forked from xtdrone/XTDrone
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/* Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc. */
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <ros/console.h>
#include <ros/ros.h>
extern ros::NodeHandle * SLROSNodePtr; ///< The global node handle that is used by all ROS entities in the model
// Namespace for parameter parsing code
namespace param_parser
* Parse a scalar parameter value. This function is templatized by the
* expected data type of the ROS parameter.
* This function is needed, since the standard ROS C++ parameter parsing
* does not strictly enforce data type consistency.
* @param[in] xmlValue The value of the parameter as XML-RPC data structure
* @param[out] paramValue The value of the parameter as scalar data type
* @retval TRUE if parameter with given type was parsed successfully. The
* value of the parameter will be returned in @c paramValue.
* @retval FALSE if parameter type did not match content in XML-RPC data structure
template <class T>
bool getScalar(const XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue& xmlValue, T& paramValue)
if (xmlValue.getType() != getXmlRpcType(paramValue))
return false;
// Setting the output parameter value via overloaded conversion operator.
// Since the operator is defined as non-const, using const_cast here to
// avoid compiler warnings.
// Since the conversion operator does not modify the xmlValue object,
// the const_cast is safe.
paramValue = const_cast<XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue&>(xmlValue);
return true;
* Generic template function for getting enumerated XML-RPC data type.
* See the specialized templates for handling specific data types.
* @param[in] paramValue The parameter value. The contents of the variable do
* not matter, but its data type is crucial for calling the correct template
* specialization.
* @return XML-RPC data type enumeration corresponding to the input parameter type
template <class T>
XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::Type getXmlRpcType(const T& paramValue)
return XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeInvalid;
* Specialized template function for handling integer parameters.
* @param[in] paramValue The parameter value.
* @return integer XML-RPC data type enumeration
template <>
inline XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::Type getXmlRpcType<int>(const int& paramValue)
return XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeInt;
* Specialized template function for handling double parameters.
* @param[in] paramValue The parameter value.
* @return double XML-RPC data type enumeration
template <>
inline XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::Type getXmlRpcType<double>(const double& paramValue)
return XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeDouble;
* Specialized template function for handling boolean parameters.
* @param[in] paramValue The parameter value.
* @return boolean XML-RPC data type enumeration
template <>
inline XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::Type getXmlRpcType<bool>(const bool& paramValue)
return XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeBoolean;
* Specialized template function for handling string parameters.
* @param[in] paramValue The parameter value.
* @return string XML-RPC data type enumeration
template <>
inline XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::Type getXmlRpcType<std::string>(const std::string& paramValue)
return XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeString;
* Base class for getting ROS parameters in C++.
* This class is used by derived classes used for handling scalar and array
* parameter values.
class SimulinkParameterGetterBase
void initialize(const std::string& pName);
void initialize_error_codes(uint8_t codeSuccess, uint8_t codeNoParam, uint8_t codeTypeMismatch, uint8_t codeArrayTruncate);
ros::NodeHandle* nodePtr; ///< Pointer to node handle (node will be used to connect to parameter server)
std::string paramName; ///< The name of the parameter
bool hasValidValue; ///< Indicates if a valid value has been received yet. If TRUE, this last value will be stored in lastValidValue.
uint8_t errorCodeSuccess; ///< Returned if parameter was retrieved successfully.
uint8_t errorCodeNoParam; ///< Returned if parameter does not exist on server.
uint8_t errorCodeTypeMismatch; ///< Returned if parameter data type did not match.
uint8_t errorCodeArrayTruncate; ///< Returned if received array was truncated.
* Class for getting scalar ROS parameters in C++.
* This class is used by code generated from the Simulink ROS
* parameter blocks and is templatized by the expected C++ data type
* for the parameter value.
template <class CppParamType, class ROSCppParamType>
class SimulinkParameterGetter : public SimulinkParameterGetterBase
void set_initial_value(const CppParamType initValue);
uint8_t get_parameter(CppParamType* dataPtr);
CppParamType initialValue; ///< The default value that should be returned by get_parameter if one of the error conditions occurs
CppParamType lastValidValue; ///< The last valid value that was received from the parameter server
uint8_t process_received_data(CppParamType* dataPtr, bool paramRetrieved);
* Set initial value for returned parameter value.
* This initial value will be returned if the parameter does not exist or does not have the correct data type when the node is started.
* @param[in] initValue The initial value.
template <class CppParamType, class ROSCppParamType>
void SimulinkParameterGetter<CppParamType,ROSCppParamType>::set_initial_value(const CppParamType initValue)
initialValue = initValue;
lastValidValue = initValue;
* Get the value for a named parameter from the parameter server.
* @param[out] dataPtr Pointer to initialized data variable. The retrieved parameter value will be written to this location
* @return Error code (=0 if value was read successfully, >0 if an error occurred)
template <class CppParamType, class ROSCppParamType>
uint8_t SimulinkParameterGetter<CppParamType,ROSCppParamType>::get_parameter(CppParamType* dataPtr)
XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue xmlValue;
ROSCppParamType paramValue;
bool paramRetrieved = false;
// Get parameter as XmlRpcValue and then parse it through our own function
if (nodePtr->getParam(paramName, xmlValue))
paramRetrieved = param_parser::getScalar(xmlValue, paramValue);
// Cast the returned value into the data type that Simulink is expecting
*dataPtr = static_cast<CppParamType>(paramValue);
const uint8_t errorCode = process_received_data(dataPtr, paramRetrieved);
return errorCode;
* Determine value and error code for retrieved parameter
* @param[in,out] dataPtr Pointer to initialized data variable. The retrieved parameter value will be written to this location
* @param[in] paramRetrieved Return value from ROS function for getting a parameter value
* @return Error code (=0 if value was read successfully, >0 if an error occurred)
template <class CppParamType, class ROSCppParamType>
uint8_t SimulinkParameterGetter<CppParamType,ROSCppParamType>::process_received_data(CppParamType* dataPtr, bool paramRetrieved)
// By default, assume that parameter can be retrieved successfully
uint8_t errorCode = errorCodeSuccess;
if (!paramRetrieved)
// An error code of "errorCodeNoParam" means that the parameter does not exist and
// "errorCodeTypeMismatch" means that it exists, but the data types don't match
errorCode = nodePtr->hasParam(paramName) ? errorCodeTypeMismatch : errorCodeNoParam;
if (errorCode == errorCodeSuccess)
// Remember last valid value
lastValidValue = *dataPtr;
hasValidValue = true;
// An error occurred. If a valid value was previously
// received, return it. Otherwise, return the
// initial value.
if (hasValidValue)
*dataPtr = lastValidValue;
*dataPtr = initialValue;
return errorCode;
* Class for getting array ROS parameters in C++.
* This class is used by code generated from the Simulink ROS
* parameter blocks.
* Note that the ROSCppParamType template parameter needs to refer to a container
* type that supports the following operations:
* - resize
* - std::copy
* std::string (used for string parameters) and std::vector (used for numeric arrays)
* fall into this category.
template <class CppParamType, class ROSCppParamType>
class SimulinkParameterArrayGetter : public SimulinkParameterGetterBase
void set_initial_value(const CppParamType* initValue, const uint32_t lengthToWrite);
uint8_t get_parameter(const uint32_t maxLength, CppParamType* dataPtr, uint32_t* receivedLength);
ROSCppParamType initialValue; ///< The default value that should be returned by get_parameter if one of the error conditions occurs
ROSCppParamType lastValidValue; ///< The last valid value that was received from the parameter server
uint8_t process_received_data(const ROSCppParamType& retrievedValue, const uint32_t maxLength, bool paramRetrieved, CppParamType* dataPtr, uint32_t* receivedLength);
* Set initial value for returned parameter value.
* This initial value will be returned if the parameter does not exist or does not have the correct data type when the node is started.
* @param[in] initValue The initial value.
* @param[in] lengthToWrite The number of elements in the @c initValue array. Since the array is passed as a pointer, the @c lengthToWrite argument is required to indicate how many elements the array has.
template <class CppParamType, class ROSCppParamType>
void SimulinkParameterArrayGetter<CppParamType,ROSCppParamType>::set_initial_value(const CppParamType* desiredInitialValue, const uint32_t lengthToWrite)
// Store the initial value in a member variable. Note that std::copy will work on any
// iterable array, e.g. std::string or std::vector
std::copy(desiredInitialValue, desiredInitialValue + lengthToWrite, initialValue.begin());
* Get the value for a named parameter from the parameter server.
* @param[in] maxLength The maximum length of the returned array (in elements). The array in @c dataPtr will have this many elements.
* @param[out] dataPtr Pointer to initialized data array. The retrieved parameter value will be written to this location
* @param[out] receivedLength The actual number of array elements that was received. This value will be <= than @c maxLength.
* @return Error code (=0 if value was read successfully, >0 if an error occurred)
template <class CppParamType, class ROSCppParamType>
uint8_t SimulinkParameterArrayGetter<CppParamType,ROSCppParamType>::get_parameter(
const uint32_t maxLength, CppParamType* dataPtr, uint32_t* receivedLength)
uint8_t errorCode = errorCodeSuccess;
// Ensure that getParam is called with correct data type signature
// This works for strings without any custom data type checking, but probably does not scale
// to numeric arrays. See the data type checking code for scalars in SimulinkParameterGetter::get_parameter
// as an example.
ROSCppParamType paramValue;
bool paramRetrieved = nodePtr->getParam(paramName, paramValue);
errorCode = process_received_data(paramValue, maxLength, paramRetrieved, dataPtr, receivedLength);
return errorCode;
* Determine value and error code for retrieved parameter
* @param[in] retrievedValue Retrieved parameter value as ROS C++ data type
* @param[in] maxLength The maximum length of the returned array (in elements). The array in @c dataPtr will have this many elements.
* @param[in] paramRetrieved Return value from ROS function for getting a parameter value
* @param[out] dataPtr Pointer to Simulink data array. The retrieved parameter value will be written to this location
* @param[out] receivedLength The actual number of array elements that was received. This value will be <= than @c maxLength.
* @return Error code (=0 if value was read successfully, >0 if an error occurred)
template <class CppParamType, class ROSCppParamType>
uint8_t SimulinkParameterArrayGetter<CppParamType,ROSCppParamType>::process_received_data(
const ROSCppParamType& retrievedValue, const uint32_t maxLength, bool paramRetrieved,
CppParamType* dataPtr, uint32_t* receivedLength)
// By default, assume that parameter can be retrieved successfully
uint8_t errorCode = errorCodeSuccess;
if (!paramRetrieved)
// An error code of "errorCodeNoParam" means that the parameter does not exist and
// "errorCodeTypeMismatch" means that it exists, but the data types don't match
errorCode = nodePtr->hasParam(paramName) ? errorCodeTypeMismatch : errorCodeNoParam;
if (errorCode == errorCodeSuccess)
// Indicate truncation if received array has more elements than maxLength
if (retrievedValue.size() > maxLength)
errorCode = errorCodeArrayTruncate;
// Copy the received data into the Simulink variable location
// We don't need to do zero-padding here, because GetParameterArrayState::codegenStepImpl
// initializes dataPtr to all zeros.
uint32_t copyLength = std::min(maxLength, static_cast<uint32_t>(retrievedValue.size()));
ROS_ASSERT(copyLength <= maxLength);
std::copy(retrievedValue.begin(), retrievedValue.begin() + copyLength, dataPtr);
*receivedLength = copyLength;
// Remember last valid value
std::copy(retrievedValue.begin(), retrievedValue.begin() + copyLength, lastValidValue.begin());
hasValidValue = true;
// An error occurred. If a valid value was previously
// received, return it. Otherwise, return the
// initial value.
if (hasValidValue)
// lastValidValue is truncated when it is saved, so there is no possibility
// of a buffer overrun in dataPtr here
ROS_ASSERT(lastValidValue.size() <= maxLength);
std::copy(lastValidValue.begin(), lastValidValue.begin() + lastValidValue.size(), dataPtr);
*receivedLength = uint32_t(lastValidValue.size());
// initialValue is truncated in GetParameterArrayState::setupSetInitialValue,
// so there is no possibility of a buffer overrun in dataPtr here
ROS_ASSERT(initialValue.size() <= maxLength);
std::copy(initialValue.begin(), initialValue.begin() + initialValue.size(), dataPtr);
*receivedLength = uint32_t(initialValue.size());
return errorCode;
* Class for setting ROS parameters in C++.
* This class is used by code generated from the Simulink ROS
* parameter blocks and is templatized by the expected C++ data type
* for the parameter value.
template <class CppParamType, class ROSCppParamType>
class SimulinkParameterSetter
void initialize(const std::string& pName);
void set_parameter(const CppParamType& value);
void set_parameter_array(const CppParamType* value, const uint32_t maxLength, const uint32_t lengthToWrite);
void length_error(const std::string& modelName, const uint32_t lengthToWrite, const uint32_t arrayLength);
ros::NodeHandle* nodePtr; ///< Pointer to node handle (node will be used to connect to parameter server)
std::string paramName; ///< The name of the parameter
* Initialize the class.
* @param[in] pName The name of the ROS parameter
template <class CppParamType, class ROSCppParamType>
void SimulinkParameterSetter<CppParamType,ROSCppParamType>::initialize(const std::string& pName)
nodePtr = SLROSNodePtr;
paramName = pName;
* Set the value of a named scalar parameter.
* @param[in] value The value that should be set.
template <class CppParamType, class ROSCppParamType>
void SimulinkParameterSetter<CppParamType,ROSCppParamType>::set_parameter(const CppParamType& value)
// Cast from Simulink data type to data type that ROS expects
ROSCppParamType paramValue = static_cast<ROSCppParamType>(value);
nodePtr->setParam(paramName, paramValue);
* Set the value of a named array parameter.
* @param[in] value The array that should be set.
* @param[in] maxLength The maximum length that can be written.
* @param[in] lengthToWrite The number of elements in the @c value array that
* should be written. The value of @c lengthToWrite needs to be less than or
* equal to the value of @c maxLength.
template <class CppParamType, class ROSCppParamType>
void SimulinkParameterSetter<CppParamType,ROSCppParamType>::set_parameter_array(const CppParamType* value, const uint32_t maxLength, const uint32_t lengthToWrite)
// ROSCppParamType is either a std::vector or a std::string
// The constructors of std::vector and std::string allow us to give a pointer
// and the number of elements, so make use of that.
// The validation that lengthToWrite <= than the length of the array should
// occur in the calling code.
ROS_ASSERT(lengthToWrite <= maxLength);
ROSCppParamType paramValue(value, lengthToWrite);
nodePtr->setParam(paramName, paramValue);
* Log a length error via rosout.
* This error occurs when the user-specified length to write is bigger than the number of elements in the user-provided array.
* @param[in] modelName Name of the Simulink model in which the error occurred
* @param[in] lengthToWrite The number of elements that should be written.
* @param[in] arrayLength The number of elements that the array actually contains.
template <class CppParamType, class ROSCppParamType>
void SimulinkParameterSetter<CppParamType,ROSCppParamType>::length_error(const std::string& modelName, const uint32_t lengthToWrite, const uint32_t arrayLength)
ROS_ERROR_NAMED(modelName, "Error setting parameter '%s'. The number of array elements to write, %d, is larger than the length of the input array, %d.",
paramName.c_str(), lengthToWrite, arrayLength);