forked from xtdrone/XTDrone
176 lines
5.4 KiB
176 lines
5.4 KiB
* stepvel.cpp
* Academic License - for use in teaching, academic research, and meeting
* course requirements at degree granting institutions only. Not for
* government, commercial, or other organizational use.
* Code generation for model "stepvel".
* Model version : 1.33
* Simulink Coder version : 9.0 (R2018b) 24-May-2018
* C++ source code generated on : Tue May 28 18:30:11 2019
* Target selection: ert.tlc
* Note: GRT includes extra infrastructure and instrumentation for prototyping
* Embedded hardware selection: Generic->Unspecified (assume 32-bit Generic)
* Code generation objectives: Unspecified
* Validation result: Not run
#include "stepvel.h"
#include "stepvel_private.h"
/* Block states (default storage) */
DW_stepvel_T stepvel_DW;
/* Real-time model */
RT_MODEL_stepvel_T stepvel_M_;
RT_MODEL_stepvel_T *const stepvel_M = &stepvel_M_;
/* Forward declaration for local functions */
static void matlabCodegenHandle_matlabCodeg(robotics_slros_internal_block_T *obj);
static void matlabCodegenHandle_matlabCo_dc(robotics_slros_internal_blo_d_T *obj);
static void matlabCodegenHandle_matlabCodeg(robotics_slros_internal_block_T *obj)
if (!obj->matlabCodegenIsDeleted) {
obj->matlabCodegenIsDeleted = true;
static void matlabCodegenHandle_matlabCo_dc(robotics_slros_internal_blo_d_T *obj)
if (!obj->matlabCodegenIsDeleted) {
obj->matlabCodegenIsDeleted = true;
/* Model step function */
void stepvel_step(void)
real_T value;
real_T value_0;
SL_Bus_stepvel_geometry_msgs_Twist rtb_BusAssignment;
/* MATLABSystem: '<Root>/Connstant Velocity' */
/* MATLABSystem: '<Root>/Steering angle' */
/* BusAssignment: '<Root>/Bus Assignment' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S1>/Constant'
* MATLABSystem: '<Root>/Connstant Velocity'
* MATLABSystem: '<Root>/Steering angle'
rtb_BusAssignment = stepvel_P.Constant_Value;
rtb_BusAssignment.Linear.X = value;
rtb_BusAssignment.Angular.Z = value_0;
/* Outputs for Atomic SubSystem: '<Root>/Publish for Leader Vel' */
/* MATLABSystem: '<S2>/SinkBlock' */
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<Root>/Publish for Leader Vel' */
/* Model initialize function */
void stepvel_initialize(void)
/* Registration code */
/* initialize error status */
rtmSetErrorStatus(stepvel_M, (NULL));
/* states (dwork) */
(void) memset((void *)&stepvel_DW, 0,
static const char_T tmp[7] = { 'c', 'm', 'd', '_', 'v', 'e', 'l' };
static const char_T tmp_0[8] = { 's', 't', 'r', 'A', 'n', 'g', 'l', 'e' };
static const char_T tmp_1[8] = { 'c', 'o', 'n', 's', 't', 'V', 'e', 'l' };
char_T tmp_2[8];
char_T tmp_3[9];
int32_T i;
/* Start for MATLABSystem: '<Root>/Connstant Velocity' */
stepvel_DW.obj.matlabCodegenIsDeleted = true;
stepvel_DW.obj.isInitialized = 0;
stepvel_DW.obj.ticksUntilNextHit = 0.0;
stepvel_DW.obj.matlabCodegenIsDeleted = false;
stepvel_DW.objisempty_p = true;
stepvel_DW.obj.isSetupComplete = false;
stepvel_DW.obj.isInitialized = 1;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
tmp_3[i] = tmp_1[i];
tmp_3[8] = '\x00';
ParamGet_stepvel_93.initialize_error_codes(0, 1, 2, 3);
stepvel_DW.obj.isSetupComplete = true;
/* End of Start for MATLABSystem: '<Root>/Connstant Velocity' */
/* Start for MATLABSystem: '<Root>/Steering angle' */
stepvel_DW.obj_n.matlabCodegenIsDeleted = true;
stepvel_DW.obj_n.isInitialized = 0;
stepvel_DW.obj_n.ticksUntilNextHit = 0.0;
stepvel_DW.obj_n.matlabCodegenIsDeleted = false;
stepvel_DW.objisempty_h = true;
stepvel_DW.obj_n.isSetupComplete = false;
stepvel_DW.obj_n.isInitialized = 1;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
tmp_3[i] = tmp_0[i];
tmp_3[8] = '\x00';
ParamGet_stepvel_92.initialize_error_codes(0, 1, 2, 3);
stepvel_DW.obj_n.isSetupComplete = true;
/* End of Start for MATLABSystem: '<Root>/Steering angle' */
/* Start for Atomic SubSystem: '<Root>/Publish for Leader Vel' */
/* Start for MATLABSystem: '<S2>/SinkBlock' */
stepvel_DW.obj_m.matlabCodegenIsDeleted = true;
stepvel_DW.obj_m.isInitialized = 0;
stepvel_DW.obj_m.matlabCodegenIsDeleted = false;
stepvel_DW.objisempty = true;
stepvel_DW.obj_m.isSetupComplete = false;
stepvel_DW.obj_m.isInitialized = 1;
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
tmp_2[i] = tmp[i];
tmp_2[7] = '\x00';
Pub_stepvel_27.createPublisher(tmp_2, 1);
stepvel_DW.obj_m.isSetupComplete = true;
/* End of Start for MATLABSystem: '<S2>/SinkBlock' */
/* End of Start for SubSystem: '<Root>/Publish for Leader Vel' */
/* Model terminate function */
void stepvel_terminate(void)
/* Terminate for MATLABSystem: '<Root>/Connstant Velocity' */
/* Terminate for MATLABSystem: '<Root>/Steering angle' */
/* Terminate for Atomic SubSystem: '<Root>/Publish for Leader Vel' */
/* Terminate for MATLABSystem: '<S2>/SinkBlock' */
/* End of Terminate for SubSystem: '<Root>/Publish for Leader Vel' */