
612 lines
22 KiB

// Academic License - for use in teaching, academic research, and meeting
// course requirements at degree granting institutions only. Not for
// government, commercial, or other organizational use.
// File: obstacleStopper.cpp
// Code generated for Simulink model 'obstacleStopper'.
// Model version : 1.86
// Simulink Coder version : 9.0 (R2018b) 24-May-2018
// C/C++ source code generated on : Fri May 24 15:32:42 2019
// Target selection: ert.tlc
// Embedded hardware selection: Generic->Unspecified (assume 32-bit Generic)
// Code generation objectives: Unspecified
// Validation result: Not run
#include "obstacleStopper.h"
#include "obstacleStopper_private.h"
// Named constants for Chart: '<S4>/Stateflow block for slowing dow or accelerating vehicles at high speed in case of obstacle avoidance'
#define IN_Check_initial_Safe_distance ((uint8_T)2U)
#define obstacleStop_IN_NO_ACTIVE_CHILD ((uint8_T)0U)
#define obstacleStopper_IN_Accelerate ((uint8_T)1U)
#define obstacleStopper_IN_Decelerate ((uint8_T)3U)
#define obstacleStopper_IN_NewCommand ((uint8_T)4U)
#define obstacleStopper_IN_NormalDrive ((uint8_T)5U)
// Block signals (default storage)
B_obstacleStopper_T obstacleStopper_B;
// Block states (default storage)
DW_obstacleStopper_T obstacleStopper_DW;
// Real-time model
RT_MODEL_obstacleStopper_T obstacleStopper_M_;
RT_MODEL_obstacleStopper_T *const obstacleStopper_M = &obstacleStopper_M_;
// Forward declaration for local functions
static void matlabCodegenHandle_matlabCod_f(robotics_slros_internal_blo_f_T *obj);
static void matlabCodegenHandle_matlabCodeg(robotics_slros_internal_block_T *obj);
static void matlabCodegenHandle_matlabCod_f(robotics_slros_internal_blo_f_T *obj)
if (!obj->matlabCodegenIsDeleted) {
obj->matlabCodegenIsDeleted = true;
static void matlabCodegenHandle_matlabCodeg(robotics_slros_internal_block_T *obj)
if (!obj->matlabCodegenIsDeleted) {
obj->matlabCodegenIsDeleted = true;
// Model step function
void obstacleStopper_step(void)
boolean_T timedOut;
SL_Bus_obstacleStopper_std_msgs_Float64 b_varargout_2;
boolean_T b_varargout_1;
real_T rtb_GainSafeDistanceAtHighSpeed;
real_T rtb_safeValue;
// Outputs for Atomic SubSystem: '<Root>/Subscribe'
// MATLABSystem: '<S6>/SourceBlock' incorporates:
// Inport: '<S11>/In1'
b_varargout_1 = Sub_obstacleStopper_12.getLatestMessage(&b_varargout_2);
// Outputs for Enabled SubSystem: '<S6>/Enabled Subsystem' incorporates:
// EnablePort: '<S11>/Enable'
if (b_varargout_1) {
obstacleStopper_B.In1_d = b_varargout_2;
// End of MATLABSystem: '<S6>/SourceBlock'
// End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S6>/Enabled Subsystem'
// End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<Root>/Subscribe'
// Outputs for Atomic SubSystem: '<Root>/Subscribe2'
// MATLABSystem: '<S8>/SourceBlock' incorporates:
// Inport: '<S13>/In1'
b_varargout_1 = Sub_obstacleStopper_39.getLatestMessage
// Outputs for Enabled SubSystem: '<S8>/Enabled Subsystem' incorporates:
// EnablePort: '<S13>/Enable'
if (b_varargout_1) {
obstacleStopper_B.In1 = obstacleStopper_B.BusAssignment;
// End of MATLABSystem: '<S8>/SourceBlock'
// End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S8>/Enabled Subsystem'
// End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<Root>/Subscribe2'
// Outputs for Atomic SubSystem: '<Root>/Subscribe1'
// MATLABSystem: '<S7>/SourceBlock' incorporates:
// Inport: '<S12>/In1'
b_varargout_1 = Sub_obstacleStopper_13.getLatestMessage
// Outputs for Enabled SubSystem: '<S7>/Enabled Subsystem' incorporates:
// EnablePort: '<S12>/Enable'
if (b_varargout_1) {
obstacleStopper_B.In1_l = obstacleStopper_B.BusAssignment;
// End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S7>/Enabled Subsystem'
// End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<Root>/Subscribe1'
// Outputs for Atomic SubSystem: '<Root>/Dead Man's Switch'
// MATLAB Function: '<S2>/timeout set to 0 output' incorporates:
// MATLABSystem: '<S7>/SourceBlock'
// MATLAB Function 'Dead Man\'s Switch/timeout set to 0 output': '<S9>:1'
// '<S9>:1:4' timedOut=true;
timedOut = true;
// '<S9>:1:5' if isempty(sinceLastMsg)
if (!obstacleStopper_DW.sinceLastMsg_not_empty) {
// '<S9>:1:6' sinceLastMsg=(timeout/stepSize)+1;
obstacleStopper_DW.sinceLastMsg = obstacleStopper_P.DeadMansSwitch_timeout /
obstacleStopper_P.DeadMansSwitch_stepSize + 1.0;
obstacleStopper_DW.sinceLastMsg_not_empty = true;
// '<S9>:1:9' safeValue=0;
rtb_safeValue = 0.0;
// Outputs for Atomic SubSystem: '<Root>/Subscribe1'
// if no new message
// after timeout, we output 0
// '<S9>:1:12' if( isNew == true )
if (b_varargout_1) {
// '<S9>:1:13' sinceLastMsg = 0;
obstacleStopper_DW.sinceLastMsg = 0.0;
} else {
// '<S9>:1:14' else
// '<S9>:1:15' sinceLastMsg = sinceLastMsg+1;
// End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<Root>/Subscribe1'
// Note: we require step size as an input here, and depend on our
// system being executed at a regular rate, or bad things will happen
// '<S9>:1:20' if( sinceLastMsg < timeout/stepSize )
if (obstacleStopper_DW.sinceLastMsg < obstacleStopper_P.DeadMansSwitch_timeout
/ obstacleStopper_P.DeadMansSwitch_stepSize) {
// '<S9>:1:21' timedOut = false;
timedOut = false;
// '<S9>:1:24' if( timedOut == false )
if (!timedOut) {
// '<S9>:1:25' safeValue = value;
rtb_safeValue = obstacleStopper_B.In1_l.Linear.X;
// End of MATLAB Function: '<S2>/timeout set to 0 output'
// End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<Root>/Dead Man's Switch'
// Gain: '<S4>/Gain: Safe Distance At HighSpeed follows 3 second rules'
rtb_GainSafeDistanceAtHighSpeed =
obstacleStopper_P.GainSafeDistanceAtHighSpeedfoll *
// Chart: '<S4>/Stateflow block for slowing dow or accelerating vehicles at high speed in case of obstacle avoidance' incorporates:
// Constant: '<S4>/Sample Time in Seconds'
// SignalConversion: '<Root>/SigConversion_InsertedFor_Bus Selector1_at_outport_0'
// Gateway: ObstacleStopper V2.0/Stateflow block for slowing dow or accelerating vehicles at high
// speed in case of obstacle avoidance
// During: ObstacleStopper V2.0/Stateflow block for slowing dow or accelerating vehicles at high
// speed in case of obstacle avoidance
if (obstacleStopper_DW.is_active_c1_obstacleStopper == 0U) {
// Entry: ObstacleStopper V2.0/Stateflow block for slowing dow or accelerating vehicles at high
// speed in case of obstacle avoidance
obstacleStopper_DW.is_active_c1_obstacleStopper = 1U;
// Entry Internal: ObstacleStopper V2.0/Stateflow block for slowing dow or accelerating vehicles at high
// speed in case of obstacle avoidance
// Transition: '<S10>:15'
obstacleStopper_DW.is_c1_obstacleStopper = IN_Check_initial_Safe_distance;
// Entry 'Check_initial_Safe_distance': '<S10>:33'
// '<S10>:33:1' distance = dist;
obstacleStopper_DW.distance = obstacleStopper_B.In1_d.Data;
} else {
switch (obstacleStopper_DW.is_c1_obstacleStopper) {
case obstacleStopper_IN_Accelerate:
// During 'Accelerate': '<S10>:14'
// '<S10>:21:1' sf_internal_predicateOutput = count <(1/Ts) && vOut < v_cmd;
if (obstacleStopper_DW.count < 1.0 /
obstacleStopper_P.SampleTimeinSeconds_Value) {
b_varargout_1 = (obstacleStopper_B.vOut < rtb_safeValue);
} else {
b_varargout_1 = false;
if (b_varargout_1) {
// Transition: '<S10>:21'
obstacleStopper_DW.is_c1_obstacleStopper = obstacleStopper_IN_Accelerate;
// Entry 'Accelerate': '<S10>:14'
// '<S10>:14:1' count = 1
obstacleStopper_DW.count = 1.0;
} else {
// '<S10>:17:1' sf_internal_predicateOutput = count >=(1/Ts) || vOut >= v_cmd;
if (obstacleStopper_DW.count >= 1.0 /
obstacleStopper_P.SampleTimeinSeconds_Value) {
b_varargout_1 = true;
} else {
b_varargout_1 = (obstacleStopper_B.vOut >= rtb_safeValue);
if (b_varargout_1) {
// Transition: '<S10>:17'
obstacleStopper_DW.is_c1_obstacleStopper =
// Entry 'NormalDrive': '<S10>:12'
// '<S10>:12:1' vOut = v_cmd;
obstacleStopper_B.vOut = rtb_safeValue;
// '<S10>:12:1' distance = dist;
obstacleStopper_DW.distance = obstacleStopper_B.In1_d.Data;
} else {
// '<S10>:14:1' vOut = vel + 0.05*(Ts);
obstacleStopper_B.vOut = 0.05 *
obstacleStopper_P.SampleTimeinSeconds_Value +
// '<S10>:14:2' count = count + 1;
case IN_Check_initial_Safe_distance:
// During 'Check_initial_Safe_distance': '<S10>:33'
// '<S10>:34:1' sf_internal_predicateOutput = distance > (3*v_cmd);
if (obstacleStopper_DW.distance > 3.0 * rtb_safeValue) {
// Transition: '<S10>:34'
obstacleStopper_DW.is_c1_obstacleStopper =
// Entry 'NormalDrive': '<S10>:12'
// '<S10>:12:1' vOut = v_cmd;
obstacleStopper_B.vOut = rtb_safeValue;
// '<S10>:12:1' distance = dist;
obstacleStopper_DW.distance = obstacleStopper_B.In1_d.Data;
} else {
// '<S10>:37:1' sf_internal_predicateOutput = distance <= 3*v_cmd;
if (obstacleStopper_DW.distance <= 3.0 * rtb_safeValue) {
// Transition: '<S10>:37'
obstacleStopper_DW.is_c1_obstacleStopper =
// Entry 'NewCommand': '<S10>:38'
// '<S10>:38:1' vOut = v_cmd/3;
obstacleStopper_B.vOut = rtb_safeValue / 3.0;
// '<S10>:38:1' distance = dist;
obstacleStopper_DW.distance = obstacleStopper_B.In1_d.Data;
} else {
// '<S10>:33:1' vOut = 0;
obstacleStopper_B.vOut = 0.0;
case obstacleStopper_IN_Decelerate:
// During 'Decelerate': '<S10>:13'
// '<S10>:20:1' sf_internal_predicateOutput = distance >= safe_distance_highspeed;
if (obstacleStopper_DW.distance >= rtb_GainSafeDistanceAtHighSpeed) {
// Transition: '<S10>:20'
obstacleStopper_DW.is_c1_obstacleStopper = obstacleStopper_IN_Accelerate;
// Entry 'Accelerate': '<S10>:14'
// '<S10>:14:1' count = 1
obstacleStopper_DW.count = 1.0;
} else {
// '<S10>:18:1' sf_internal_predicateOutput = distance < safe_distance_highspeed;
if (obstacleStopper_DW.distance < rtb_GainSafeDistanceAtHighSpeed) {
// Transition: '<S10>:18'
obstacleStopper_DW.is_c1_obstacleStopper =
// Entry 'Decelerate': '<S10>:13'
// '<S10>:13:1' vOut = vel/10;
obstacleStopper_B.vOut = obstacleStopper_B.In1.Linear.X / 10.0;
// '<S10>:13:1' distance = dist;
obstacleStopper_DW.distance = obstacleStopper_B.In1_d.Data;
} else {
// '<S10>:13:2' vOut = vel/10;
obstacleStopper_B.vOut = obstacleStopper_B.In1.Linear.X / 10.0;
// '<S10>:13:2' distance = dist;
obstacleStopper_DW.distance = obstacleStopper_B.In1_d.Data;
case obstacleStopper_IN_NewCommand:
// During 'NewCommand': '<S10>:38'
// '<S10>:41:1' sf_internal_predicateOutput = distance >= safe_distance_highspeed;
if (obstacleStopper_DW.distance >= rtb_GainSafeDistanceAtHighSpeed) {
// Transition: '<S10>:41'
obstacleStopper_DW.is_c1_obstacleStopper =
// Entry 'NormalDrive': '<S10>:12'
// '<S10>:12:1' vOut = v_cmd;
obstacleStopper_B.vOut = rtb_safeValue;
// '<S10>:12:1' distance = dist;
obstacleStopper_DW.distance = obstacleStopper_B.In1_d.Data;
} else {
// '<S10>:38:2' vOut = v_cmd/3;
obstacleStopper_B.vOut = rtb_safeValue / 3.0;
// '<S10>:38:2' distance = dist;
obstacleStopper_DW.distance = obstacleStopper_B.In1_d.Data;
// During 'NormalDrive': '<S10>:12'
// '<S10>:16:1' sf_internal_predicateOutput = distance < safe_distance_highspeed && vel >= 9;
if ((obstacleStopper_DW.distance < rtb_GainSafeDistanceAtHighSpeed) &&
(obstacleStopper_B.In1.Linear.X >= 9.0)) {
// Transition: '<S10>:16'
obstacleStopper_DW.is_c1_obstacleStopper = obstacleStopper_IN_Decelerate;
// Entry 'Decelerate': '<S10>:13'
// '<S10>:13:1' vOut = vel/10;
obstacleStopper_B.vOut = obstacleStopper_B.In1.Linear.X / 10.0;
// '<S10>:13:1' distance = dist;
obstacleStopper_DW.distance = obstacleStopper_B.In1_d.Data;
} else {
// '<S10>:19:1' sf_internal_predicateOutput = distance >= safe_distance_highspeed || vel < 9;
if ((obstacleStopper_DW.distance >= rtb_GainSafeDistanceAtHighSpeed) ||
(obstacleStopper_B.In1.Linear.X < 9.0)) {
// Transition: '<S10>:19'
obstacleStopper_DW.is_c1_obstacleStopper =
// Entry 'NormalDrive': '<S10>:12'
// '<S10>:12:1' vOut = v_cmd;
obstacleStopper_B.vOut = rtb_safeValue;
// '<S10>:12:1' distance = dist;
obstacleStopper_DW.distance = obstacleStopper_B.In1_d.Data;
} else {
// '<S10>:12:2' vOut = v_cmd;
obstacleStopper_B.vOut = rtb_safeValue;
// '<S10>:12:2' distance = dist;
obstacleStopper_DW.distance = obstacleStopper_B.In1_d.Data;
// End of Chart: '<S4>/Stateflow block for slowing dow or accelerating vehicles at high speed in case of obstacle avoidance'
// BusAssignment: '<Root>/Bus Assignment' incorporates:
// Constant: '<S1>/Constant'
obstacleStopper_B.BusAssignment = obstacleStopper_P.Constant_Value_h;
// Sum: '<S3>/Subtract' incorporates:
// Constant: '<S3>/Constant'
// SignalConversion: '<Root>/SigConversion_InsertedFor_Bus Selector1_at_outport_0'
rtb_safeValue = obstacleStopper_B.In1_d.Data -
// Saturate: '<S3>/Saturation'
if (rtb_safeValue > obstacleStopper_P.Saturation_UpperSat) {
rtb_safeValue = obstacleStopper_P.Saturation_UpperSat;
} else {
if (rtb_safeValue < obstacleStopper_P.Saturation_LowerSat) {
rtb_safeValue = obstacleStopper_P.Saturation_LowerSat;
// End of Saturate: '<S3>/Saturation'
// Signum: '<S3>/Sign'
if (rtb_safeValue < 0.0) {
rtb_safeValue = -1.0;
} else if (rtb_safeValue > 0.0) {
rtb_safeValue = 1.0;
} else if (rtb_safeValue == 0.0) {
rtb_safeValue = 0.0;
} else {
rtb_safeValue = (rtNaN);
// End of Signum: '<S3>/Sign'
// Product: '<S3>/Product'
rtb_safeValue *= obstacleStopper_B.vOut;
// MinMax: '<Root>/MinMax'
if ((rtb_safeValue < obstacleStopper_B.vOut) || rtIsNaN(obstacleStopper_B.vOut))
// BusAssignment: '<Root>/Bus Assignment'
obstacleStopper_B.BusAssignment.Linear.X = rtb_safeValue;
} else {
// BusAssignment: '<Root>/Bus Assignment'
obstacleStopper_B.BusAssignment.Linear.X = obstacleStopper_B.vOut;
// End of MinMax: '<Root>/MinMax'
// BusAssignment: '<Root>/Bus Assignment'
obstacleStopper_B.BusAssignment.Angular.Z = obstacleStopper_B.In1_l.Angular.Z;
// Outputs for Atomic SubSystem: '<Root>/Publish'
// MATLABSystem: '<S5>/SinkBlock'
// End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<Root>/Publish'
// Model initialize function
void obstacleStopper_initialize(void)
// Registration code
// initialize non-finites
// initialize error status
rtmSetErrorStatus(obstacleStopper_M, (NULL));
// block I/O
(void) memset(((void *) &obstacleStopper_B), 0,
// states (dwork)
(void) memset((void *)&obstacleStopper_DW, 0,
static const char_T tmp[12] = { 'c', 'm', 'd', '_', 'v', 'e', 'l', '_', 's',
'a', 'f', 'e' };
static const char_T tmp_0[7] = { 'c', 'm', 'd', '_', 'v', 'e', 'l' };
static const char_T tmp_1[35] = { 'd', 'i', 's', 't', 'a', 'n', 'c', 'e',
'E', 's', 't', 'i', 'm', 'a', 't', 'o', 'r', 'S', 't', 'e', 'e', 'r', 'i',
'n', 'g', 'B', 'a', 's', 'e', 'd', '/', 'd', 'i', 's', 't' };
char_T tmp_2[13];
char_T tmp_3[8];
char_T tmp_4[4];
int32_T i;
// Start for Atomic SubSystem: '<Root>/Subscribe'
// Start for MATLABSystem: '<S6>/SourceBlock'
obstacleStopper_DW.obj_e.matlabCodegenIsDeleted = true;
obstacleStopper_DW.obj_e.isInitialized = 0;
obstacleStopper_DW.obj_e.matlabCodegenIsDeleted = false;
obstacleStopper_DW.obj_e.isSetupComplete = false;
obstacleStopper_DW.obj_e.isInitialized = 1;
for (i = 0; i < 35; i++) {
obstacleStopper_B.cv0[i] = tmp_1[i];
obstacleStopper_B.cv0[35] = '\x00';
Sub_obstacleStopper_12.createSubscriber(obstacleStopper_B.cv0, 1);
obstacleStopper_DW.obj_e.isSetupComplete = true;
// End of Start for MATLABSystem: '<S6>/SourceBlock'
// End of Start for SubSystem: '<Root>/Subscribe'
// Start for Atomic SubSystem: '<Root>/Subscribe2'
// Start for MATLABSystem: '<S8>/SourceBlock'
obstacleStopper_DW.obj_k.matlabCodegenIsDeleted = true;
obstacleStopper_DW.obj_k.isInitialized = 0;
obstacleStopper_DW.obj_k.matlabCodegenIsDeleted = false;
obstacleStopper_DW.obj_k.isSetupComplete = false;
obstacleStopper_DW.obj_k.isInitialized = 1;
tmp_4[0] = 'v';
tmp_4[1] = 'e';
tmp_4[2] = 'l';
tmp_4[3] = '\x00';
Sub_obstacleStopper_39.createSubscriber(tmp_4, 1);
obstacleStopper_DW.obj_k.isSetupComplete = true;
// End of Start for SubSystem: '<Root>/Subscribe2'
// Start for Atomic SubSystem: '<Root>/Subscribe1'
// Start for MATLABSystem: '<S7>/SourceBlock'
obstacleStopper_DW.obj_l.matlabCodegenIsDeleted = true;
obstacleStopper_DW.obj_l.isInitialized = 0;
obstacleStopper_DW.obj_l.matlabCodegenIsDeleted = false;
obstacleStopper_DW.obj_l.isSetupComplete = false;
obstacleStopper_DW.obj_l.isInitialized = 1;
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
tmp_3[i] = tmp_0[i];
tmp_3[7] = '\x00';
Sub_obstacleStopper_13.createSubscriber(tmp_3, 1);
obstacleStopper_DW.obj_l.isSetupComplete = true;
// End of Start for MATLABSystem: '<S7>/SourceBlock'
// End of Start for SubSystem: '<Root>/Subscribe1'
// Start for Atomic SubSystem: '<Root>/Publish'
// Start for MATLABSystem: '<S5>/SinkBlock'
obstacleStopper_DW.obj.matlabCodegenIsDeleted = true;
obstacleStopper_DW.obj.isInitialized = 0;
obstacleStopper_DW.obj.matlabCodegenIsDeleted = false;
obstacleStopper_DW.obj.isSetupComplete = false;
obstacleStopper_DW.obj.isInitialized = 1;
for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
tmp_2[i] = tmp[i];
tmp_2[12] = '\x00';
Pub_obstacleStopper_17.createPublisher(tmp_2, 1);
obstacleStopper_DW.obj.isSetupComplete = true;
// End of Start for MATLABSystem: '<S5>/SinkBlock'
// End of Start for SubSystem: '<Root>/Publish'
// SystemInitialize for Atomic SubSystem: '<Root>/Subscribe'
// SystemInitialize for Enabled SubSystem: '<S6>/Enabled Subsystem'
// SystemInitialize for Outport: '<S11>/Out1'
obstacleStopper_B.In1_d = obstacleStopper_P.Out1_Y0_h;
// End of SystemInitialize for SubSystem: '<S6>/Enabled Subsystem'
// End of SystemInitialize for SubSystem: '<Root>/Subscribe'
// SystemInitialize for Atomic SubSystem: '<Root>/Subscribe2'
// SystemInitialize for Enabled SubSystem: '<S8>/Enabled Subsystem'
// SystemInitialize for Outport: '<S13>/Out1'
obstacleStopper_B.In1 = obstacleStopper_P.Out1_Y0_d;
// End of SystemInitialize for SubSystem: '<S8>/Enabled Subsystem'
// End of SystemInitialize for SubSystem: '<Root>/Subscribe2'
// SystemInitialize for Atomic SubSystem: '<Root>/Subscribe1'
// SystemInitialize for Enabled SubSystem: '<S7>/Enabled Subsystem'
// SystemInitialize for Outport: '<S12>/Out1'
obstacleStopper_B.In1_l = obstacleStopper_P.Out1_Y0;
// End of SystemInitialize for SubSystem: '<S7>/Enabled Subsystem'
// End of SystemInitialize for SubSystem: '<Root>/Subscribe1'
// SystemInitialize for Atomic SubSystem: '<Root>/Dead Man's Switch'
// SystemInitialize for MATLAB Function: '<S2>/timeout set to 0 output'
obstacleStopper_DW.sinceLastMsg_not_empty = false;
// End of SystemInitialize for SubSystem: '<Root>/Dead Man's Switch'
// SystemInitialize for Chart: '<S4>/Stateflow block for slowing dow or accelerating vehicles at high speed in case of obstacle avoidance'
obstacleStopper_DW.is_active_c1_obstacleStopper = 0U;
obstacleStopper_DW.is_c1_obstacleStopper = obstacleStop_IN_NO_ACTIVE_CHILD;
// Model terminate function
void obstacleStopper_terminate(void)
// Terminate for Atomic SubSystem: '<Root>/Subscribe'
// Terminate for MATLABSystem: '<S6>/SourceBlock'
// End of Terminate for SubSystem: '<Root>/Subscribe'
// Terminate for Atomic SubSystem: '<Root>/Subscribe2'
// Terminate for MATLABSystem: '<S8>/SourceBlock'
// End of Terminate for SubSystem: '<Root>/Subscribe2'
// Terminate for Atomic SubSystem: '<Root>/Subscribe1'
// Terminate for MATLABSystem: '<S7>/SourceBlock'
// End of Terminate for SubSystem: '<Root>/Subscribe1'
// Terminate for Atomic SubSystem: '<Root>/Publish'
// Terminate for MATLABSystem: '<S5>/SinkBlock'
// End of Terminate for SubSystem: '<Root>/Publish'
// File trailer for generated code.
// [EOF]