Offering: openGaussDev

More detail: use case

This commit is contained in:
openGaussDev 2022-03-04 17:43:12 +08:00 committed by yanghao
parent 039aff4f64
commit 84f7c879d7
4 changed files with 146 additions and 88 deletions

View File

@ -746,7 +746,7 @@ static Datum text_length_huge(Datum str)
Datum textlen(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum str = PG_GETARG_DATUM(0);
Datum str = fetch_real_lob_if_need(PG_GETARG_DATUM(0));
if (VARATT_IS_HUGE_TOAST_POINTER((varlena *)DatumGetTextPP(str))) {
return text_length_huge(str);

View File

@ -275,12 +275,27 @@ extern Size toast_datum_size(Datum value);
extern bool toastrel_valueid_exists(Relation toastrel, Oid valueid);
extern bool create_toast_by_sid(Oid *toastOid);
extern Oid get_toast_oid();
extern varlena* toast_huge_write_datum_slice(struct varlena* attr1, struct varlena* attr2, int64 sliceoffset, int32 length);
extern varlena* toast_pointer_fetch_data(TupleTableSlot* varSlot, Form_pg_attribute attr, int varNumber);
extern Datum fetch_lob_value_from_tuple(varatt_lob_pointer* lob_pointer, Oid update_oid,
bool* is_null, bool* is_huge_clob = NULL);
extern bool create_toast_by_sid(Oid *toastOid);
extern Oid get_toast_oid();
inline Datum fetch_real_lob_if_need(Datum toast_pointer)
Datum ret = toast_pointer;
if (VARATT_IS_EXTERNAL_LOB(toast_pointer)) {
bool isNull = false;
struct varatt_lob_pointer* lob_pointer = (varatt_lob_pointer*)(VARDATA_EXTERNAL(toast_pointer));
ret = fetch_lob_value_from_tuple(lob_pointer, InvalidOid, &isNull, NULL);
if (unlikely(isNull)) {
errmsg("Invalid lob pointer.")));
return ret;
#endif /* TUPTOASTER_H */

View File

@ -11,12 +11,36 @@ drop schema if exists huge_clob;
NOTICE: schema "huge_clob" does not exist, skipping
create schema huge_clob;
set current_schema = huge_clob;
create table bigclobtbl031(c1 int,c2 clob,c3 clob,c4 blob,c5 date,c6 timestamp,c7 varchar2);
insert into bigclobtbl031 values(generate_series(1,5),repeat('AAAA11111aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa',1000000),repeat('abdededfj12345679ujik',1000000),hextoraw(repeat('12345678990abcdef',1000)),sysdate,to_timestamp('','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss.ff6'),7000);
update bigclobtbl031 set c2=c2||c2||c2||c2||c2;
update bigclobtbl031 set c2=c2||c2||c2||c2||c2;
update bigclobtbl031 set c2=c2||c2;
update bigclobtbl031 set c3='clobclob3';
drop table if exists cloblongtbl;
NOTICE: table "cloblongtbl" does not exist, skipping
create table cloblongtbl (a int, b clob, c clob);
-- insert data less than 1G
insert into cloblongtbl values (generate_series(1,4),repeat('唐李白床前明月光,疑是地上霜,举头望明月,低头思故乡',5000000),repeat('唐李白床前明月光,疑是地上霜,举头望明月,低头思故乡',5000000));
update cloblongtbl set b = b||b;
update cloblongtbl set c = c||c;
-- b > 1G && c < 1G when a = 2
update cloblongtbl set b = b||b where a = 2;
-- b < 1G && c > 1G when a = 3
update cloblongtbl set c = c||c where a = 3;
-- b > 1G && c > 1G when a = 4
update cloblongtbl set b = b||b where a = 4;
update cloblongtbl set c = c||c where a = 4;
select a, length(b || c) from cloblongtbl order by 1;
a | length
1 | 520000000
2 | 780000000
3 | 780000000
4 | 1040000000
(4 rows)
-- reset data for other test
update cloblongtbl set b = b || b where a = 1;
update cloblongtbl set b = b || b where a = 3;
update cloblongtbl set c='cloblessthan1G' where a = 1;
update cloblongtbl set c='cloblessthan1G' where a = 2;
update cloblongtbl set c='cloblessthan1G' where a = 3;
update cloblongtbl set c='cloblessthan1G' where a = 4;
--I1.clob in
create or replace procedure pro_cb4_031(c1 clob,c2 clob)
@ -33,8 +57,8 @@ create or replace procedure pro_cb4_031_1 is
v1 clob;
v2 clob;
execute immediate 'select c2 from bigclobtbl031 where c1=1' into v1;
execute immediate 'select c3 from bigclobtbl031 where c1=1' into v2;
execute immediate 'select b from cloblongtbl where a=1' into v1;
execute immediate 'select c from cloblongtbl where a=1' into v2;
@ -49,8 +73,8 @@ is
v1 clob;
v2 clob;
execute immediate 'select c2 from bigclobtbl031 where c1=1' into v1;
execute immediate 'select c3 from bigclobtbl031 where c1=1' into v2;
execute immediate 'select b from cloblongtbl where a=1' into v1;
execute immediate 'select c from cloblongtbl where a=1' into v2;
@ -79,8 +103,8 @@ is
v1 clob;
v2 clob;
execute immediate 'select c3 from bigclobtbl031 where c1=1' into v1;
execute immediate 'select c3 from bigclobtbl031 where c1=2' into v2;
execute immediate 'select c from cloblongtbl where a=1' into v1;
execute immediate 'select c from cloblongtbl where a=2' into v2;
@ -96,8 +120,8 @@ is
v1 clob;
v2 clob;
execute immediate 'select c2 from bigclobtbl031 where c1=1' into v1;
execute immediate 'select c3 from bigclobtbl031 where c1=1' into v2;
execute immediate 'select b from cloblongtbl where a=1' into v1;
execute immediate 'select c from cloblongtbl where a=1' into v2;
@ -127,12 +151,12 @@ v1 clob;
v2 clob;
v3 clob;
execute immediate 'select c3 from bigclobtbl031 where c1=1' into v1;
execute immediate 'select c3 from bigclobtbl031 where c1=2' into v2;
execute immediate 'select c3 from bigclobtbl031 where c1=3' into v3;
execute immediate 'select c from cloblongtbl where a=1' into v1;
execute immediate 'select c from cloblongtbl where a=2' into v2;
execute immediate 'select c from cloblongtbl where a=3' into v3;
create or replace procedure pro_cb4_031_1 is
@ -163,8 +187,8 @@ type ty1 is table of clob;
v1 ty1;
for i in 1..10 loop
execute immediate 'select c2 from bigclobtbl031 where c1='||i into v1(i);
update bigclobtbl030 set c3=v1(i)||v1(i) where c1=i;
execute immediate 'select b from cloblongtbl where a='||i into v1(i);
update cloblongtbl set c=v1(i)||v1(i) where a=i;
end loop;
@ -177,27 +201,27 @@ type ty1 is varray(10) of clob;
v1 ty1;
for i in 1..10 loop
execute immediate 'select c2 from bigclobtbl031 where c1='||i into v1(i);
update bigclobtbl030 set c3=v1(i)||v1(i) where c1=i;
execute immediate 'select b from cloblongtbl where a='||i into v1(i);
update cloblongtbl set c=v1(i)||v1(i) where a=i;
end loop;
call pro_cb4_031();
ERROR: huge clob do not support as array element.
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function pro_cb4_031() line 6 at EXECUTE statement
select c1,c2,length(c2),c3,length(c3) from bigclobtbl031 where c1>5 and c1<10 order by 1,2,3,4,5;
c1 | c2 | length | c3 | length
select a,b,length(b),c,length(c) from cloblongtbl where a>5 and a<10 order by 1,2,3,4,5;
a | b | length | c | length
(0 rows)
update bigclobtbl031 set c3='clob3clob3';
update cloblongtbl set c='cloblessthan1G';
ERROR: tuple concurrently updated
create or replace procedure pro_cb4_031 is
type ty1 is record(c1 int,c2 clob);
v1 ty1;
execute immediate 'select c2 from bigclobtbl031 where c1=1' into v1.c2;
execute immediate 'select b from cloblongtbl where a=1' into v1.c2;
call pro_cb4_031();
@ -212,7 +236,7 @@ v1 clob;
v2 clob;
v3 clob;
v4 int;
cursor cor1 is select c2 from bigclobtbl031 where c1=1;
cursor cor1 is select b from cloblongtbl where a=1;
open cor1;
@ -229,30 +253,28 @@ end;
call pro_cb4_037();
ERROR: huge clob do not support as record element.
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function pro_cb4_037() line 10 at FETCH
drop table if exists cloblongtbl;
NOTICE: table "cloblongtbl" does not exist, skipping
create table cloblongtbl (a int, b clob, c clob);
insert into cloblongtbl values (generate_series(1,4),repeat('唐李白床前明月光,疑是地上霜,举头望明月,低头思故乡',5000000),repeat('唐李白床前明月光,疑是地上霜,举头望明月,低头思故乡',5000000));
update cloblongtbl set b = b||b;
update cloblongtbl set c = c||c;
update cloblongtbl set b = b||b where a = 2;
update cloblongtbl set c = c||c where a = 3;
update cloblongtbl set b = b||b where a = 4;
update cloblongtbl set c = c||c where a = 4;
select a, length(b || c) from cloblongtbl order by 1;
a | length
1 | 520000000
2 | 780000000
3 | 780000000
4 | 1040000000
(4 rows)
create or replace procedure test_self_update is
v1 clob;
execute immediate 'select b from cloblongtbl where a=1' into v1;
update cloblongtbl set b=v1 where a=1;
savepoint aaa;
update cloblongtbl set b=v1 where a=2;
rollback to aaa;
call test_self_update();
(1 row)
drop table if exists cloblongtbl;
-- clean
drop schema if exists huge_clob cascade;
NOTICE: drop cascades to 4 other objects
DETAIL: drop cascades to table bigclobtbl031
drop cascades to function pro_cb4_031_1()
DETAIL: drop cascades to function pro_cb4_031_1()
drop cascades to function pro_cb4_031()
drop cascades to function pro_cb4_037()
drop cascades to function test_self_update()

View File

@ -7,12 +7,29 @@ drop schema if exists huge_clob;
create schema huge_clob;
set current_schema = huge_clob;
create table bigclobtbl031(c1 int,c2 clob,c3 clob,c4 blob,c5 date,c6 timestamp,c7 varchar2);
insert into bigclobtbl031 values(generate_series(1,5),repeat('AAAA11111aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa',1000000),repeat('abdededfj12345679ujik',1000000),hextoraw(repeat('12345678990abcdef',1000)),sysdate,to_timestamp('','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss.ff6'),7000);
update bigclobtbl031 set c2=c2||c2||c2||c2||c2;
update bigclobtbl031 set c2=c2||c2||c2||c2||c2;
update bigclobtbl031 set c2=c2||c2;
update bigclobtbl031 set c3='clobclob3';
drop table if exists cloblongtbl;
create table cloblongtbl (a int, b clob, c clob);
-- insert data less than 1G
insert into cloblongtbl values (generate_series(1,4),repeat('唐李白床前明月光,疑是地上霜,举头望明月,低头思故乡',5000000),repeat('唐李白床前明月光,疑是地上霜,举头望明月,低头思故乡',5000000));
update cloblongtbl set b = b||b;
update cloblongtbl set c = c||c;
-- b > 1G && c < 1G when a = 2
update cloblongtbl set b = b||b where a = 2;
-- b < 1G && c > 1G when a = 3
update cloblongtbl set c = c||c where a = 3;
-- b > 1G && c > 1G when a = 4
update cloblongtbl set b = b||b where a = 4;
update cloblongtbl set c = c||c where a = 4;
select a, length(b || c) from cloblongtbl order by 1;
-- reset data for other test
update cloblongtbl set b = b || b where a = 1;
update cloblongtbl set b = b || b where a = 3;
update cloblongtbl set c='cloblessthan1G' where a = 1;
update cloblongtbl set c='cloblessthan1G' where a = 2;
update cloblongtbl set c='cloblessthan1G' where a = 3;
update cloblongtbl set c='cloblessthan1G' where a = 4;
--I1.clob in
create or replace procedure pro_cb4_031(c1 clob,c2 clob)
@ -31,8 +48,8 @@ create or replace procedure pro_cb4_031_1 is
v1 clob;
v2 clob;
execute immediate 'select c2 from bigclobtbl031 where c1=1' into v1;
execute immediate 'select c3 from bigclobtbl031 where c1=1' into v2;
execute immediate 'select b from cloblongtbl where a=1' into v1;
execute immediate 'select c from cloblongtbl where a=1' into v2;
@ -45,8 +62,8 @@ is
v1 clob;
v2 clob;
execute immediate 'select c2 from bigclobtbl031 where c1=1' into v1;
execute immediate 'select c3 from bigclobtbl031 where c1=1' into v2;
execute immediate 'select b from cloblongtbl where a=1' into v1;
execute immediate 'select c from cloblongtbl where a=1' into v2;
@ -74,8 +91,8 @@ is
v1 clob;
v2 clob;
execute immediate 'select c3 from bigclobtbl031 where c1=1' into v1;
execute immediate 'select c3 from bigclobtbl031 where c1=2' into v2;
execute immediate 'select c from cloblongtbl where a=1' into v1;
execute immediate 'select c from cloblongtbl where a=2' into v2;
@ -89,8 +106,8 @@ is
v1 clob;
v2 clob;
execute immediate 'select c2 from bigclobtbl031 where c1=1' into v1;
execute immediate 'select c3 from bigclobtbl031 where c1=1' into v2;
execute immediate 'select b from cloblongtbl where a=1' into v1;
execute immediate 'select c from cloblongtbl where a=1' into v2;
@ -119,12 +136,12 @@ v1 clob;
v2 clob;
v3 clob;
execute immediate 'select c3 from bigclobtbl031 where c1=1' into v1;
execute immediate 'select c3 from bigclobtbl031 where c1=2' into v2;
execute immediate 'select c3 from bigclobtbl031 where c1=3' into v3;
execute immediate 'select c from cloblongtbl where a=1' into v1;
execute immediate 'select c from cloblongtbl where a=2' into v2;
execute immediate 'select c from cloblongtbl where a=3' into v3;
@ -153,8 +170,8 @@ type ty1 is table of clob;
v1 ty1;
for i in 1..10 loop
execute immediate 'select c2 from bigclobtbl031 where c1='||i into v1(i);
update bigclobtbl030 set c3=v1(i)||v1(i) where c1=i;
execute immediate 'select b from cloblongtbl where a='||i into v1(i);
update cloblongtbl set c=v1(i)||v1(i) where a=i;
end loop;
@ -167,21 +184,21 @@ type ty1 is varray(10) of clob;
v1 ty1;
for i in 1..10 loop
execute immediate 'select c2 from bigclobtbl031 where c1='||i into v1(i);
update bigclobtbl030 set c3=v1(i)||v1(i) where c1=i;
execute immediate 'select b from cloblongtbl where a='||i into v1(i);
update cloblongtbl set c=v1(i)||v1(i) where a=i;
end loop;
call pro_cb4_031();
select c1,c2,length(c2),c3,length(c3) from bigclobtbl031 where c1>5 and c1<10 order by 1,2,3,4,5;
update bigclobtbl031 set c3='clob3clob3';
select a,b,length(b),c,length(c) from cloblongtbl where a>5 and a<10 order by 1,2,3,4,5;
update cloblongtbl set c='cloblessthan1G';
create or replace procedure pro_cb4_031 is
type ty1 is record(c1 int,c2 clob);
v1 ty1;
execute immediate 'select c2 from bigclobtbl031 where c1=1' into v1.c2;
execute immediate 'select b from cloblongtbl where a=1' into v1.c2;
@ -193,7 +210,7 @@ v1 clob;
v2 clob;
v3 clob;
v4 int;
cursor cor1 is select c2 from bigclobtbl031 where c1=1;
cursor cor1 is select b from cloblongtbl where a=1;
open cor1;
@ -210,16 +227,20 @@ end;
call pro_cb4_037();
drop table if exists cloblongtbl;
create table cloblongtbl (a int, b clob, c clob);
insert into cloblongtbl values (generate_series(1,4),repeat('唐李白床前明月光,疑是地上霜,举头望明月,低头思故乡',5000000),repeat('唐李白床前明月光,疑是地上霜,举头望明月,低头思故乡',5000000));
update cloblongtbl set b = b||b;
update cloblongtbl set c = c||c;
update cloblongtbl set b = b||b where a = 2;
update cloblongtbl set c = c||c where a = 3;
update cloblongtbl set b = b||b where a = 4;
update cloblongtbl set c = c||c where a = 4;
select a, length(b || c) from cloblongtbl order by 1;
create or replace procedure test_self_update is
v1 clob;
execute immediate 'select b from cloblongtbl where a=1' into v1;
update cloblongtbl set b=v1 where a=1;
savepoint aaa;
update cloblongtbl set b=v1 where a=2;
rollback to aaa;
call test_self_update();
drop table if exists cloblongtbl;
-- clean
drop schema if exists huge_clob cascade;
drop schema if exists huge_clob cascade;