
210 lines
7.7 KiB

// Academic License - for use in teaching, academic research, and meeting
// course requirements at degree granting institutions only. Not for
// government, commercial, or other organizational use.
// File: obstacleStopper.h
// Code generated for Simulink model 'obstacleStopper'.
// Model version : 1.86
// Simulink Coder version : 9.0 (R2018b) 24-May-2018
// C/C++ source code generated on : Fri May 24 15:32:42 2019
// Target selection: ert.tlc
// Embedded hardware selection: Generic->Unspecified (assume 32-bit Generic)
// Code generation objectives: Unspecified
// Validation result: Not run
#ifndef RTW_HEADER_obstacleStopper_h_
#define RTW_HEADER_obstacleStopper_h_
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifndef obstacleStopper_COMMON_INCLUDES_
# define obstacleStopper_COMMON_INCLUDES_
#include "rtwtypes.h"
#include "slros_initialize.h"
#endif // obstacleStopper_COMMON_INCLUDES_
#include "obstacleStopper_types.h"
#include "rtGetNaN.h"
#include "rt_nonfinite.h"
#include "rtGetInf.h"
// Macros for accessing real-time model data structure
#ifndef rtmGetErrorStatus
# define rtmGetErrorStatus(rtm) ((rtm)->errorStatus)
#ifndef rtmSetErrorStatus
# define rtmSetErrorStatus(rtm, val) ((rtm)->errorStatus = (val))
// Block signals (default storage)
typedef struct {
SL_Bus_obstacleStopper_geometry_msgs_Twist In1;// '<S13>/In1'
SL_Bus_obstacleStopper_geometry_msgs_Twist In1_l;// '<S12>/In1'
SL_Bus_obstacleStopper_geometry_msgs_Twist BusAssignment;// '<Root>/Bus Assignment'
char_T cv0[36];
real_T vOut; // '<S4>/Stateflow block for slowing dow or accelerating vehicles at high speed in case of obstacle avoidance'
SL_Bus_obstacleStopper_std_msgs_Float64 In1_d;// '<S11>/In1'
} B_obstacleStopper_T;
// Block states (default storage) for system '<Root>'
typedef struct {
robotics_slros_internal_block_T obj; // '<S5>/SinkBlock'
robotics_slros_internal_blo_f_T obj_k;// '<S8>/SourceBlock'
robotics_slros_internal_blo_f_T obj_l;// '<S7>/SourceBlock'
robotics_slros_internal_blo_f_T obj_e;// '<S6>/SourceBlock'
real_T count; // '<S4>/Stateflow block for slowing dow or accelerating vehicles at high speed in case of obstacle avoidance'
real_T distance; // '<S4>/Stateflow block for slowing dow or accelerating vehicles at high speed in case of obstacle avoidance'
real_T sinceLastMsg; // '<S2>/timeout set to 0 output'
uint8_T is_active_c1_obstacleStopper;// '<S4>/Stateflow block for slowing dow or accelerating vehicles at high speed in case of obstacle avoidance'
uint8_T is_c1_obstacleStopper; // '<S4>/Stateflow block for slowing dow or accelerating vehicles at high speed in case of obstacle avoidance'
boolean_T sinceLastMsg_not_empty; // '<S2>/timeout set to 0 output'
} DW_obstacleStopper_T;
// Parameters (default storage)
struct P_obstacleStopper_T_ {
real_T DeadMansSwitch_stepSize; // Mask Parameter: DeadMansSwitch_stepSize
// Referenced by: '<S2>/Simulate step size'
real_T DeadMansSwitch_timeout; // Mask Parameter: DeadMansSwitch_timeout
// Referenced by: '<S2>/Timeout in seconds'
SL_Bus_obstacleStopper_geometry_msgs_Twist Out1_Y0;// Computed Parameter: Out1_Y0
// Referenced by: '<S12>/Out1'
SL_Bus_obstacleStopper_geometry_msgs_Twist Constant_Value;// Computed Parameter: Constant_Value
// Referenced by: '<S7>/Constant'
SL_Bus_obstacleStopper_geometry_msgs_Twist Out1_Y0_d;// Computed Parameter: Out1_Y0_d
// Referenced by: '<S13>/Out1'
SL_Bus_obstacleStopper_geometry_msgs_Twist Constant_Value_p;// Computed Parameter: Constant_Value_p
// Referenced by: '<S8>/Constant'
SL_Bus_obstacleStopper_geometry_msgs_Twist Constant_Value_h;// Computed Parameter: Constant_Value_h
// Referenced by: '<S1>/Constant'
SL_Bus_obstacleStopper_std_msgs_Float64 Out1_Y0_h;// Computed Parameter: Out1_Y0_h
// Referenced by: '<S11>/Out1'
SL_Bus_obstacleStopper_std_msgs_Float64 Constant_Value_o;// Computed Parameter: Constant_Value_o
// Referenced by: '<S6>/Constant'
real_T Constant_Value_e; // Expression: 5
// Referenced by: '<S3>/Constant'
real_T Saturation_UpperSat; // Expression: 1
// Referenced by: '<S3>/Saturation'
real_T Saturation_LowerSat; // Expression: 0
// Referenced by: '<S3>/Saturation'
real_T SampleTimeinSeconds_Value; // Expression: 1/20
// Referenced by: '<S4>/Sample Time in Seconds'
real_T GainSafeDistanceAtHighSpeedfoll;// Expression: 3
// Referenced by: '<S4>/Gain: Safe Distance At HighSpeed follows 3 second rules'
// Real-time Model Data Structure
struct tag_RTM_obstacleStopper_T {
const char_T *errorStatus;
// Block parameters (default storage)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
extern P_obstacleStopper_T obstacleStopper_P;
#ifdef __cplusplus
// Block signals (default storage)
extern B_obstacleStopper_T obstacleStopper_B;
// Block states (default storage)
extern DW_obstacleStopper_T obstacleStopper_DW;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// Model entry point functions
extern void obstacleStopper_initialize(void);
extern void obstacleStopper_step(void);
extern void obstacleStopper_terminate(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
// Real-time Model object
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
extern RT_MODEL_obstacleStopper_T *const obstacleStopper_M;
#ifdef __cplusplus
// These blocks were eliminated from the model due to optimizations:
// Block '<Root>/Scope' : Unused code path elimination
// The generated code includes comments that allow you to trace directly
// back to the appropriate location in the model. The basic format
// is <system>/block_name, where system is the system number (uniquely
// assigned by Simulink) and block_name is the name of the block.
// Use the MATLAB hilite_system command to trace the generated code back
// to the model. For example,
// hilite_system('<S3>') - opens system 3
// hilite_system('<S3>/Kp') - opens and selects block Kp which resides in S3
// Here is the system hierarchy for this model
// '<Root>' : 'obstacleStopper'
// '<S1>' : 'obstacleStopper/Blank Message'
// '<S2>' : 'obstacleStopper/Dead Man's Switch'
// '<S3>' : 'obstacleStopper/Obstacle Stopper'
// '<S4>' : 'obstacleStopper/ObstacleStopper V2.0'
// '<S5>' : 'obstacleStopper/Publish'
// '<S6>' : 'obstacleStopper/Subscribe'
// '<S7>' : 'obstacleStopper/Subscribe1'
// '<S8>' : 'obstacleStopper/Subscribe2'
// '<S9>' : 'obstacleStopper/Dead Man's Switch/timeout set to 0 output'
// '<S10>' : 'obstacleStopper/ObstacleStopper V2.0/Stateflow block for slowing dow or accelerating vehicles at high speed in case of obstacle avoidance'
// '<S11>' : 'obstacleStopper/Subscribe/Enabled Subsystem'
// '<S12>' : 'obstacleStopper/Subscribe1/Enabled Subsystem'
// '<S13>' : 'obstacleStopper/Subscribe2/Enabled Subsystem'
#endif // RTW_HEADER_obstacleStopper_h_
// File trailer for generated code.
// [EOF]