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#! /usr/bin/python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import gzip
import os
import numpy as np
from tensorlayer import logging
from tensorlayer.files.utils import maybe_download_and_extract
__all__ = ["_load_mnist_dataset"]
def _load_mnist_dataset(shape, path, name='mnist', url='http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/'):
"""A generic function to load mnist-like dataset.
shape : tuple
The shape of digit images.
path : str
The path that the data is downloaded to.
name : str
The dataset name you want to use(the default is 'mnist').
url : str
The url of dataset(the default is 'http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/').
path = os.path.join(path, name)
# Define functions for loading mnist-like data's images and labels.
# For convenience, they also download the requested files if needed.
def load_mnist_images(path, filename):
filepath = maybe_download_and_extract(filename, path, url)
# Read the inputs in Yann LeCun's binary format.
with gzip.open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
data = np.frombuffer(f.read(), np.uint8, offset=16)
# The inputs are vectors now, we reshape them to monochrome 2D images,
# following the shape convention: (examples, channels, rows, columns)
data = data.reshape(shape)
# The inputs come as bytes, we convert them to float32 in range [0,1].
# (Actually to range [0, 255/256], for compatibility to the version
# provided at http://deeplearning.net/data/mnist/mnist.pkl.gz.)
return data / np.float32(256)
def load_mnist_labels(path, filename):
filepath = maybe_download_and_extract(filename, path, url)
# Read the labels in Yann LeCun's binary format.
with gzip.open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
data = np.frombuffer(f.read(), np.uint8, offset=8)
# The labels are vectors of integers now, that's exactly what we want.
return data
# Download and read the training and test set images and labels.
logging.info("Load or Download {0} > {1}".format(name.upper(), path))
X_train = load_mnist_images(path, 'train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz')
y_train = load_mnist_labels(path, 'train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz')
X_test = load_mnist_images(path, 't10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz')
y_test = load_mnist_labels(path, 't10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz')
# We reserve the last 10000 training examples for validation.
X_train, X_val = X_train[:-10000], X_train[-10000:]
y_train, y_val = y_train[:-10000], y_train[-10000:]
# We just return all the arrays in order, as expected in main().
# (It doesn't matter how we do this as long as we can read them again.)
X_train = np.asarray(X_train, dtype=np.float32)
y_train = np.asarray(y_train, dtype=np.int32)
X_val = np.asarray(X_val, dtype=np.float32)
y_val = np.asarray(y_val, dtype=np.int32)
X_test = np.asarray(X_test, dtype=np.float32)
y_test = np.asarray(y_test, dtype=np.int32)
return X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val, X_test, y_test