337 lines
9.2 KiB
337 lines
9.2 KiB
export default {
mode: ['pc', 'mobile-first'],
apis: [
name: 'drawer',
type: 'component',
props: [
name: 'before-close',
type: '(type) => boolean',
defaultValue: '',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '弹窗关闭前的回调,返回 false 会阻止弹窗关闭',
'en-US': 'Hook before close the drawer, and block close when return false'
mode: ['pc'],
pcDemo: 'before-close'
name: 'custom-class',
type: 'String',
defaultValue: '',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '自定义 class 样式',
'en-US': 'Custom class style'
mode: ['mobile-first'],
mfDemo: ''
name: 'dragable',
type: 'boolean',
defaultValue: 'false',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '是否开启抽屉的宽度拖拽功能',
'en-US': 'Whether to enable the drawer width drag function'
mode: ['pc', 'mobile-first'],
pcDemo: 'dragable',
mfDemo: ''
name: 'flex',
type: 'Object',
defaultValue: '',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '是否开启 flex 盒子布局,开启后内容区域元素自适应撑开高度,默认值为 false',
'Whether to enable the flex box layout. The content area element adaptively expands its height when enabled. The default value is false'
mode: ['mobile-first'],
mfDemo: ''
name: 'lock-scroll',
type: 'Object',
defaultValue: '',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '弹出面板是否锁定浏览器滚动条,默认值为 true',
'en-US': 'Whether the pop-up panel locks the browser scroll bar. The default value is true'
mode: ['mobile-first'],
mfDemo: ''
name: 'mask',
type: 'boolean',
defaultValue: 'true',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '是否显示遮罩层',
'en-US': 'Whether the mask layer is displayed'
mode: ['pc', 'mobile-first'],
pcDemo: 'mask',
mfDemo: ''
name: 'mask-closable',
type: 'boolean',
defaultValue: 'true',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '默认情况下,弹窗打开后,可以单击遮罩层关闭弹窗,设置 mask-closable 为 false 后将禁用该功能',
'By default, when the popup is open, you can close the popup by clicking the mask layer. Setting mask-closable to false disables this feature'
mode: ['pc', 'mobile-first'],
pcDemo: 'mask-closable',
mfDemo: ''
name: 'placement',
type: "'left' | 'right' | 'top' | 'bottom' ",
defaultValue: "'right'",
desc: {
'zh-CN': '设置抽屉的方向',
'en-US': 'Set the drawer orientation'
mode: ['pc', 'mobile-first'],
pcDemo: 'placement',
mfDemo: ''
name: 'show-close',
type: 'boolean',
defaultValue: 'true',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '是否显示关闭图标',
'en-US': 'Whether to display the close icon'
mode: ['pc'],
pcDemo: 'show-close'
name: 'show-footer',
type: 'boolean',
defaultValue: 'false',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '是否显示底部',
'en-US': ''
mode: ['pc', 'mobile-first'],
pcDemo: 'Show bottom or not',
mfDemo: ''
name: 'show-header',
type: 'boolean',
defaultValue: 'true',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '是否显示头部',
'en-US': 'Show headers or not'
mode: ['pc', 'mobile-first'],
pcDemo: 'show-header',
mfDemo: ''
name: 'title',
type: 'String',
defaultValue: '',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '面板标题',
'en-US': 'Panel title'
mode: ['mobile-first'],
mfDemo: ''
name: 'visible',
type: 'boolean',
defaultValue: '',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '控制抽屉的显示与关闭',
'en-US': 'Control drawer display and close'
mode: ['pc', 'mobile-first'],
pcDemo: 'basic-usage',
mfDemo: ''
name: 'width',
type: 'string',
defaultValue: "'500px'",
desc: {
'zh-CN': '设置抽屉的宽度',
'en-US': 'Set the width of the drawer'
mode: ['pc', 'mobile-first'],
pcDemo: 'width',
mfDemo: ''
name: 'z-index',
type: 'number',
defaultValue: '2000',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '自定义堆叠顺序(对于某些特殊场景,比如被遮挡时可能会用到)',
'en-US': 'Custom stacking order (may be used in special scenarios, such as when occluded)'
mode: ['pc'],
pcDemo: 'z-index'
events: [
name: 'close',
type: '(force: boolean) => void',
defaultValue: '',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '关闭抽屉事件,参数 force 指定是否强制关闭',
'en-US': 'Close drawer event, and parameter force decides force close'
mode: ['pc', 'mobile-first'],
pcDemo: 'events',
mfDemo: ''
name: 'confirm',
type: '() => void',
defaultValue: '',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '确认事件,设置 :show-footer="true" 时有效',
'en-US': 'Confirm event. This event is emit only when show-footer="true" is set'
mode: ['pc', 'mobile-first'],
pcDemo: 'events',
mfDemo: ''
name: 'show',
type: '(instance: Component) => void',
defaultValue: '',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '抽屉显示事件',
'en-US': ''
mode: ['pc'],
pcDemo: 'events',
mfDemo: ''
name: 'update:visible',
type: '',
defaultValue: '',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '抽屉显隐时触发',
'en-US': 'Triggered when the drawer is displayed and hidden'
mode: ['mobile-first'],
mfDemo: ''
methods: [
name: 'close',
type: '',
defaultValue: '',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '关闭抽屉',
'en-US': 'Close Drawer'
mode: ['mobile-first'],
mfDemo: ''
name: 'confirm',
type: '',
defaultValue: '',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '确认并关闭抽屉',
'en-US': 'Confirm and close the drawer'
mode: ['mobile-first'],
mfDemo: ''
name: 'service',
type: '(configs: IDrawerConfigs) => Component',
typeAnchorName: 'IDrawerConfigs',
defaultValue: '',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '配置并打开抽屉',
'en-US': ''
mode: ['pc'],
pcDemo: 'use-through-method'
slots: [
name: 'default',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '默认插槽',
'en-US': 'Default slot'
mode: ['pc', 'mobile-first'],
pcDemo: 'default-slot',
mfDemo: ''
name: 'footer',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '底部插槽',
'en-US': 'Footer slot'
mode: ['pc', 'mobile-first'],
pcDemo: 'footer-slot',
mfDemo: ''
name: 'header',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '头部插槽',
'en-US': 'header Slot'
mode: ['pc', 'mobile-first'],
pcDemo: 'header-slot',
mfDemo: ''
name: 'header-right',
desc: {
'zh-CN': '头部右侧插槽',
'en-US': 'header-right slot'
mode: ['pc', 'mobile-first'],
pcDemo: 'header-right-slot',
mfDemo: ''
types: [
name: 'IDrawerConfigs',
type: 'interface',
code: `
interface IDrawerConfigs extends IDrawerProps {
// 方法调用的配置参数
events: {
// 监听事件
close: () => void
confirm: () => void
show: (instance: Component) => void
customSlots: {
// 插槽
default: string | VNode | (h) => VNode,
header: string | VNode | (h) => VNode,
headerRight: string | VNode | (h) => VNode,
footer: string | VNode | (h) => VNode