161 lines
5.2 KiB
161 lines
5.2 KiB
import requests
import re
import streamlit as st
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import auto, Enum
from PIL.Image import Image
from PIL import ImageDraw
from streamlit.delta_generator import DeltaGenerator
class Role(Enum):
CogVLM | CogAgent Only have 2 roles: USER, ASSISTANT
USER = auto()
ASSISTANT = auto()
def get_message(self):
match self.value:
case Role.USER.value:
return st.chat_message(name="user", avatar="user")
case Role.ASSISTANT.value:
return st.chat_message(name="assistant", avatar="assistant")
case _:
st.error(f'Unexpected role: {self}')
class Conversation:
role: Role = Role.USER
content: str = ""
image: Image | None = None
content_show: str | None = None # Content_show in WebUI
def __str__(self) -> str:
print(self.role, self.content)
match self.role:
case Role.USER | Role.ASSISTANT:
return f'{self.role}\n{self.content}'
def show(self, placeholder: DeltaGenerator | None = None) -> str:
show in markdown formate
if placeholder:
message = placeholder
message = self.role.get_message()
# for Chinese WebUI show
if self.role == Role.USER:
# show in Chinese and turn it to english
# self.content = translate_baidu(self.content_show, source_lan="zh", target_lan="en")
self.content = self.content_show
if self.role == Role.ASSISTANT:
# and turn it to Chinese and show
# self.content_show = translate_baidu(self.content, source_lan="en", target_lan="zh")
self.content_show = self.content
self.content_show = self.content_show.replace('\n', ' \n')
if self.image:
def preprocess_text(history: list[Conversation], ) -> str:
prompt = ""
for conversation in history:
prompt += f'{conversation}'
prompt += f'{Role.ASSISTANT}\n'
return prompt
def postprocess_text(template: str, text: str) -> str:
Replace <TASK> in the template with the given text.
quoted_text = f'"{text.strip()}"'
return template.replace("<TASK>", quoted_text).strip()
def postprocess_image(text: str, img: Image) -> (str, Image):
colors = ["red", "green", "blue", "yellow", "purple", "orange"]
pattern = r"\[\[(\d+),(\d+),(\d+),(\d+)\]\]"
matches = re.findall(pattern, text)
unique_matches = []
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
if matches == []:
return text, None
for i, coords in enumerate(matches):
if coords not in unique_matches:
scaled_coords = (
int(float(coords[0]) * 0.001 * img.width),
int(float(coords[1]) * 0.001 * img.height),
int(float(coords[2]) * 0.001 * img.width),
int(float(coords[3]) * 0.001 * img.height)
draw.rectangle(scaled_coords, outline=colors[i % len(colors)], width=3)
color_text = f"(in {colors[i % len(colors)]} box)"
text = text.replace(f"[[{','.join(coords)}]]", f"[[{','.join(coords)}]]{color_text}", 1)
return text, img
# def postprocess_image(text: str, img: Image) -> (str, Image):
# colors = ["red", "green", "blue", "yellow", "purple", "orange"]
# pattern = r"\[\[(.*?)\]\]"
# matches = re.findall(pattern, text)
# if not matches:
# return text, None
# processed = set()
# draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
# for match in matches:
# positions = match.group(1).split(';')
# boxes = [tuple(map(int, pos.split(','))) for pos in positions if pos.replace(',', '').isdigit()]
# for i, box in enumerate(boxes):
# if box not in processed:
# processed.add(box)
# scaled_box = (
# int(box[0] * 0.001 * img.width),
# int(box[1] * 0.001 * img.height),
# int(box[2] * 0.001 * img.width),
# int(box[3] * 0.001 * img.height)
# )
# draw.rectangle(scaled_box, outline=colors[i % len(colors)], width=3)
# color_text = f"(in {colors[i % len(colors)]} box)"
# text = text.replace(f"[[{','.join(map(str, box))}]]", f"[[{','.join(map(str, box))}]]{color_text}", 1)
# return text, img
def translate_baidu(translate_text, source_lan, target_lan):
# add your baidu translate key
url = "https://aip.baidubce.com/rpc/2.0/mt/texttrans/v1?access_token="
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
payload = {
'q': translate_text,
'from': source_lan,
'to': target_lan
r = requests.post(url, json=payload, headers=headers)
result = r.json()
final_translation = ''
# 遍历每个翻译结果
for item in result['result']['trans_result']:
final_translation += item['dst'] + '\n'
except Exception as e:
return "error"
return final_translation