370 lines
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370 lines
11 KiB
export default {
mode: ['pc', 'mobile-first'],
apis: [
name: 'time-line',
type: 'component',
props: [
name: 'active',
type: 'number',
defaultValue: '-1',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '当前节点索引,从0开始计数',
'en-US': 'Current node index and count from 0'
mode: ['pc'],
pcDemo: 'basic-usage'
name: 'auto-color-field',
type: 'String',
defaultValue: '',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '显示组件二级标题内容,默认值为 autoColor',
'en-US': 'Displays the level-2 title of the component. The default value is autoColor.'
mode: ['pc', 'mobile-first'],
mfDemo: ''
name: 'data',
typeAnchorName: 'ITimelineItem',
type: 'ITimelineItem',
defaultValue: '[]',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '节点数据',
'en-US': 'Nodes data'
mode: ['pc', 'mobile-first'],
pcDemo: 'basic-usage',
mfDemo: ''
name: 'fold-disabled',
type: 'boolean',
defaultValue: 'false',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '禁用折叠',
'en-US': 'to disable folding feature'
mode: ['mobile-first'],
mfDemo: ''
name: 'horizontal',
type: 'boolean',
defaultValue: 'true',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '是否水平方向',
'en-US': 'Whether horizontal constructure'
mode: ['pc'],
pcDemo: ''
name: 'limited-nodes',
type: 'number | string',
defaultValue: '3',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '折叠后展示的节点个数',
'en-US': 'number of nodes displayed after folding'
mode: ['mobile-first'],
mfDemo: 'limited-nodes'
name: 'line-width',
type: 'string | number',
defaultValue: '',
desc: {
'zh-CN': "连接线长度,仅当 text-position 取值为 'right' 时生效,设置后 space 属性失效",
"The length of the connection line and it is valid only when text-position is set to 'right'. After setting, the space property is invalid"
mode: ['pc'],
pcDemo: ''
name: 'name-field',
type: 'string',
defaultValue: "'name'",
desc: {
'zh-CN': '节点名称对应的字段名',
'en-US': 'Set the field name in the node information.'
mode: ['pc', 'mobile-first'],
pcDemo: 'custom-field',
mfDemo: ''
name: 'node-max',
type: 'number | string',
defaultValue: '7',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '最大显示节点数',
'en-US': 'maximum nodes to display'
mode: ['mobile-first'],
mfDemo: 'node-max'
name: 'only-number',
type: 'boolean',
defaultValue: 'false',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '节点序号是否只显示数字,适用于横向时间线',
'en-US': 'Whether the node sequence number only displays numbers, used for horizontal timeline'
mode: ['pc'],
pcDemo: ''
name: 'reverse',
type: 'boolean',
defaultValue: 'false',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '是否逆序排列节点,仅用于竖式时间线',
'en-US': 'Whether the node in reverse order and only for vertical timeline'
mode: ['pc'],
pcDemo: 'vertical-timeline'
name: 'shape',
type: 'string',
defaultValue: "'circle'",
desc: {
'zh-CN': "圆点外形: 空心圆形或实心圆点,取值分别对应 'circle' | 'dot'",
'en-US': "Set the appearance of point, optional values include 'circle' and 'dot'"
mode: ['pc'],
pcDemo: 'shape'
name: 'show-divider',
type: 'boolean',
defaultValue: 'false',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '是否显示底部指标三角,适用于横向时间线',
'Indicates whether to display the bottom indicator triangle, which is applicable to the horizontal timeline.'
mode: ['pc'],
pcDemo: 'show-divider'
name: 'show-number',
type: 'boolean',
defaultValue: 'true',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '未完成状态的节点是否显示序号',
'en-US': 'Whether to display sequence numbers for unfinished states'
mode: ['pc'],
pcDemo: ''
name: 'space',
type: 'string | number',
defaultValue: '',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '节点宽度, 取值为数字、带长度单位的数值字符串和百分比字符串,数字会默认以px为长度单位',
'Set the width of the timeline.The value can be a number, a numeric string with length units, or a percentage string. For numbers, the default length unit is px'
mode: ['pc', 'mobile-first'],
pcDemo: 'set-node-width',
mfDemo: ''
name: 'start',
type: 'number',
defaultValue: '1',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '节点序号起始值',
'en-US': 'The start step sequence number.'
mode: ['pc'],
pcDemo: 'set-start-value'
name: 'sub-field',
type: 'Boolean',
defaultValue: '',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '设置时间线两侧展示',
'en-US': 'Set the display on both sides of the timeline.'
mode: ['mobile-first'],
mfDemo: 'sub-field'
name: 'time-field',
type: 'string',
defaultValue: "'time'",
desc: {
'zh-CN': '节点时间信息对应的字段名',
'en-US': 'The name of the field corresponding to the node time information'
mode: ['pc', 'mobile-first'],
pcDemo: 'custom-field',
mfDemo: ''
name: 'tips-field',
type: 'String',
defaultValue: '',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '显示组件二级标题内容,默认值为 tips',
'en-US': 'Displays the level-2 title of the component. The default value is tips.'
mode: ['mobile-first'],
mfDemo: ''
name: 'vertical',
type: 'boolean',
defaultValue: 'false',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '是否竖直方向',
'en-US': 'Vertical direction'
mode: ['pc', 'mobile-first'],
pcDemo: 'vertical-timeline',
mfDemo: ''
events: [
name: 'click',
type: '(index: number, node: <a href="#ITimelineItem">ITimelineItem</a>) => void',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '节点的点击事件,参数:<br />index:点击节点的下标<br /> node: 点击节点数据}',
'en-US': 'Click event of a node. arguments:<br />index: click the subscript of a node<br />node: node data'
mode: ['pc'],
pcDemo: 'basic-usage'
methods: [],
slots: [
name: 'bottom',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '自定义节点底部内容',
'en-US': 'Customize bottom content for timeline item'
mode: ['pc'],
pcDemo: 'custom-horizontal-timeline'
name: 'description',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '节点描述信息插槽,适用于横向时间线',
'en-US': 'Node description information slot, used for horizontal timeline'
mode: ['pc'],
pcDemo: 'slot-description'
name: 'left',
type: '',
defaultValue: '',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '自定义节点左侧内容',
'en-US': 'Customize left content for timeline item'
mode: ['pc', 'mobile-first'],
pcDemo: 'custom-vertical-timeline',
mfDemo: ''
name: 'right',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '自定义节点右侧内容',
'en-US': 'Customize right content for timeline item'
mode: ['pc'],
pcDemo: 'custom-vertical-timeline'
name: 'top',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '自定义节点顶部内容',
'en-US': 'Customize bottom content for timeline item'
mode: ['pc'],
pcDemo: 'custom-horizontal-timeline'
name: 'timeline-item',
type: 'component',
props: [
name: 'line-width',
type: 'string | number',
defaultValue: '',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '连接线长度,仅当 timeline 组件 text-position 属性取值为 true 时生效,设置后 space 属性失效',
'The length of the connection line and it is valid only when text-position is set to true. After setting, the space property is invalid'
mode: ['pc'],
pcDemo: ''
name: 'node',
typeAnchorName: 'ITimelineItem',
type: 'ITimelineItem',
defaultValue: '',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '节点数据',
'en-US': 'Node data'
mode: ['pc'],
pcDemo: 'timeline-item'
name: 'space',
type: 'string | number',
defaultValue: '',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '节点宽度, 取值为数字、带长度单位的数值字符串和百分比字符串,数字会默认以px为长度单位',
'Set the width of the timeline.The value can be a number, a numeric string with length units, or a percentage string. For numbers, the default length unit is px'
mode: ['pc'],
pcDemo: ''
events: [],
methods: [],
slots: []
types: [
name: 'ITimelineItem',
type: 'interface',
code: `
interface ITimelineItem {
name: string // 节点名称
activeColor: 'success' | 'warning' | 'error' | Component
time?: string // 节点时间
error?: boolean // 是否异常状态
disabled?: boolean // 是否禁用
type?: ITimelineItemType // 节点类型
name: 'ITimelineItemType',
type: 'type',
code: `type ITimelineItemType = 'primary' | 'success' | 'warning' | 'error' | 'info'`