
295 lines
12 KiB

import rospy
import PyKDL
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist, Point, PoseStamped, TwistStamped
from std_msgs.msg import String
import numpy
import math
import sys
import copy
from gazebo_msgs.srv import GetModelState
class ReturnHome:
def __init__(self,uav_id):
self.uav_type = 'typhoon_h480'
self.id = int(uav_id)
self.uav_num = 6
self.f = 30 # pin lv
self.count = 0
self.local_pose = PoseStamped()
self.following_local_pose = [PoseStamped() for i in range(self.uav_num)]
self.following_local_pose_sub = [None]*(self.uav_num)
self.uav_current_pose = Point()
self.uav_current_yaw = 0.0
self.uav_vel = Twist()
self.arrive_point = False
self.Kp = 0.5
self.Kpy = 1
self.Kpvel = 1
self.z = 12.0 # height
self.velxy_max = 4
self.velz_max = 3
self.angz_max = 3
self.bias = [[-10, 32.7],[100,33.5],[75,30],[60,-3],[-30,-40.5],[45,-15]]
self.target_position = Twist()
self.target_yaw = 0.0
self.last_yaw = 0.0
self.arrive_count = 0
self.safe_dis = 0.3
self.safe_height = 0.5
self.cmd = ''
self.last_ugv0_pose = Point()
self.current_ugv0_pose = Point()
self.last_ugv1_pose = Point()
self.current_ugv1_pose = Point()
self.situation_flag = 0
self.change_task_flag = False
#variables of rostopic
self.local_pose_sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.uav_type + '_' + str(self.id) + "/mavros/local_position/pose",
PoseStamped, self.local_pose_callback)
self.vel_enu_pub = rospy.Publisher('/xtdrone/'+self.uav_type+'_'+str(self.id)+'/cmd_vel_flu', Twist, queue_size=10)
self.cmd_pub = rospy.Publisher('/xtdrone/'+self.uav_type+'_'+str(self.id)+'/cmd',String,queue_size=10)
self.gazeboModelstate = rospy.ServiceProxy('gazebo/get_model_state', GetModelState)
def local_pose_callback(self, msg):
self.local_pose = msg
self.uav_current_pose = self.local_pose.pose.position
self.uav_current_pose.x = self.uav_current_pose.x+self.bias[self.id][0]
self.uav_current_pose.y = self.uav_current_pose.y+self.bias[self.id][1]
self.uav_current_pose.z = self.uav_current_pose.z
# change Quaternion to TF:
x = self.local_pose.pose.orientation.x
y = self.local_pose.pose.orientation.y
z = self.local_pose.pose.orientation.z
w = self.local_pose.pose.orientation.w
rot = PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(x, y, z, w)
res = rot.GetRPY()[2]
while res > math.pi:
res -= 2.0*math.pi
while res < -math.pi:
res += 2.0*math.pi
if res < 0:
res = res + 2.0 * math.pi
self.uav_current_yaw = res # 0 to 2pi
def following_local_pose_callback(self, msg, id):
self.following_local_pose[id] = msg
self.following_local_pose[id].pose.position.x = self.following_local_pose[id].pose.position.x+self.bias[id][0]
self.following_local_pose[id].pose.position.y = self.following_local_pose[id].pose.position.y+self.bias[id][1]
self.following_local_pose[id].pose.position.z = self.following_local_pose[id].pose.position.z
def loop(self):
rate = rospy.Rate(self.f)
count_situ_one = 0
for i in range(self.uav_num):
if not i == self.id:
self.following_local_pose_sub[i] = rospy.Subscriber(self.uav_type + '_' + str(i) + "/mavros/local_position/pose", PoseStamped, self.following_local_pose_callback, i)
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
self.count += 1
self.velxy_max = 4.0
self.cmd = ''
# get position of ugvs:
get_ugv0_state = self.gazeboModelstate('ugv_0', 'ground_plane')
self.last_ugv0_pose = self.current_ugv0_pose
self.current_ugv0_pose = get_ugv0_state.pose.position
get_ugv1_state = self.gazeboModelstate('ugv_1', 'ground_plane')
self.last_ugv1_pose = self.current_ugv1_pose
self.current_ugv1_pose = get_ugv1_state.pose.position
except rospy.ServiceException as e:
print("Gazebo model state service"+" call failed: %s") % e
# fly to the same altitude xian offboard hou arm
if self.count == 40 or self.count == 42 or self.count == 44:
self.cmd = 'OFFBOARD'
if self.count == 94 or self.count == 96 or self.count == 98:
self.cmd = 'ARM'
if self.situation_flag == 0: # ding gao
self.target_position.linear.z = self.z
self.target_position.linear.x = self.uav_current_pose.x
self.target_position.linear.y = self.uav_current_pose.y
self.uav_vel.angular.x = self.uav_vel.angular.x
self.uav_vel.angular.y = self.uav_vel.angular.y
self.uav_vel.angular.z = self.uav_vel.angular.z
if self.situation_flag == 1 and self.change_task_flag: # chu shi hua
self.change_task_flag = False
#if not self.avoid_start_flag:
if self.situation_flag == 2 and self.change_task_flag: # chu shi hua
self.change_task_flag = False
#if not self.avoid_start_flag:
print 'flag222222'
distance_tar_cur = self.VectNorm3(self.target_position.linear, self.uav_current_pose)
if distance_tar_cur < 0.5:
self.arrive_count += 1
if self.arrive_count > 5:
self.arrive_point = True
self.arrive_count = 0
self.arrive_point = False
self.arrive_count = 0
self.arrive_point = False
# task changes:
if (self.situation_flag == 0) and self.arrive_point:
self.change_task_flag = True
self.situation_flag = 1
self.arrive_point = False
elif (self.situation_flag == 1) and self.arrive_point:
self.situation_flag = 2
# self.start_yolo_pub.publish('gogogo')
self.arrive_point = False
self.change_task_flag = True
if self.situation_flag == 2:
self.velz_max = 1
if self.uav_current_pose.z < 2.2:
self.target_position.linear.x = self.uav_current_pose.x
self.target_position.linear.y = self.uav_current_pose.y
if self.uav_current_pose.z < 1.9:
self.cmd = 'DISARM'
# self.obstacle_avoid()
def get_control_vel(self): # P kong zhi, flu zuo biao xi
uav_dis_curtar = self.VectNorm2(self.target_position.linear, self.uav_current_pose) #distance
temp = self.VectDiff(self.target_position.linear, self.uav_current_pose) # vector
uav_vel_total = self.Kp * uav_dis_curtar # velocity
if uav_vel_total > self.velxy_max:
uav_vel_total = self.velxy_max
if not uav_dis_curtar == 0.0:
self.uav_vel.linear.x = (temp.x/uav_dis_curtar) * uav_vel_total
self.uav_vel.linear.y = (temp.y/uav_dis_curtar) * uav_vel_total
self.uav_vel.linear.x = 0.0
self.uav_vel.linear.y = 0.0
self.target_yaw = self.pos2ang(self.target_position.linear.x, self.target_position.linear.y, self.uav_current_pose.x, self.uav_current_pose.y)
mid_yaw = self.target_yaw - self.uav_current_yaw
if mid_yaw > math.pi:
mid_yaw = mid_yaw - 2*math.pi
elif mid_yaw < -math.pi:
mid_yaw = 2*math.pi + mid_yaw
self.uav_vel.angular.z = self.Kpy * mid_yaw
if self.uav_vel.angular.z > self.angz_max:
self.uav_vel.angular.z = self.angz_max
elif self.uav_vel.angular.z < -self.angz_max:
self.uav_vel.angular.z = -self.angz_max
self.uav_vel.linear.x = uav_vel_total * math.cos(mid_yaw)
self.uav_vel.linear.y = uav_vel_total * math.sin(mid_yaw)
self.uav_vel.linear.z = self.Kp * (self.target_position.linear.z - self.uav_current_pose.z)
if self.uav_vel.linear.z > self.velz_max:
self.uav_vel.linear.z = self.velz_max
elif self.uav_vel.linear.z < - self.velz_max:
self.uav_vel.linear.z = - self.velz_max
def init_point(self):
if self.id == 0: # middle circle 3
self.target_position.linear.x = self.current_ugv0_pose.x # ugv0 -0.3
self.target_position.linear.y = self.current_ugv0_pose.y-0.2
elif self.id == 1: # middle circle 2
self.target_position.linear.x = self.current_ugv0_pose.x # ugv0 0.5
self.target_position.linear.y = self.current_ugv0_pose.y+0.6
elif self.id == 2: # outer loop 0
self.target_position.linear.x = self.current_ugv0_pose.x #ugv0 1.3
self.target_position.linear.y = self.current_ugv0_pose.y+1.3
elif self.id == 3: # outer loop 4
self.target_position.linear.x = self.current_ugv1_pose.x #ugv1 -0.3
self.target_position.linear.y = self.current_ugv1_pose.y-0.2
elif self.id == 4: # outer loop 1
self.target_position.linear.x = self.current_ugv1_pose.x
self.target_position.linear.y = self.current_ugv1_pose.y+0.6
elif self.id == 5: # outer loop 5
self.target_position.linear.x = self.current_ugv1_pose.x
self.target_position.linear.y = self.current_ugv1_pose.y+1.3
def return_home(self):
self.target_position.linear.z = 0.0
# ji jian bi zhang
def obstacle_avoid(self):
self.avo_id = []
for i in range(self.uav_num):
if not i == self.id:
dis_partner = math.sqrt(
(self.uav_current_pose.x - self.following_local_pose[i].pose.position.x) ** 2 + (self.uav_current_pose.y - self.following_local_pose[i].pose.position.y) ** 2)
if dis_partner < self.safe_dis:
if (self.uav_current_pose.z - self.following_local_pose[i].pose.position.z) < self.safe_height:
avoid_num = len(self.avo_id)
heigher_num = 0
if avoid_num > 0:
for j in range(avoid_num):
if self.following_local_pose[self.avo_id[j]].pose.position.z > self.uav_current_pose.z:
heigher_num = heigher_num + 1
if heigher_num == 0:
self.target_position.linear.z = self.target_position.linear.z + self.safe_height
self.target_position.linear.z = self.target_position.linear.z - self.safe_height * heigher_num
self.target_position.linear.z = self.target_position.linear.z
def pos2ang(self, xa, ya, xb, yb): #([xb,yb] to [xa, ya])
if not xa-xb == 0:
angle = math.atan2((ya - yb),(xa - xb))
if (ya-yb > 0) and (angle < 0):
angle = angle + math.pi
elif (ya-yb < 0) and (angle > 0):
angle = angle - math.pi
elif ya-yb == 0:
if xa-xb > 0:
angle = 0.0
angle = math.pi
if ya-yb > 0:
angle = math.pi / 2
elif ya-yb <0:
angle = -math.pi / 2
angle = 0.0
if angle < 0:
angle = angle + 2 * math.pi # 0 to 2pi
return angle
def VectNorm3(self, Pt1, Pt2):
norm = math.sqrt(pow(Pt1.x - Pt2.x, 2) + pow(Pt1.y - Pt2.y, 2)+ pow(Pt1.z - Pt2.z, 2))
return norm
def VectNorm2(self, Pt1, Pt2):
norm = math.sqrt(pow(Pt1.x - Pt2.x, 2) + pow(Pt1.y - Pt2.y, 2))
return norm
def VectDiff(self, endPt, startPt):
temp = Point()
temp.x = endPt.x - startPt.x
temp.y = endPt.y - startPt.y
return temp
if __name__ == '__main__':
returnhome = ReturnHome(sys.argv[1])