
100 lines
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* The Nexus Abstract Machine Architecture (AM)
* A portable abstraction of a bare-metal computer
#ifndef __AM_H__
#define __AM_H__
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include ARCH_H // "arch/x86-qemu.h", "arch/native.h", ...
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// ===================== Constants and Structs =======================
enum {
enum {
_PROT_NONE = 1, // no access
_PROT_READ = 2, // can read
_PROT_WRITE = 4, // can write
_PROT_EXEC = 8, // can execute
// Memory area for [@start, @end)
typedef struct _Area {
void *start, *end;
} _Area;
// An event of type @event, caused by @cause of pointer @ref
typedef struct _Event {
int event;
uintptr_t cause, ref;
const char *msg;
} _Event;
// Arch-dependent processor context
typedef struct _Context _Context;
// A protected address space with user memory @area
// and arch-dependent @ptr
typedef struct _AddressSpace {
size_t pgsize;
_Area area;
void *ptr;
} _AddressSpace;
// ====================== Turing Machine (TRM) =======================
extern _Area _heap;
void _putc(char ch);
void _halt(int code) __attribute__((__noreturn__));
// ======================= I/O Extension (IOE) =======================
int _ioe_init();
size_t _io_read(uint32_t dev, uintptr_t reg, void *buf, size_t size);
size_t _io_write(uint32_t dev, uintptr_t reg, void *buf, size_t size);
// ====================== Context Extension (CTE) ====================
int _cte_init(_Context *(*handler)(_Event ev, _Context *ctx));
void _yield();
int _intr_read();
void _intr_write(int enable);
_Context *_kcontext(_Area kstack, void (*entry)(void *), void *arg);
// ================= Virtual Memory Extension (VME) ==================
int _vme_init(void *(*pgalloc)(size_t size), void (*pgfree)(void *));
int _protect(_AddressSpace *as);
void _unprotect(_AddressSpace *as);
int _map(_AddressSpace *as, void *va, void *pa, int prot);
_Context *_ucontext(_AddressSpace *as, _Area ustack, _Area kstack,
void *entry, void *args);
// ================= Multi-Processor Extension (MPE) =================
int _mpe_init(void (*entry)());
int _ncpu();
int _cpu();
intptr_t _atomic_xchg(volatile intptr_t *addr, intptr_t newval);
#ifdef __cplusplus