libs,klib,stdio: rewrite printf

This commit is contained in:
Zihao Yu 2020-02-06 22:51:01 +08:00
parent b62442d060
commit 2602da12ff
1 changed files with 183 additions and 193 deletions

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@ -1,144 +1,219 @@
#include "klib.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#define true 1
#define false 0
#if !defined(__ISA_NATIVE__) || defined(__NATIVE_USE_KLIB__)
char *printch(char ch, char **s, int *limit_n);
int printdec(unsigned long dec, int base, int width, char abs, char flagc, char **s, int *limit_n);
int vprintdec(unsigned long dec, int base, int width, char abs, char flagc, char **s, int count, int *limit_n);
char *printstr(char *str, char **s, int *limit_n);
void myputc(char c, char **s_h, int *limit_n) {
if (*s_h == 0)
else if (*limit_n != 1) {
**s_h = c;
typedef struct {
struct {
union { int enable; int is_right; };
char ch;
} pad, sign;
char *out;
const char *end;
size_t nbyte;
} format_t;
static void putch(char c, int n, format_t *f) {
while (n --) {
if (f->out == NULL) _putc(c);
// do not output if we reach the given size of the buffer
else if (f->out != f->end) { *((f->out) ++) = c; }
f->nbyte ++;
int vprintk(char *out, int limit, const char *fmt, va_list ap) {
unsigned int rewid = 0;
char **s_v = &out;
int *limit_n = &limit;
int vargint = 0;
unsigned long varguint = 0;
char *vargpch = 0;
char vargch = 0;
char flagc = ' ', abs = '+';
int base, width = -1;
static void putstr(const char *s, int len, format_t *f) {
while (len --) putch(*s ++, 1, f);
#define FORMAT_FUN_DEF(name, base) \
static int name(char *revbuf, unsigned long long n) { \
char *p = revbuf; \
*(-- p) = '\0'; \
do { \
*(-- p) = "0123456789abcdef"[n % base]; \
n /= base; \
} while (n); \
return revbuf - p - 1; /* exclude the null byte */ \
FORMAT_FUN_DEF(format_oct, 8)
FORMAT_FUN_DEF(format_dec, 10)
FORMAT_FUN_DEF(format_hex, 16)
static int format_integer(char *rev_buf, unsigned long long n, int base) {
switch (base) {
case 8: return format_oct(rev_buf, n);
case 10: return format_dec(rev_buf, n);
case 16: return format_hex(rev_buf, n);
return 0;
enum { LEN_NONE, LEN_hh, LEN_h, LEN_l, LEN_ll };
static int vsnprintf_internal(char *out, size_t size, const char *fmt, va_list ap) {
format_t f = {};
f.out = out;
f.end = (out && (size != 0) ? out + size : NULL);
f.nbyte = 0;
const char *pfmt = fmt;
while (*pfmt) {
if (*pfmt == '%') {
flagc = ' ';
width = -1;
abs = '+';
switch (*(++pfmt)) {
case '-':
flagc = '-';
goto reswitch;
case '0':
flagc = '0';
goto reswitch;
case ' ':
flagc = ' ';
goto reswitch;
case '+':
flagc = '+';
goto reswitch;
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
width = 0;
char ch;
while ((ch = *pfmt++) >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
char ch = *pfmt ++;
if (ch != '%') {
putch(ch, 1, &f);
char temp_buf[64];
char *temp_buf_end = temp_buf + sizeof(temp_buf);
unsigned long long varguint = 0;
f.pad.is_right = false; = ' ';
f.sign.enable = false;
int width = 0;
int prec = 0;
int len_mod = LEN_NONE;
int is_signed = false;
int base = 0;
int conv_len = 0;
int width_pad_len = 0;
char *p_str;
ch = *pfmt ++;
switch (ch) {
// flag character
case '#': goto next_ch; // not implement
case '-': f.pad.is_right = true; = ' '; goto next_ch;
case '0': if (!f.pad.is_right) = '0'; goto next_ch;
case ' ': if (!(f.sign.enable && == '+')) {
f.sign.enable = true; = ' ';
goto next_ch;
case '+': f.sign.enable = true; = '+'; goto next_ch;
// field width
case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5':
case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
width = ch - '0';
while ((ch = *pfmt ++) >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
width = width * 10 + ch - '0';
pfmt -= 2;
goto reswitch;
case '*':
width = va_arg(ap, int);
goto reswitch;
case 'c':
vargch = va_arg(ap, int);
printch(vargch, s_v, limit_n);
case '%':
printch('%', s_v, limit_n);
case 'd':
vargint = va_arg(ap, int) & 0xffffffff;
base = 10;
if (vargint < 0) {
abs = '-';
varguint = -vargint;
} else {
varguint = vargint;
if (ch == '-') { width = -width; goto next_ch; }
else goto reswitch;
// presicion;
case '.':
while ((ch = *pfmt ++) >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
prec = prec * 10 + ch - '0';
goto nump;
case 'u':
varguint = va_arg(ap, unsigned int) & 0xffffffff;
base = 10;
goto nump;
case 'x':
case 'X':
varguint = va_arg(ap, int) & 0xffffffff;
base = 16;
goto nump; = ' '; // ignore '0' flag
goto reswitch;
// length modifier
case 'h':
if ((ch = *pfmt ++) == 'h') { len_mod = LEN_hh; goto next_ch; }
else { len_mod = LEN_h; goto reswitch; }
case 'l':
if ((ch = *pfmt ++) == 'l') { len_mod = LEN_ll; goto next_ch; }
else { len_mod = LEN_l; goto reswitch; }
// conversion specifier
case 'd': case 'i': is_signed = true; // fall through
case 'u': base = 10; goto read_arg;
case 'x': case 'X': base = 16; goto read_arg;
case 'o': base = 8; goto read_arg;
#define CASE(len_mod, actual_type, fetch_type) \
case len_mod: { \
signed actual_type s = (signed actual_type)va_arg(ap, signed fetch_type); \
if (is_signed && s < 0) { \ = '-'; f.sign.enable = true; \
/* avoid overflow when performing negation with INT_MIN */ \
varguint = (unsigned actual_type)(-(s + 1)) + 1; \
} else varguint = (unsigned actual_type)s; \
break; \
switch (len_mod) {
CASE(LEN_hh, char, int)
CASE(LEN_h, short, int)
CASE(LEN_NONE, int, int)
CASE(LEN_l, long, long)
CASE(LEN_ll, long long, long long)
int digit_len = format_integer(temp_buf_end, varguint, base);
char *p_digit = temp_buf_end - digit_len - 1;
int sign_len = (is_signed && f.sign.enable ? 1 : 0);
int prec_pad0_len = (prec > digit_len ? prec - digit_len : 0);
conv_len = sign_len + prec_pad0_len + digit_len;
width_pad_len = (width > conv_len ? width - conv_len : 0);
if (!f.pad.is_right && == ' ') { putch(, width_pad_len, &f); }
if (sign_len) putch(, 1, &f);
if (!f.pad.is_right && == '0') { putch(, width_pad_len, &f); }
putch('0', prec_pad0_len, &f);
putstr(p_digit, digit_len, &f);
if (f.pad.is_right) { putch(, width_pad_len, &f); }
case 'p':
myputc('0', s_v, limit_n);
myputc('x', s_v, limit_n);
varguint = (long)va_arg(ap, void *);
varguint = va_arg(ap, uintptr_t);
if (varguint == 0) { putstr("(nil)", 5, &f); break; }
putstr("0x", 2, &f);
base = 16;
goto nump;
rewid += printdec(varguint, base, width, abs, flagc, s_v, limit_n);
goto print_num;
case 'c':
conv_len = 1;
char c = (char)va_arg(ap, int);
p_str = &c;
goto print_str;
case 's':
vargpch = va_arg(ap, char *);
printstr(vargpch, s_v, limit_n);
rewid += strlen(vargpch);
p_str = va_arg(ap, char *);
conv_len = (prec == 0 ? strlen(p_str) : prec);
width_pad_len = (width > conv_len ? width - conv_len : 0);
if (!f.pad.is_right) { putch(, width_pad_len, &f); }
putstr(p_str, conv_len, &f);
if (f.pad.is_right) { putch(, width_pad_len, &f); }
case '%': putch('%', 1, &f); break;
} else {
out = printch(*pfmt++, s_v, limit_n);
if (out != 0) {
printch('\0', s_v, limit_n);
// rewid++;结尾的\0不算在返回值中
return rewid;
if (f.out != NULL) { *f.out = '\0'; }
return f.nbyte;
int printk(const char *fmt, ...) {
int printf(const char *fmt, ...) {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
int r = vprintk(0, 0, fmt, ap);
int r = vsnprintf_internal(NULL, 0, fmt, ap);
return r;
int vsprintf(char *out, const char *fmt, va_list ap) {
return vprintk(out, 0, fmt, ap);
return vsnprintf_internal(out, 0, fmt, ap);
int sprintf(char *out, const char *fmt, ...) {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
int r = vprintk(out, 0, fmt, ap);
int r = vsnprintf_internal(out, 0, fmt, ap);
return r;
@ -146,94 +221,9 @@ int sprintf(char *out, const char *fmt, ...) {
int snprintf(char *out, size_t n, const char *fmt, ...) {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
int r = vprintk(out, n + 1, fmt, ap);
int r = vsnprintf_internal(out, n, fmt, ap);
if (strlen(out) >= n)
*(out + n) = '\0';
return r;
char *printch(char ch, char **s, int *limit_n) {
// if(s==0)_putc(ch);
// else *s++=ch;
myputc(ch, s, limit_n);
return *s;
int printdec(unsigned long dec, int base, int width, char abs, char flagc, char **s, int *limit_n) {
int rewid = 0, twid = width;
if (abs == '-')
if (dec == 0) {
// myputc('0',s);
// dec=-1;
vprintdec(dec, base, twid, abs, flagc, s, 0, limit_n);
while (dec > 0) {
dec = dec / base;
if (width > 0 && rewid > width)
rewid = width;
return rewid;
int vprintdec(unsigned long dec, int base, int width, char abs, char flagc,
char **s, int count, int *limit_n) {
if (dec == 0) {
if (flagc != '-') {
if (abs == '-')
while (width-- > 1) {
if (flagc != '+') {
myputc(flagc, s, limit_n);
} else {
myputc(' ', s, limit_n);
if (flagc == '+')
myputc(abs, s, limit_n);
else if (abs == '-')
myputc('-', s, limit_n);
else {
if (width > 0)
myputc(flagc, s, limit_n);
// return width;
} else if (abs == '-') {
myputc('-', s, limit_n);
if (count == 0)
myputc('0', s, limit_n);
return width;
int re = 0; // vprintdec(dec/base,base,width-1,flagc,s+1);
re =
vprintdec(dec / base, base, width - 1, abs, flagc, s, count + 1, limit_n);
if (dec % base > 9)
myputc(dec % base + 'a' - 10, s, limit_n);
myputc((char)(dec % base + '0'), s, limit_n);
if (flagc == '-' && count == 0) {
while (re-- > 0)
myputc(' ', s, limit_n);
return re;
char *printstr(char *str, char **s, int *limit_n) {
while (*str) {
// if(s==0)_putc(*str++);
// else*s++=*str++;
myputc(*str++, s, limit_n);
return *s;