
This commit is contained in:
yystopf 2023-04-11 17:54:31 +08:00
parent de2fd01271
commit 62db4195a0
769 changed files with 14403 additions and 5386 deletions

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@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
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@ -36,9 +36,10 @@ func installSignals() (context.Context, context.CancelFunc) {
func initDB(ctx context.Context) error {
if setting.Database.Type == "" {
log.Fatal(`Database settings are missing from the configuration file: %q.
@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ func runMigrate(ctx *cli.Context) error {
log.Info("AppPath: %s", setting.AppPath)
log.Info("AppWorkPath: %s", setting.AppWorkPath)
log.Info("Custom path: %s", setting.CustomPath)
log.Info("Log path: %s", setting.LogRootPath)
log.Info("Log path: %s", setting.Log.RootPath)
log.Info("Configuration file: %s", setting.CustomConf)
// if err := db.InitEngineWithMigration(context.Background(), migrations.Migrate); err != nil {

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@ -158,7 +158,8 @@ func runWeb(ctx *cli.Context) error {
log.Info("Global init")
// Perform global initialization
// We check that AppDataPath exists here (it should have been created during installation)

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go.jolheiser.com/hcaptcha v0.0.4 // indirect
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gopkg.in/warnings.v0 v0.1.2 // indirect
@ -221,3 +315,19 @@ require (
mvdan.cc/xurls/v2 v2.4.0 // indirect
strk.kbt.io/projects/go/libravatar v0.0.0-20191008002943-06d1c002b251 // indirect
replace github.com/hashicorp/go-version => github.com/6543/go-version v1.3.1
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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ func activityQueryCondition(opts gitea_activities_models.GetFeedsOptions) (build
cond := builder.NewCond()
if opts.RequestedTeam != nil && opts.RequestedUser == nil {
org, err := gitea_user_model.GetUserByID(opts.RequestedTeam.OrgID)
org, err := gitea_user_model.GetUserByID(db.DefaultContext, opts.RequestedTeam.OrgID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

View File

@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ func GetUserHeatmapDataByTimestampRange(user *gitea_user_model.User, team *organ
groupByName := "timestamp"
switch {
case setting.Database.UseMySQL:
case setting.Database.Type.IsMySQL():
groupBy = "created_unix DIV 900 * 900"
case setting.Database.UseMSSQL:
case setting.Database.Type.IsMSSQL():
groupByName = groupBy

View File

@ -7,9 +7,10 @@ import (
gitea_convert "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/convert"
gitea_convert "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/convert"
api "code.gitlink.org.cn/Gitlink/gitea_hat.git/modules/structs"
@ -43,15 +44,15 @@ func ToTagCommit(repo *repo.Repository, gitRepo *git.Repository, t *git.Tag) (re
}, nil
func ToOrganization(org *organization.Organization, team *organization.Team) (*api.Organization, error) {
apiTeam, err := gitea_convert.ToTeam(team)
func ToOrganization(ctx *context.Context, org *organization.Organization, team *organization.Team) (*api.Organization, error) {
apiTeam, err := gitea_convert.ToTeam(ctx, team)
if err != nil {
return &api.Organization{}, err
return &api.Organization{
ID: org.ID,
Name: org.Name,
AvatarURL: org.AvatarLink(),
AvatarURL: org.AvatarLink(ctx),
UserName: org.Name,
FullName: org.FullName,
Description: org.Description,

View File

@ -1,18 +1,20 @@
package convert
import (
repo_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/repo"
user_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/user"
api "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/structs"
hat_api "code.gitlink.org.cn/Gitlink/gitea_hat.git/modules/structs"
repo_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/repo"
user_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/user"
gitea_convert "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/convert"
hat_api "code.gitlink.org.cn/Gitlink/gitea_hat.git/modules/structs"
func ToCommit(repo *repo_model.Repository, gitRepo *git.Repository, commit *git.Commit, userCache map[string]*user_model.User, stat bool) (*hat_api.Commit, error) {
giteaApiCommit, err := ToCommitNotDiff(repo, gitRepo, commit, userCache, stat)
func ToCommit(ctx *context.Context, repo *repo_model.Repository, gitRepo *git.Repository, commit *git.Commit, userCache map[string]*user_model.User, stat bool) (*hat_api.Commit, error) {
giteaApiCommit, err := gitea_convert.ToCommit(ctx, repo, gitRepo, commit, userCache, stat)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

View File

@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ import (
gitea_convert "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/convert"
gitea_convert "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/convert"
hat_api "code.gitlink.org.cn/Gitlink/gitea_hat.git/modules/structs"

View File

@ -2,15 +2,16 @@ package convert
import (
repo_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/repo"
gitea_convert "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/convert"
gitea_api "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/structs"
gitea_convert "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/convert"
api "code.gitlink.org.cn/Gitlink/gitea_hat.git/modules/structs"
func ToRelease(r *repo_model.Release) *api.Release {
func ToRelease(ctx *context.Context, r *repo_model.Release) *api.Release {
assets := make([]*gitea_api.Attachment, 0)
for _, att := range r.Attachments {
assets = append(assets, gitea_convert.ToReleaseAttachment(att))
assets = append(assets, gitea_convert.ToAttachment(att))
return &api.Release{
ID: r.ID,
@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ func ToRelease(r *repo_model.Release) *api.Release {
IsPrerelease: r.IsPrerelease,
CreatedAt: r.CreatedUnix.AsTime(),
PublishedAt: r.CreatedUnix.AsTime(),
Publisher: gitea_convert.ToUser(r.Publisher, nil),
Publisher: gitea_convert.ToUser(ctx, r.Publisher, nil),
Attachments: assets,

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ func callShowSearchRef(ctx context.Context, repoPath, prefix, arg, search string
go func() {
stderrBuilder := &strings.Builder{}
err := gitea_git.NewCommand(ctx, "show-ref", gitea_git.CmdArg(arg)).
err := gitea_git.NewCommand(ctx, "show-ref").AddDynamicArguments(arg).
Dir: repoPath,
Stdout: stdoutWriter,

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import (
const prettyLogFormat = `--pretty=format:%H`
func GetFirstAndLastCommitByPath(repo *gitea_git.Repository, revision, relpath string) (*gitea_git.Commit, *gitea_git.Commit, error) {
stdout, _, runErr := gitea_git.NewCommand(repo.Ctx, "log", gitea_git.CmdArg(revision), prettyLogFormat, "--", gitea_git.CmdArg(relpath)).RunStdBytes(&gitea_git.RunOpts{Dir: repo.Path})
stdout, _, runErr := gitea_git.NewCommand(repo.Ctx, "log").AddDynamicArguments(revision, prettyLogFormat, "--"+relpath).RunStdBytes(&gitea_git.RunOpts{Dir: repo.Path})
if runErr != nil {
return nil, nil, runErr
@ -46,10 +46,9 @@ func CommitsByFileAndRange(repo *gitea_git.Repository, revision, file string, pa
go func() {
stderr := strings.Builder{}
gitCmd := gitea_git.NewCommand(repo.Ctx, "log", prettyLogFormat, "--follow",
gitCmd := gitea_git.NewCommand(repo.Ctx, "log", prettyLogFormat, "--follow").AddDynamicArguments("--max-count=" + strconv.Itoa(pageSize))
gitCmd.AddArguments("--", gitea_git.CmdArg(file))
gitCmd.AddDynamicArguments("--" + file)
err := gitCmd.Run(&gitea_git.RunOpts{
Dir: repo.Path,
Stdout: stdoutWriter,

View File

@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ package git
import gitea_git "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/git"
func GetDiffFileOnlyName(repo *gitea_git.Repository, base, head string) (string, error) {
stdout, _, err := gitea_git.NewCommand(repo.Ctx, "diff", "--name-only", gitea_git.CmdArg(base), gitea_git.CmdArg(head)).RunStdString(&gitea_git.RunOpts{Dir: repo.Path})
stdout, _, err := gitea_git.NewCommand(repo.Ctx, "diff", "--name-only").AddDynamicArguments(base, head).RunStdString(&gitea_git.RunOpts{Dir: repo.Path})
return stdout, err
func GetDiffStringByFilePath(repo *gitea_git.Repository, base, head, filepath string) (string, error) {
stdout, _, err := gitea_git.NewCommand(repo.Ctx, "diff", "-p", gitea_git.CmdArg(base), gitea_git.CmdArg(head), "--", gitea_git.CmdArg(filepath)).RunStdString(&gitea_git.RunOpts{Dir: repo.Path})
stdout, _, err := gitea_git.NewCommand(repo.Ctx, "diff", "-p").AddDynamicArguments(base, head, filepath).RunStdString(&gitea_git.RunOpts{Dir: repo.Path})
return stdout, err

View File

@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ func GetPaginateCodeAuthors(repo *gitea_git.Repository, fromTime time.Time, bran
_ = stdoutReader.Close()
_ = stdoutWriter.Close()
gitCmd := gitea_git.NewCommand(repo.Ctx, "log", "--numstat", "--no-merges", "--pretty=format:---%n%h%n%aN%n%aE%n", "--date=iso", gitea_git.CmdArg(fmt.Sprintf("--author=%s", filterAuthor)), gitea_git.CmdArg(fmt.Sprintf("--since='%s'", since)))
gitCmd := gitea_git.NewCommand(repo.Ctx, "log", "--numstat", "--no-merges", "--pretty=format:---%n%h%n%aN%n%aE%n", "--date=iso").AddDynamicArguments(fmt.Sprintf("--author=%s", filterAuthor))
if len(branch) == 0 {
} else {

View File

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
# Godot 4+ specific ignores
# Godot-specific ignores
@ -9,3 +12,4 @@ export_presets.cfg
# Mono-specific ignores

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
- name: "Kind/Bug"
color: ee0701
description: Something is not working
- name: "Kind/Feature"
color: 0288d1
description: New functionality
- name: "Kind/Enhancement"
color: 84b6eb
description: Improve existing functionality
- name: "Kind/Security"
color: 9c27b0
description: This is security issue
- name: "Kind/Testing"
color: 795548
description: Issue or pull request related to testing
- name: "Kind/Breaking"
color: c62828
description: Breaking change that won't be backward compatible
- name: "Kind/Documentation"
color: 37474f
description: Documentation changes
- name: "Reviewed/Duplicate"
exclusive: true
color: 616161
description: This issue or pull request already exists
- name: "Reviewed/Invalid"
exclusive: true
color: 546e7a
description: Invalid issue
- name: "Reviewed/Confirmed"
exclusive: true
color: 795548
description: Issue has been confirmed
- name: "Reviewed/Won't Fix"
exclusive: true
color: eeeeee
description: This issue won't be fixed
- name: "Status/Need More Info"
exclusive: true
color: 424242
description: Feedback is required to reproduce issue or to continue work
- name: "Status/Blocked"
exclusive: true
color: 880e4f
description: Something is blocking this issue or pull request
- name: "Status/Abandoned"
exclusive: true
color: "222222"
description: Somebody has started to work on this but abandoned work
- name: "Priority/Critical"
exclusive: true
color: b71c1c
description: The priority is critical
priority: critical
- name: "Priority/High"
exclusive: true
color: d32f2f
description: The priority is high
priority: high
- name: "Priority/Medium"
exclusive: true
color: e64a19
description: The priority is medium
priority: medium
- name: "Priority/Low"
exclusive: true
color: 4caf50
description: The priority is low
priority: low

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
(c) Copyright 1989-1992, Bitstream Inc., Cambridge, MA.
You are hereby granted permission under all Bitstream propriety rights
to use, copy, modify, sublicense, sell, and redistribute the 4 Bitstream
Charter (r) Type 1 outline fonts and the 4 Courier Type 1 outline fonts for
any purpose and without restriction; provided, that this notice is left
intact on all copies of such fonts and that Bitstream's trademark is acknowledged
as shown below on all unmodified copies of the 4 Charter Type 1 fonts.
BITSTREAM CHARTER is a registered trademark of Bitstream Inc.

options/license/FSFULLRWD Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,
2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This Makefile.in is free software; the Free Software Foundation
gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without
even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
This code repository predates the concept of Open Source, and predates most licenses along such lines. As such, the official license truly is:
EULA: The Graphics Gems code is copyright-protected. In other words, you cannot claim the text of the code as your own and resell it. Using the code is permitted in any program, product, or library, non-commercial or commercial. Giving credit is not required, though is a nice gesture. The code comes as-is, and if there are any flaws or problems with any Gems code, nobody involved with Gems - authors, editors, publishers, or webmasters - are to be held responsible. Basically, don't be a jerk, and remember that anything free comes with no guarantee.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Copyright (C) 1990 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Export of this software from the United States of America may require a specific license from the United States Government. It is the responsibility of any person or organization contemplating export to obtain such a license before exporting.
WITHIN THAT CONSTRAINT, permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.

options/license/IJG-short Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
The authors make NO WARRANTY or representation, either express or
implied, with respect to this software, its quality, accuracy,
merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. This software is
provided "AS IS", and you, its user, assume the entire risk as to its
quality and accuracy.
This software is copyright (C) 1991, 1992, Thomas G. Lane. All Rights
Reserved except as specified below.
Permission is hereby granted to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
software (or portions thereof) for any purpose, without fee, subject to
these conditions:
(1) If any part of the source code for this software
is distributed, then this README file must be included, with this
copyright and no-warranty notice unaltered; and any additions,
deletions, or changes to the original files must be clearly indicated
in accompanying documentation.
(2) If only executable code is
distributed, then the accompanying documentation must state that "this
software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group".
(3) Permission for use of this software is granted only if the user
accepts full responsibility for any undesirable consequences; the
authors accept NO LIABILITY for damages of any kind.
Permission is NOT granted for the use of any IJG author's name or
company name in advertising or publicity relating to this software or
products derived from it. This software may be referred to only as
"the Independent JPEG Group's software".
We specifically permit and encourage the use of this software as the
basis of commercial products, provided that all warranty or liability
claims are assumed by the product vendor.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
This software is copyrighted. Unlimited copying and redistribution
of this package and/or its individual files are permitted
as long as there are no modifications. Modifications, and
redistribution of modifications, are also permitted, but
only if the resulting package and/or files are renamed.

options/license/LOOP Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
Portions of LOOP are Copyright (c) 1986 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
All Rights Reserved.
Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
provided that the M.I.T. copyright notice appear in all copies and that
both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
supporting documentation. The names "M.I.T." and "Massachusetts
Institute of Technology" may not be used in advertising or publicity
pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written
prior permission. Notice must be given in supporting documentation that
copying distribution is by permission of M.I.T. M.I.T. makes no
representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose.
It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
United States of America
Portions of LOOP are Copyright (c) 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 by Symbolics, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
provided that the Symbolics copyright notice appear in all copies and
that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
supporting documentation. The name "Symbolics" may not be used in
advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software
without specific, written prior permission. Notice must be given in
supporting documentation that copying distribution is by permission of
Symbolics. Symbolics makes no representations about the suitability of
this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
or implied warranty.
Symbolics, CLOE Runtime, and Minima are trademarks, and CLOE, Genera,
and Zetalisp are registered trademarks of Symbolics, Inc.
Symbolics, Inc.
8 New England Executive Park, East
Burlington, Massachusetts 01803
United States of America

options/license/MIT-Wu Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Tom Wu
All Rights Reserved.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
In addition, the following condition applies:
All redistributions must retain an intact copy of this copyright notice
and disclaimer.

options/license/Symlinks Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
My "symlinks" utility pre-dates the "open source licensing"
fad by a number of years. Just to clarify, this is 100%
freeware, written entirely by myself. The intent is to use
it to detect missing/obsolete symlink targets on an installed
distro, before creating the "gold" (or "final") release discs.
Use and distribute and modify as you (or anyone
else) sees fit. There have no formal restrictions or
requirements whatsoever regarding distribution of either
binaries or source code, whether modified or original.

options/license/TPDL Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Copyright (C) 1996-2010 David Muir Sharnoff. Copyright (C) 2011 Google, Inc.
License hereby granted for anyone to use, modify or redistribute this module at their own risk. Please feed useful changes back to cpan@dave.sharnoff.org.

options/license/TTWL Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
Copyright (C) 1996-2002,2005,2006 David Muir Sharnoff.
Copyright (C) 2005 Aristotle Pagaltzis
Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Google, Inc.
This module may be modified, used, copied, and redistributed at your own risk.
Although allowed by the preceding license, please do not publicly
redistribute modified versions of this code with the name "Text::Tabs"
unless it passes the unmodified Text::Tabs test suite.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Copyright (c) 1995 David Nugent <davidn@blaze.net.au>
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, is permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice immediately at the beginning of the file, without modification, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
3. This work was done expressly for inclusion into FreeBSD. Other use is permitted provided this notation is included.
4. Absolutely no warranty of function or purpose is made by the author David Nugent.
5. Modifications may be freely made to this file providing the above conditions are met.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
In addition, as a special exception, Karl J. Runge
gives permission to link the code of its release of x11vnc with the
OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it
that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), and distribute
the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public License
in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you
modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the
file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do
so, delete this exception statement from your version.

View File

@ -107,6 +107,8 @@ never=Nikdy
rss_feed=RSS kanál
string.asc=A Z
string.desc=Z A
occurred=Došlo k chybě
@ -236,6 +238,8 @@ no_reply_address=Skrytá e-mailová doména
no_reply_address_helper=Název domény pro uživatele se skrytou e-mailovou adresou. Příklad: Pokud je název skryté e-mailové domény nastaven na „noreply.example.org“, uživatelské jméno „joe“ bude zaznamenáno v Gitu jako „joe@noreply.example.org“.
password_algorithm=Hash algoritmus hesla
password_algorithm_helper=Nastavte algoritmus hashování hesla. Algoritmy mají odlišné požadavky a sílu. `argon2` používá mnoho paměti a může být nevhodný pro malé systémy.
enable_update_checker=Povolit kontrolu aktualizací
enable_update_checker_helper=Kontroluje vydání nových verzí pravidelně připojením ke gitea.io.
uname_holder=Uživatelské jméno nebo e-mailová adresa
@ -414,6 +418,10 @@ repo.transfer.body=Chcete-li ji přijmout nebo odmítnout, navštivte %s nebo ji
repo.collaborator.added.subject=%s vás přidal do %s
repo.collaborator.added.text=Byl jste přidán jako spolupracovník repozitáře:
team_invite.subject=%[1]s vás pozval/a, abyste se připojili k organizaci %[2]s
team_invite.text_1=%[1]s vás pozval/a do týmu %[2]s v organizaci %[3]s.
team_invite.text_2=Pro připojení k týmu klikněte na následující odkaz:
team_invite.text_3=Poznámka: Tato pozvánka byla určena pro %[1]s. Pokud jste neočekávali tuto pozvánku, můžete tento e-mail ignorovat.
@ -490,6 +498,7 @@ user_not_exist=Tento uživatel neexistuje.
team_not_exist=Tento tým neexistuje.
last_org_owner=Nemůžete odstranit posledního uživatele z týmu „vlastníci“. Musí existovat alespoň jeden vlastník pro organizaci.
cannot_add_org_to_team=Organizace nemůže být přidána jako člen týmu.
duplicate_invite_to_team=Uživatel byl již pozván jako člen týmu.
invalid_ssh_key=Nelze ověřit váš SSH klíč: %s
invalid_gpg_key=Nelze ověřit váš GPG klíč: %s
@ -742,9 +751,7 @@ create_oauth2_application_button=Vytvořit aplikaci
create_oauth2_application_success=Úspěšně jste vytvořili novou OAuth2 aplikaci.
update_oauth2_application_success=Úspěšně jste aktualizovali OAuth2 aplikaci.
oauth2_application_name=Název aplikace
oauth2_select_type=Jaký typ aplikace se hodí?
oauth2_type_web=Webová (např. Node.JS, Tomcat, Go)
oauth2_type_native=Nativní (např. Mobil, Desktop, Prohlížeč)
oauth2_confidential_client=Důvěrný klient. Vyberte aplikace, které zachovávají důvěrnosti v utajení, jako jsou webové aplikace. Nevybírejte pro nativní aplikace včetně stolních a mobilních aplikací.
oauth2_redirect_uri=URI přesměrování
oauth2_client_id=ID klienta
@ -2405,6 +2412,8 @@ teams.members=Členové týmu
teams.update_settings=Upravit nastavení
teams.delete_team=Smazat tým
teams.add_team_member=Přidat člena týmu
teams.invite_team_member=Pozvat do %s
teams.invite_team_member.list=Čekající pozvánky
teams.delete_team_title=Smazat tým
teams.delete_team_desc=Smazání týmu zruší přístup jeho členům. Pokračovat?
teams.delete_team_success=Tým byl odstraněn.
@ -2429,6 +2438,9 @@ teams.all_repositories_helper=Tým má přístup ke všem repositářům. Výbě
teams.all_repositories_read_permission_desc=Tomuto týmu je udělen přístup pro <strong>Čtení</strong> <strong>všech repozitářů</strong>: členové mohou prohlížet a klonovat repozitáře.
teams.all_repositories_write_permission_desc=Tomuto týmu je udělen přístup pro <strong>Zápis</strong> do <strong>všech repozitářů</strong>: členové mohou prohlížet a nahrávat do repozitářů.
teams.all_repositories_admin_permission_desc=Tomuto týmu je udělen <strong>Administrátorský</strong> přístup do <strong>všech repozitářů</strong>: členové mohou prohlížet, nahrávat a přidávat spolupracovníky do repozitářů.
teams.invite.title=Byli jste pozváni do týmu <strong>%s</strong> v organizaci <strong>%s</strong>.
teams.invite.by=Pozvání od %s
teams.invite.description=Pro připojení k týmu klikněte na tlačítko níže.

View File

@ -736,9 +736,6 @@ create_oauth2_application_button=Anwendung erstellen
create_oauth2_application_success=Du hast erfolgreich eine neue OAuth2 Anwendung erstellt.
update_oauth2_application_success=Du hast erfolgreich eine neue OAuth2 Anwendung bearbeitet.
oauth2_application_name=Name der Anwendung
oauth2_select_type=Welcher Anwendungstyp passt?
oauth2_type_web=Web (z.B. Node.JS, Tomcat, Go)
oauth2_type_native=Native (z.B. Mobile, Desktop, Browser)

View File

@ -107,6 +107,8 @@ never=Ποτέ
rss_feed=Ροή RSS
string.asc=A - Z
string.desc=Z - A
occurred=Παρουσιάστηκε ένα σφάλμα
@ -270,8 +272,11 @@ users=Χρήστες
search.type.tooltip=Τύπος αναζήτησης
search.fuzzy.tooltip=Συμπερίληψη και των αποτελεσμάτων που είναι πλησιέστερα με τον όρο αναζήτησης
search.match.tooltip=Συμπερίληψη μόνο των αποτελεσμάτων που ταιριάζουν ακριβώς με τον όρο αναζήτησης
code_search_unavailable=Η αναζήτηση κώδικα δεν είναι διαθέσιμη αυτή τη στιγμή. Παρακαλώ επικοινωνήστε με το διαχειριστή.
repo_no_results=Δεν βρέθηκαν αποθετήρια που να ταιρίαζουν με τα κριτήρια.
user_no_results=Δεν βρέθηκαν χρήστες που να ταιριάζουν με τα κριτήρια.
@ -411,6 +416,10 @@ repo.transfer.body=Για να το αποδεχτείτε ή να το απορ
repo.collaborator.added.subject=%s σας πρόσθεσε στο %s
repo.collaborator.added.text=Έχετε προστεθεί ως συνεργάτης του αποθετηρίου:
team_invite.subject=%[1]s σας προσκάλεσε να συμμετέχετε στον οργανισμό %[2]s
team_invite.text_1=%[1]s σας προσκάλεσε να συμμετέχετε στην ομάδα %[2]s στον οργανισμός %[3].
team_invite.text_2=Παρακαλώ κάντε κλικ στον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο για να συμμετάσχετε στην ομάδα:
team_invite.text_3=Σημείωση: Αυτή η πρόσκληση προοριζόταν για %[1]s. Αν δεν περιμένατε αυτή την πρόσκληση, μπορείτε να αγνοήσετε αυτό το email.
@ -487,6 +496,7 @@ user_not_exist=Δεν υπάρχει ο χρήστης.
team_not_exist=Δεν υπάρχει η ομάδα.
last_org_owner=Δεν μπορείτε να καταργήσετε τον τελευταίο χρήστη από την ομάδα 'ιδιοκτήτών'. Πρέπει να υπάρχει τουλάχιστον ένας ιδιοκτήτης για έναν οργανισμό.
cannot_add_org_to_team=Ένας οργανισμός δεν μπορεί να προστεθεί ως μέλος ομάδας.
duplicate_invite_to_team=Ο χρήστης είχε ήδη προσκληθεί ως μέλος της ομάδας.
invalid_ssh_key=Δεν είναι δυνατή η επαλήθευση του SSH κλειδιού σας: %s
invalid_gpg_key=Δεν είναι δυνατή η επαλήθευση του GPG κλειδιού σας: %s
@ -738,9 +748,7 @@ create_oauth2_application_button=Δημιουργία Εφαρμογής
create_oauth2_application_success=Δημιουργήσατε επιτυχώς μια νέα εφαρμογή OAuth2.
update_oauth2_application_success=Ενημερώσατε επιτυχώς την εφαρμογή OAuth2.
oauth2_application_name=Όνομα Εφαρμογής
oauth2_select_type=Ποιος τύπος εφαρμογής ταιριάζει;
oauth2_type_web=Web (πχ Node.JS, Tomcat, Go)
oauth2_type_native=Εγγενές (π.χ. Κινητό, Επιφάνεια Εργασίας, Πρόγραμμα Περιήγησης)
oauth2_confidential_client=Εμπιστευτικός Πελάτης. Επιλέξτε το για εφαρμογές που διατηρούν το μυστικό κωδικό κρυφό, όπως πχ οι εφαρμογές ιστού. Μην επιλέγετε για εγγενείς εφαρμογές, συμπεριλαμβανομένων εφαρμογών επιφάνειας εργασίας και εφαρμογών για κινητά.
oauth2_redirect_uri=URI Ανακατεύθυνσης
oauth2_client_id=Ταυτότητα Πελάτη
@ -1766,8 +1774,11 @@ activity.git_stats_deletion_n=%d διαγραφές
search.search_repo=Αναζήτηση αποθετηρίου
search.type.tooltip=Τύπος αναζήτησης
search.fuzzy.tooltip=Συμπερίληψη και των αποτελεσμάτων που είναι πλησιέστερα με τον όρο αναζήτησης
search.match.tooltip=Συμπερίληψη μόνο των αποτελεσμάτων που ταιριάζουν ακριβώς με τον όρο αναζήτησης
search.results=Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης για "%s" σε <a href="%s">%s</a>
search.code_no_results=Δεν βρέθηκε πηγαίος κώδικας που να ταιριάζει με τον όρο αναζήτησης.
search.code_search_unavailable=Η αναζήτηση κώδικα δεν είναι διαθέσιμη αυτή τη στιγμή. Παρακαλώ επικοινωνήστε με το διαχειριστή.
@ -1901,6 +1912,7 @@ settings.confirm_delete=Διαγραφή Αποθετηρίου
settings.add_collaborator=Προσθήκη Συνεργάτη
settings.add_collaborator_success=Έχει προστεθεί ο συνεργάτης.
settings.add_collaborator_inactive_user=Δεν είναι δυνατή η προσθήκη ενός ανενεργού χρήστη ως συνεργάτη.
settings.add_collaborator_owner=Δεν είναι δυνατή η προσθήκη ενός ιδιοκτήτη σαν συνεργάτη.
settings.add_collaborator_duplicate=Ο συνεργάτης έχει ήδη προστεθεί σε αυτό το αποθετήριο.
settings.collaborator_deletion=Αφαίρεση Συνεργάτη
@ -2396,6 +2408,8 @@ teams.members=Μέλη Ομάδας
teams.update_settings=Ενημέρωση Ρυθμίσεων
teams.delete_team=Διαγραφή Ομάδας
teams.add_team_member=Προσθήκη Μέλους Ομάδας
teams.invite_team_member=Πρόσκληση στο %s
teams.invite_team_member.list=Εκκρεμείς Προσκλήσεις
teams.delete_team_title=Διαγραφή Ομάδας
teams.delete_team_desc=Η διαγραφή μιας ομάδας ανακαλεί τη πρόσβαση στο αποθετήριο από τα μέλη της. Συνέχεια;
teams.delete_team_success=Η ομάδα έχει διαγραφεί.
@ -2420,6 +2434,9 @@ teams.all_repositories_helper=Η ομάδα έχει πρόσβαση σε όλ
teams.all_repositories_read_permission_desc=Αυτή η ομάδα χορηγεί πρόσβαση <strong>Ανάγνωσης</strong> σε <strong>όλα τα αποθετήρια</strong>: τα μέλη μπορούν να δουν και να κλωνοποιήσουν αποθετήρια.
teams.all_repositories_write_permission_desc=Αυτή η ομάδα χορηγεί πρόσβαση <strong>Εγγραφής</strong> σε <strong>όλα τα αποθετήρια</strong>: τα μέλη μπορούν να διαβάσουν και να κάνουν push σε αποθετήρια.
teams.all_repositories_admin_permission_desc=Αυτή η ομάδα παρέχει πρόσβαση <strong>Διαχείρισης</strong> σε <strong>όλα τα αποθετήρια</strong>: τα μέλη μπορούν να διαβάσουν, να κάνουν push και να προσθέσουν συνεργάτες στα αποθετήρια.
teams.invite.title=Έχετε προσκληθεί να συμμετέχετε στην ομάδα <strong>%s</strong> στον οργανισμό <strong>%s</strong>.
teams.invite.by=Προσκλήθηκε από %s
teams.invite.description=Παρακαλώ κάντε κλικ στον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο για συμμετοχή στην ομάδα.
dashboard=Πίνακας Ελέγχου
@ -2873,6 +2890,8 @@ config.access_log_template=Πρότυπο
config.xorm_log_mode=Λειτουργία Καταγραφών XORM
config.xorm_log_sql=Καταγραφή SQL
config.get_setting_failed=Αποτυχία λήψης ρύθμισης %s
config.set_setting_failed=Αποτυχία ορισμού της ρύθμισης %s
monitor.cron=Προγραμματισμένες Εργασίες
@ -3037,6 +3056,9 @@ pin=Καρφίτσωμα ειδοποίησης
mark_as_read=Σήμανση ως αναγνωσμένο
mark_as_unread=Σήμανση ως μη αναγνωσμένο
mark_all_as_read=Σήμανση όλων ως αναγνωσμένα
no_subscriptions=Καμία συνδρομή
default_key=Υπογραφή με το προεπιλεγμένο κλειδί
@ -3096,6 +3118,7 @@ container.details.platform=Πλατφόρμα
container.details.repository_site=Ιστοσελίδα Αποθετηρίου
container.details.documentation_site=Ιστοσελίδα Τεκμηρίωσης
container.pull=Κατεβάστε την εικόνα από τη γραμμή εντολών:
container.documentation=Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες σχετικά με το μητρώο για Container, ανατρέξτε <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/packages/container/">στην τεκμηρίωση</a>.
container.multi_arch=ΛΣ / Αρχιτεκτονική
container.layers=Στρώματα Εικόνας

View File

@ -86,11 +86,16 @@ remove = Remove
remove_all = Remove All
edit = Edit
enabled = Enabled
disabled = Disabled
copy = Copy
copy_url = Copy URL
copy_content = Copy content
copy_branch = Copy branch name
copy_success = Copied!
copy_error = Copy failed
copy_type_unsupported = This file type cannot be copied
write = Write
preview = Preview
@ -106,6 +111,12 @@ never = Never
rss_feed = RSS Feed
navbar = Navigation Bar
footer = Footer
footer.software = About Software
footer.links = Links
string.asc = A - Z
string.desc = Z - A
@ -226,7 +237,6 @@ internal_token_failed = Failed to generate internal token: %v
secret_key_failed = Failed to generate secret key: %v
save_config_failed = Failed to save configuration: %v
invalid_admin_setting = Administrator account setting is invalid: %v
install_success = Welcome! Thank you for choosing Gitea. Have fun and take care!
invalid_log_root_path = The log path is invalid: %v
default_keep_email_private = Hide Email Addresses by Default
default_keep_email_private_popup = Hide email addresses of new user accounts by default.
@ -237,7 +247,10 @@ default_enable_timetracking_popup = Enable time tracking for new repositories by
no_reply_address = Hidden Email Domain
no_reply_address_helper = Domain name for users with a hidden email address. For example, the username 'joe' will be logged in Git as 'joe@noreply.example.org' if the hidden email domain is set to 'noreply.example.org'.
password_algorithm = Password Hash Algorithm
invalid_password_algorithm = Invalid password hash algorithm
password_algorithm_helper = Set the password hashing algorithm. Algorithms have differing requirements and strength. `argon2` whilst having good characteristics uses a lot of memory and may be inappropriate for small systems.
enable_update_checker = Enable Update Checker
enable_update_checker_helper = Checks for new version releases periodically by connecting to gitea.io.
uname_holder = Username or Email Address
@ -295,7 +308,7 @@ social_register_helper_msg = Already have an account? Link it now!
disable_register_prompt = Registration is disabled. Please contact your site administrator.
disable_register_mail = Email confirmation for registration is disabled.
manual_activation_only = Contact your site administrator to complete activation.
remember_me = Remember this Device
remember_me = Remember This Device
forgot_password_title= Forgot Password
forgot_password = Forgot password?
sign_up_now = Need an account? Register now.
@ -315,10 +328,11 @@ email_not_associate = The email address is not associated with any account.
send_reset_mail = Send Account Recovery Email
reset_password = Account Recovery
invalid_code = Your confirmation code is invalid or has expired.
invalid_password = Your password does not match the password that was used to create the account.
reset_password_helper = Recover Account
reset_password_wrong_user = You are signed in as %s, but the account recovery link is for %s
password_too_short = Password length cannot be less than %d characters.
non_local_account = Non-local users can not update their password through the Gitea web interface.
non_local_account = Non-local users cannot update their password through the Gitea web interface.
verify = Verify
scratch_code = Scratch code
use_scratch_code = Use a scratch code
@ -358,6 +372,7 @@ password_pwned_err = Could not complete request to HaveIBeenPwned
view_it_on = View it on %s
reply = or reply to this email directly
link_not_working_do_paste = Not working? Try copying and pasting it to your browser.
hi_user_x = Hi <b>%s</b>,
@ -461,6 +476,8 @@ url_error = `'%s' is not a valid URL.`
include_error = ` must contain substring '%s'.`
glob_pattern_error = ` glob pattern is invalid: %s.`
regex_pattern_error = ` regex pattern is invalid: %s.`
username_error = ` can only contain alphanumeric chars ('0-9','a-z','A-Z'), dash ('-'), underscore ('_') and dot ('.'). It cannot begin or end with non-alphanumeric chars, and consecutive non-alphanumeric chars are also forbidden.`
invalid_group_team_map_error = ` mapping is invalid: %s`
unknown_error = Unknown error:
captcha_incorrect = The CAPTCHA code is incorrect.
password_not_match = The passwords do not match.
@ -499,10 +516,11 @@ cannot_add_org_to_team = An organization cannot be added as a team member.
duplicate_invite_to_team = The user was already invited as a team member.
organization_leave_success = You have successfully left the organization %s.
invalid_ssh_key = Can not verify your SSH key: %s
invalid_gpg_key = Can not verify your GPG key: %s
invalid_ssh_key = Cannot verify your SSH key: %s
invalid_gpg_key = Cannot verify your GPG key: %s
invalid_ssh_principal = Invalid principal: %s
unable_verify_ssh_key = "Can not verify the SSH key; double-check it for mistakes."
must_use_public_key = The key you provided is a private key. Please do not upload your private key anywhere. Use your public key instead.
unable_verify_ssh_key = "Cannot verify the SSH key; double-check it for mistakes."
auth_failed = Authentication failed: %v
still_own_repo = "Your account owns one or more repositories; delete or transfer them first."
@ -610,7 +628,7 @@ new_password = New Password
retype_new_password = Re-Type New Password
password_incorrect = The current password is incorrect.
change_password_success = Your password has been updated. Sign in using your new password from now on.
password_change_disabled = Non-local users can not update their password through the Gitea web interface.
password_change_disabled = Non-local users cannot update their password through the Gitea web interface.
emails = Email Addresses
manage_emails = Manage Email Addresses
@ -738,6 +756,8 @@ access_token_deletion_cancel_action = Cancel
access_token_deletion_confirm_action = Delete
access_token_deletion_desc = Deleting a token will revoke access to your account for applications using it. This cannot be undone. Continue?
delete_token_success = The token has been deleted. Applications using it no longer have access to your account.
select_scopes = Select scopes
scopes_list = Scopes:
manage_oauth2_applications = Manage OAuth2 Applications
edit_oauth2_application = Edit OAuth2 Application
@ -805,7 +825,7 @@ orgs_none = You are not a member of any organizations.
repos_none = You do not own any repositories
delete_account = Delete Your Account
delete_prompt = This operation will permanently delete your user account. It <strong>CAN NOT</strong> be undone.
delete_prompt = This operation will permanently delete your user account. It <strong>CANNOT</strong> be undone.
delete_with_all_comments = Your account is younger than %s. To avoid ghost comments, all issue/PR comments will be deleted with it.
confirm_delete_account = Confirm Deletion
delete_account_title = Delete User Account
@ -941,8 +961,8 @@ archive.title = This repo is archived. You can view files and clone it, but cann
archive.issue.nocomment = This repo is archived. You cannot comment on issues.
archive.pull.nocomment = This repo is archived. You cannot comment on pull requests.
form.reach_limit_of_creation_1 = You have already reached your limit of %d repository.
form.reach_limit_of_creation_n = You have already reached your limit of %d repositories.
form.reach_limit_of_creation_1 = The owner has already reached the limit of %d repository.
form.reach_limit_of_creation_n = The owner has already reached the limit of %d repositories.
form.name_reserved = The repository name '%s' is reserved.
form.name_pattern_not_allowed = The pattern '%s' is not allowed in a repository name.
@ -969,7 +989,7 @@ migrate.clone_address_desc = The HTTP(S) or Git 'clone' URL of an existing repos
migrate.github_token_desc = You can put one or more tokens with comma separated here to make migrating faster because of GitHub API rate limit. WARN: Abusing this feature may violate the service provider's policy and lead to account blocking.
migrate.clone_local_path = or a local server path
migrate.permission_denied = You are not allowed to import local repositories.
migrate.permission_denied_blocked = You can not import from disallowed hosts, please ask the admin to check ALLOWED_DOMAINS/ALLOW_LOCALNETWORKS/BLOCKED_DOMAINS settings.
migrate.permission_denied_blocked = You cannot import from disallowed hosts, please ask the admin to check ALLOWED_DOMAINS/ALLOW_LOCALNETWORKS/BLOCKED_DOMAINS settings.
migrate.invalid_local_path = "The local path is invalid. It does not exist or is not a directory."
migrate.invalid_lfs_endpoint = The LFS endpoint is not valid.
migrate.failed = Migration failed: %v
@ -1010,10 +1030,12 @@ unstar = Unstar
star = Star
fork = Fork
download_archive = Download Repository
more_operations = More Operations
no_desc = No Description
quick_guide = Quick Guide
clone_this_repo = Clone this repository
cite_this_repo = Cite this repository
create_new_repo_command = Creating a new repository on the command line
push_exist_repo = Pushing an existing repository from the command line
empty_message = This repository does not contain any content.
@ -1112,6 +1134,7 @@ editor.commit_directly_to_this_branch = Commit directly to the <strong class="br
editor.create_new_branch = Create a <strong>new branch</strong> for this commit and start a pull request.
editor.create_new_branch_np = Create a <strong>new branch</strong> for this commit.
editor.propose_file_change = Propose file change
editor.new_branch_name = Name the new branch for this commit
editor.new_branch_name_desc = New branch name…
editor.cancel = Cancel
editor.filename_cannot_be_empty = The filename cannot be empty.
@ -1163,7 +1186,7 @@ commits.signed_by_untrusted_user_unmatched = Signed by untrusted user who does n
commits.gpg_key_id = GPG Key ID
commits.ssh_key_fingerprint = SSH Key Fingerprint
commit.actions = Actions
commit.operations = Operations
commit.revert = Revert
commit.revert-header = Revert: %s
commit.revert-content = Select branch to revert onto:
@ -1209,6 +1232,9 @@ projects.board.color = "Color"
projects.open = Open
projects.close = Close
projects.board.assigned_to = Assigned to
projects.card_type.desc = "Card Previews"
projects.card_type.images_and_text = "Images and Text"
projects.card_type.text_only = "Text Only"
issues.desc = Organize bug reports, tasks and milestones.
issues.filter_assignees = Filter Assignee
@ -1284,6 +1310,9 @@ issues.filter_label_exclude = `Use <code>alt</code> + <code>click/enter</code> t
issues.filter_label_no_select = All labels
issues.filter_milestone = Milestone
issues.filter_milestone_no_select = All milestones
issues.filter_project = Project
issues.filter_project_all = All projects
issues.filter_project_none = No project
issues.filter_assignee = Assignee
issues.filter_assginee_no_select = All assignees
issues.filter_poster = Author
@ -1315,6 +1344,8 @@ issues.action_milestone = Milestone
issues.action_milestone_no_select = No milestone
issues.action_assignee = Assignee
issues.action_assignee_no_select = No assignee
issues.action_check = Check/Uncheck
issues.action_check_all = Check/Uncheck all items
issues.opened_by = opened %[1]s by <a href="%[2]s">%[3]s</a>
pulls.merged_by = by <a href="%[2]s">%[3]s</a> was merged %[1]s
pulls.merged_by_fake = by %[2]s was merged %[1]s
@ -1331,7 +1362,7 @@ issues.commented_at = `commented <a href="#%s">%s</a>`
issues.delete_comment_confirm = Are you sure you want to delete this comment?
issues.context.copy_link = Copy Link
issues.context.quote_reply = Quote Reply
issues.context.reference_issue = Reference in new issue
issues.context.reference_issue = Reference in New Issue
issues.context.edit = Edit
issues.context.delete = Delete
issues.no_content = There is no content yet.
@ -1365,11 +1396,14 @@ issues.sign_in_require_desc = <a href="%s">Sign in</a> to join this conversation
issues.edit = Edit
issues.cancel = Cancel
issues.save = Save
issues.label_title = Label name
issues.label_description = Label description
issues.label_color = Label color
issues.label_title = Name
issues.label_description = Description
issues.label_color = Color
issues.label_exclusive = Exclusive
issues.label_exclusive_desc = Name the label <code>scope/item</code> to make it mutually exclusive with other <code>scope/</code> labels.
issues.label_exclusive_warning = Any conflicting scoped labels will be removed when editing the labels of an issue or pull request.
issues.label_count = %d labels
issues.label_open_issues = %d open issues
issues.label_open_issues = %d open issues/pull requests
issues.label_edit = Edit
issues.label_delete = Delete
issues.label_modify = Edit Label
@ -1580,7 +1614,7 @@ pulls.wrong_commit_id = "commit id must be a commit id on the target branch"
pulls.no_merge_desc = This pull request cannot be merged because all repository merge options are disabled.
pulls.no_merge_helper = Enable merge options in the repository settings or merge the pull request manually.
pulls.no_merge_wip = This pull request can not be merged because it is marked as being a work in progress.
pulls.no_merge_wip = This pull request cannot be merged because it is marked as being a work in progress.
pulls.no_merge_not_ready = This pull request is not ready to be merged, check review status and status checks.
pulls.no_merge_access = You are not authorized to merge this pull request.
pulls.merge_pull_request = Create merge commit
@ -1621,6 +1655,8 @@ pulls.reopened_at = `reopened this pull request <a id="%[1]s" href="#%[1]s">%[2]
pulls.merge_instruction_hint = `You can also view <a class="show-instruction">command line instructions</a>.`
pulls.merge_instruction_step1_desc = From your project repository, check out a new branch and test the changes.
pulls.merge_instruction_step2_desc = Merge the changes and update on Gitea.
pulls.clear_merge_message = Clear merge message
pulls.clear_merge_message_hint = Clearing the merge message will only remove the commit message content and keep generated git trailers such as "Co-Authored-By …".
pulls.auto_merge_button_when_succeed = (When checks succeed)
pulls.auto_merge_when_succeed = Auto merge when all checks succeed
@ -1812,6 +1848,7 @@ settings.mirror_sync_in_progress = Mirror synchronization is in progress. Check
settings.site = Website
settings.update_settings = Update Settings
settings.branches.update_default_branch = Update Default Branch
settings.branches.add_new_rule = Add New Rule
settings.advanced_settings = Advanced Settings
settings.wiki_desc = Enable Repository Wiki
settings.use_internal_wiki = Use Built-In Wiki
@ -1838,16 +1875,14 @@ settings.enable_timetracker = Enable Time Tracking
settings.allow_only_contributors_to_track_time = Let Only Contributors Track Time
settings.pulls_desc = Enable Repository Pull Requests
settings.pulls.ignore_whitespace = Ignore Whitespace for Conflicts
settings.pulls.allow_merge_commits = Enable Commit Merging
settings.pulls.allow_rebase_merge = Enable Rebasing to Merge Commits
settings.pulls.allow_rebase_merge_commit = Enable Rebasing with explicit merge commits (--no-ff)
settings.pulls.allow_squash_commits = Enable Squashing to Merge Commits
settings.pulls.allow_manual_merge = Enable Mark PR as manually merged
settings.pulls.enable_autodetect_manual_merge = Enable autodetect manual merge (Note: In some special cases, misjudgments can occur)
settings.pulls.allow_rebase_update = Enable updating pull request branch by rebase
settings.pulls.default_delete_branch_after_merge = Delete pull request branch after merge by default
settings.pulls.default_allow_edits_from_maintainers = Allow edits from maintainers by default
settings.releases_desc = Enable Repository Releases
settings.packages_desc = Enable Repository Packages Registry
settings.projects_desc = Enable Repository Projects
settings.actions_desc = Enable Repository Actions
settings.admin_settings = Administrator Settings
settings.admin_enable_health_check = Enable Repository Health Checks (git fsck)
settings.admin_code_indexer = Code Indexer
@ -1913,8 +1948,8 @@ settings.update_settings_success = The repository settings have been updated.
settings.confirm_delete = Delete Repository
settings.add_collaborator = Add Collaborator
settings.add_collaborator_success = The collaborator has been added.
settings.add_collaborator_inactive_user = Can not add an inactive user as a collaborator.
settings.add_collaborator_owner = Can not add an owner as a collaborator.
settings.add_collaborator_inactive_user = Cannot add an inactive user as a collaborator.
settings.add_collaborator_owner = Cannot add an owner as a collaborator.
settings.add_collaborator_duplicate = The collaborator is already added to this repository.
settings.delete_collaborator = Remove
settings.collaborator_deletion = Remove Collaborator
@ -2011,6 +2046,8 @@ settings.event_package = Package
settings.event_package_desc = Package created or deleted in a repository.
settings.branch_filter = Branch filter
settings.branch_filter_desc = Branch whitelist for push, branch creation and branch deletion events, specified as glob pattern. If empty or <code>*</code>, events for all branches are reported. See <a href="https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/gobwas/glob#Compile">github.com/gobwas/glob</a> documentation for syntax. Examples: <code>master</code>, <code>{master,release*}</code>.
settings.authorization_header = Authorization Header
settings.authorization_header_desc = Will be included as authorization header for requests when present. Examples: %s.
settings.active = Active
settings.active_helper = Information about triggered events will be sent to this webhook URL.
settings.add_hook_success = The webhook has been added.
@ -2055,9 +2092,11 @@ settings.deploy_key_deletion_desc = Removing a deploy key will revoke its access
settings.deploy_key_deletion_success = The deploy key has been removed.
settings.branches = Branches
settings.protected_branch = Branch Protection
settings.protected_branch.save_rule = Save Rule
settings.protected_branch.delete_rule = Delete Rule
settings.protected_branch_can_push = Allow push?
settings.protected_branch_can_push_yes = You can push
settings.protected_branch_can_push_no = You can not push
settings.protected_branch_can_push_no = You cannot push
settings.branch_protection = Branch Protection for Branch '<b>%s</b>'
settings.protect_this_branch = Enable Branch Protection
settings.protect_this_branch_desc = Prevents deletion and restricts Git pushing and merging to the branch.
@ -2089,15 +2128,17 @@ settings.dismiss_stale_approvals = Dismiss stale approvals
settings.dismiss_stale_approvals_desc = When new commits that change the content of the pull request are pushed to the branch, old approvals will be dismissed.
settings.require_signed_commits = Require Signed Commits
settings.require_signed_commits_desc = Reject pushes to this branch if they are unsigned or unverifiable.
settings.protect_branch_name_pattern = Protected Branch Name Pattern
settings.protect_protected_file_patterns = Protected file patterns (separated using semicolon '\;'):
settings.protect_protected_file_patterns_desc = Protected files that are not allowed to be changed directly even if user has rights to add, edit, or delete files in this branch. Multiple patterns can be separated using semicolon ('\;'). See <a href="https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/gobwas/glob#Compile">github.com/gobwas/glob</a> documentation for pattern syntax. Examples: <code>.drone.yml</code>, <code>/docs/**/*.txt</code>.
settings.protect_unprotected_file_patterns = Unprotected file patterns (separated using semicolon '\;'):
settings.protect_unprotected_file_patterns_desc = Unprotected files that are allowed to be changed directly if user has write access, bypassing push restriction. Multiple patterns can be separated using semicolon ('\;'). See <a href="https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/gobwas/glob#Compile">github.com/gobwas/glob</a> documentation for pattern syntax. Examples: <code>.drone.yml</code>, <code>/docs/**/*.txt</code>.
settings.add_protected_branch = Enable protection
settings.delete_protected_branch = Disable protection
settings.update_protect_branch_success = Branch protection for branch '%s' has been updated.
settings.remove_protected_branch_success = Branch protection for branch '%s' has been disabled.
settings.protected_branch_deletion = Disable Branch Protection
settings.update_protect_branch_success = Branch protection for rule '%s' has been updated.
settings.remove_protected_branch_success = Branch protection for rule '%s' has been removed.
settings.remove_protected_branch_failed = Removing branch protection rule '%s' failed.
settings.protected_branch_deletion = Delete Branch Protection
settings.protected_branch_deletion_desc = Disabling branch protection allows users with write permission to push to the branch. Continue?
settings.block_rejected_reviews = Block merge on rejected reviews
settings.block_rejected_reviews_desc = Merging will not be possible when changes are requested by official reviewers, even if there are enough approvals.
@ -2106,10 +2147,13 @@ settings.block_on_official_review_requests_desc = Merging will not be possible w
settings.block_outdated_branch = Block merge if pull request is outdated
settings.block_outdated_branch_desc = Merging will not be possible when head branch is behind base branch.
settings.default_branch_desc = Select a default repository branch for pull requests and code commits:
settings.default_merge_style_desc = Default merge style for pull requests:
settings.merge_style_desc = Merge Styles
settings.default_merge_style_desc = Default Merge Style
settings.choose_branch = Choose a branch…
settings.no_protected_branch = There are no protected branches.
settings.edit_protected_branch = Edit
settings.protected_branch_required_rule_name = Required rule name
settings.protected_branch_duplicate_rule_name = Duplicate rule name
settings.protected_branch_required_approvals_min = Required approvals cannot be negative.
settings.tags = Tags
settings.tags.protection = Tag Protection
@ -2125,7 +2169,6 @@ settings.bot_token = Bot Token
settings.chat_id = Chat ID
settings.matrix.homeserver_url = Homeserver URL
settings.matrix.room_id = Room ID
settings.matrix.access_token = Access Token
settings.matrix.message_type = Message Type
settings.archive.button = Archive Repo
settings.archive.header = Archive This Repo
@ -2266,6 +2309,8 @@ release.downloads = Downloads
release.download_count = Downloads: %s
release.add_tag_msg = Use the title and content of release as tag message.
release.add_tag = Create Tag Only
release.releases_for = Releases for %s
release.tags_for = Tags for %s
branch.name = Branch Name
branch.search = Search branches
@ -2308,7 +2353,7 @@ tag.create_success = Tag '%s' has been created.
topic.manage_topics = Manage Topics
topic.done = Done
topic.count_prompt = You can not select more than 25 topics
topic.count_prompt = You cannot select more than 25 topics
topic.format_prompt = Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
find_file.go_to_file = Go to file
@ -2324,7 +2369,7 @@ org_full_name_holder = Organization Full Name
org_name_helper = Organization names should be short and memorable.
create_org = Create Organization
repo_updated = Updated
people = People
members = Members
teams = Teams
code = Code
lower_members = members
@ -2395,7 +2440,7 @@ teams.leave.detail = Leave %s?
teams.can_create_org_repo = Create repositories
teams.can_create_org_repo_helper = Members can create new repositories in organization. Creator will get administrator access to the new repository.
teams.none_access = No Access
teams.none_access_helper = Members cannot view or do any other action on this unit.
teams.none_access_helper = Members cannot view or do any other action on this unit. It has no effect for public repositories.
teams.general_access = General Access
teams.general_access_helper = Members permissions will be decided by below permission table.
teams.read_access = Read
@ -2533,6 +2578,10 @@ dashboard.delete_old_actions = Delete all old actions from database
dashboard.delete_old_actions.started = Delete all old actions from database started.
dashboard.update_checker = Update checker
dashboard.delete_old_system_notices = Delete all old system notices from database
dashboard.gc_lfs = Garbage collect LFS meta objects
dashboard.stop_zombie_tasks = Stop zombie tasks
dashboard.stop_endless_tasks = Stop endless tasks
dashboard.cancel_abandoned_jobs = Cancel abandoned jobs
users.user_manage_panel = User Account Management
users.new_account = Create User Account
@ -2621,6 +2670,7 @@ repos.size = Size
packages.package_manage_panel = Package Management
packages.total_size = Total Size: %s
packages.unreferenced_size = Unreferenced Size: %s
packages.owner = Owner
packages.creator = Creator
packages.name = Name
@ -2714,6 +2764,8 @@ auths.oauth2_required_claim_value_helper = Set this value to restrict login from
auths.oauth2_group_claim_name = Claim name providing group names for this source. (Optional)
auths.oauth2_admin_group = Group Claim value for administrator users. (Optional - requires claim name above)
auths.oauth2_restricted_group = Group Claim value for restricted users. (Optional - requires claim name above)
auths.oauth2_map_group_to_team = Map claimed groups to Organization teams. (Optional - requires claim name above)
auths.oauth2_map_group_to_team_removal = Remove users from synchronized teams if user does not belong to corresponding group.
auths.enable_auto_register = Enable Auto Registration
auths.sspi_auto_create_users = Automatically create users
auths.sspi_auto_create_users_helper = Allow SSPI auth method to automatically create new accounts for users that login for the first time
@ -2754,6 +2806,8 @@ auths.still_in_used = The authentication source is still in use. Convert or dele
auths.deletion_success = The authentication source has been deleted.
auths.login_source_exist = The authentication source '%s' already exists.
auths.login_source_of_type_exist = An authentication source of this type already exists.
auths.unable_to_initialize_openid = Unable to initialize OpenID Connect Provider: %s
auths.invalid_openIdConnectAutoDiscoveryURL = Invalid Auto Discovery URL (this must be a valid URL starting with http:// or https://)
config.server_config = Server Configuration
config.app_name = Site Title
@ -2874,6 +2928,8 @@ config.git_disable_diff_highlight = Disable Diff Syntax Highlight
config.git_max_diff_lines = Max Diff Lines (for a single file)
config.git_max_diff_line_characters = Max Diff Characters (for a single line)
config.git_max_diff_files = Max Diff Files (to be shown)
config.git_enable_reflogs = Enable Reflogs
config.git_reflog_expiry_time = Expiry Time
config.git_gc_args = GC Arguments
config.git_migrate_timeout = Migration Timeout
config.git_mirror_timeout = Mirror Update Timeout
@ -2976,7 +3032,7 @@ monitor.queue.pool.cancel_desc = Leaving a queue without any worker groups may c
notices.system_notice_list = System Notices
notices.view_detail_header = View Notice Details
notices.actions = Actions
notices.operations = Operations
notices.select_all = Select All
notices.deselect_all = Deselect All
notices.inverse_selection = Inverse Selection
@ -3002,6 +3058,7 @@ reopen_pull_request = `reopened pull request <a href="%[1]s">%[3]s#%[2]s</a>`
comment_issue = `commented on issue <a href="%[1]s">%[3]s#%[2]s</a>`
comment_pull = `commented on pull request <a href="%[1]s">%[3]s#%[2]s</a>`
merge_pull_request = `merged pull request <a href="%[1]s">%[3]s#%[2]s</a>`
auto_merge_pull_request = `automatically merged pull request <a href="%[1]s">%[3]s#%[2]s</a>`
transfer_repo = transferred repository <code>%s</code> to <a href="%s">%s</a>
push_tag = pushed tag <a href="%[2]s">%[3]s</a> to <a href="%[1]s">%[4]s</a>
delete_tag = deleted tag %[2]s from <a href="%[1]s">%[3]s</a>
@ -3045,7 +3102,7 @@ raw_minutes = minutes
default_message = Drop files or click here to upload.
invalid_input_type = You can not upload files of this type.
invalid_input_type = You cannot upload files of this type.
file_too_big = File size ({{filesize}} MB) exceeds the maximum size of ({{maxFilesize}} MB).
remove_file = Remove file
@ -3100,6 +3157,8 @@ keywords = Keywords
details = Details
details.author = Author
details.project_site = Project Site
details.repository_site = Repository Site
details.documentation_site = Documentation Site
details.license = License
assets = Assets
versions = Versions
@ -3107,6 +3166,14 @@ versions.on = on
versions.view_all = View all
dependency.id = ID
dependency.version = Version
cargo.registry = Setup this registry in the Cargo configuration file (for example <code>~/.cargo/config.toml</code>):
cargo.install = To install the package using Cargo, run the following command:
cargo.documentation = For more information on the Cargo registry, see <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/packages/cargo/">the documentation</a>.
cargo.details.repository_site = Repository Site
cargo.details.documentation_site = Documentation Site
chef.registry = Setup this registry in your <code>~/.chef/config.rb</code> file:
chef.install = To install the package, run the following command:
chef.documentation = For more information on the Chef registry, see <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/packages/chef/">the documentation</a>.
composer.registry = Setup this registry in your <code>~/.composer/config.json</code> file:
composer.install = To install the package using Composer, run the following command:
composer.documentation = For more information on the Composer registry, see <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/packages/composer/">the documentation</a>.
@ -3116,10 +3183,13 @@ conan.details.repository = Repository
conan.registry = Setup this registry from the command line:
conan.install = To install the package using Conan, run the following command:
conan.documentation = For more information on the Conan registry, see <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/packages/conan/">the documentation</a>.
conda.registry = Setup this registry as a Conda repository in your <code>.condarc</code> file:
conda.install = To install the package using Conda, run the following command:
conda.documentation = For more information on the Conda registry, see <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/packages/conda/">the documentation</a>.
conda.details.repository_site = Repository Site
conda.details.documentation_site = Documentation Site
container.details.type = Image Type
container.details.platform = Platform
container.details.repository_site = Repository Site
container.details.documentation_site = Documentation Site
container.pull = Pull the image from the command line:
container.digest = Digest:
container.documentation = For more information on the Container registry, see <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/packages/container/">the documentation</a>.
@ -3153,8 +3223,6 @@ npm.dependencies.optional = Optional Dependencies
npm.details.tag = Tag
pub.install = To install the package using Dart, run the following command:
pub.documentation = For more information on the Pub registry, see <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/packages/pub/">the documentation</a>.
pub.details.repository_site = Repository Site
pub.details.documentation_site = Documentation Site
pypi.requires = Requires Python
pypi.install = To install the package using pip, run the following command:
pypi.documentation = For more information on the PyPI registry, see <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/packages/pypi/">the documentation</a>.
@ -3178,3 +3246,107 @@ settings.delete.description = Deleting a package is permanent and cannot be undo
settings.delete.notice = You are about to delete %s (%s). This operation is irreversible, are you sure?
settings.delete.success = The package has been deleted.
settings.delete.error = Failed to delete the package.
owner.settings.cargo.title = Cargo Registry Index
owner.settings.cargo.initialize = Initialize Index
owner.settings.cargo.initialize.description = To use the Cargo registry a special index git repository is needed. Here you can (re)create it with the required config.
owner.settings.cargo.initialize.error = Failed to initialize Cargo index: %v
owner.settings.cargo.initialize.success = The Cargo index was successfully created.
owner.settings.cargo.rebuild = Rebuild Index
owner.settings.cargo.rebuild.description = If the index is out of sync with the cargo packages stored you can rebuild it here.
owner.settings.cargo.rebuild.error = Failed to rebuild Cargo index: %v
owner.settings.cargo.rebuild.success = The Cargo index was successfully rebuild.
owner.settings.cleanuprules.title = Manage Cleanup Rules
owner.settings.cleanuprules.add = Add Cleanup Rule
owner.settings.cleanuprules.edit = Edit Cleanup Rule
owner.settings.cleanuprules.none = No cleanup rules available. Read the docs to learn more.
owner.settings.cleanuprules.preview = Cleanup Rule Preview
owner.settings.cleanuprules.preview.overview = %d packages are scheduled to be removed.
owner.settings.cleanuprules.preview.none = Cleanup rule does not match any packages.
owner.settings.cleanuprules.enabled = Enabled
owner.settings.cleanuprules.pattern_full_match = Apply pattern to full package name
owner.settings.cleanuprules.keep.title = Versions that match these rules are kept, even if they match a removal rule below.
owner.settings.cleanuprules.keep.count = Keep the most recent
owner.settings.cleanuprules.keep.count.1 = 1 version per package
owner.settings.cleanuprules.keep.count.n = %d versions per package
owner.settings.cleanuprules.keep.pattern = Keep versions matching
owner.settings.cleanuprules.keep.pattern.container = The <code>latest</code> version is always kept for Container packages.
owner.settings.cleanuprules.remove.title = Versions that match these rules are removed, unless a rule above says to keep them.
owner.settings.cleanuprules.remove.days = Remove versions older than
owner.settings.cleanuprules.remove.pattern = Remove versions matching
owner.settings.cleanuprules.success.update = Cleanup rule has been updated.
owner.settings.cleanuprules.success.delete = Cleanup rule has been deleted.
owner.settings.chef.title = Chef Registry
owner.settings.chef.keypair = Generate key pair
owner.settings.chef.keypair.description = Generate a key pair used to authenticate against the Chef registry. The previous key can not be used afterwards.
secrets = Secrets
description = Secrets will be passed to certain actions and cannot be read otherwise.
none = There are no secrets yet.
value = Value
name = Name
creation = Add Secret
creation.name_placeholder = case-insensitive, alphanumeric characters or underscores only, cannot start with GITEA_ or GITHUB_
creation.value_placeholder = Input any content. Whitespace at the start and end will be omitted.
creation.success = The secret '%s' has been added.
creation.failed = Failed to add secret.
deletion = Remove secret
deletion.description = Removing a secret is permanent and cannot be undone. Continue?
deletion.success = The secret has been removed.
deletion.failed = Failed to remove secret.
actions = Actions
unit.desc = Manage actions
status.unknown = "Unknown"
status.waiting = "Waiting"
status.running = "Running"
status.success = "Success"
status.failure = "Failure"
status.cancelled = "Cancelled"
status.skipped = "Skipped"
status.blocked = "Blocked"
runners = Runners
runners.runner_manage_panel = Runners Management
runners.new = Create new Runner
runners.new_notice = How to start a runner
runners.status = Status
runners.id = ID
runners.name = Name
runners.owner_type = Type
runners.description = Description
runners.labels = Labels
runners.last_online = Last Online Time
runners.agent_labels = Agent Labels
runners.custom_labels = Custom Labels
runners.custom_labels_helper = Custom labels are labels that are added manually by an administrator. A comma separates labels, whitespace at the start and end of each label is ignored.
runners.runner_title = Runner
runners.task_list = Recent tasks on this runner
runners.task_list.run = Run
runners.task_list.status = Status
runners.task_list.repository = Repository
runners.task_list.commit = Commit
runners.task_list.done_at = Done At
runners.edit_runner = Edit Runner
runners.update_runner = Update Changes
runners.update_runner_success = Runner updated successfully
runners.update_runner_failed = Failed to update runner
runners.delete_runner = Delete this runner
runners.delete_runner_success = Runner deleted successfully
runners.delete_runner_failed = Failed to delete runner
runners.delete_runner_header = Confirm to delete this runner
runners.delete_runner_notice = If a task is running on this runner, it will be terminated and mark as failed. It may break building workflow.
runners.none = No runners available
runners.status.unspecified = Unknown
runners.status.idle = Idle
runners.status.active = Active
runners.status.offline = Offline
runs.all_workflows = All Workflows
runs.open_tab = %d Open
runs.closed_tab = %d Closed
runs.commit = Commit
runs.pushed_by = Pushed by

View File

@ -749,9 +749,6 @@ create_oauth2_application_button=Crear Aplicación
create_oauth2_application_success=Ha creado una nueva aplicación OAuth2 con éxito.
update_oauth2_application_success=Ha actualizado correctamente la aplicación OAuth2.
oauth2_application_name=Nombre de la Aplicación
oauth2_select_type=¿Qué tipo de aplicación es?
oauth2_type_web=Web (por ejemplo: Node.JS, Tomcat, Go)
oauth2_type_native=Nativa (por ejemplo, móvil, escritorio, navegador)
oauth2_redirect_uri=URI de redireccionado
oauth2_client_id=ID de cliente

View File

@ -675,9 +675,6 @@ create_oauth2_application_button=ایجاد برنامه
create_oauth2_application_success=برنامه OAuth2 جدید شما با موفقیت ساخته شد.
update_oauth2_application_success=برنامه OAuth2 با موفقیت به‎روزرسانی شد.
oauth2_application_name=نام برنامه
oauth2_select_type=کدام نوع برنامه متناسب است؟
oauth2_type_web=وب (مثلا Node.JS, Tomcat, Go)
oauth2_type_native=بومی (مثلا، Mobile, Desktop, Browser)
oauth2_redirect_uri=تغییر مسیر به نشانی اینترنتی
oauth2_client_id=شناسه کلاینت

View File

@ -742,9 +742,6 @@ create_oauth2_application_button=Créer une application
create_oauth2_application_success=Vous avez créé avec succès une nouvelle application OAuth2.
update_oauth2_application_success=Vous avez mis à jour l'application OAuth2 avec succès.
oauth2_application_name=Nom de l'Application
oauth2_select_type=De quel type d'application s'agit-il ?
oauth2_type_web=Web (par exemple Node.JS, Tomcat, Go)
oauth2_type_native=Native (par exemple Mobile, Bureau, Navigateur)
oauth2_redirect_uri=URL de redirection
oauth2_client_id=ID du client

View File

@ -526,9 +526,6 @@ create_oauth2_application_button=Alkalmazás létrehozása
create_oauth2_application_success=Sikerült létrehozni egy új OAuth2 alkalmazást.
update_oauth2_application_success=Sikerült módosítani az OAuth2 alkalmazást.
oauth2_select_type=Melyik típus felelne meg?
oauth2_type_web=Web (pl. Node.JS, Tomcat, Go)
oauth2_type_native=Natív (pl. Mobil, PC, Böngésző)
oauth2_redirect_uri=Átirányítási URI

View File

@ -519,9 +519,6 @@ create_oauth2_application_button=Buat Aplikasi
create_oauth2_application_success=Anda berhasil membuat aplikasi OAuth2 baru.
update_oauth2_application_success=Anda berhasil memperbarui aplikasi OAuth2.
oauth2_application_name=Nama Aplikasi
oauth2_select_type=Aplikasi tipe apa yang cocok?
oauth2_type_web=Web (contohnya Node.JS, Tomcat, Go)
oauth2_type_native=Asli (contohnya perangkat genggaman, desktop, peramban)
oauth2_redirect_uri=URI Pengalihan
oauth2_client_id=ID Klien

View File

@ -553,9 +553,6 @@ access_token_deletion=Eyða Aðgangslykli
create_oauth2_application_button=Skapa Forrit
update_oauth2_application_success=Þú hefur uppfært OAuth2 forritið.
oauth2_select_type=Hvaða forritsgerð passar?
oauth2_type_web=Net (t.d. Node.JS, Tomcat, Go)
oauth2_type_native=Á kerfi (t.d. síma, tölvu, vafra)
oauth2_redirect_uri=Áframsendingar Vefslóð
oauth2_client_id=Auðkenni Notanda

View File

@ -736,9 +736,6 @@ create_oauth2_application_button=Crea applicazione
create_oauth2_application_success=Hai creato con successo una nuova applicazione OAuth2.
update_oauth2_application_success=Hai aggiornato con successo l'applicazione OAuth2.
oauth2_application_name=Nome applicazione
oauth2_select_type=Quale tipo di applicazione é adatto?
oauth2_type_web=Web (es: Node.JS, Tomcat, Go)
oauth2_type_native=Nativo (es. Mobile, Desktop, Browser)
oauth2_redirect_uri=URI di reindirizzamento
oauth2_client_id=Client ID

View File

@ -107,6 +107,8 @@ never=無し
string.asc=A - Z
string.desc=Z - A
@ -414,6 +416,10 @@ repo.transfer.body=承認または拒否するには %s を開きます。 も
repo.collaborator.added.subject=%s が %s にあなたを追加しました
team_invite.subject=%[1]s さんが %[2]s への参加にあなたを招待しました
team_invite.text_1=%[1]s さんが、組織 %[3]s 内のチーム %[2]s への参加に、あなたを招待しました。
team_invite.text_3=注: この招待は %[1]s 宛です。 招待に心当たりがなければ、このメールを無視してかまいません。
@ -490,6 +496,7 @@ user_not_exist=指定されたユーザーは存在しません。
invalid_ssh_key=SSHキーが確認できません: %s
invalid_gpg_key=GPGキーが確認できません: %s
@ -742,9 +749,7 @@ create_oauth2_application_button=アプリケーション作成
oauth2_type_web=Web (Node.JS, Tomcat, Go など)
oauth2_type_native=Native (モバイル, デスクトップ, ブラウザーなど)
oauth2_confidential_client=コンフィデンシャルクライアント。 ウェブアプリのように秘密情報を機密にできるアプリの場合に選択します。 デスクトップアプリやモバイルアプリなどのネイティブアプリには選択しないでください。
@ -2405,6 +2410,8 @@ teams.members=チームメンバー
teams.invite_team_member=%s への招待
teams.delete_team_desc=チームを削除すると、メンバーはこのリポジトリへのアクセス権を失います。 続行しますか?
@ -2429,6 +2436,9 @@ teams.all_repositories_helper=チームはすべてのリポジトリにアク
teams.all_repositories_read_permission_desc=このチームは<strong>すべてのリポジトリ</strong>の<strong>読み取り</strong>アクセス権を持ちます: メンバーはリポジトリの閲覧とクローンが可能です。
teams.all_repositories_write_permission_desc=このチームは<strong>すべてのリポジトリ</strong>の<strong>書き込み</strong>アクセス権を持ちます: メンバーはリポジトリの読み取りとプッシュが可能です。
teams.all_repositories_admin_permission_desc=このチームは<strong>すべてのリポジトリ</strong>の<strong>管理者</strong>アクセス権を持ちます: メンバーはリポジトリの読み取り、プッシュ、共同作業者の追加が可能です。
teams.invite.title=あなたは組織 <strong>%[2]s</strong> 内のチーム <strong>%[1]s</strong> への参加に招待されました。
teams.invite.by=%s からの招待
@ -2882,6 +2892,8 @@ config.access_log_template=テンプレート
config.get_setting_failed=%s の取得に失敗しました
config.set_setting_failed=%s の設定に失敗しました

View File

@ -736,9 +736,6 @@ create_oauth2_application_button=Izveidot lietotni
create_oauth2_application_success=OAuth2 lietotne veiksmīgi izveidota.
update_oauth2_application_success=OAuth2 lietotne veiksmīgi atjaunināta.
oauth2_application_name=Lietotnes nosaukums
oauth2_select_type=Kāds lietotnes veids visvairāk atbilst?
oauth2_type_web=Tīmekļa (piemēram, Node.JS, Tomcat, Go)
oauth2_type_native=Specializētā (piemēram, mobilā, darbvirsmas, tīmekļa pārlūks)
oauth2_redirect_uri=Novirzīšanas URI
oauth2_client_id=Klienta ID

View File

@ -489,9 +489,6 @@ create_oauth2_application_button=അപ്ലിക്കേഷൻ സൃഷ്
create_oauth2_application_success=നിങ്ങൾ വിജയകരമായി ഒരു പുതിയ OAuth2 അപ്ലിക്കേഷൻ സൃഷ്ടിച്ചു.
update_oauth2_application_success=നിങ്ങൾ വിജയകരമായി ഒരു പുതിയ OAuth2 അപ്ലിക്കേഷൻ പുതുക്കി.
oauth2_application_name=അപ്ലിക്കേഷന്റെ പേര്
oauth2_select_type=ഏത് തരം അപ്ലിക്കേഷനാണ് ഇതു്?
oauth2_type_web=വെബ് (e.g. Node.JS, Tomcat, Go)
oauth2_type_native=നേറ്റീവ് (ഉദാ. മൊബൈൽ, ഡെസ്ക്ടോപ്പ്, ബ്രൌസർ)
oauth2_redirect_uri=URI റീഡയറക്‌ട് ചെയ്യുക
oauth2_client_id=ക്ലൈന്റ് ഐഡി

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@ -736,9 +736,6 @@ create_oauth2_application_button=Maak applicatie
create_oauth2_application_success=Je hebt met succes een nieuwe OAuth2-applicatie aangemaakt.
update_oauth2_application_success=Je hebt de OAuth2-applicatie succesvol bijgewerkt.
oauth2_application_name=Applicatie naam
oauth2_select_type=Welk type toepassing past?
oauth2_type_web=Web (bijv. Node.JS, Tomcat, Go)
oauth2_type_native=Native (bijv. Mobiel, Desktop, Browser)
oauth2_redirect_uri=Omleidings URL

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@ -688,9 +688,6 @@ create_oauth2_application_button=Stwórz aplikację
create_oauth2_application_success=Udało Ci się stworzyć nową aplikację OAuth2.
update_oauth2_application_success=Udało Ci się zaktualizować aplikację OAuth2.
oauth2_application_name=Nazwa aplikacji
oauth2_select_type=Który typ aplikacji jest dla niej właściwy?
oauth2_type_web=Webowa (np. Node.JS, Tomcat, Go)
oauth2_type_native=Natywna (np. mobilna, pulpitowa, przeglądarkowa)
oauth2_redirect_uri=URI przekierowania
oauth2_client_id=ID klienta

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@ -738,9 +738,6 @@ create_oauth2_application_button=Criar aplicativo
create_oauth2_application_success=Você criou com sucesso um novo aplicativo OAuth2.
update_oauth2_application_success=Você alterou com sucesso o aplicativo OAuth2.
oauth2_application_name=Nome do aplicativo
oauth2_select_type=Que tipo de aplicativo se encaixa?
oauth2_type_web=Web (exemplo: Node.JS, Tomcat, Go)
oauth2_type_native=Nativo (exemplo: Celular, Computador, Navegador)
oauth2_redirect_uri=Redirecionar URI
oauth2_client_id=Client ID

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@ -238,6 +238,8 @@ no_reply_address=Domínio dos emails ocultos
no_reply_address_helper=Nome de domínio para utilizadores com um endereço de email oculto. Por exemplo, o nome de utilizador 'silva' será registado no Git como 'silva@semresposta.exemplo.org' se o domínio de email oculto estiver definido como 'semresposta.exemplo.org'.
password_algorithm=Algoritmo de Hash da Senha
password_algorithm_helper=Definir o algoritmo de hash da senha. Os algoritmos têm requisitos e resistência distintos. `argon2`, embora tenha boas características, usa muita memória e pode ser inapropriado para sistemas pequenos.
enable_update_checker=Habilitar verificador de novidades
enable_update_checker_helper=Verifica, periodicamente, se foi lançada alguma versão nova, fazendo uma ligação ao gitea.io.
uname_holder=Nome de utilizador ou endereço de email
@ -749,9 +751,7 @@ create_oauth2_application_button=Criar aplicação
create_oauth2_application_success=Criou com sucesso uma nova aplicação OAuth2.
update_oauth2_application_success=Modificou com sucesso a aplicação OAuth2.
oauth2_application_name=Nome da aplicação
oauth2_select_type=Que tipo de aplicaçãoo se encaixa?
oauth2_type_web=Web (por exemplo: Node.JS, Tomcat, Go)
oauth2_type_native=Nativa (por exemplo: Telemóvel, Computador, Navegador)
oauth2_confidential_client=Cliente confidencial. Escolha para aplicações que mantêm o segredo confidencial, tais como aplicações web. Não escolha para aplicações nativas, incluindo aplicações para computador e aplicações móveis.
oauth2_redirect_uri=URI de reencaminhamento
oauth2_client_id=ID do cliente

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@ -725,9 +725,6 @@ create_oauth2_application_button=Создать приложение
create_oauth2_application_success=Вы успешно создали новое приложение OAuth2.
update_oauth2_application_success=Изменения настроек приложения OAuth2 успешно применены.
oauth2_application_name=Имя приложения
oauth2_select_type=Какой тип приложения подходит?
oauth2_type_web=Веб (например: Node.JS, Tomcat, Go)
oauth2_type_native=Нативный (например: телефон, ПК, браузер)
oauth2_redirect_uri=URI переадресации
oauth2_client_id=ID клиента

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@ -657,9 +657,6 @@ create_oauth2_application_button=යෙදුම සාදන්න
create_oauth2_application_success=ඔබ නව Oauth2 යෙදුමක් සාර්ථකව නිර්මාණය කර ඇත.
update_oauth2_application_success=ඔබ Oauth2 යෙදුම සාර්ථකව යාවත්කාලීන කර ඇත.
oauth2_application_name=යෙදුමේ නම
oauth2_select_type=කුමන යෙදුම් වර්ගය ගැලපේද?
oauth2_type_web=වෙබ් (උදා: Node.JS, ටොම්කැට්, යන්න)
oauth2_type_native=දේශීය (උදා: ජංගම, පරිගණක, බ්රව්සරය)
oauth2_redirect_uri=නැවත හරවා යැවීමේ URI
oauth2_client_id=අනුග්‍රාහකයේ හැඳු.

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@ -738,7 +738,6 @@ create_oauth2_application_button=Vytvoriť aplikáciu
create_oauth2_application_success=Úspešne ste vytvorili novú aplikáciu OAuth2.
update_oauth2_application_success=Úspešne ste aktualizovali aplikáciu OAuth2.
oauth2_application_name=Názov aplikácie
oauth2_select_type=Ktorý typ aplikácie sa hodí?
oauth2_redirect_uri=Presmerovanie URI
oauth2_client_id=ID klienta

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@ -561,9 +561,6 @@ create_oauth2_application_button=Skapa applikation
create_oauth2_application_success=Du har lyckats med att skapa en ny OAuth2-applikation.
update_oauth2_application_success=Du har lyckats uppdatera OAuth2-applikationen.
oauth2_select_type=Vilken typ av applikation passar?
oauth2_type_web=Webb (t.ex. Node.JS, Tomcat, Go)
oauth2_type_native=Native (ex. Mobil, Desktop, Webbläsare)

View File

@ -107,6 +107,8 @@ never=Asla
rss_feed=RSS Beslemesi
string.asc=A - Z
string.desc=Z - A
occurred=Bir hata oluştu
@ -414,6 +416,10 @@ repo.transfer.body=Kabul veya reddetmek için %s ziyaret edin veya görmezden ge
repo.collaborator.added.subject=%s sizi %s ekledi
repo.collaborator.added.text=Bu depo için katkıcı olarak eklendiniz:
team_invite.subject=%[1] sizi %[2] organizasyonuna katılmaya davet etti
team_invite.text_1=%[1] sizi %[3] organizasyonundaki %[2] takımına katılmaya davet etti.
team_invite.text_2=Takıma katılmak lütfen aşağıdaki bağlantıya tıklayın:
team_invite.text_3=Not: Bu davet %[1] içindi. Bu daveti beklemiyorsanız, e-postayı yok sayabilirsiniz.
@ -490,6 +496,7 @@ user_not_exist=Böyle bir kullanıcı yok.
team_not_exist=Böyle bir takım bulunmuyor.
last_org_owner=Son kullanıcıyı 'sahipler' takımından çıkaramazsınız. Bir organizasyonun en az bir sahibi olmalıdır.
cannot_add_org_to_team=Organizasyon, takım üyesi olarak eklenemez.
duplicate_invite_to_team=Bu kullanıcı zaten takım üyesi olarak davet edilmişti.
invalid_ssh_key=SSH anahtarınız doğrulanamıyor: %s
invalid_gpg_key=GPG anahtarınız doğrulanamıyor: %s
@ -742,9 +749,7 @@ create_oauth2_application_button=Uygulama Oluştur
create_oauth2_application_success=Başarıyla yeni bir OAuth2 uygulaması oluşturdunuz.
update_oauth2_application_success=OAuth2 uygulamasını başarıyla güncellediniz.
oauth2_application_name=Uygulama Adı
oauth2_select_type=Hangi uygulama türü uyuyor?
oauth2_type_web=Web (ör. Node.JS, Tomcat, Go)
oauth2_type_native=Yerel (ör. Mobil, Masaüstü, Tarayıcı)
oauth2_confidential_client=Güvenli İstemci. Web uygulamaları gibi sırları güvende tutan uygulamalar için bunu seçin. Masaüstü ve mobil uygulamaları da içeren doğal uygulamalar için seçmeyin.
oauth2_redirect_uri=Yönlendirme URI'si
oauth2_client_id=İstemci Kimliği
@ -2405,6 +2410,8 @@ teams.members=Takım Üyeleri
teams.update_settings=Ayarları Güncelle
teams.delete_team=Takımı Sil
teams.add_team_member=Takım Üyesi Ekle
teams.invite_team_member=%s daveti
teams.invite_team_member.list=Bekleyen Davetler
teams.delete_team_title=Takımı Sil
teams.delete_team_desc=Bir takımı silmek, üyelerinden depo erişimini iptal eder. Devam edilsin mi?
teams.delete_team_success=Takım silindi.
@ -2429,6 +2436,8 @@ teams.all_repositories_helper=Takımın tüm depolara erişimi vardır. Bunu se
teams.all_repositories_read_permission_desc=Bu takım <strong>tüm depolara Okuma</strong> erişimi sağlar: üyeler depoları görüntüleyebilir ve kopyalayabilir.
teams.all_repositories_write_permission_desc=Bu takım <strong>tüm depolara Yazma</strong> erişimi sağlar: üyeler depolardan okuyabilir ve depolara itebilir.
teams.all_repositories_admin_permission_desc=Bu takım <strong>tüm depolara Yönetici</strong> erişimi sağlar: üyeler depolardan okuyabilir, itebilir ve katkıcıları ekleyebilir.
teams.invite.by=%s tarafından davet edildi
teams.invite.description=Takıma katılmak için aşağıdaki düğmeye tıklayın.
@ -2882,6 +2891,8 @@ config.access_log_template=Şablon
config.xorm_log_mode=XORM Günlük Kipi
config.xorm_log_sql=SQL Günlüğü
config.get_setting_failed=%s ayarı alınamadı
config.set_setting_failed=%s ayarı yapılamadı
monitor.cron=Cron Görevleri

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@ -683,9 +683,6 @@ create_oauth2_application_button=Створити програму
create_oauth2_application_success=Ви успішно створили нову програму OAuth2.
update_oauth2_application_success=Ви успішно оновили програму OAuth2.
oauth2_application_name=Назва програми
oauth2_select_type=Який тип програми підходить?
oauth2_type_web=Веб (напр. Node.JS, Tomcat, Go)
oauth2_type_native=Рідний (напр. мобільний, робочий стіл, веб-переглядач)
oauth2_redirect_uri=URI перенаправлення
oauth2_client_id=ID Клієнта

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@ -238,6 +238,8 @@ no_reply_address=隐藏电子邮件
no_reply_address_helper=具有隐藏电子邮件地址的用户的域名。例如, 用户名 "joe" 将以 "joe@noreply.example.org" 的身份登录到 Git 中. 如果隐藏的电子邮件域设置为 "noreply.example.org"。
password_algorithm_helper=设置密码哈希算法。 算法具有不同的要求和强度。 具有良好特性的`argon2`却会占用大量内存,可能不适用于小型系统。
enable_update_checker_helper=通过连接到 gitea.io 定期检查新版本发布。
@ -451,7 +453,7 @@ SSPIDefaultLanguage=默认语言
alpha_dash_error=应该只包含字母数字、破折号 ('-') 和下划线 ('_') 字符。
alpha_dash_dot_error=' 应该只包含字母数字, 破折号 ('-'), 下划线 ('_') 和点 ('. ') 。
alpha_dash_dot_error=` 应该只包含字母数字, 破折号 ('-'), 下划线 ('_') 和点 ('. ') 。`
git_ref_name_error=` 必须是格式良好的 git 引用名称。`
size_error=长度必须为 %s。
min_size_error=长度最小为 %s 个字符。
@ -749,9 +751,7 @@ create_oauth2_application_button=创建应用
create_oauth2_application_success=您已成功创建了一个新的 OAuth2 应用。
update_oauth2_application_success=您已成功更新了此 OAuth2 应用。
oauth2_type_web=Web (例如 Node.JS, Tomacat, Go)
oauth2_type_native=原生 (例如移动,桌面,浏览器)
oauth2_redirect_uri=重定向 URI
@ -2492,9 +2492,9 @@ dashboard.archive_cleanup=删除旧的仓库存档
dashboard.resync_all_sshkeys=使用 Gitea 的 SSH 密钥更新 '.ssh/authorized_keys' 文件。
dashboard.resync_all_sshkeys=使用 Gitea 的 SSH 密钥更新「.ssh/authorized_keys」文件。
dashboard.resync_all_sshkeys.desc=(内置的 SSH 服务器不需要。)
dashboard.resync_all_sshprincipals=使用 Gitea 的 SSH 规则更新 '.ssh/authorized_principals' 文件。
dashboard.resync_all_sshprincipals=使用 Gitea 的 SSH 规则更新「.ssh/authorized_principals」文件。
dashboard.resync_all_sshprincipals.desc=(内置的 SSH 服务器不需要。)
dashboard.resync_all_hooks=重新同步所有仓库的 pre-receive、update 和 post-receive 钩子
dashboard.reinit_missing_repos=重新初始化所有丢失的 Git 仓库存在的记录

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@ -740,9 +740,6 @@ create_oauth2_application_button=建立應用程式
create_oauth2_application_success=您已成功新增一個 OAuth2 應用程式。
update_oauth2_application_success=您已成功更新了 OAuth2 應用程式。
oauth2_type_web=Web (例如 Node.JS, Tomacat, Go)
oauth2_type_native=原生應用程式 (Mobile, Desktop, Browser)
oauth2_redirect_uri=重新導向 URI
oauth2_client_id=客戶端 ID

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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
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@ -1 +1 @@
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