicks the button
// multiple times the blocks don't stack
this.exampleOffset += 10;
// Remove robot_start
if(xml.children.length == 1 && xml.children[0].getAttribute('type') == 'robot_start') {
xml = xml.firstChild.firstChild;
this.cleanBlockAttributes(xml, origin);
Blockly.Xml.domToWorkspace(xml, this.workspace);
if(this.scratchMode) {
this.glowingBlock = xml.firstChild.getAttribute('id');
} else {
loadExample: function(exampleObj) {
var example = this.scratchMode ? exampleObj.scratch : exampleObj.blockly
if (this.workspace != null && example) {
var xml = Blockly.Xml.textToDom(example);
changeLanguage: function() {
this.languages[this.player] = $("#selectLanguage").val();
importFromBlockly: function() {
//var player = $("#selectPlayer").val();
var player = 0;
this.programs[player].javascript = this.getCode("javascript");
handleFiles: function(files) {
var that = this;
if (files.length < 0) {
var file = files[0];
var textType = /text.*/;
if (file.type.match(textType)) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(e) {
var code = reader.result;
if (code[0] == "<") {
try {
var xml = Blockly.Xml.textToDom(code);
if(!that.checkBlocksAreAllowed(xml)) {
throw 'not allowed'; // TODO :: check it's working properly
that.programs[that.player].blockly = code;
that.languages[that.player] = "blockly";
} catch(e) {
that.displayError('<span class="testError">'+that.strings.invalidContent+'</span>');
that.keepDisplayedError = true;
} else {
that.programs[that.player].javascript = code;
that.languages[that.player] = "javascript";
} else {
that.displayError('<span class="testError">'+this.strings.unknownFileType+'</span>');
that.keepDisplayedError = true;
saveProgram: function() {
var code = this.programs[this.player][this.languages[this.player]];
var data = new Blob([code], {type: 'text/plain'});
// If we are replacing a previously generated file we need to
// manually revoke the object URL to avoid memory leaks.
if (this.textFile !== null) {
this.textFile = window.URL.createObjectURL(data);
// returns a URL you can use as a href
$("#saveUrl").html(" <a id='downloadAnchor' href='" + this.textFile + "' download='robot_" + this.language + "_program.txt'>" + + "</a>");
var downloadAnchor = document.getElementById('downloadAnchor');;
return this.textFile;
toggleSize: function() {
if (!this.extended) {
this.extended = true;
$("#blocklyContainer").css("width", "800px");
} else {
this.extended = false;
$("#blocklyContainer").css("width", "500px");
updateSize: function(force) {
if(window.experimentalSize) {
// Temporary test
var isPortrait = $(window).width() <= $(window).height();
if(isPortrait && !this.wasPortrait) {
this.wasPortrait = isPortrait;
$('#blocklyDiv').height($('#blocklyLibContent').height() - 34);
$('#blocklyDiv').width($('#blocklyLibContent').width() - 4);
if (this.trashInToolbox) {
Blockly.Trashcan.prototype.MARGIN_SIDE_ = panelWidth - 90;
var panelWidth = 500;
if (this.languages[this.player] == "blockly") {
panelWidth = $("#blocklyDiv").width() - 10;
} else {
panelWidth = $("#program").width() + 20;
if (force || panelWidth != this.prevWidth) {
if (this.languages[this.player] == "blockly") {
if (this.trashInToolbox) {
Blockly.Trashcan.prototype.MARGIN_SIDE_ = panelWidth - 90;
this.prevWidth = panelWidth;
glowBlock: function(id) {
// highlightBlock replacement for Scratch
if(this.glowingBlock) {
try {
this.workspace.glowBlock(this.glowingBlock, false);
} catch(e) {}
if(id) {
this.workspace.glowBlock(id, true);
this.glowingBlock = id;
initRun: function() {
var that = this;
var nbRunning = this.mainContext.runner.nbRunning();
if (nbRunning > 0) {
this.mainContext.delayFactory.createTimeout("run" + Math.random(), function() {
}, 1000);
if (this.mainContext.display) {
Blockly.JavaScript.STATEMENT_PREFIX = 'highlightBlock(%1);\n';
} else {
Blockly.JavaScript.STATEMENT_PREFIX = '';
var topBlocks = this.workspace.getTopBlocks(true);
var robotStartHasChildren = false;
if (this.startingBlock) {
for(var b=0; b<topBlocks.length; b++) {
var block = topBlocks[b];
if(block.type == 'robot_start' && block.childBlocks_.length > 0) {
robotStartHasChildren = true;
} // There can be multiple robot_start blocks sometimes
if(!robotStartHasChildren) {
this.displayError('<span class="testError">' + window.languageStrings.errorEmptyProgram + '</span>');
var codes = [];
for (var iRobot = 0; iRobot < this.mainContext.nbRobots; iRobot++) {
var language = this.languages[iRobot];
if (language == "blockly") {
language = "blocklyJS";
codes[iRobot] = this.getFullCode(this.programs[iRobot][language]);
this.highlightPause = false;
if(this.getRemainingCapacity(that.workspace) < 0) {
this.displayError('<span class="testError">'+this.strings.tooManyBlocks+'</span>');
var limited = this.findLimited(this.workspace);
if(limited) {
this.displayError('<span class="testError">'+this.strings.limitedBlock+' "'+this.getBlockLabel(limited)+'".</span>');
if(!this.scratchMode) {
run: function () {
step: function () {
if(this.mainContext.runner.nbRunning() <= 0) {
displayError: function(message) {
if(this.quickAlgoInterface) {
} else {
canPaste: function() {
// Note that when changing versions, the clipboard is checked for
// compatibility
return Blockly.clipboardXml_ === null ? null : !!Blockly.clipboardXml_;
canConvertBlocklyToPython: function() {
return true;
copyProgram: function() {
var block = Blockly.selected;
if(!block) {
var blocks = this.workspace.getTopBlocks();
for(var i=0; i<blocks.length; i++) {
block = blocks[i];
if(block.type == 'robot_start' && block.childBlocks_[0]) {
block = block.childBlocks_[0];
pasteProgram: function() {
if(Blockly.clipboardXml_ === false) {
if(!Blockly.clipboardXml_) { return; }
var xml = Blockly.Xml.textToDom('<xml>' + Blockly.Xml.domToText(Blockly.clipboardXml_) + '</xml>');
hideSkulptAnalysis: function() {}
function getBlocklyHelper(maxBlocks, nbTestCases) {
// TODO :: temporary until splitting of the block functions logic is done
var blocklyHelper = getBlocklyInterface(maxBlocks, nbTestCases);
var blocklyBlockFunc = getBlocklyBlockFunctions(maxBlocks, nbTestCases);
for(var property in blocklyBlockFunc) {
blocklyHelper[property] = blocklyBlockFunc[property];
return blocklyHelper;
function removeBlockly() {
// delete Blockly;
Blockly (translated into JavaScript) code runner, with highlighting and
value reporting features.
function initBlocklyRunner(context, messageCallback) {
init(context, [], [], [], false, {});
function init(context, interpreters, isRunning, toStop, stopPrograms, runner) {
runner.hasActions = false;
runner.nbActions = 0;
runner.scratchMode = context.blocklyHelper ? context.blocklyHelper.scratchMode : false;
runner.delayFactory = new DelayFactory();
runner.resetDone = false;
// Iteration limits
runner.maxIter = 400000;
runner.maxIterWithoutAction = 500;
runner.allowStepsWithoutDelay = 0;
// Counts the call stack depth to know when to reset it
runner.stackCount = 0;
// During step-by-step mode
runner.stepInProgress = false;
runner.stepMode = false;
runner.nextCallBack = null;
// First highlightBlock of this run
runner.firstHighlight = true;
runner.strings = languageStrings;
runner.valueToString = function(value) {
if(interpreters.length == 0) {
return value.toString(); // We "need" an interpreter to access ARRAY prototype
var itp = interpreters[0];
if(itp.isa(value, itp.ARRAY)) {
var strs = [];
for(var i = 0; i <; i++) {
strs[i] = runner.valueToString([i]);
return '['+strs.join(', ')+']';
} else if(value && value.toString) {
return value.toString();
} else {
return "" + value;
runner.reportBlockValue = function(id, value, varName) {
// Show a popup displaying the value of a block in step-by-step mode
if(context.display && runner.stepMode) {
var displayStr = runner.valueToString(value);
if(value && value.type == 'boolean') {
displayStr = ? runner.strings.valueTrue : runner.strings.valueFalse;
if(varName) {
varName = varName.toString();
// Get the original variable name
for(var dbIdx in Blockly.JavaScript.variableDB_.db_) {
if(Blockly.JavaScript.variableDB_.db_[dbIdx] == varName) {
varName = dbIdx.substring(0, dbIdx.length - 9);
// Get the variable name with the right case
for(var i=0; i<context.blocklyHelper.workspace.variableList.length; i++) {
var varNameCase = context.blocklyHelper.workspace.variableList[i];
if(varName.toLowerCase() == varNameCase.toLowerCase()) {
varName = varNameCase;
displayStr = varName + ' = ' + displayStr;
context.blocklyHelper.workspace.reportValue(id, displayStr);
return value;
runner.waitDelay = function(callback, value, delay) {
if (delay > 0) {
runner.stackCount = 0;
runner.delayFactory.createTimeout("wait" + context.curRobot + "_" + Math.random(), function() {
runner.noDelay(callback, value);
runner.allowStepsWithoutDelay = Math.min(runner.allowStepsWithoutDelay + Math.ceil(delay/10), 100);
} else {
runner.noDelay(callback, value);
runner.waitEvent = function(callback, target, eventName, func) {
runner.stackCount = 0;
var listenerFunc = null;
listenerFunc = function(e) {
target.removeEventListener(eventName, listenerFunc);
runner.noDelay(callback, func(e));
target.addEventListener(eventName, listenerFunc);
runner.waitCallback = function(callback) {
// Returns a callback to be called once we can continue the execution
runner.stackCount = 0;
return function(value) {
runner.noDelay(callback, value);
runner.noDelay = function(callback, value) {
var primitive = undefined;
if (value !== undefined) {
if(value && typeof value.length != 'undefined') {
// It's an array, create a primitive out of it
primitive = interpreters[context.curRobot].nativeToPseudo(value);
} else {
primitive = value;
var infiniteLoopDelay = false;
if(context.allowInfiniteLoop) {
if(runner.allowStepsWithoutDelay > 0) {
runner.allowStepsWithoutDelay -= 1;
} else {
infiniteLoopDelay = true;
if(runner.stackCount > 100 || (infiniteLoopDelay && runner.stackCount > 5)) {
// In case of an infinite loop, add some delay to slow down a bit
var delay = infiniteLoopDelay ? 50 : 0;
runner.stackCount = 0;
runner.stackResetting = true;
runner.delayFactory.createTimeout("wait_" + Math.random(), function() {
runner.stackResetting = false;
}, delay);
} else {
runner.stackCount += 1;
runner.initInterpreter = function(interpreter, scope) {
// Wrapper for async functions
var createAsync = function(func) {
return function() {
var args = [];
for(var i=0; i < arguments.length-1; i++) {
// TODO :: Maybe JS-Interpreter has a better way of knowing?
if(typeof arguments[i] != 'undefined' && arguments[i].isObject) {
} else {
func.apply(func, args);
var makeHandler = function(runner, handler) {
// For commands belonging to the "actions" category, we count the
// number of actions to put a limit on steps without actions
return function () {
runner.nbActions += 1;
handler.apply(this, arguments);
for (var objectName in context.customBlocks) {
for (var category in context.customBlocks[objectName]) {
for (var iBlock in context.customBlocks[objectName][category]) {
var blockInfo = context.customBlocks[objectName][category][iBlock];
var code = context.strings.code[];
if (typeof(code) == "undefined") {
code =;
if(category == 'actions') {
runner.hasActions = true;
var handler = makeHandler(runner, blockInfo.handler);
} else {
var handler = blockInfo.handler;
interpreter.setProperty(scope, code, interpreter.createAsyncFunction(createAsync(handler)));
var makeNative = function(func) {
return function() {
var value = func.apply(func, arguments);
var primitive = undefined;
if (value != undefined) {
if(typeof value.length != 'undefined') {
// It's an array, create a primitive out of it
primitive = interpreters[context.curRobot].nativeToPseudo(value);
} else {
primitive = value;
return primitive;
if(Blockly.JavaScript.externalFunctions) {
for(var name in Blockly.JavaScript.externalFunctions) {
interpreter.setProperty(scope, name, interpreter.createNativeFunction(makeNative(Blockly.JavaScript.externalFunctions[name])));
/*for (var objectName in context.generators) {
for (var iGen = 0; iGen < context.generators[objectName].length; iGen++) {
var generator = context.generators[objectName][iGen];
interpreter.setProperty(scope, objectName + "_" + generator.labelEn, interpreter.createAsyncFunction(generator.fct));
interpreter.setProperty(scope, "program_end", interpreter.createAsyncFunction(createAsync(context.program_end)));
function highlightBlock(id, callback) {
id = id ? id.toString() : '';
if (context.display) {
try {
if(!runner.scratchMode) {
highlightPause = true;
} else {
highlightPause = true;
} catch(e) {}
// We always execute directly the first highlightBlock
if(runner.firstHighlight || !runner.stepMode) {
runner.firstHighlight = false;
} else {
// Interrupt here for step mode, allows to stop before each
// instruction
runner.nextCallback = callback;
runner.stepInProgress = false;
// Add an API function for highlighting blocks.
interpreter.setProperty(scope, 'highlightBlock', interpreter.createAsyncFunction(createAsync(highlightBlock)));
// Add an API function to report a value.
interpreter.setProperty(scope, 'reportBlockValue', interpreter.createNativeFunction(runner.reportBlockValue));
runner.stop = function() {
for (var iInterpreter = 0; iInterpreter < interpreters.length; iInterpreter++) {
if (isRunning[iInterpreter]) {
toStop[iInterpreter] = true;
isRunning[iInterpreter] = false;
if(runner.scratchMode) {
if(window.quickAlgoInterface) {
runner.nbActions = 0;
runner.stepInProgress = false;
runner.stepMode = false;
runner.firstHighlight = true;
runner.runSyncBlock = function() {
runner.resetDone = false;
runner.stepInProgress = true;
// Handle the callback from last highlightBlock
if(runner.nextCallback) {
runner.nextCallback = null;
try {
for (var iInterpreter = 0; iInterpreter < interpreters.length; iInterpreter++) {
context.curRobot = iInterpreter;
if (context.infos.checkEndEveryTurn) {
context.infos.checkEndCondition(context, false);
var interpreter = interpreters[iInterpreter];
while(!context.programEnded[iInterpreter]) {
if(!context.allowInfiniteLoop &&
(context.curSteps[iInterpreter].total >= runner.maxIter || context.curSteps[iInterpreter].withoutAction >= runner.maxIterWithoutAction)) {
if (!interpreter.step() || toStop[iInterpreter]) {
isRunning[iInterpreter] = false;
if (interpreter.paused_) {
if(context.curSteps[iInterpreter].lastNbMoves != runner.nbActions) {
context.curSteps[iInterpreter].lastNbMoves = runner.nbActions;
context.curSteps[iInterpreter].withoutAction = 0;
} else {
if (!context.programEnded[iInterpreter] && !context.allowInfiniteLoop) {
if (context.curSteps[iInterpreter].total >= runner.maxIter) {
isRunning[iInterpreter] = false;
throw context.blocklyHelper.strings.tooManyIterations;
} else if(context.curSteps[iInterpreter].withoutAction >= runner.maxIterWithoutAction) {
isRunning[iInterpreter] = false;
throw context.blocklyHelper.strings.tooManyIterationsWithoutAction;
} catch (e) {
context.onExecutionEnd && context.onExecutionEnd();
runner.stepInProgress = false;
for (var iInterpreter = 0; iInterpreter < interpreters.length; iInterpreter++) {
isRunning[iInterpreter] = false;
context.programEnded[iInterpreter] = true;
var message = e.message || e.toString();
// Translate "Unknown identifier" message
if(message.substring(0, 20) == "Unknown identifier: ") {
var varName = message.substring(20);
// Get original variable name if possible
for(var dbIdx in Blockly.JavaScript.variableDB_.db_) {
if(Blockly.JavaScript.variableDB_.db_[dbIdx] == varName) {
varName = dbIdx.substring(0, dbIdx.length - 9);
message = runner.strings.uninitializedVar + ' ' + varName;
if(message.indexOf('undefined') != -1) {
message += '. ' + runner.strings.undefinedMsg;
if ((context.nbTestCases != undefined) && (context.nbTestCases > 1)) {
if (context.success) {
message = context.messagePrefixSuccess + message;
} else {
message = context.messagePrefixFailure + message;
if (context.success) {
message = "<span style='color:green;font-weight:bold'>" + message + "</span>";
if (context.linkBack) {
//message += "<br/><span onclick='window.parent.backToList()' style='font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer;text-decoration:underline;color:blue'>Retour à la liste des questions</span>";
if(window.quickAlgoInterface) {
setTimeout(function() { messageCallback(message); }, 0);
runner.initCodes = function(codes) {
interpreters = [];
runner.nbActions = 0;
runner.stepInProgress = false;
runner.stepMode = false;
runner.allowStepsWithoutDelay = 0;
runner.firstHighlight = true;
runner.stackCount = 0;
context.programEnded = [];
context.curSteps = [];
for (var iInterpreter = 0; iInterpreter < codes.length; iInterpreter++) {
context.curSteps[iInterpreter] = {
total: 0,
withoutAction: 0,
lastNbMoves: 0
context.programEnded[iInterpreter] = false;
interpreters.push(new Interpreter(codes[iInterpreter], runner.initInterpreter));
isRunning[iInterpreter] = true;
toStop[iInterpreter] = false;
runner.maxIter = 400000;
if (context.infos.maxIter != undefined) {
runner.maxIter = context.infos.maxIter;
if(runner.hasActions) {
runner.maxIterWithoutAction = 500;
if (context.infos.maxIterWithoutAction != undefined) {
runner.maxIterWithoutAction = context.infos.maxIterWithoutAction;
} else {
// If there's no actions in the current task, "disable" the limit
runner.maxIterWithoutAction = runner.maxIter;
runner.runCodes = function(codes) {
}; = function () {
runner.stepMode = false;
if(!runner.stepInProgress) {
for (var iInterpreter = 0; iInterpreter < interpreters.length; iInterpreter++) {
interpreters[iInterpreter].paused_ = false;
runner.step = function () {
runner.stepMode = true;
if(!runner.stepInProgress) {
for (var iInterpreter = 0; iInterpreter < interpreters.length; iInterpreter++) {
interpreters[iInterpreter].paused_ = false;
runner.nbRunning = function() {
var nbRunning = 0;
for (var iInterpreter = 0; iInterpreter < interpreters.length; iInterpreter++) {
if (isRunning[iInterpreter]) {
return nbRunning;
runner.isRunning = function () {
return this.nbRunning() > 0;
runner.reset = function() {
if(runner.resetDone) { return; }
runner.resetDone = true;
runner.signalAction = function() {
// Allows contexts to signal an "action" happened
for (var iInterpreter = 0; iInterpreter < interpreters.length; iInterpreter++) {
context.curSteps[iInterpreter].withoutAction = 0;
context.runner = runner;
context.callCallback = runner.noDelay;
context.programEnded = [];
Logic for quickAlgo tasks, implements the Bebras task API.
var initBlocklySubTask = function(subTask, language) {
// Blockly tasks need to always have the level-specific behavior from
// beaver-task-2.0
subTask.assumeLevels = true;
if (window.forcedLevel != null) {
for (var level in {
if (window.forcedLevel != level) {[level] = undefined;
subTask.load = function(views, callback) {
} else if (["medium"] == undefined) {
subTask.load = function(views, callback) {
if (language == undefined) {
language = "fr";
subTask.loadLevel = function(curLevel) {
var levelGridInfos = extractLevelSpecific(subTask.gridInfos, curLevel);
subTask.levelGridInfos = levelGridInfos;
// Convert legacy options
if(!levelGridInfos.hideControls) { levelGridInfos.hideControls = {}; }
levelGridInfos.hideControls.saveOrLoad = levelGridInfos.hideControls.saveOrLoad || !!levelGridInfos.hideSaveOrLoad;
levelGridInfos.hideControls.loadBestAnswer = levelGridInfos.hideControls.loadBestAnswer || !!levelGridInfos.hideLoadBestAnswers;
subTask.blocklyHelper = getBlocklyHelper(subTask.levelGridInfos.maxInstructions);
subTask.answer = null;
subTask.state = {};
subTask.iTestCase = 0;
if(!window.taskResultsCache) {
window.taskResultsCache = {};
if(!window.taskResultsCache[curLevel]) {
window.taskResultsCache[curLevel] = {};
this.level = curLevel;
// TODO: fix bebras platform to make this unnecessary
try {
$('#question-iframe', window.parent.document).css('width', '100%');
} catch(e) {
$('body').css("width", "100%").addClass('blockly');
this.iTestCase = 0;
this.nbTestCases =[curLevel].length;
this.context = quickAlgoLibraries.getContext(this.display, levelGridInfos, curLevel);
this.context.raphaelFactory = this.raphaelFactory;
this.context.delayFactory = this.delayFactory;
this.context.blocklyHelper = this.blocklyHelper;
if (this.display) {
window.quickAlgoInterface.loadInterface(this.context, curLevel);
hasExample: levelGridInfos.example && levelGridInfos.example[subTask.blocklyHelper.language],
conceptViewer: levelGridInfos.conceptViewer,
conceptViewerLang: this.blocklyHelper.language,
hasTestThumbnails: levelGridInfos.hasTestThumbnails,
hideControls: levelGridInfos.hideControls,
introMaxHeight: levelGridInfos.introMaxHeight
//this.answer = task.getDefaultAnswerObject();
displayHelper.hideValidateButton = true;
displayHelper.timeoutMinutes = 30;
var curIncludeBlocks = extractLevelSpecific(this.context.infos.includeBlocks, curLevel);
// Load concepts into conceptViewer; must be done before loading
// Blockly/Scratch, as scratch-mode will modify includeBlocks
if(this.display && levelGridInfos.conceptViewer) {
// TODO :: testConcepts is temporary-ish
if(this.context.conceptList) {
var allConcepts = this.context.conceptList.concat(testConcepts);
} else {
var allConcepts = testConcepts;
var concepts = window.getConceptsFromBlocks(curIncludeBlocks, allConcepts, this.context);
if(levelGridInfos.conceptViewer.length) {
concepts = concepts.concat(levelGridInfos.conceptViewer);
} else {
concepts = window.conceptsFill(concepts, allConcepts);
var blocklyOptions = {
readOnly: !!subTask.taskParams.readOnly,
defaultCode: subTask.defaultCode,
maxListSize: this.context.infos.maxListSize,
startingExample: this.context.infos.startingExample
// Handle zoom options
var maxInstructions = this.context.infos.maxInstructions ? this.context.infos.maxInstructions : Infinity;
var zoomOptions = {
controls: false,
scale: maxInstructions > 20 ? 1 : 1.1
if(this.context.infos && this.context.infos.zoom) {
zoomOptions.controls = !!this.context.infos.zoom.controls;
zoomOptions.scale = (typeof this.context.infos.zoom.scale != 'undefined') ? this.context.infos.zoom.scale : zoomOptions.scale;
blocklyOptions.zoom = zoomOptions;
// Handle scroll
// blocklyOptions.scrollbars = maxInstructions > 10;
blocklyOptions.scrollbars = true;
if(typeof this.context.infos.scrollbars != 'undefined') {
blocklyOptions.scrollbars = this.context.infos.scrollbars;
this.blocklyHelper.load(stringsLanguage, this.display,[curLevel].length, blocklyOptions);
if(this.display) {
// Log the loaded level after a second
if(window.levelLogActivityTimeout) { clearTimeout(window.levelLogActivityTimeout); }
window.levelLogActivityTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
subTask.logActivity('loadLevel;' + curLevel);
window.levelLogActivityTimeout = null;
}, 1000);
subTask.updateScale = function() {
setTimeout(function() {
try {
} catch(e) {}
}, 0);
var resetScores = function() {
var updateScores = function() {
function changeScore(robot, deltaScore) {
scores[robot] += deltaScore;
subTask.unloadLevel = function(callback) {
if(this.display) {
if(window.conceptViewer) {
subTask.unload = function(callback) {
var that = this;
subTask.unloadLevel(function () {
subTask.reset = function() {
subTask.program_end = function(callback) {
var initContextForLevel = function(iTestCase) {
subTask.iTestCase = iTestCase;
subTask.context.iTestCase = iTestCase;
subTask.context.nbTestCases = subTask.nbTestCases;
// var prefix = "Test " + (subTask.iTestCase + 1) + "/" + subTask.nbTestCases + " : ";
subTask.context.messagePrefixFailure = '';
subTask.context.messagePrefixSuccess = '';
subTask.context.linkBack = false;
subTask.logActivity = function(details) {
var logOption = subTask.taskParams && subTask.taskParams.options && subTask.taskParams.options.log;
if(!logOption) { return; }
if(!details) {
// Sends a validate("log") to the platform if the log GET parameter is set
// Performance note : we don't call getAnswerObject, as it's already
// called every second by buttonsAndMessages.
if(JSON.stringify(subTask.answer) != subTask.lastLoggedAnswer) {
subTask.lastLoggedAnswer = JSON.stringify(subTask.answer);
// We can only log extended activity if the platform gave us a
// logActivity function
if(!window.logActivity) { return; }
subTask.initRun = function(callback) {
var initialTestCase = subTask.iTestCase;
initBlocklyRunner(subTask.context, function(message, success) {
if(typeof success == 'undefined') {
success = subTask.context.success;
function handleResults(results) {
subTask.context.display = true;
if(callback) {
callback(message, success);
} else if(results.successRate >= 1) {
// All tests passed, request validate from the platform
if(results.successRate < 1) {
// Display the execution message as it won't be shown through
// validate
{iTestCase: initialTestCase, message: message, successRate: success ? 1 : 0},
// Log the attempt
// Launch an evaluation after the execution
if (!subTask.context.doNotStartGrade ) {
subTask.context.display = false;
subTask.getGrade(handleResults, true, subTask.iTestCase);
} else {
if (!subTask.context.success)
}; = function(callback) {
subTask.submit = function() {
this.context.display = false;
this.getAnswerObject(); // to fill this.answer;
$('#displayHelper_graderMessage').html('<div style="margin: .2em 0; color: red; font-weight: bold;">' + languageStrings.gradingInProgress + '</div>');
this.getGrade(function(result) {
subTask.context.display = true;
initBlocklyRunner(subTask.context, function(message, success) {
window.quickAlgoInterface.displayError('<span class="testError">'+message+'</span>');
subTask.changeTest(result.iTestCase - subTask.iTestCase);
subTask.context.linkBack = true;
subTask.context.messagePrefixSuccess = window.languageStrings.allTests;;
}, true);
subTask.step = function () {
if ((this.context.runner === undefined) || !this.context.runner.isRunning()) {
subTask.stop = function() {
if(this.context.runner) {
// Reset everything through changeTest
* Clears the analysis container.
subTask.clearAnalysis = function() {
if (this.blocklyHelper.clearSkulptAnalysis) {
subTask.reloadStateObject = function(stateObj) {
this.state = stateObj;
// this.level = state.level;
// initContextForLevel(this.level);
// this.context.runner.stop();
subTask.loadExample = function(exampleObj) {
subTask.blocklyHelper.loadExample(exampleObj ? exampleObj : subTask.levelGridInfos.example);
subTask.getDefaultStateObject = function() {
return { level: "easy" };
subTask.getStateObject = function() {
this.state.level = this.level;
return this.state;
subTask.changeSpeed = function(speed) {
if ((this.context.runner === undefined) || !this.context.runner.isRunning()) {;
} else if (this.context.runner.stepMode) {;
// used in new playback controls with speed slider
subTask.setStepDelay = function(delay) {
// used in new playback controls with speed slider
subTask.pause = function() {
if(this.context.runner) {
this.context.runner.stepMode = true;
// used in new playback controls with speed slider = function() {
if ((this.context.runner === undefined) || !this.context.runner.isRunning()) {;
} else if (this.context.runner.stepMode) {;
subTask.getAnswerObject = function() {
this.answer = this.blocklyHelper.programs;
return this.answer;
subTask.reloadAnswerObject = function(answerObj) {
if(typeof answerObj == "undefined") {
this.answer = this.getDefaultAnswerObject();
} else {
this.answer = answerObj;
this.blocklyHelper.programs = this.answer;
if (this.answer != undefined) {
subTask.getDefaultAnswerObject = function() {
var defaultBlockly = this.blocklyHelper.getDefaultContent();
return [{javascript:"", blockly: defaultBlockly, blocklyJS: ""}];
subTask.changeTest = function(delta) {
var newTest = subTask.iTestCase + delta;
if ((newTest >= 0) && (newTest < this.nbTestCases)) {
if(this.context.runner) {
if(window.quickAlgoInterface) {
if(subTask.context.display) {
subTask.changeTestTo = function(iTest) {
var delta = iTest - subTask.iTestCase;
if(delta != 0) {
subTask.getGrade = function(callback, display, mainTestCase) {
// mainTest : set to indicate the first iTestCase to test (typically,
// current iTestCase) before others; test will then stop if the
if(subTask.context.infos && subTask.context.infos.hideValidate) {
// There's no validation
message: '',
successRate: 1,
iTestCase: 0
// XXX :: Related to platform-pr.js#L67 : why does it start two
// evaluations at the same time? This can cause serious issues with the
// Python runner, and on some contexts such as quick-pi
if(window.subTaskValidating && window.subTaskValidationAttempts < 5) {
setTimeout(function() { subTask.getGrade(callback, display, mainTestCase); }, 1000);
window.subTaskValidationAttempts += 1;
console.log("Queueing validation... (attempt " + window.subTaskValidationAttempts + ")");
window.subTaskValidationAttempts = 0;
window.subTaskValidating = true;
var oldDelay = subTask.context.infos.actionDelay;
var code = subTask.blocklyHelper.getCodeFromXml(subTask.answer[0].blockly, "javascript");
code = subTask.blocklyHelper.getFullCode(code);
var checkError = '';
var checkDisplay = function(err) { checkError = err; }
if(!subTask.blocklyHelper.checkCode(code, checkDisplay)) {
var results = {
message: checkError,
successRate: 0,
iTestCase: 0
window.subTaskValidating = false;
var codes = [code]; // We only ever send one code to grade
var oldTestCase = subTask.iTestCase;
/* var levelResultsCache = window.taskResultsCache[this.level];
if(levelResultsCache[code]) {
// We already have a cached result for that
function startEval() {
// Start evaluation on iTestCase
subTask.testCaseResults[subTask.iTestCase] = {evaluating: true};
if(display) {
function postEval() {
// Behavior after an eval
if(typeof mainTestCase == 'undefined') {
// Normal behavior : evaluate all tests
if (subTask.iTestCase < subTask.nbTestCases) {
} else if(subTask.testCaseResults[subTask.iTestCase].successRate >= 1) {
// A mainTestCase is defined, evaluate mainTestCase first then the
// others until a test fails
if(subTask.iTestCase == mainTestCase && subTask.iTestCase != 0) {
subTask.iTestCase = 0;
if(subTask.iTestCase == mainTestCase) { subTask.iTestCase++ }; // Already done
if (subTask.iTestCase < subTask.nbTestCases) {
// All evaluations done, tally results
subTask.iTestCase = oldTestCase;
if(typeof mainTestCase == 'undefined') {
var iWorstTestCase = 0;
var worstRate = 1;
} else {
// Priority to the mainTestCase if worst test case
var iWorstTestCase = mainTestCase;
var worstRate = subTask.testCaseResults[mainTestCase].successRate;
// Change back to the mainTestCase
var nbSuccess = 0;
for (var iCase = 0; iCase < subTask.nbTestCases; iCase++) {
var sr = subTask.testCaseResults[iCase] ? subTask.testCaseResults[iCase].successRate : 0;
if(sr >= 1) {
if(sr < worstRate) {
worstRate = sr;
iWorstTestCase = iCase;
subTask.testCaseResults[iWorstTestCase].iTestCase = iWorstTestCase;
if(display) {
if(subTask.testCaseResults[iWorstTestCase].successRate < 1) {
if(subTask.nbTestCases == 1) {
var msg = subTask.testCaseResults[iWorstTestCase].message;
} else if(nbSuccess > 0) {
var msg = languageStrings.resultsPartialSuccess.format({
nbSuccess: nbSuccess,
nbTests: subTask.nbTestCases
} else {
var msg = languageStrings.resultsNoSuccess;
var results = {
message: msg,
successRate: subTask.testCaseResults[iWorstTestCase].successRate,
iTestCase: iWorstTestCase
} else {
var results = subTask.testCaseResults[iWorstTestCase];
/*levelResultsCache[code] = {
results: results,
fullResults: subTask.testCaseResults
window.subTaskValidating = false;
initBlocklyRunner(subTask.context, function(message, success) {
// Record grade from this evaluation into testCaseResults
var computeGrade = function(context, message) {
var rate = 0;
if (context.success) {
rate = 1;
return {
successRate: rate,
message: message
if (subTask.levelGridInfos.computeGrade != undefined) {
computeGrade = subTask.levelGridInfos.computeGrade;
subTask.testCaseResults[subTask.iTestCase] = computeGrade(subTask.context, message)
subTask.iTestCase = typeof mainTestCase != 'undefined' ? mainTestCase : 0;
subTask.testCaseResults = [];
for(var i=0; i < subTask.iTestCase; i++) {
// Fill testCaseResults up to the first iTestCase
subTask.context.linkBack = true;
subTask.context.messagePrefixSuccess = window.languageStrings.allTests;
var quickAlgoContext = function(display, infos) {
var context = {
display: display,
infos: infos,
nbRobots: 1
// Set the localLanguageStrings for this context
context.setLocalLanguageStrings = function(localLanguageStrings) {
if(window.BlocksHelper && infos && infos.blocksLanguage) {
localLanguageStrings = BlocksHelper.mutateBlockStrings(
context.localLanguageStrings = localLanguageStrings;
window.stringsLanguage = window.stringsLanguage || "fr";
window.languageStrings = window.languageStrings || {};
if (typeof window.languageStrings != "object") {
console.error("window.languageStrings is not an object");
} else { // merge translations
$.extend(true, window.languageStrings, localLanguageStrings[window.stringsLanguage]);
context.strings = window.languageStrings;
return context.strings;
// Import more language strings
context.importLanguageStrings = function(source, dest) {
if ((typeof source != "object") || (typeof dest != "object")) {
for (var key1 in source) {
if (dest[key1] != undefined) {
if (typeof dest[key1] == "object") {
replaceStringsRec(source[key1], dest[key1]);
} else {
dest[key1] = source[key1];
// Default implementations
context.changeDelay = function(newDelay) {
// Change the action delay while displaying
infos.actionDelay = newDelay;
context.waitDelay = function(callback, value) {
// Call the callback with value after actionDelay
if(context.runner) {
context.runner.waitDelay(callback, value, infos.actionDelay);
} else {
// When a function is used outside of an execution
setTimeout(function () { callback(value); }, infos.actionDelay);
context.callCallback = function(callback, value) {
// Call the callback with value directly
if(context.runner) {
context.runner.noDelay(callback, value);
} else {
// When a function is used outside of an execution
context.debug_alert = function(message, callback) {
// Display debug information
message = message ? message.toString() : '';
if (context.display) {
// Placeholders, should be actually defined by the library
context.reset = function() {
// Reset the context
if(display) {
context.resetDisplay = function() {
// Reset the context display
context.updateScale = function() {
// Update the display scale when the window is resized for instance
context.unload = function() {
// Unload the context, cleaning up
context.provideBlocklyColours = function() {
// Provide colours for Blockly
return {};
context.program_end = function(callback) {
var curRobot = context.curRobot;
if (!context.programEnded[curRobot]) {
context.programEnded[curRobot] = true;
infos.checkEndCondition(context, true);
// Properties we expect the context to have
context.localLanguageStrings = {};
context.customBlocks = {};
context.customConstants = {};
context.conceptList = [];
return context;
// Global variable allowing access to each getContext
var quickAlgoLibraries = {
libs: {},
order: [],
contexts: {},
mergedMode: false,
get: function(name) {
return this.libs[name];
getContext: function() {
// Get last context registered
if(this.order.length) {
if(this.mergedMode) {
var gc = this.getMergedContext();
return gc.apply(gc, arguments);
} else {
var gc = this.libs[this.order[this.order.length-1]];
return gc.apply(gc, arguments);
} else {
if(getContext) {
return getContext.apply(getContext, arguments);
} else {
throw "No context registered!";
setMergedMode: function(options) {
// Set to retrieve a context merged from all contexts registered
// options can be true or an object with the following properties:
// -displayed: name of module to display first
this.mergedMode = options;
getMergedContext: function() {
// Make a context merged from multiple contexts
if(this.mergedMode.displayed && this.order.indexOf(this.mergedMode.displayed) > -1) {
this.order.splice(this.order.indexOf(this.mergedMode.displayed), 1);
var that = this;
return function(display, infos) {
// Merged context
var context = quickAlgoContext(display, infos);
var localLanguageStrings = {};
context.customBlocks = {};
context.customConstants = {};
context.conceptList = [];
var subContexts = [];
for(var scIdx=0; scIdx < that.order.length; scIdx++) {
// Only the first context gets display = true
var newContext = that.libs[that.order[scIdx]](display && (scIdx == 0), infos);
// Merge objects
mergeIntoObject(localLanguageStrings, newContext.localLanguageStrings);
mergeIntoObject(context.customBlocks, newContext.customBlocks);
mergeIntoObject(context.customConstants, newContext.customConstants);
mergeIntoArray(context.conceptList, newContext.conceptList);
// Merge namespaces
for(var namespace in newContext.customBlocks) {
if(!context[namespace]) { context[namespace] = {}; }
for(var category in newContext.customBlocks[namespace]) {
var blockList = newContext.customBlocks[namespace][category];
for(var i=0; i < blockList.length; i++) {
var name = blockList[i].name;
if(name && !context[namespace][name] && newContext[namespace][name]) {
context[namespace][name] = function(nc, func) {
return function() {
func.apply(nc, arguments);
}(newContext, newContext[namespace][name]);
var strings = context.setLocalLanguageStrings(localLanguageStrings);
// Propagate properties to the subcontexts
context.propagate = function(subContext) {
var properties = ['raphaelFactory', 'delayFactory', 'blocklyHelper', 'display', 'runner'];
for(var i=0; i < properties.length; i++) {
subContext[properties[i]] = context[properties[i]];
// Merge functions
context.reset = function(taskInfos) {
for(var i=0; i < subContexts.length; i++) {
context.resetDisplay = function() {
for(var i=0; i < subContexts.length; i++) {
context.updateScale = function() {
for(var i=0; i < subContexts.length; i++) {
context.unload = function() {
for(var i=subContexts.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
// Do the unload in reverse order
context.provideBlocklyColours = function() {
var colours = {};
for(var i=0; i < subContexts.length; i++) {
mergeIntoObject(colours, subContexts[i].provideBlocklyColours());
return colours;
// Fetch some other data / functions some contexts have
for(var i=0; i < subContexts.length; i++) {
for(var prop in subContexts[i]) {
if(typeof context[prop] != 'undefined') { continue; }
if(typeof subContexts[i][prop] == 'function') {
context[prop] = function(sc, func) {
return function() {
func.apply(sc, arguments);
}(subContexts[i], subContexts[i][prop]);
} else {
context[prop] = subContexts[i][prop];
return context;
register: function(name, func) {
if(this.order.indexOf(name) > -1) { return; }
this.libs[name] = func;
// Initialize with contexts loaded before
if(window.quickAlgoLibrariesList) {
for(var i=0; i<quickAlgoLibrariesList.length; i++) {
quickAlgoLibraries.register(quickAlgoLibrariesList[i][0], quickAlgoLibrariesList[i][1]);