forked from xtdrone/XTDrone
199 lines
7.8 KiB
Executable File
199 lines
7.8 KiB
Executable File
import numpy
import math
from geometry_msgs.msg import Point
import sys
class ObstacleAviod:
def __init__(self):
self.indexOfObstInSp = []
self.obstInUAVCoorSys = []
self.obstlist = numpy.loadtxt('obstacle.txt')
self.flag = True
self.useOriginalCurPos = False
self.subTarg = Point()
self.side = 0
self.indexOfFirstObst = 0
self.minDisInSpline = 9000
self.obstList = self.obstList2point()
def obstList2point(self):
length = len(self.obstlist)
list = [Point() for i in range(length)]
for i in range(length):
list[i].x = self.obstlist[i][0]
list[i].y = self.obstlist[i][1]
list[i].z = 0.0
return list
def GetPointList(self, curPos, targetPos, safeDis):
subTargList = []
self.obstInUAVCoorSys = [Point() for i in range(len(self.obstList))]
tempStartPt = curPos
tempTargePos = targetPos
self.flag = True
self.useOriginalCurPos = False
while self.flag:
self.subTarg = Point()
if self.GetSubTarget(tempStartPt, tempTargePos, safeDis):
tempStartPt = Point()
tempStartPt.x = self.subTarg.x
tempStartPt.y = self.subTarg.y
self.flag = False
#print subTargList
return subTargList
def GetSubTarget(self, startPos, targetPos, safeDis):
curposToTarget = self.VectDiff(targetPos, startPos) # vector differential, point from the end of the second to that of the first.
if curposToTarget.x == 0.0 and curposToTarget.y == 0.0:
return False
lengthCurToTarget = math.sqrt(pow(curposToTarget.x, 2) + pow(curposToTarget.y, 2)) # distance from the start point to the target point.
ones = Point()
ones.x = 0
ones.y = 0
ones.z = 1
#convert coordinates of obstacles from the the global coordinate system to that of the uav
for k in range(len(self.obstList)): #698
temp1 = self.VectDiff(self.obstList[k], startPos)
self.obstInUAVCoorSys[k].x = self.VectDot(curposToTarget, temp1) / lengthCurToTarget # touying vector shuxiangji
self.obstInUAVCoorSys[k].y = self.VectCross(curposToTarget, temp1) / lengthCurToTarget # touying vector xiangliangji
#is true when calculate subtarget from current poistion of uav
if not self.useOriginalCurPos:
self.indexOfObstInSp = []
for j in range(len(self.obstInUAVCoorSys)):
if ((self.obstInUAVCoorSys[j].x > 0) and (self.obstInUAVCoorSys[j].x < lengthCurToTarget) and (abs(self.obstInUAVCoorSys[j].y) < safeDis)):
#print 'self.obstList'+str(j)+':', self.obstList[j]
#print 'self.obstInUAVCoorSys'+str(j)+':', self.obstInUAVCoorSys[j]
if len(self.indexOfObstInSp) > 0:
self.indexOfFirstObst = self.indexOfObstInSp[0]
minDisInSpline = self.obstInUAVCoorSys[self.indexOfFirstObst].x
for i in range(len(self.indexOfObstInSp)):
if minDisInSpline > self.obstInUAVCoorSys[self.indexOfObstInSp[i]].x:
self.indexOfFirstObst = self.indexOfObstInSp[i]
#print 'self.indexOfFirstObst:', self.indexOfFirstObst
minDisInSpline = self.obstInUAVCoorSys[self.indexOfObstInSp[i]].x
#print 'self.obstList[self.indexOfObstInSp[i]]:', self.obstList[self.indexOfObstInSp[i]]
# the assemblage of obstacles that need to be avoid when avoid the first obstacle
# the content are the signals of obstacles in vector 'obstInUAVCoorSys'
G = []
numOfG = 0
numOfG = numOfG + 1
for i in range(120): ###############cirletimes
if i < numOfG:
for j in range(len(self.obstList)):
if j == G[i]:
elif self.VectNorm(self.obstList[j], self.obstList[G[i]]) <= 2*safeDis:
if j not in G:
numOfG = numOfG + 1
maxPosEd = 0
maxNegEd = 0
#print "g0:", self.obstList[G[0]]
for i in range(numOfG):
if self.obstInUAVCoorSys[G[i]].y > 0:
#posEd[posNum++] = obstInUAVCoorSys[G[i]].y
if self.obstInUAVCoorSys[G[i]].y > maxPosEd:
maxPosEd = self.obstInUAVCoorSys[G[i]].y
elif self.obstInUAVCoorSys[G[i]].y < 0:
#negEd[negNum++] = fabs(obstInUAVCoorSys[G[i]].y)
if abs(self.obstInUAVCoorSys[G[i]].y) > maxNegEd:
maxNegEd = abs(self.obstInUAVCoorSys[G[i]].y)
if maxPosEd < maxNegEd:
#leftB = 1
sign_side = 1
# the maximum ed in the left side is smaller than that in the right side
#rigthB = 1
sign_side = -1
alpha = [0 for i in range(numOfG)]
#numOfAlpha = 0
maxAlpha = 0
minAlpha = 10000
#the two index marks the signal of obstacle that has the maximun or minimum angle in G
maxAlphaIndex = 0
minAlphaIndex = 0
for i in range(numOfG):
alpha[i] = math.atan2(self.obstInUAVCoorSys[G[i]].y, self.obstInUAVCoorSys[G[i]].x) + sign_side * (math.asin((safeDis+0.1)/self.VectNorm(self.obstList[G[i]], startPos))+0.1) #0.1 for overshoot
if alpha[i] > maxAlpha:
maxAlpha = alpha[i]
maxAlphaIndex = int(i)
if alpha[i] < minAlpha:
minAlpha = alpha[i]
minAlphaIndex = int(i)
if sign_side == 1:
angle = maxAlpha
obstIndex = maxAlphaIndex
elif sign_side == -1:
angle = minAlpha
obstIndex = minAlphaIndex
resu = self.VectNorm(self.obstList[G[obstIndex]], startPos) / lengthCurToTarget
self.subTarg.y = startPos.y + (curposToTarget.y * math.cos(angle) + math.sin(angle) * curposToTarget.x) * resu
self.subTarg.x = startPos.x + (curposToTarget.x * math.cos(angle) - math.sin(angle) * curposToTarget.y) * resu
self.useOriginalCurPos = False
#print 'self.subTarg:', self.subTarg
return True
return False
def VectDiff(self, endPt, startPt):
temp = Point()
temp.x = endPt.x - startPt.x
temp.y = endPt.y - startPt.y
return temp
def VectDot(self, Pt1, Pt2):
dot = Pt1.x * Pt2.x + Pt1.y * Pt2.y
return dot
def VectDot3D(self, Pt1, Pt2):
dot = Pt1.x * Pt2.x + Pt1.y * Pt2.y + Pt1.z * Pt2.z
return dot
def VectCross(self, vect1, vect2):
temp = vect1.x * vect2.y - vect1.y * vect2.x
return temp
def VectSign(self, Pt):
if abs(Pt.x) > 1e-5:
Pt.x = Pt.x / abs(Pt.x)
if abs(Pt.y) > 1e-5:
Pt.y = Pt.y / abs(Pt.y)
if abs(Pt.z) > 1e-5:
Pt.z = Pt.z / abs(Pt.z)
return Pt
def VectNorm(self, Pt1, Pt2):
norm = math.sqrt(pow(Pt1.x - Pt2.x, 2) + pow(Pt1.y - Pt2.y, 2))
return norm
if __name__ == "__main__":
curr = Point()
curr.x = float(sys.argv[1])
curr.y = float(sys.argv[2])
targ = Point()
targ.x = float(sys.argv[3])
targ.y = float(sys.argv[4])
avoid = ObstacleAviod()
tar = avoid.GetPointList(curr, targ, 1)